Adoption of Gentiles, Predicted
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Hosea 2:23
And I will sow her to me in the earth; and I will have mercy on her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, You are my people; and they shall say, You are my God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Romans 9:24-26
Even us, whom he has called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ephesians 3:6
That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Faustus Denies that the Prophets Predicted Christ. Augustin Proves ...
... says of the wise men among the Gentiles might be ... in which Christ may be shown to
have been predicted. ... are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the ...
/.../faustus denies that the prophets.htm

Another Instance of Marcion's Tampering with St. Paul's Text the ...
... stars; who furthermore both predetermined and predicted that the ... and "that we might
receive the adoption of sons," [5337] that is, the Gentiles, who once ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter iv another instance of marcions.htm

The Twelve and the Seventy.
... a ministry; but it had been predicted that the ... When the Twelve turned to the Gentiles,
their number ... Divine Statute-book clearly warrants the adoption of such ...
/.../ ancient church/chapter iii the twelve and.htm

On the Offices of Our Lord Jesus Christ
... The Second is, adoption, or the conferring of gifts ... people, for a light of the Gentiles,
to open ... to the prophetical office, was likewise predicted: "The Spirit ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 14 on the offices.htm

Psalm LXXIX.
... but foreseen by the Spirit they are predicted: just as ... 10) must be taken as rather
for the Gentiles themselves. ... of Thy arm, receive Thou unto adoption the sons ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxix.htm

Whosoever Confesses that one God is the Author of Both Testaments ...
... no man." [4253] For he judges the Gentiles, "who serve ... [4272] Or how shall they receive
adoption from God ... with other things which they predicted, also foretold ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xxxiii whosoever confesses that one.htm

Counter-Statements of Theodoret.
... we were guerdoned with the boon of adoption, would be ... And Isaiah many ages before
had predicted, "There shall ... bring forth judgment to the Gentiles." [212] This ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/counter-statements of theodoret.htm

Covenanting According to the Purposes of God.
... described should be conferred, that was predicted the blessedness ... of the Jews only,
but also of the Gentiles, as a ... hath chosen his people to the adoption of sons ...
/.../the ordinance of covenanting/chapter viii covenanting according to.htm

... name; for he could scarcely avoid the adoption into his ... the law, and not to
uncircumcised Gentiles who were ... a class of whom this conduct had been predicted. ...
/.../mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts xiii.htm

The First Apology of Justin, the Martyr
... and of Augustus [668] by adoption, a lover ... had a husband." [784] For all the Gentiles
were desolate ... salvation the holy prophetic Spirit predicted through Isaiah ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/the first apology of justin.htm



Adoption is According to Promise

Adoption is by Faith

Adoption is of God's Grace

Adoption is Through Christ

Adoption is to be Pleaded in Prayer

Adoption of Esther

Adoption of Gentiles, Predicted

Adoption of Joseph's Sons

Adoption of Moses

Adoption: A Privilege of Saints

Adoption: Being Led by the Spirit is an Evidence of

Adoption: Confers a New Name

Adoption: Entitles to an Inheritance

Adoption: Explained

Adoption: General Scriptures Concerning

Adoption: God is Patience and Merciful Towards the Partakers of

Adoption: Illustrated: Esther

Adoption: Illustrated: Joseph's Sons

Adoption: Illustrated: Moses

Adoption: New Birth Connected With

Adoption: Safety of Those Who Receive

Adoption: Saints Become Brethren of Christ By

Adoption: Saints Predestinated To

Adoption: Saints Receive the Spirit of

Adoption: Saints Wait for Final Consummation of

Adoption: should Lead to Holiness

Adoption: should Produce a Desire for God's Glory

Adoption: should Produce a Forgiving Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Love of Peace

Adoption: should Produce a Merciful Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Spirit of Prayer

Adoption: should Produce an Avoidance of Ostentation

Adoption: should Produce Child-Like Confidence in God

Adoption: should Produce Likeness to God

Adoption: Solomon

Adoption: Spiritual

Adoption: Subjects Saints to the Fatherly Discipline of God

Adoption: The Adopted are Gathered Together in One by Christ

Adoption: The Holy Spirit is a Witness of

Adoption: Typified, in Israel

Adoption: Typified: Israel

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