John: The Apostle: Lives in Jerusalem
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Acts 1:13
And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where stayed both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James.
Nave's Topical Index


The Progress of the Gospel from the Death of Christ to the Death ...
... remained in a place where their lives were in ... original significance; and hence, when
an apostle died, the ... Herod "killed James, the brother of John, with the ...
/.../ ancient church/chapter iv the progress of.htm

Homilies of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on ...
... out; from this that there are negligent lives; from this ... open to the bright shining
of the Apostle's words; for ... feed My sheep" (John 21:15); and setting forth ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homilies of st john chrysostom.htm

Book ix. On Jerusalem and Her Enemies
... The house is the soul in which Christ lives or the church; in the ... column is the mainstay
or support of the spirit; in the apostle: James, John, and Cephas ...
/.../eucherius/the formulae of st eucherius of lyons/book ix on jerusalem and.htm

Table of Contents
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/table of contents.htm

Letter xxi (Circa AD 1128) to the Abbot of S. John at Chartres
... To the Abbot of S. John at Chartres ... And where will that principle be which the Apostle
declares: No one lives to himself, and no one dies to himself (Romans ...
/.../some letters of saint bernard abbot of clairvaux/letter xxi circa a d 1128.htm

Apostolic Labors of John.
... he appears, next to Peter, as the chief apostle of the ... "John"that is the thought
of Patmos; the island belongs to ... of him, and in every heart, he lives." [593 ...
/.../history of the christian church volume i/section 42 apostolic labors of.htm

John Mark
... apostasy of this man darken our Christian lives and sadden ... first notice of him was:
'They had John to their ... in his old office, and the aged Apostle, before he ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/john mark.htm

To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem.
... Spirit." [5031] You are the "people of Jerusalem," and can ... Jephthah, who is reckoned
by the Apostle among the ... how is it that Isaac, Samson, John Baptist, are ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/to pammachius against john of.htm

Life and Character of John
... it remained to be taught by the last apostle of the ... John that it was left to teach
in all its fulness ... principle of the atmosphere in which he lives and moves ...
/.../history of the christian church volume i/section 41 life and character.htm

John Chapter xii. 26-Dec
... John Chapter XII. ... Because Christ suffered for us," says the Apostle Peter, "leaving ...
be yourselves also in your own way serving Christ, by good lives, by giving ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate li john chapter xii.htm

Did Jesus lie to His brothers in John 7:8 10? |

Who baptized John the Baptist? |

Summary of the Book of 1 John - Bible Survey |

John: Dictionary and Thesaurus |

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus


John Mark

John the Apostle

John the Baptist

John: A Nazarite

John: A Relative of Annas the High Priest

John: Affected Probably by the Doctrines of the Stoics

John: Baptizes Jesus

John: Character of

John: Herod Antipas Falsely Supposes Jesus to Be

John: His Influence Upon the Public Mind

John: His Ministry not Attested by Miracles

John: Jesus Discourses Upon

John: Lives in the Desert

John: Ministry of

John: Miraculous Birth of

John: Mission of

John: Reproves Herod Antipas on Account of his Incest; Herod Imprisons Him, and Beheads Him

John: Sends Two Disciples to Jesus

John: Teaches his Disciples to Fast

John: Teaches his Disciples to Pray

John: Testifies to the Messiahship of Jesus

John: The Apostle is Intrusted With the Care of Mary, Mother of Jesus

John: The Apostle is Present With Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

John: The Apostle: A Pillar of the Ekklesia (Body of Christ)

John: The Apostle: Civil Ambitions of

John: The Apostle: Imprisoned by the Rulers of the Jews

John: The Apostle: Intimately Associated With Jesus

John: The Apostle: Intolerance of

John: The Apostle: Lives in Jerusalem

John: The Apostle: Prepares the Passover Meal

John: The Apostle: Present at the Crucifixion

John: The Apostle: Present at the Gravesite of Jesus

John: The Apostle: Present at the Trial of Jesus Which Took Place in Front of the High Priest

John: The Apostle: Present when Jesus Revealed Himself at the Lake Galilee

John: The Apostle: Present With Peter in the Temple Courtyard

John: The Apostle: Prophecy Concerning

John: The Apostle: Sent by the Jerusalem Congregation With the Commission to Samaria

John: The Apostle: The Epistles of John

John: The Apostle: The healing of Peter's mother-in-law

John: The Apostle: The raising of the daughter of Jairus

John: The Apostle: The transfiguration

John: The Apostle: The two catches of fish

John: The Apostle: Writes his Apocalyptic Vision from Patmos Island

John: The Baptist: Prophecies Concerning

John: The Testimony of Jesus Concerning (See Below, Jesus Discourses Upon)

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