5320. phanerós
Strong's Concordance
phanerós: manifestly, openly
Original Word: φανερῶς
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: phanerós
Phonetic Spelling: (fan-er-oce')
Definition: manifestly, openly
Usage: clearly, openly, manifestly.
HELPS Word-studies

Cognate: 5320 phanerṓs (an adverb) – open, manifest ("come to light"). See 5319 (phaneroō).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
adverb from phaneros
manifestly, openly
NASB Translation
clearly (1), publicly (2).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 5320: φανερῶς

φανερῶς (see φανερός) (from Aeschylus and Herodotus down), adverb, manifestly; i. e.

a. plainly, clearly: ἰδεῖν τινα, Acts 10:3.

b. openly: Mark 1:45; opposed to ἐν κρύπτω, John 7:10.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
openly, publicly, clearly

Adverb from phaneros; plainly, i.e. Clearly or publicly -- evidently, openly.

see GREEK phaneros

Forms and Transliterations
φανερως φανερώς φανερῶς phaneros phanerôs phanerōs phanerō̂s
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Mark 1:45 Adv
GRK: αὐτὸν δύνασθαι φανερῶς εἰς πόλιν
NAS: no longer publicly enter
KJV: could no more openly enter into
INT: he was able openly into [the] city

John 7:10 Adv
GRK: ἀνέβη οὐ φανερῶς ἀλλὰ ὡς
NAS: went up, not publicly, but as if,
KJV: the feast, not openly, but as it were
INT: went up not openly but as

Acts 10:3 Adv
GRK: ἐν ὁράματι φανερῶς ὡσεὶ περὶ
NAS: of the day he clearly saw
KJV: in a vision evidently about the ninth
INT: in a vision plainly as if about

Strong's Greek 5320
3 Occurrences

φανερῶς — 3 Occ.

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