Song of Solomon 8:6
Song of Solomon 8:6
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame.

Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD.

"Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The very flame of the LORD.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death; ardent love is as unrelenting as Sheol. Love's flames are fiery flames-- the fiercest of all.

Set me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, passion as intense as Sheol. The flames of love are flames of fire, a blaze that comes from the LORD.

Set me like a cylinder seal over your heart, like a signet on your arm. For love is as strong as death, passion is as unrelenting as Sheol. Its flames burst forth, it is a blazing flame.

Wear me as a signet ring on your heart, as a ring on your hand. Love is as overpowering as death. Devotion is as unyielding as the grave. Love's flames are flames of fire, flames that come from the LORD.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart as a sign upon thine arm; for love is strong as death; jealousy is hard as Sheol; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which have a most vehement flame.

Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm: for love is as strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.

Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which has a most vehement flame.

Set me as a seal upon thy heart, As a seal upon thine arm: For love is strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as Sheol; The flashes thereof are flashes of fire, A very flame of Jehovah.

Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as hard as hell, the lamps thereof are fire and flames.

Set me as a seal upon thy heart, As a seal upon thine arm: For love is strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as Sheol: The flashes thereof are flashes of fire, Flames of Jah.

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, a very flame of the LORD.

Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals of it are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm; for love is strong as death. Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a very flame of Yahweh.

Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, For strong as death is love, Sharp as Sheol is jealousy, Its burnings are burnings of fire, a flame of Jah!

Kantiku i Kantikëve 8:6
Më vër si një vulë mbi zemrën tënde, si një vulë mbi krahun tënd; sepse dashuria është e fortë si vdekja, xhelozia është e ashpër si Sheoli. Flakët e saj janë flakë zjarri, një flakë që përvëlon.

ﻧﺸﻴﺪ ﺍﻷﻧﺸﺎ 8:6
اجعلني كخاتم على قلبك كخاتم على ساعدك. لان المحبة قوية كالموت. الغيرة قاسية كالهاوة. لهيبها لهيب نار لظى الرب.

Dyr Minnensang 8:6
"Ietz druck mi wie ayn Sigl föst an s Hertz mit deine Arm! D Lieb überwinddt Tood und Teufl; nix steet gögn d Leidnschaft auf. Glüe'n tuet s wie Feuer und Flammenn;

Песен на песните 8:6
Положи ме като печат на сърцето си, Като печат на мишцата си; Защото любовта е силна като смъртта. Ревността е остра като преизподнята, Чието святкане е святкане огнено, пламък най-буен.

雅 歌 8:6
求 你 將 我 放 在 你 心 上 如 印 記 , 帶 在 你 臂 上 如 戳 記 。 因 為 愛 情 如 死 之 堅 強 , 嫉 恨 如 陰 間 之 殘 忍 ; 所 發 的 電 光 是 火 焰 的 電 光 , 是 耶 和 華 的 烈 焰 。

求 你 将 我 放 在 你 心 上 如 印 记 , 带 在 你 臂 上 如 戳 记 。 因 为 爱 情 如 死 之 坚 强 , 嫉 恨 如 阴 间 之 残 忍 ; 所 发 的 电 光 是 火 焰 的 电 光 , 是 耶 和 华 的 烈 焰 。



Song of Solomon 8:6
Stavi me kao znak na srce, kao pečat na ruku svoju, jer ljubav je jaka kao smrt, a ljubomora tvrda kao grob. Žar je njezin žar vatre i plamena Jahvina.

Píseň Šalomounova 8:6
Položiž mne jako pečet na srdce své, jako pečetní prsten na ruku svou. Nebo silné jest jako smrt milování, tvrdá jako hrob horlivost; uhlí její uhlí řeřavé, plamen nejprudší.

Højsangen 8:6
Læg mig som en Seglring om dit Hjerte, som et Armbaand om din Arm! Thi Kærlighed er stærk som Døden, Nidkærhed haard som Dødsriget; dens Gløder er Brændende Glød, dens Lue er HERRENS Lue.

Hooglied 8:6
Zet mij als een zegel op Uw hart, als een zegel op Uw arm; want de liefde is sterk als de dood; de ijver is hard als het graf; haar kolen zijn vurige kolen, vlammen des HEEREN.

שיר השירים 8:6
שִׂימֵ֨נִי כַֽחֹותָ֜ם עַל־לִבֶּ֗ךָ כַּֽחֹותָם֙ עַל־זְרֹועֶ֔ךָ כִּֽי־עַזָּ֤ה כַמָּ֙וֶת֙ אַהֲבָ֔ה קָשָׁ֥ה כִשְׁאֹ֖ול קִנְאָ֑ה רְשָׁפֶ֕יהָ רִשְׁפֵּ֕י אֵ֖שׁ שַׁלְהֶ֥בֶתְיָֽה׃

ו שימני כחותם על לבך כחותם על זרועך--כי עזה כמות אהבה קשה כשאול קנאה  רשפיה--רשפי אש שלהבתיה

שימני כחותם על־לבך כחותם על־זרועך כי־עזה כמות אהבה קשה כשאול קנאה רשפיה רשפי אש שלהבתיה׃

Énekek Éneke 8:6
Tégy engem mintegy pecsétet a te szívedre,

Alta kanto de Salomono 8:6
Konservu min kiel sigelon en via koro, kiel sigelon sur via brako; CXar la amo estas forta kiel la morto; La jxaluzo estas nefleksebla kiel SXeol; GXiaj brulajxoj estas brulajxoj de fajro, La flamo de la Eternulo.

Pane minua niinkuin sinetti sydämees, ja niinkuin sinetti käsivartees; sillä rakkaus on väkevä niinkuin kuolema, ja kiivaus on vahva niinkuin helvetti: hänen hiilensä hehkuvat ja ovat Herran tuli;

Cantique des Cantiqu 8:6
Mets-moi comme un cachet sur ton coeur, comme un cachet sur ton bras; car l'amour est fort comme la mort, la jalousie cruelle comme le shéol; ses ardeurs sont des ardeurs de feu, une flamme de Jah.

Mets-moi comme un sceau sur ton coeur, Comme un sceau sur ton bras; Car l'amour est fort comme la mort, La jalousie est inflexible comme le séjour des morts; Ses ardeurs sont des ardeurs de feu, Une flamme de l'Eternel.

Mets-moi comme un cachet sur ton cœur, comme un cachet sur ton bras; car l'amour est fort comme la mort, et la jalousie est cruelle comme le sépulcre; leurs embrasements sont des embrasements de feu, et une flamme très-véhémente.

Hohelied 8:6
Setze mich wie ein Siegel auf dein Herz und wie ein Siegel auf deinen Arm. Denn Liebe ist stark wie der Tod, und Eifer ist fest wie die Hölle. Ihre Glut ist feurig und eine Flamme des HERRN,

Setze mich wie ein Siegel auf dein Herz und wie ein Siegel auf deinen Arm. Denn Liebe ist stark wie der Tod, und ihr Eifer ist fest wie die Hölle. Ihre Glut ist feurig und eine Flamme des HERRN,

Lege mich wie einen Siegelring an dein Herz, wie einen Siegelring an deinen Arm. Denn stark wie der Tod ist Liebe, fest wie die Unterwelt ist Leidenschaft, ihre Gluten Feuergluten, eine Flamme Jahs!

Cantico dei Cantici 8:6
Mettimi come un sigillo sul tuo cuore, come un sigillo sul tuo braccio; perché l’amore è forte come la morte, la gelosia è dura come il soggiorno de’ morti. I suoi ardori sono ardori di fuoco, fiamma dell’Eterno.

Mettimi come un suggello in sul tuo cuore, Come un suggello in sul tuo braccio; Perciocchè l’amore è forte come la morte, La gelosia è dura come l’inferno. Le sue brace son brace di fuoco, Son fiamma dell’Eterno.

Taruhlah akan daku dalam hatimu bagaikan meterai, bagaikan meterai pada lenganmu; karena kuat kasih itu seperti kuat maut, dan cemburuan itu hebat seperti alam barzakh, nyalanya seperti nyala api, seperti halilintar Tuhan.

아가 8:6
너는 나를 인 같이 마음에 품고 도장 같이 팔에 두라 사랑은 죽음 같이 강하고 투기는 음부같이 잔혹하며 불같이 일어나니 그 기세가 여호와의 불과 같으니라

Canticum Canticorum 8:6
pone me ut signaculum super cor tuum ut signaculum super brachium tuum quia fortis est ut mors dilectio dura sicut inferus aemulatio lampades eius lampades ignis atque flammarum

Giesmiø giesmës knyga 8:6
Laikyk mane kaip antspaudą prie savo širdies, kaip apyrankę ant rankos. Meilė yra stipri kaip mirtis, pavydas žiaurus kaip mirusiųjų buveinė. Jos karštis yra ugnies karštis, stipriausia liepsna.

Song of Solomon 8:6
Waiho ahau hei hiri ki tou ngakau, hei hiri ki tou ringa; rite tahi hoki ki to te mate te kaha o te aroha; nanakia tonu te hae, ano ko te urupa, ko ona hiko, he hiko ahi, he mura pu na Ihowa.

Salomos Høisang 8:6
Sett mig som et segl på ditt hjerte, som et segl på din arm; for sterk som døden er kjærligheten, hård som dødsriket er dens nidkjærhet; dens glød er som ildens glød, en Herrens lue.

Cantares 8:6
Ponme como sello sobre tu corazón, como sello sobre tu brazo, porque fuerte como la muerte es el amor, inexorables como el Seol, los celos; sus destellos, destellos de fuego, la llama misma del SEÑOR.

"Ponme como un sello sobre tu corazón, Como un sello sobre tu brazo, Porque fuerte como la muerte es el amor, Inexorables como el Seol, los celos; Sus destellos, son destellos de fuego, La llama misma del SEÑOR.

Ponme como un sello sobre tu corazón, como una marca sobre tu brazo: Porque fuerte como la muerte es el amor; duros como el sepulcro los celos; sus brasas, brasas de fuego, fuerte llama.

Ponme como un sello sobre tu corazón, como una marca sobre tu brazo: Porque fuerte es como la muerte el amor; Duro como el sepulcro el celo: Sus brasas, brasas de fuego, Fuerte llama.

Ponme como un sello sobre tu corazón, como un signo sobre tu brazo; porque fuerte es como la muerte el amor; duro como el sepulcro el celo; sus brasas, brasas de fuego, fuerte llama.

Cantares de Salomâo 8:6
Grava-me como um selo em teu coração, como uma marca indelével em teu braço; pois o amor é tão forte quanto a morte e a paixão é tão inflexível quanto o próprio Sheol, a sepultura. Tuas brasas são fogo ardente, são como as labaredas do Eterno!

Põe-me como selo sobre o teu coração, como selo sobre o teu braço; porque o amor é forte como a morte; o ciúme é cruel como o Seol; a sua chama é chama de fogo, verdadeira labareda do Senhor.   

Cantarea Cantarilor 8:6
Pune-mă ca o pecete pe inima ta, ca o pecete pe braţul tău; căci dragostea este tare ca moartea, şi gelozia este neînduplecată ca locuinţa morţilor; jarul ei este jar de foc, o flacără a Domnului.

Песни Песней 8:6
Положи меня, как печать, на сердце твое, как перстень, на руку твою: ибо крепка, каксмерть, любовь; люта, как преисподняя, ревность; стрелы ее – стрелы огненные; она пламень весьма сильный.

Положи меня, как печать, на сердце твое, как перстень, на руку твою: ибо крепка, как смерть, любовь; люта, как преисподняя, ревность; стрелы ее--стрелы огненные; она пламень весьма сильный.[]

Hga Visan 8:6
Hav mig såsom en signetring vid ditt hjärta, såsom en signetring på din arm. Ty kärleken är stark såsom döden, dess trängtan obetvinglig såsom dödsriket; dess glöd är såsom eldens glöd, en HERRENS låga är den.

Song of Solomon 8:6
Ilagay mo akong pinakatatak sa iyong puso, pinakatatak sa iyong bisig: sapagka't ang pagsinta ay malakas na parang kamatayan, panibugho ay mabagsik na parang Sheol: ang mga liyab niyaon ay parang mga liyab ng apoy, isang pinaka liyab ng Panginoon.

เพลงซาโลมอน 8:6
จงแนบดิฉันไว้ดุจดวงตราแขวนอยู่ที่ใจของเธอ ประดุจดวงตราบนแขนของเธอ เพราะความรักนั้นเข้มแข็งอย่างความตาย ความริษยาก็ดุเดือดเหมือนแดนคนตาย และประกายแห่งความริษยานั้นก็คือประกายเพลิง คือประกายเพลิงที่แสนรุนแรง

Ezgiler Ezgisi 8:6
Beni yüreğinin üzerine bir mühür gibi,
Kolunun üzerine bir mühür gibi yerleştir.
Çünkü sevgi ölüm kadar güçlü,
Tutku ölüler diyarı kadar katıdır.
Alev alev yanar,
Yakıp bitiren ateş gibi.[]

Nhaõ Ca 8:6
Hãy để tôi như một cái ấy nơi lòng chàng, Như một cái ấn trên cánh tay chàng; Vì ái tình mạnh như sự chết, Lòng ghen hung dữ như âm phủ; Sự nóng nó là sự nóng của lửa, Thật một ngọn lửa của Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Song of Solomon 8:5
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