Diseases: Emerods
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Deuteronomy 28:27
The LORD will smite you with the botch of Egypt, and with the tumors, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof you can not be healed.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Samuel 5:6,12
But the hand of the LORD was heavy on them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with tumors, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Oration of Moses at the Rehearsal of the Blessing and the ...
... The LORD shall smite thee with the boil of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with ...
And he will bring upon thee again all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast ...
/.../various/select masterpieces of biblical literature/i the oration of moses.htm



Diseases of the Eye

Diseases were Many and Divers

Diseases: Abscess

Diseases: Ague

Diseases: Art of Curing, Defective

Diseases: Atrophy

Diseases: Blindness

Diseases: Boils and Blains

Diseases: Children Subject To

Diseases: Consumption

Diseases: Deafness

Diseases: Debility

Diseases: Demoniacal Possession

Diseases: Dropsy

Diseases: Dumbness

Diseases: Dysentery

Diseases: Emerods

Diseases: Fever

Diseases: Frequently: Complicated

Diseases: Frequently: Incurable

Diseases: Frequently: Loathsome

Diseases: Frequently: Painful

Diseases: Frequently: Tedious

Diseases: God often Entreated to Cure

Diseases: Illustrative of Sin

Diseases: Impediment Speech

Diseases: Inflammation

Diseases: Intemperance a Cause of

Diseases: Issue of Blood

Diseases: Itch

Diseases: Lameness

Diseases: Leprosy

Diseases: Loss of Appetite

Diseases: Lunacy

Diseases: Medicine Used for Curing

Diseases: Melancholy

Diseases: Not Looking to God In, Condemned

Diseases: Often Brought from Other Countries

Diseases: Often Sent As Punishment

Diseases: Often Through Satan

Diseases: Over-Excitement a Cause of

Diseases: Palsy

Diseases: Physicians Undertook the Cure of

Diseases: Plague

Diseases: Regarded As Visitations

Diseases: Scab

Diseases: Sins of Youth a Cause of

Diseases: Sunstroke

Diseases: Those Afflicted With: Anointed

Diseases: Those Afflicted With: Often Divinely Cured

Diseases: Those Afflicted With: Often Divinely Supported

Diseases: Those Afflicted With: Often Laid in the Streets to Receive Advice from Passers By

Diseases: Ulcers

Diseases: Worms

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