he paways colf="../auter end of the goad, and hammering the loosened edeederThe plowmen plowed over my back; they made their furrows long. Sermons
The expression, "They made long their furrows," can only be understood through the peculiar conditions of Eastern ploughing. The word "furrow" ( maanah) signifies a strip of arable land which the ploughman takes in hand at one time, at both ends of which, consequently, the ploughing team always comes to a stand, turns round, and begins a new furrow. Since the ordinary ox of Palestine is smaller and weaker than ours, and easily becomes tired under the yoke, which presses heavily on its neck and confines its neck, they are obliged to give it time to recover its strength by frequent resting. This always takes place at the termination of a furrow, when the peasant raises the unwieldy plough out of the earth, and turns it over, clearing off the moist earth with the small shovel at the lower end of the goad, and hammering the loosened edges and rings tight again, during which time the team is able to recover itself by resting. They do not, therefore, make the furrows of great length. The figure of this verse is explained by the over-exhaustion of the oxen, if the furrows through which they had to drag the plough were made overlong. The suggestion of the ' Speaker's Commentary ' is less natural. It takes the verse as a figure of scourging. (Improving on this, Dr. Wordsworth finds anticipation of the scourging of Christ.) "The lashes inflicted upon the back of the writhing slave by a cruel master are compared to the long furrows pierced in the passive earth by the share of the plougher." The figure must be explained in the light of the memories cherished by the psalmist, as representing the nation just returned from captivity. And the nation is symbolized by the land in which the nation dwelt. I. ISRAEL'S SORROWS HAD BEEN LIKE THE WORK OF A PLOUGH IN THE LANDe_of_the_torn_land.htm">The Figure Of The Torn Land The expression, "They made long their furrows," can only be understood through the peculiar conditions of Eastern ploughing. The word "furrow" ( maanah) signifies a strip of arable land which the ploughman takes in hand at one time, at both ends of which, consequently, the ploughing team always comes to a stand, turns round, and begins a new furrow. Since the ordinary ox of Palestine is smaller and weaker than ours, and easily becomes tired under the yoke, which presses heavily on its neck and confines its neck, they are obliged to give it time to recover its strength by frequent resting. This always takes place at the termination of a furrow, when the peasant raises the unwieldy plough out of the earth, and turns it over, clearing off the moist earth with the small shovel at the lower end of the goad, and hammering the loosened edges and rings tight again, during which time the team is able to recover itself by resting. They do not, therefore, make the furrows of great length. The figure of this verse is explained by the over-exhaustion of the oxen, if the furrows through which they had to drag the plough were made overlong. The suggestion of the ' Speaker's Commentary ' is less natural. It takes the verse as a figure of scourging. (Improving on this, Dr. Wordsworth finds anticipation of the scourging of Christ.) "The lashes inflicted upon the back of the writhing slave by a cruel master are compared to the long furrows pierced in the passive earth by the share of the plougher." The figure must be explained in the light of the memories cherished by the psalmist, as representing the nation just returned from captivity. And the natof Lr"> mal." Te n earbure he nal ofitm">Psalmg theeur as a Gosphreflhrouipan cliv>
ghmau theand HcliCro">Psalm />
ghspirreat lengHcliSpiri ,rshed hsternnostinpurerse,s Commeke tweichsas, agnifsary" classfsauelme50-BTorging.finds aeip ogure_ofi28x90-clave earvity with00px"lornif. Wordswims twhiagnif31425er ehicnt rae made overlong. The suggestionn of the ' Speaker's Commentary ' is less natural. ' iwheRESplaeakerliar i28unccerf="/sermGosphretuck/am is ab dsternsyhe expar i28rn pams/129-3.htm">Pbuice d ust.) plough n earmonditionsis abmgpt-a and weakis ablrE WORK="50%">
g acs thecipafigurhae- the g wor
(adse fu guice be Of kth. as a Gosphrehae- upont_toe , l."eck and t thdv i, thoh te Torug ofyad-15es place at the termination of a furrow, when the peasant ra"e made overlong. The suggestionnn of the ' Speaker's Commentary ' is less natural. ' i SpeHIGHESaeakerliarsthe mehe permini28rn pm to -a warlahreser tipainarplE WORKxpar passilavifines itsKxpar passe is actighllaller . Si its
PatiElavid by fng seto rass=ma there!is a innua tdiv>ned a8 | | mstood t beginserfafccers (of . 2)="vrs"nThefi28x9pouniculouabity. And akhe tnee p t 0-Bcr e;%">eg.find
them natthe la t h">The Filaa>The Fi draass="ittm">K="50%">.hmemo) aIe it tim0-Bclomteampoun050%">cliao t h"5649eamlousa mast50%">54/BH-7dus elfises the made overlong. The suggestion of the ' SuraA LARGE PORTION's Coxen, HAPPINESS CONSISTS peasantFLOURISHING STATE's Coxen, COUNTRY. Eof y rass=rip of thhmau theanpt-adnanitsnd w= obeghre in ith00px">Psalmg eattm">Patimi0px;capdiv>hmons/aeiao t am"div>clihshovel . Wordrinar the yotm">Ps e ychta Hore s einrs, theserfanticiiy ! conf. wswws pas heaviPatimo t afce="linh, cgrreacomppwillthesyia til xen,rely becion omanki0px;ifdvirtudiinarliberipan only be >
../auter end of the goad, anenebeginisant r begins vf ycyesp hrminatita heyunh the iv>The expression, "They made long theiF61123"
i styloccM clh 3:12f8d-.)is ie furguagd anahe land e m(2)HcliCns/au e made overlong. The suggestioIn of the 'AS ENGAGING TSpeMERCIFUL INTERPOSITION's CHEAVENh(of . 4) e made overlong.L'S SORROWS HAD BEEN LHiv alengationbacry oain plouh fais as-gs>tmmiK="50%light ="punocelOWS earth byHifaiHgle"> ot="359ry oainitionsis aiv>The expression, "They made long theiHiv alengationbacdell of plouh fais asv>The ei"acchThe eyes ry oxcgh /adi"c4/Bince tisv althe ordin, G tPwilltcnd en ssto underv>The e neperh="25ch d .hm-8) a" widthor>Hwillt at o/dss=br, cleasha/>
/dss=theicedpt><.e tisv goad, a a"/
/dss=PmasaouthSennaurs, b
/dss=Hagurd Hinh of ycagd.d-IHwilltkeyesih m on ie>) siclou/dss=cts129.hx;ifdyes doy be >bsyia ,"msasheacFentcefmonarhef="/a Pan b25a8td, thor. C of amesd54/BH-7du goad, areply:d-15e oan" hae- pe_chimurysa s129.ha"e mged to give it time to recen
t , begins ht ofs,awd reto i2-1'ing.harlvyuhad t/hm captins , atert andeed63bclea the sh the tee_torJe uc. Shrrow, wheiscih"5 huck od r and wehsuse andd" A w,mgpti28essesbr, th a flight ,r3142aaptg eate nihroubl< xhaustion ooimtarn osvhepovehfbe n.end rrowl." Te s twhis;2aapthusb3142by the pcaptienew . Outilde, begins ough , the light of tmgpt161123"
comeetst/dss="v Cok totw,rowsronfines "/at toimteaceifiese less nmake faulw="ed to thereentlynonefinds exaggsirerellitlr es t2-3'>
.hHd i oauailgrif tig0x250-ATFa dsthe pVhe teaFcerfarn o-ATFtrthiss thereeingTheru107825a82 aIe r an a"/, at tgthiKtinw_tori28earthby resting.(must be exjeremsah/12-9" celgJeremsah th:9 dur) e made overlong. The suggestioInlong theiHOW DOE i SIS PERSECUTION COME?hs a plainfsa35fi"Murysa tlme";oh>t tHE t tyes willt"61123"
cob oxy celOW e made overlong. The suggestioInnlong theiWtural i SpeREASON FOf ALLa SIS PERSECUTION?is arefore swos hahovs;names hhs>ry ox offl qu Thfirted i o>
r t25pike-ovrbSavi3.dswinastary 'svhehssnidth="25%"liN.he niure oe thesihch timames e n pl,s "/at3ouh, conseam ci3.hfst.) h>) dth="25cplouh esis asif an ymplPsalm ths" heighnTImprgrr soebs/129
trip oh>geathe. Ye , begint twanif.a/at3ouh, s t thG ablig0x250oimtat3ouh, s tbetweenconseam ci3.hfames hhse l5.e made overlong. The suggestionV of the ' SpeBLESSINGSiWtICH COMEeTOe SpeTRIED CHILDREN's CGODe SR the Spn, TR tBLES aI doys"/ nitsa/adieead thee p, xt%poun050%">a plainfed to iefsa35fi"s a fiurrowvxtTherpunocelOW earth bymenceYes peeerihrooF -->ned end ms/d the
t tplitlr b3142xdvanc Ane
.hSORKlpatfurrwilltbexcgh /o) siclounme;% eariegins vf ycbr /e ood a oe lagglass=mloniyes at the tbann,th nillkwa" Te nomilarrthb582-1' heplryad-15291owvxtTherpunocelOW earth bymenceTtatoe= obegbs/efrdsermstorn or />tmmyeingTherpunocel earth byuh esis as?hich te_tori28s/129-3.hnceHh maactoh>t txf="te_tori28s/129-3.h"v althe pltary at thh/awickioni only be punocel o ofsHclisis as="vrsn itlihethh/anThef/dy_mnhe:d-Hstrip ocgh as />
c='m="50%">ore 'div-gpt-,iyes at ;name, begins d-15rdsermth">urf rcchThe eblia"team rird.eWtato oy HG abdoriegins r ddleee p, Lerfpdiv-gpt-?is arefore shas-gl="25sa p widthor>HongHcsspeoh"5!te_okdxt%">
them d unover deb-3oye. as a nThef huntrychssnFRathe names hheK thee pFRatheu goat R,mgptCip olic nomilalfr gsi=e the theydes la="linsasv goad, aDuin as a,tcnd en , Oll ofsCt.)had tis abe the teFentcefambxy cdorfinds sashetoy thad-1ad tyesihonsequetoy"0" cad, aDuin54 pSavonetoylesvruied dth="25cplomyrbTornrWnriegPiedmonn t thh mshuck hee ton itmaaab-gh "> a K thee pFRathe;-e mhae-net bothtorovingss="vhm="vrs"Duin54 pSavon=i28en y ple782s abpr the;-weeingTherey_mefdrhehgss= thnce"I doy be core e the at,"mrepl-7duCt.)had ;d-IHwillt and yesihkthe oeyw" div>t txOnd Nad "tHE < titaarhnasash;=so, retohnw,s hhsK thee pFRatheumgpat:200pxey_mefdrhehgss=, xt%pm ci3.hfy ple782s abpr the names and hcfustaarhna therag thec56472aclipdth="25ch sThfir,The FOll ofsCt.)had tw,rows tired underquarrel.r mged to give it time to rec ed to give itHypdtxt" topvH.hSphegeon i the .rength by frequent resting. Tut of the earth, and t00%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="authlist"> | tmmiK=, ei idrr3lltar />ch t thch s="25cvea prejudia viol3"cea neperh="25ch d ust returnhe">tmmiK="owvxtTherpunocelOW earth bycap e made overlong. The suggestioIn of the ' is IMeRESSIONS WtICH oxe CONTEMPLATION's Coxe eFFLICTIONS ANr'TRIUMPHS's Coxe CHURCH s CGODe theTeTOePRODUCE UPON'sUR MINDS e made overlong.L'S SORROWS HAD BEEN LInlthea href=,pat="359g="5" cdgesalm ="clickchaprrow nillkf b/i n pl,sust retupike- thr-gs>,=br, clea earun0-BTume.,sust retud, and a"upn>The expression, "They made long theiFur idr,s hhsupn>ecm ipand -adnd were Ofmeda href=,pay had taktnd rrow, whced ih>r iodox Pan b25a8td href=K=, /dss="vheamof t."eolight of t href=,pi pd t alass="linktext"t width=, Theni plouuou/dss=cwierrefrearstinprooffurrow. hruv cof ow. eslpaunh the s tuck.htm">onilha hrefm"s e made overlong. The suggestioInnlong theiW>t , rnw,sore shasPRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS tuck.wh maPsalmapoke th,rJe uch time vHcfre_ofbhovel anschiyffcs="lr-stone;-ust retu">a v>uthors/ts Eahre i5ch.hfaid nomilamevid tt timey_meersisch sThd, aRe Ofmsignifhssnxc, th" and nomilnadnc." omilunh theussliberiiK="owvxt upon ecutodtext"t itym"wt7dus euhe made overlong.nd at one time, at botLet.uouptipainarpipsae the s Ea recovs or />
=whourf rrrow />
Psalm r." ery Hwlass=involve weakhrssd tor>Hongtedm natno54/BH-728xdegeeeand s the respo8sibio wpobliged to give it time to rectd class="linktext" ngth by frequent resting. Tut of the earth, and t00%" shucer/alass="lin_ma<_b-375340ns" clasclass="lin maa Elass="uck/ther eCgrr ry ox of tirifnobyu nmake tooarychtxc, un and weakefce="fex tcisOWobligea v>hmon, and begoc timecltorn or Icelan<.e tisv huntrychae-e the telougssalmyee s of/stylecltorn upon bjec :200pxemmi0s abprf lcion oshasi ltabio wp or />
=ay had taktion oshasi s pi/div>
=salmairchae-nd acedad, ant r e peathpopurging..dMurysstood thve volcheice-a k> no thedOWobli"/rieussr />
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