Murder: The Wicked: Encourage Others to Commit
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1 Kings 21:8-10
So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters to the elders and to the nobles that were in his city, dwelling with Naboth.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Proverbs 1:11
If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privately for the innocent without cause:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Martyrdom of Stephen.
... testimony of the divine approbation, to encourage others: to follow ... and that he who
joined in the murder of a ... and that the violence of the wicked should recoil ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture ix the martyrdom of.htm

The Duty of the People of God to Excite Others to Seek this Rest.
... thus to go to every ignorant and wicked neighbor, what ... their sins less than they
are, nor encourage them in ... Thou art guilty of the murder and damnation of all ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter ix the duty of.htm

Thou Shalt in any Wise Rebuke Thy Neighbor, and not Suffer Sin ...
... of the consequences of sin, they actually encourage him in it ... to warn the wicked
from his way, that wicked man shall ... Suppose you reprove a man for murder, in a ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/thou shalt in any wise.htm

Paul in Corinth.
... to commit sin; who, in any way, encourage him to ... with a "matter of wrong, or wicked
lewdness;" for ... accused of the foulest crimes, atheism, murder, and incest ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxi paul in corinth.htm

On Admonition and Repentance.
... lovest to be angry, be angry with the wicked and it ... image, thou shalt pay the penalty
of murder; and if ... sins be a helper and counsellor, and encourage him that ...
/.../hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/on admonition and repentance.htm

Sunday after Ascension Day
... and fighting, and, when wholly unrestrained, cruelty and murder. ... not that be giving
the wicked opportunity to ... Would it not encourage them in their wickedness ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol ii/sunday after ascension day.htm

The First Apology of Justin, the Martyr
... teacher, when they are put to the test encourage others not to ... order to set us free,
but rather murder us in ... As I said before, the wicked demons have also put ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/the first apology of justin.htm

Righteous Hatred
... it "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." Oh! ... it is necessary that
men who commit murder should be ... a society endeavoring to do good, encourage it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/righteous hatred.htm

Second Sunday after Easter
... to persecute, to torture, even to murder him when ... Wicked, unprofitable and condemned
servant must he be who does ... our silence to commend or to encourage to evil ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol ii/second sunday after easter.htm

Beginning at Jerusalem. --Luke xxiv. 47.
... the righteous, and stuck so close to the wicked. ... belonged to him for committing of
adultery and murder. ... sinners, has a design thereby to encourage and provoke ...
/.../bunyan/jerusalem sinner saved/beginning at jerusalem luke xxiv 47.htm



Cannibalism: General Scriptures Concerning


Murder is a Work for the Flesh

Murder of Saints, Specially Avenged

Murder: Abimelech

Murder: Absalom

Murder: Adrammelech

Murder: Ahab

Murder: Amalekite

Murder: Baasha

Murder: Barabbas

Murder: Cain

Murder: Characteristic of the Devil

Murder: Chief Priests

Murder: Comes from the Heart

Murder: Connected With Idolatry

Murder: Cries for Vengeance

Murder: David

Murder: Defiles The: Hands

Murder: Defiles The: Land

Murder: Defiles The: Person and Garments

Murder: Described As Killing by a Hand Weapon of Wood

Murder: Described As Killing by an Instrument of Iron

Murder: Described As Killing by Lying in Wait

Murder: Described As Killing by the Blow of a Stone

Murder: Described As Killing with Premeditation

Murder: Described As Killing: from Hatred

Murder: Early Introduction of

Murder: Elders of Jezreel

Murder: Esau

Murder: Excludes from Heaven

Murder: Explained by Christ

Murder: Forbidden by Mosaic Law

Murder: God: Abominates

Murder: God: Curses Those Guilty of

Murder: God: Makes Inquisition For

Murder: God: Rejects the Prayers of Those Guilty of

Murder: God: Requires Blood For

Murder: God: Will Avenge

Murder: Hatred Is

Murder: Hazael

Murder: Herodias and Her Daughter

Murder: Imputed to the Nearest City when the Murderer Was Unknown

Murder: Ishmael

Murder: Jews

Murder: Jezebel

Murder: Joab

Murder: Joseph's Brethren

Murder: Judas

Murder: Killing a Thief in the Day, Counted As

Murder: Manasseh

Murder: Men of Shechem

Murder: Mode of Clearing Those Suspected of

Murder: Not Concealed from God

Murder: Often Committed by Night

Murder: People of Gilead

Murder: Persons Guilty of Fearful and Cowardly

Murder: Persons Guilty of Flee from God's Presence

Murder: Persons Guilty of had No Protection from Altars

Murder: Persons Guilty of not Protected in Refuge Cities

Murder: Persons Guilty of not to be Pitied or Spared

Murder: Persons Guilty of Wanderers and Vagabonds

Murder: Pharaoh

Murder: Princes of Israel

Murder: Punishment For: Death

Murder: Punishment For: Forbidden

Murder: Punishment For: Inflicted by the Nearest of Kin

Murder: Punishment For: Not to be Commuted

Murder: Punishment For: The Curse of God

Murder: Punishment of

Murder: Punishment of, not Commuted Under the Law

Murder: Rechab

Murder: Represented As a Sin Crying to Heaven

Murder: Saints: Deprecate the Guilt of

Murder: Saints: should Warn Others Against

Murder: Saints: Specially Warned Against

Murder: The Herods

Murder: The Jews often Guilty of

Murder: The Law Made to Restrain

Murder: The Wicked: Devise

Murder: The Wicked: Encourage Others to Commit

Murder: The Wicked: Filled With

Murder: The Wicked: Have Hands Full of

Murder: The Wicked: Intent On

Murder: The Wicked: Lie in Wait to Commit

Murder: The Wicked: Perpetrate

Murder: The Wicked: Swift to Commit

Murder: To be Proved by Two Witnesses at Least

Murder: Why Forbidden by God

Murder: Zimri

Patricide of Sennacherib

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