Prophets: Frequently in Their Actions Were Made Signs to the People
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Isaiah 20:2-4
At the same time spoke the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off your loins, and put off your shoe from your foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 19:1,10,11
Thus said the LORD, Go and get a potter's earthen bottle, and take of the ancients of the people, and of the ancients of the priests;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 27:2,3
Thus said the LORD to me; Make you bonds and yokes, and put them on your neck,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 43:9
Take great stones in your hand, and hide them in the clay in the brick kiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 51:63
And it shall be, when you have made an end of reading this book, that you shall bind a stone to it, and cast it into the middle of Euphrates:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 4:1-13
You also, son of man, take you a tile, and lay it before you, and portray on it the city, even Jerusalem:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 5:1-4
And you, son of man, take you a sharp knife, take you a barber's razor, and cause it to pass on your head and on your beard: then take you balances to weigh, and divide the hair.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 7:23
Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 12:3-7
Therefore, you son of man, prepare you stuff for removing, and remove by day in their sight; and you shall remove from your place to another place in their sight: it may be they will consider, though they be a rebellious house.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 21:6,7
Sigh therefore, you son of man, with the breaking of your loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 24:1-24
Again in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Hosea 1:2-9
The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take to you a wife of prostitutions and children of prostitutions: for the land has committed great prostitution, departing from the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Church Triumphant
... of the erection of a temple is frequently used to ... the foundation of the apostles
and prophets, Jesus Christ ... ye blessed of My Father," they cast their crowns at ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 58 the church triumphant.htm

That the Scriptures are Divinely Inspired.
... too, the law of truth, even of the prophets, is implanted ... in a few words, which,
taken in their "bodily" meaning ... And this we find frequently to be the case in ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter i that the scriptures are.htm

Paul in Jerusalem.
... It is probable, that when the Prophets first adopted the mode of ... publicly avowed,
and, in the latter period of their history, frequently acted upon ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxv paul in jerusalem.htm

John Chapter vi. 15-44
... But the prophets foretold His kingdom according to that ... in the world to come, are
frequently disquieted at ... that He may with discourse fill their minds, whose ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate xxv john chapter vi.htm

Take Ye Away the Stone.
... not belong to the regular school of prophets, yet they ... few centuries we find that
God has frequently taken up ... truth you must go among them in their homes and ...
/.../ the work to the work/chapter i take ye away.htm

How to Discern Our Title to the Saints' Rest.
... inquire among the multitude of flattering prophets, it was ... And frequently they fail
in this work by attempting ... thoughts till they have left their impression on ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter viii how to discern.htm

The Withered Fig Tree
... by Nebuchadnezzar a former time, the prophets had not ... whose religion is false are
frequently prominent, because ... is a sad calamity when their confidence turns ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/the withered fig tree.htm

Knox's Writings from Abroad: Beginning of the Scottish Revolution ...
... quote Andrew Melville, being obedient to such prophets as himself ... in one of his merriest
passages, frequently cited by ... the bowels of Christ" to do their duty in ...
/.../lang/john knox and the reformation/chapter viii knoxs writings from.htm

Unbelievers Upbraided
... the greater because it is so frequently committed ... bear the strongest conceivable
witness against their unbelief and ... David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 50 1904/unbelievers upbraided.htm

City of God
... Platonist Thought Concerning the Manners and Actions of Demons ... Even the Remotest
Islands Received Their Fauna from ... the Promises of God Which Were Made to Abraham ...
// of god/


False Prophets: Called Foolish Prophets

False Prophets: Compared to Foxes in the Desert

False Prophets: Compared to Wind

False Prophets: Covetous

False Prophets: Crafty

False Prophets: Drunken

False Prophets: Immoral and Profane

False Prophets: Influenced by Evil Spirits

False Prophets: Involved the People in Their own Ruin

False Prophets: Judgments Denounced Against

False Prophets: Light and Treacherous

False Prophets: Made Use of by God to Prove Israel

False Prophets: Mode of Trying and Detecting

False Prophets: Not Sent or Commissioned by God

False Prophets: Often Deceived by God As a Judgment

False Prophets: Often Practised Divination and Witchcraft

False Prophets: Often Pretended to Dreams

False Prophets: Predicted to Arise in the Latter Times

False Prophets: Predicted to Arise: Before Destruction of Jerusalem

False Prophets: Pretended to be Sent by God

False Prophets: Prophesied in the Name of False Gods

False Prophets: Prophesied: Falsely

False Prophets: Prophesied: Lies in the Name of the Lord

False Prophets: Prophesied: out of Their own Heart

False Prophets: Prophesied: Peace, when There Was No Peace

False Prophets: The People: Deprived of God's Word By

False Prophets: The People: Encouraged and Praised

False Prophets: The People: Led Into Error

False Prophets: The People: Made to Forget God's Name By

False Prophets: The People: Oppressed and Defrauded By

False Prophets: The People: Taught Profaneness and Sin By

False Prophets: The People: Warned not to Listen To

False Prophets: Women Sometimes Acted As

Modern Day Prophets


Prophets Reward

Prophets were Called: Holy Men of God

Prophets were Called: Holy Prophets

Prophets were Called: Men of God

Prophets were Called: Prophets of God

Prophets were Called: Seers

Prophets were Consulted in all Difficulties

Prophets were Esteemed As Holy Men

Prophets were Mighty Through Faith

Prophets were Required: Not to Speak Anything But What They Received from God

Prophets were Required: To be Bold and Undaunted

Prophets were Required: To be Vigilant and Faithful

Prophets were Required: To Declare Everything That the Lord Commanded

Prophets were Required: To Receive With Attention all God's Communications

Prophets were Sent to Denounce the Wickedness of Kings

Prophets were Sent to Exhort to Faithfulness and Constancy in God's Service

Prophets were Sent to Predict the Coming of Christ

Prophets were Sent to Predict the Downfall of Nations

Prophets were Sent to Reprove the Wicked and Exhort to Repentance

Prophets were Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit While Prophesying

Prophets: Aaron

Prophets: Agabus

Prophets: Ahijah

Prophets: Amos

Prophets: Anna

Prophets: Assisted the Jews in Their Great National Undertakings

Prophets: Azariah the Son of Oded

Prophets: Benefits of Presents

Prophets: Benefits of Presents Refused By

Prophets: Called Seers

Prophets: Christ Exercised the office of

Prophets: Christ Predicted to Exercise the office of

Prophets: Counselors to Kings

Prophets: Daniel

Prophets: Daughters of Philip

Prophets: David

Prophets: Deborah

Prophets: Elijah

Prophets: Elisha

Prophets: Enoch

Prophets: Extraordinary: Often Endued With Miraculous Power

Prophets: Extraordinary: Specially Raised up on Occasions of Emergency

Prophets: Ezekiel

Prophets: False

Prophets: False: 400 in Samaria

Prophets: False: Denunciations Against

Prophets: False: Noadiah

Prophets: False: Punishment of

Prophets: False: Warnings To

Prophets: Felt Deeply on Account of the Calamities Which They Predicted

Prophets: Frequently in Their Actions Were Made Signs to the People

Prophets: Frequently Left Without Divine Communication on Account of

Prophets: Frequently Married Men

Prophets: Frequently Spoke in Parables and Riddles

Prophets: Gad

Prophets: God Avenged all Injuries Done To

Prophets: God Communicated to At Various Time and in Different Ways

Prophets: God Communicated To by an Audible Voice

Prophets: God Communicated To by Angels

Prophets: God Communicated To by Dreams and Visions

Prophets: God Communicated to His Secret Things

Prophets: God Spoke of Old By

Prophets: Great Patience of, Under Suffering

Prophets: Habakkuk

Prophets: Haggai

Prophets: Hanani

Prophets: Hosea

Prophets: Huldah

Prophets: Iddo

Prophets: Inspiration of

Prophets: Inspired by Angels

Prophets: Isaiah

Prophets: Jacob

Prophets: Jeduthun

Prophets: Jehu the Son of Hanani

Prophets: Jeremiah

Prophets: Joel

Prophets: John

Prophets: Jonah

Prophets: Kept the Chronicles

Prophets: Malachi

Prophets: Martyrs

Prophets: Micah

Prophets: Micaiah the Son of Imlah

Prophets: Miriam

Prophets: Moses

Prophets: Nahum

Prophets: Nathan

Prophets: Noah

Prophets: Not Honored in Their own Country

Prophets: Obadiah

Prophets: Oded

Prophets: Often Accompanied by Music While Predicting

Prophets: Often Committed Their Predictions to Writing

Prophets: Often Led a Wandering and Unsettled Life

Prophets: One Generally Attached to the King's Household

Prophets: Ordinary: Numerous in Israel

Prophets: Ordinary: The Sacred Bards of the Jews

Prophets: Ordinary: Trained up and Instructed in Schools

Prophets: Paul

Prophets: Persecutions of

Prophets: Peter

Prophets: Predictions of Frequently Proclaimed at the Gate of the Lord's House

Prophets: Predictions of Proclaimed in the Cities and Streets

Prophets: Predictions of Were all Fulfilled

Prophets: Predictions of Written on Rolls and Read to the People

Prophets: Predictions of Written on Tables and Fixed up in some Public Place

Prophets: Presented With Gifts by Those Who Consulted Them

Prophets: Prophet of Judah

Prophets: Prophet Sent to Eli

Prophets: Prophet Set to Israel

Prophets: Samuel

Prophets: Schools of

Prophets: Shemaiah

Prophets: Simple in Their Manner of Life

Prophets: Sometimes Received Divine Communications and Uttered

Prophets: Sometimes Thought It Right to Reject Presents

Prophets: Sometimes Uttered Their Predictions in Verse

Prophets: Spoke in the Name of the Lord

Prophets: The Historiographers of the Jewish Nation

Prophets: The Interpreters of Dreams

Prophets: The Jews: Often Imprisoned Them

Prophets: The Jews: Often Left Without, on Account of Sin

Prophets: The Jews: Often Put Them to Death

Prophets: The Jews: Often Tried to Make Them Speak Smooth Things

Prophets: The Jews: Persecuted Them

Prophets: The Jews: Require to Hear and Believe

Prophets: The Messengers of God

Prophets: The Servants of God

Prophets: The Watchmen of Israel

Prophets: Women Sometimes Endowed As

Prophets: Wore a Coarse Dress of Hair-Cloth

Prophets: Writings of, Read in the Synagogues Every Sabbath

Prophets: Zacharias the Father of John

Prophets: Zadok

Prophets: Zechariah Son of Iddo

Prophets: Zephaniah

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