People, Places, Outline Abram Rescues Lot and Receives a Blessing from Melchizedek PeopleAbram, Amalekites, Amorites, Amraphel, Aner, Arioch, Bela, Bera, Birsha, Chedorlaomer, Dan, Elam, Emites, Eshcol, Ham, Horites, Lot, Mamre, Melchisedec, Melchizedek, Rephaites, Seir, Shemeber, Shinab, Tamar, Tidal, Zoar, Zuzims, ZuzitesPlacesAdmah, Ashteroth-karnaim, Bela, Damascus, Dan, Elam, Ellasar, El-paran, En-mishpat, Gomorrah, Ham, Hazazon-tamar, Kadesh-barnea, King's Valley, Oaks of Mamre, Salem, Salt Sea, Seir, Shaveh-kiriathaim, Shinar, Sodom, Valley of Shaveh, Valley of Siddim, Zeboiim, ZoarOutline1. The battle of four kings against the king of Sodom and his allies.
12. Lot is taken prisoner.
14. Abram rescues him.
17. Melchizedek blesses Abram, who gives him tithes.
21. Abram restores the rest of the spoil to the king of Sodom.
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