Arts of The: Writer
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Judges 5:14
Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after you, Benjamin, among your people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


John Smith, Platonist --"An Interpreter of the Spirit"
... more generous sett of opinions," which "the young Masters of Arts soon cordially ...
College of a similar message, which, a contemporary writer says, "contributed ...
/.../chapter xvi john smith platonistan.htm

... Cloquet's plea that non-canonicity is proved' (XXXIX Arts.1885, pp.112, 113) by
six ... This writer also speaks generally (p.115) of Bel and the Dragon's "direct ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/canonicity 3.htm

I Remember Indeed that one of These People, when He was Convicted ...
... anywhere, would not a critic be mad or fatuous if he decided, on the strength of
a single paragraph, that a writer had given ... Such are the arts of the disciple. ...
/.../20 i remember indeed that.htm

The Great Gain of Godliness
... prosperity of a nation was thought to consist in conquest, and when the arts of
peace ... How far beyond his era was the writer who felt that the fairest page in ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the great gain of godliness.htm

In the Beginning God Made the Heaven and the Earth.
... [1383] Thus the writer who wisely tells us of the birth of the Universe does not ...
7. Among arts, some have in view production, some practice, others theory. ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/homily i in the beginning.htm

The Christ of M. Renan.
... refined irony and railing," and this "transcendent scorn," are fashionable in our
day; and the writer, who has taken his degree in these arts, attributes them ...
/.../the romance of m renan and the christ of the gospels/the christ of m renan.htm

Paul in Athens.
... its statesmen and generals; but, above all, by the unrivalled eminence which it
attained, in the arts and sciences ... In this city," says an ancient writer, "It is ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xx paul in athens.htm

The Persons that Became at that Time Leaders of Knowledge Falsely ...
... 8. Other similar things the above-mentioned writer has recorded concerning Basilides,
and has ... who did not wish to transmit any longer the magic arts of Simon ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter vii the persons that became.htm

Whether Counsel is About all Things that we Do?
... determinate ends are gained by certain determinate means: as happens in the arts
which are governed by certain fixed rules of action; thus a writer does not ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether counsel is about all.htm

... these fields and forests of valor or research; he is the writer of the ... Ignatius received
the degree of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy, having received ...
// autobiography of st ignatius/appendix.htm



Arts of The: Apothecary or Perfumer

Arts of The: Armourer

Arts of The: Baker

Arts of The: Blacksmith

Arts of The: Brazier

Arts of The: Brick-Maker

Arts of The: Calker

Arts of The: Carpenter

Arts of The: Carver

Arts of The: Confectioner

Arts of The: Dyer

Arts of The: Embalmer

Arts of The: Embroiderer

Arts of The: Engraver

Arts of The: Founder

Arts of The: Fuller

Arts of The: Gardener

Arts of The: Goldsmith

Arts of The: Husbandman

Arts of The: Mariner

Arts of The: Mason

Arts of The: Musician

Arts of The: Potter

Arts of The: Refiner of Metals

Arts of The: Rope Maker

Arts of The: Ship Builder

Arts of The: Silversmith

Arts of The: Smelter of Metals

Arts of The: Spinner

Arts of The: Stone Cutter

Arts of The: Tailor

Arts of The: Tanner

Arts of The: Tent-Maker

Arts of The: Weaver

Arts of The: Wine-Maker

Arts of The: Writer

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