Anointing of the Holy Spirit: God Preserves Those Who Receive
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Psalm 18:50
Great deliverance gives he to his king; and shows mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for ever more.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 20:6
Now know I that the LORD saves his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 89:20-23
I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Oration on Holy Baptism.
... the Holy Things, and look into the Holy of Holies ... And so is the anointing of the
doorposts, [4096] which ... God's Light see light, [4126] and in the Spirit of God ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xl the oration on.htm

Joy Born at Bethlehem
... is glorified, by being seen as anointing the incarnate ... unless under the power of
the Holy Spirit you take ... to require as an evidence what God's tenderness may ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/joy born at bethlehem.htm

The Priesthood of Christ
... Sanctified by the anointing of the Spirit, he completed the ... in them, by the virtue
of his Holy Spirit, he has ... under the weight of the wrath of God, than the ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/oration iv the priesthood of.htm

Selections from the Work against Heresies by Irenaeus, Bishop of ...
... will not injure nor disturb in my holy mountain, says ... advance by such degrees, and
by the Spirit they ascend ... this rite would be the Christian anointing of the ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/selections from the work against 2.htm

Homilies on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians.
... Anointing, metaphorically, for encouraging, [756]378. ... Holy Spirit, His words are
as a two-edged sword in a ... Holy Scriptures, apply human words to God, [1694]252 ...
/.../homilies on philippians colossians and.htm

English Version of the Second Helvetic Confession, AD 1566.
... This good and almighty God created all things, both ... the same also by his eternal
Spirit: as David ... Touching angels, the Holy Scripture says, 'Who maketh his ...
/.../english version of the second.htm

The City of God. Index of Subjects.
... Gervasius, [519]487; a young woman freed from a, by anointing, [520]488 ... of our own
existence, [998]220, etc.; by which the holy angels know God, [999]221 ...
/.../augustine/on christian doctrine in four books /the city of god index.htm

Introduction to Oration ii.
... fire, and to cease for a while from anointing a king ... Church of the Lord, [2793] frequent
our most holy rites. ... God: and therefore it is that the Spirit arms the ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/introduction to oration ii.htm

Faustus States his Objections to the Morality of the Law and the ...
... The holy Church, too is in secret the spouse of the ... and in the hidden depths of the
Spirit, that the ... which those critics find fault with, God nowhere expresses ...
/.../faustus states his objections to.htm

Catechismus Genevensis, Consensus Tigurinus, Consensus Genevensis.
... There is an English translation by Owen Jones (The Church of the Living God; also
the Swiss and Belgian Confessions of Faith, London, 1865), and another by Prof ...
/.../catechismus genevensis consensus tigurinus consensus.htm



Anointing in Consecration of High Priests

Anointing in Consecration of Kings

Anointing in Consecration of Priests

Anointing in Consecration of Prophets

Anointing in Consecration of the Tabernacle

Anointing in Consecration: Altars of

Anointing in Consecration: Cyrus

Anointing in Consecration: David

Anointing in Consecration: Hazael

Anointing in Consecration: Jacob's Pillar: At Beth-El

Anointing in Consecration: Jehoahaz

Anointing in Consecration: Jehu

Anointing in Consecration: Joash

Anointing in Consecration: Saul

Anointing in Consecration: Solomon

Anointing in Consecration: Vessels of

Anointing of Christ's Kingly and Priestly office

Anointing of Guests

Anointing of Jesus, As a Token of Love

Anointing of Spiritual Gifts

Anointing of the Body

Anointing of the Dead

Anointing of the Holy Spirit is Abiding in Saints

Anointing of the Holy Spirit is from God

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: God Preserves Those Who Receive

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Guides Into all Truth

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Saints Receive

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: That Christ should Receive: Foretold

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: That Christ should Receive: Fulfilled

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Typified

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing Oil

Anointing Oil: Formula of, Given by Moses

Anointing was Applied to The Eyes

Anointing was Applied to The Face

Anointing was Applied to The Feet

Anointing was Applied to The Head

Anointing was Used for Curing the Sick

Anointing was Used for Decorating the Person

Anointing was Used for Healing Wounds

Anointing was Used for Preparing the Dead for Burial

Anointing was Used for Preparing Weapons for War

Anointing was Used for Purifying the Body

Anointing was Used for Refreshing the Body

Anointing was Used for The Jews Were Very Fond of

Anointing with Oil

Anointing with Ointment

Anointing: A Token of Joy

Anointing: Deprivation of, Threatened As a Punishment

Anointing: God Preserves Those Who Receive

Anointing: Neglect of, to Guests, a Mark of Disrespect

Anointing: Ointment For: An Article of Commerce

Anointing: Ointment For: Most Expensive

Anointing: Ointment For: Neglected in Times of Affliction

Anointing: Ointment For: Prepared by the Apothecary

Anointing: Ointment For: Richly Perfumed

Anointing: Omitted in Mourning

Anointing: Saints Receive

Anointing: Symbolical of Jesus

Anointing: Typified

Anointing: Why Recommended by Christ in Times of Fasting

Sacred Anointing: Antiquity of

Sacred Anointing: Consecrates to God's Service

Sacred Anointing: Illustrative of the Anointing of Christ With the Holy Spirit

Sacred Anointing: Illustrative of the Anointing of Saints With the Holy Spirit

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: An Holy Anointing Oil for Ever

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Compounded by the Priests

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Divinely Prescribed

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Jews Condemned for Imitating

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Not to be Imitated

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: To be Put on No Stranger

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Kings

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Priests

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Prophets

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Brazen Altar

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Brazen Laver

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Tabernacle

Sacred Anointing: Those Who Partook of not to be Injured or Insulted

Sacred Anointing: Those Who Partook of Protected by God

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