People, Places, Outline Balak Sends for Balaam; Balaam and the Angel People Amorites, Balaam, Balak, Beor, Israelites, Moabites, Moses, Zippor Places Amaw, Arnon, Bamoth-baal, Egypt, Euphrates River, Jericho, Jordan River, Kiriath-huzoth, Midian, Moab, Pethor Outline 1. Balak's first message for Balaam is refused 15. His second message obtains him 22. An angel would have slain him, if he had not been saved by his donkey 36. Balak entertains him Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |