Military Arms of the Vanquished: Taken off Them
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Samuel 2:21
And Abner said to him, Turn you aside to your right hand or to your left, and lay you hold on one of the young men, and take you his armor. But Asahel would not turn aside from following of him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 11:22
But when a stronger than he shall come on him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divides his spoils.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Doctrine of Non-Resistance to Evil by Force Has Been Professed ...
... be corrected by error, and evil cannot be vanquished by evil ... people should and can
refuse to eater military service ... to defend their country, to bear arms, or at ...
/.../tolstoy/the kingdom of god is within you/chapter i the doctrine of.htm

Of the Religion of Mahomet.
... by himself or his lieutenants, fifty military enterprises ... plunder, of freedom and
victory, of arms and rapine ... the conditions which he proposed to the vanquished. ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/section iii of the religion.htm

Letter cxxxviii. (AD 412. )
... would rather be to cast away their arms, and withdraw themselves wholly from military
service; whereas ... Revenge the vanquished world of our victorious arms. ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter cxxxviii a d 412.htm

... Military roads connected the Hittite cities of Cappadocia with ... But the vanquished
population was deprived of the means ... were forbidden the use of arms, and no ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter ii canaan.htm

The Census of Israel
... to destruction; and for this their military strength needed ... How many are quite unable
to bear arms against the ... of war laid down his weapons, vanquished by the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/the census of israel.htm

The Eighteenth Theban Dynasty
... not readily place under arms such enormous ... Egyptian military organisation had remained
practically unchanged ... as tribute paid by the vanquished are frequently ...
/.../chapter iiithe eighteenth theban dynasty.htm

Chaldaean Civilization
... Even the idols of the vanquished shared the fate of ... When a war was imminent, a military
levy was made ... Considerable quantities of all these arms were stored in ...
/.../chapter iiichaldaean civilization.htm

Women who Witnessed the Fall of Rome
... a boy, and Justina possessed no military command. ... against his domestic foes, while
he vanquished in the ... He carried his conquering arms into Italy, spreading a ...
/.../brittain/women of early christianity/vii women who witnessed the.htm

The Church as She Should Be
... Little is being done in military, circles when the banners are put away ... Up with the
standard, ye brave men at arms; let all eyes ... Till every foe is vanquished. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the church as she should.htm

The Antiquities of the Jews
... Who When They Came Into Judea, Were Vanquished By The ... Suffered For Using A Boundless
And Military Liberty Of ... Necessitated The Jews To Take Up Arms Against The ...
// antiquities of the jews/



Arms and Armor

Military Arms for Sieges: Battering Rams

Military Arms for Sieges: Engines for Casting Stones

Military Arms of Conquered Nations Taken Away to Prevent Rebellion

Military Arms of the Vanquished: Sometime Burned

Military Arms of the Vanquished: Sometimes Kept As Trophies

Military Arms of the Vanquished: Taken off Them

Military Arms were Provided by Individuals Themselves

Military Arms were Provided: from the Public Arsenals

Military Arms: Armouries Built For

Military Arms: Before Using: Anointed

Military Arms: Before Using: Burnished

Military Arms: Before Using: Tried and Proved

Military Arms: Defensive: Buckler

Military Arms: Defensive: Called Armour

Military Arms: Defensive: Called Harness

Military Arms: Defensive: Coat of Mail, Breastplate, Habergeon, or Brigandine

Military Arms: Defensive: Girdle

Military Arms: Defensive: Greaves

Military Arms: Defensive: Helmet

Military Arms: Defensive: Shield

Military Arms: Defensive: Target

Military Arms: Great Stores of, Prepared

Military Arms: Hung of the Walls of Cities

Military Arms: Inferior to Wisdom

Military Arms: Judgments of God

Military Arms: Made of Iron, Steel, or Brass

Military Arms: Not Worn in Ordinary Times

Military Arms: Offensive: Battle-Axe

Military Arms: Offensive: Bow and Arrows

Military Arms: Offensive: Called Instruments of Death

Military Arms: Offensive: Called Instruments of War

Military Arms: Offensive: Called Weapons of War

Military Arms: Offensive: Dagger

Military Arms: Offensive: Dart or Javelin

Military Arms: Offensive: Hand Staff

Military Arms: Offensive: Sling

Military Arms: Offensive: Spear or Lance

Military Arms: Offensive: Sword

Military Arms: Offensive: Two-Edged Sword

Military Arms: Often Given As Presents

Military Arms: Part of, Borne by Armour-Bearers

Military Arms: Put on at the First Alarm

Military Arms: Spiritual Armour

Military Arms: Spiritual Weapons

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