Arts of The: Dyer
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 25:5
And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... Syrian shore to the southward, Dwells in the well-tilled lowland a dark-haired AEthiop
people, Skilful with needle and loom, and the arts of the dyer and carver ...
// and other poems/andromeda.htm

St. Catherine of Siena as Seen in Her Letters
... but echo the judgment of her countrymen, who see in the dyer's daughter of ... the beauty
of nature, from tender, homely things, from the gentle arts and instincts ...
/.../benincasa/letters of catherine benincasa/st catherine of siena as.htm

Carey's Immediate Influence in Great Britain and America
... The degree of adhesion to their castes, which still remains, is certainly unfavourable,
and must be considered as one of Satan's arts to render men ... John Dyer. ...
/.../smith/the life of william carey/chapter xiii careys immediate influence.htm

The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour (Nt Apocrypha)
... at another town, in which they were celebrating a marriage; but, by the arts of
accursed ... about and playing with the boys, passed the shop of a dyer, whose name ...
/.../the arabic gospel of the infancy of the saviour/the arabic gospel of the.htm

Acts xiii. 16, 17
... The Church is a dyer's vat: if time after time perpetually ye go hence ... our implements
and our exercises and our trainings for other things, for arts and feats ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xxix acts xiii 16.htm



Arts of The: Apothecary or Perfumer

Arts of The: Armourer

Arts of The: Baker

Arts of The: Blacksmith

Arts of The: Brazier

Arts of The: Brick-Maker

Arts of The: Calker

Arts of The: Carpenter

Arts of The: Carver

Arts of The: Confectioner

Arts of The: Dyer

Arts of The: Embalmer

Arts of The: Embroiderer

Arts of The: Engraver

Arts of The: Founder

Arts of The: Fuller

Arts of The: Gardener

Arts of The: Goldsmith

Arts of The: Husbandman

Arts of The: Mariner

Arts of The: Mason

Arts of The: Musician

Arts of The: Potter

Arts of The: Refiner of Metals

Arts of The: Rope Maker

Arts of The: Ship Builder

Arts of The: Silversmith

Arts of The: Smelter of Metals

Arts of The: Spinner

Arts of The: Stone Cutter

Arts of The: Tailor

Arts of The: Tanner

Arts of The: Tent-Maker

Arts of The: Weaver

Arts of The: Wine-Maker

Arts of The: Writer

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