Song of Solomon 8:7
Song of Solomon 8:7
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorned.

Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.

"Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it; If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, It would be utterly despised."

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

Mighty waters cannot extinguish love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If a man were to give all his wealth for love, it would be utterly scorned. B

Mighty bodies of water cannot extinguish love, rivers cannot put it out. If a man were to give all the wealth of his house for love, he would surely be viewed with contempt.

Surging waters cannot quench love; floodwaters cannot overflow it. If someone were to offer all his possessions to buy love, the offer would be utterly despised.

Raging water cannot extinguish love, and rivers will never wash it away. If a man exchanged all his family's wealth for love, people would utterly despise him.

The many waters cannot quench love, neither can the rivers drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for this love, it would certainly be despised.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the wealth of his house for love, it would utterly be rejected.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

Many waters cannot quench love, Neither can floods drown it: If a man would give all the substance of his house for love, He would utterly be contemned.

Many waters cannot quench charity, neither can the floods drown it: if a man should give all the substance of his house for love, he shall despise it as nothing.

Many waters cannot quench love, Neither do the floods drown it: Even if a man gave all the substance of his house for love, It would utterly be contemned.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, he would utterly be contemned.

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

Many waters can't quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man would give all the wealth of his house for love, he would be utterly scorned. Friends

Many waters are not able to quench the love, And floods do not wash it away. If one give all the wealth of his house for love, Treading down -- they tread upon it.

Kantiku i Kantikëve 8:7
Ujërat e mëdha nuk do të mund ta shuajnë dashurinë, as lumenjtë ta përmbytin. Në rast se dikush do të jepte tërë pasuritë e shtëpisë së tij në këmbim të dashurisë, do të përbuzej me siguri.

ﻧﺸﻴﺪ ﺍﻷﻧﺸﺎ 8:7
مياه كثيرة لا تستطيع ان تطفئ المحبة والسيول لا تغمرها. ان اعطى الانسان كل ثروة بيته بدل المحبة تحتقر احتقارا

Dyr Minnensang 8:7
löschn, verschwaibn kan s kain Stroom. Und but ains, was s grad will, sein Gerstl all, d Lieb kanst nit um vil Geld erwerbn; daa lachet di allss aus!"

Песен на песните 8:7
Много води не могат угаси любовта, Нито реките могат я потопи; Ако би дал някой целия имот на дома си за любовта, Съвсем биха го презряли.

雅 歌 8:7
愛 情 , 眾 水 不 能 息 滅 , 大 水 也 不 能 淹 沒 。 若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 財 寶 要 換 愛 情 , 就 全 被 藐 視 。 ( 新 娘 的 兄 弟 )

爱 情 , 众 水 不 能 息 灭 , 大 水 也 不 能 淹 没 。 若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 财 宝 要 换 爱 情 , 就 全 被 藐 视 。 ( 新 娘 的 兄 弟 )



Song of Solomon 8:7
Mnoge vode ne mogu ugasiti ljubav niti je rijeke potopiti. Da netko daje za ljubav sve što u kući ima, taj bi navukao prezir na sebe.

Píseň Šalomounova 8:7
Vody mnohé nemohly by uhasiti tohoto milování, aniž ho řeky zatopí. Kdyby někdo dáti chtěl všecken statek domu svého za takovou milost, se vším tím pohrdnut by byl.

Højsangen 8:7
Mange Vande kan ikke slukke den, Strømme ej skylle den bort. Gav nogen alt Gods i sit Hus for Kærlighed, hvem vilde agte ham ringe?

Hooglied 8:7
Vele wateren zouden deze liefde niet kunnen uitblussen; ja, de rivieren zouden ze niet verdrinken; al gaf iemand al het goed van zijn huis voor deze liefde, men zou hem te enenmale verachten.

שיר השירים 8:7
מַ֣יִם רַבִּ֗ים לֹ֤א יֽוּכְלוּ֙ לְכַבֹּ֣ות אֶת־הָֽאַהֲבָ֔ה וּנְהָרֹ֖ות לֹ֣א יִשְׁטְפ֑וּהָ אִם־יִתֵּ֨ן אִ֜ישׁ אֶת־כָּל־הֹ֤ון בֵּיתֹו֙ בָּאַהֲבָ֔ה בֹּ֖וז יָב֥וּזוּ לֹֽו׃ ס

ז מים רבים לא יוכלו לכבות את האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה אם יתן איש את כל הון ביתו באהבה--בוז יבוזו לו  {ס}

מים רבים לא יוכלו לכבות את־האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה אם־יתן איש את־כל־הון ביתו באהבה בוז יבוזו לו׃ ס

Énekek Éneke 8:7
Sok vizek el nem olthatnák e szeretetet:

Alta kanto de Salomono 8:7
Granda akvo ne povas estingi la amon, Kaj riveroj ne povas superakvi gxin; Se homo proponus doni la tutan havajxon de sia domo por la amo, Oni malestime lin forpusxus.

Niin ettei vedenkään paljous taida rakkautta sammuttaa, eli virrat sitä upottaa. Jos joku antais kaiken taloinsa tavaran rakkaudesta, niin ei se mitään maksaisi.

Cantique des Cantiqu 8:7
Beaucoup d'eaux ne peuvent éteindre l'amour, et des fleuves ne le submergent pas; si un homme donnait tous les biens de sa maison pour l'amour, on l'aurait en un profond mépris.

Les grandes eaux ne peuvent éteindre l'amour, Et les fleuves ne le submergeraient pas; Quand un homme offrirait tous les biens de sa maison contre l'amour, Il ne s'attirerait que le mépris.

Beaucoup d'eaux ne pourraient point éteindre cet amour-là, et les fleuves mêmes ne le pourraient pas noyer; si quelqu'un donnait tous les biens de sa maison pour cet amour, certainement on n'en tiendrait aucun compte.

Hohelied 8:7
daß auch viel Wasser nicht mögen die Liebe auslöschen, noch die Ströme sie ersäufen. Wenn einer alles Gut in seinem Hause um die Liebe geben wollte, so gälte es alles nichts.

daß auch viele Wasser nicht mögen die Liebe auslöschen noch die Ströme sie ertränken. Wenn einer alles Gut in seinem Hause um die Liebe geben wollte, so gölte es alles nichts.

Viele Wasser können die Liebe nicht auslöschen, und Ströme sie nicht überfluten. Wenn einer allen Reichtum seines Hauses hingeben wollte um Liebe, man würde ihn doch nur verachten!

Cantico dei Cantici 8:7
Le grandi acque non potrebbero spegnere l’amore, e de’ fiumi non potrebbero sommergerlo. Se uno desse tutti i beni di casa sua in cambio dell’amore, sarebbe del tutto disprezzato.

Molte acque non potrebbero spegnere quest’amore, Nè fiumi inondarlo; Se alcuno desse tutta la sostanza di casa sua per quest’amore, Non se ne farebbe stima alcuna.

Air banyakpun tiada dapat memadamkan kasih ini dan segala sungaipun tiada dapat meliputi dia. Jikalau kiranya orang hendak memberikan segala harta benda yang dalam rumahnya karena kasih ini, niscaya dicelakan juga akan dia.

아가 8:7
이 사랑은 많은 물이 꺼치지 못하겠고 홍수라도 엄몰하지 못하나니 사람이 그 온 가산을 다 주고 사랑과 바꾸려 할지라도 오히려 멸시를 받으리라

Canticum Canticorum 8:7
aquae multae non poterunt extinguere caritatem nec flumina obruent illam si dederit homo omnem substantiam domus suae pro dilectione quasi nihil despicient eum

Giesmiø giesmës knyga 8:7
Daugybė vandenų neužgesins meilės ir srovės nepaskandins jos. Jei žmogus duotų už meilę visus savo turtus, būtų visiškai paniekintas.

Song of Solomon 8:7
Nui te wai, e kore te aroha e taea te tinei, e kore ano e ngaro i nga awa: ahakoa i hoatu e te tangata nga rawa katoa o tona whare mo te aroha, ka whakahaweatia rawatia.

Salomos Høisang 8:7
Mange vann kan ikke utslukke kjærligheten, og strømmer ikke overskylle den; om nogen vilde gi alt han har i sitt hus, for kjærligheten, vilde han bare bli foraktet.

Cantares 8:7
Las muchas aguas no pueden extinguir el amor, ni los ríos lo anegarán; si el hombre diera todos los bienes de su casa por amor, de cierto lo menospreciarían.

Las muchas aguas no podrán extinguir el amor, Ni los ríos lo apagarán. Si el hombre diera todos los bienes de su casa por amor, Sólo lograría desprecio."

Las muchas aguas no podrán apagar el amor, ni lo ahogarán los ríos. Si diese el hombre toda la hacienda de su casa por este amor, de cierto lo menospreciarían.

Las muchas aguas no podrán apagar el amor, Ni lo ahogarán los ríos. Si diese el hombre toda la hacienda de su casa por este amor, De cierto lo menospreciaran.

Las muchas aguas no podrán apagar el amor, ni lo ahogarán los ríos. Si diese el hombre toda la hacienda de su casa por este amor, de cierto lo menospreciarán.

Cantares de Salomâo 8:7
Nem mesmo as muitas águas conseguem apagar o amor; os rios não conseguem arrastá-lo correnteza abaixo. Quisesse alguém dar tudo o que possui para comprar o amor, qualquer valor seria absolutamente desprezado.

As muitas águas não podem apagar o amor, nem os rios afogá- lo. Se alguém oferecesse todos os bens de sua casa pelo amor, seria de todo desprezado.   

Cantarea Cantarilor 8:7
Apele cele mari nu pot să stingă dragostea, şi rîurile n'ar putea s'o înece; de ar da omul toate averile din casa lui pentru dragoste, tot n'ar avea de cît dispreţ.

Песни Песней 8:7
Большие воды не могут потушить любви, и реки не зальют ее. Если бы кто давал все богатство дома своего за любовь, то он был бы отвергнут с презреньем.

Большие воды не могут потушить любви, и реки не зальют ее. Если бы кто давал все богатство дома своего за любовь, то он был бы отвергнут с презреньем.[]

Hga Visan 8:7
De största vatten förmå ej utsläcka kärleken, strömmar kunna icke fördränka den. Om någon ville giva alla ägodelar i sitt hus för kärleken, så skulle han ändå bliva försmådd.» ----

Song of Solomon 8:7
Ang maraming tubig ay hindi makapapatay sa pagsinta, ni mapauurong man ng mga baha; kung ibigay ng lalake ang lahat na laman ng kaniyang bahay dahil sa pagsinta, siya'y lubos na kukutyain.

เพลงซาโลมอน 8:7
น้ำมากหลายไม่อาจดับความรักให้มอดเสียได้ หรืออุทกธารทั้งหลายไม่อาจท่วมความรักให้สำลักตายเสียได้ แม้ว่าคนใดจะเอาทรัพย์สมบัติในเหย้าเรือนของตนทั้งสิ้นมาแลกกับความรักนั้น คนนั้นจะได้รับความหมิ่นประมาทจากคนทั้งหลายเป็นอย่างยิ่ง

Ezgiler Ezgisi 8:7
Sevgiyi engin sular söndüremez,
Irmaklar süpürüp götüremez.
İnsan varını yoğunu sevgi uğruna verse bile,
Yine de hor görülür![]

Nhaõ Ca 8:7
Nước nhiều không tưới tắt được ái tình, Các sông chẳng nhận chìm nó được; Nếu người nào đem hết tài sản nhà mình, Ðặng mua lấy ái tình, Aét người ta sẽ khinh dể nó đến điều.

Song of Solomon 8:6
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