Romans 5:18
Romans 5:18
Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.

Yes, Adam's one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ's one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.

Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.

So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men.

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

So then, as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone, so also through one righteous act there is life-giving justification for everyone.

Consequently, just as one offense resulted in condemnation for everyone, so one act of righteousness results in justification and life for everyone.

Consequently, just as condemnation for all people came through one transgression, so too through the one righteous act came righteousness leading to life for all people.

In like manner therefore, because of the offense of the one there was a guilty verdict to all the children of men, in the same way, because of the righteousness of The One there shall be the victory for Life to all the children of men.

Therefore, everyone was condemned through one failure, and everyone received God's life-giving approval through one verdict.

Therefore, in the same manner that by the iniquity of one guilt came upon all men unto condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, grace came upon all men unto justification of life.

Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came on all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came on all men to justification of life.

So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men to justification of life.

Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all men to condemnation; so also by the justice of one, unto all men to justification of life.

so then as it was by one offence towards all men to condemnation, so by one righteousness towards all men for justification of life.

So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men to justification of life.

Therefore, as by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to justification of life.

It follows then that just as the result of a single transgression is a condemnation which extends to the whole race, so also the result of a single decree of righteousness is a life-giving acquittal which extends to the whole race.

So then as through one trespass, all men were condemned; even so through one act of righteousness, all men were justified to life.

So, then, as through one offence to all men it is to condemnation, so also through one declaration of 'Righteous' it is to all men to justification of life;

Romakëve 5:18
Prandaj, ashtu si për një shkelje të vetme dënimi u shtri mbi të gjithë njerëzit, ashtu edhe me një akt të vetëm drejtësie, hiri u shtri mbi gjithë njerëzit për shfajësimin e jetës.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 5:18
فاذا كما بخطية واحدة صار الحكم الى جميع الناس للدينونة هكذا ببر واحد صارت الهبة الى جميع الناس لتبرير الحياة.

Ուրեմն, ինչպէս բոլոր մարդոց դատապարտութեան վճիռ տրուեցաւ մէկին յանցանքով, այնպէս ալ բոլոր մարդոց կեանք տուող արդարութիւն շնորհուեցաւ մէկին արդարութեամբ:

Romanoetara. 5:18
Bada nola offensa batez hoguena ethorri baita guiçon gucietara condemnationetan: hala iustificatzen gaituen iustitia batez ethorri da dohaina-ere guiçon gucietara vicitzezco iustificationetan.

D Roemer 5:18
Wie also ain Sündd dyrzue gfüert hiet, däß allsand verurtlt wurdnd, grad yso haat de Gfölgigkeit und Taat von ainn Loosspraach und Löbn für allsand gschaffen.

Римляни 5:18
и тъй, както чрез едно прегрешение [дойде] осъждането на всичките човеци, така и чрез едно праведно дело [дойде] на всичките човеци оправданието, което докарва живот.

羅 馬 書 5:18
如 此 說 來 , 因 一 次 的 過 犯 , 眾 人 都 被 定 罪 ; 照 樣 , 因 一 次 的 義 行 , 眾 人 也 就 被 稱 義 得 生 命 了 。

如 此 说 来 , 因 一 次 的 过 犯 , 众 人 都 被 定 罪 ; 照 样 , 因 一 次 的 义 行 , 众 人 也 就 被 称 义 得 生 命 了 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 5:18
Dakle, grijeh jednoga - svim ljudima na osudu, tako i pravednost Jednoga - svim ljudima na opravdanje, na život!

Římanům 5:18
A tak tedy, jakž skrze pád jeden všickni lidé přišli k odsouzení, tak i skrze ospravedlnění jednoho všickni lidé mohou přijíti k ospravedlnění života.

Romerne 5:18
Altsaa, ligesom det ved eens Fald blev for alle Mennesker til Fordømmelse, saaledes ogsaa ved eens Retfærdighed for alle Mennesker til Retfærdiggørelse til Liv.

Romeinen 5:18
Zo dan, gelijk door een misdaad de schuld gekomen is over alle mensen tot verdoemenis; alzo ook door een rechtvaardigheid komt de genade over alle mensen tot rechtvaardigmaking des levens.

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι’ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτως καὶ δι’ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι' ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτως καὶ δι' ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι' ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτως καὶ δι' ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι’ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτως καὶ δι’ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς.

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι’ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτω καὶ δι’ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς.

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι’ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτως καὶ δι’ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι’ ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα, οὕτω καὶ δι’ ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς.

Ἄρα οὖν ὡς δι' ἑνὸς παραπτώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς κατάκριμα οὕτως καὶ δι' ἑνὸς δικαιώματος εἰς πάντας ἀνθρώπους εἰς δικαίωσιν ζωῆς·

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα ουτως και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα ουτως και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα ουτως και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα, ουτω και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης.

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα ουτως και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης

αρα ουν ως δι ενος παραπτωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις κατακριμα ουτως και δι ενος δικαιωματος εις παντας ανθρωπους εις δικαιωσιν ζωης

Ara oun hōs di’ henos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima, houtōs kai di’ henos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs;

Ara oun hos di’ henos paraptomatos eis pantas anthropous eis katakrima, houtos kai di’ henos dikaiomatos eis pantas anthropous eis dikaiosin zoes;

Ara oun hōs di' henos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima, houtōs kai di' henos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs;

Ara oun hos di' henos paraptomatos eis pantas anthropous eis katakrima, houtos kai di' henos dikaiomatos eis pantas anthropous eis dikaiosin zoes;

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

ara oun ōs di enos paraptōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis katakrima outōs kai di enos dikaiōmatos eis pantas anthrōpous eis dikaiōsin zōēs

ara oun Os di enos paraptOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis katakrima outOs kai di enos dikaiOmatos eis pantas anthrOpous eis dikaiOsin zOEs

Rómaiakhoz 5:18
Bizonyára azért, miképen egynek bûnesete által minden emberre [elhatott] a kárhozat: azonképen egynek igazsága által minden emberre [elhatott] az életnek megigazulása.

Al la romanoj 5:18
Tial, kiel per unu eraro venis jugxo al cxiuj homoj gxis kondamno, tiel same per unu justajxo venis la donaco al cxiuj homoj gxis la pravigo de vivo.

Kirje roomalaisille 5:18
Niinkuin siis yhden synnin kautta on kadotus tullut kaikkein ihmisten päälle, niin on myös yhden vanhurskauden kautta elämän vanhurskaus tullut kaikkein ihmisten päälle.

Romains 5:18
ainsi donc, comme par une seule faute les conséquences de cette faute furent envers tous les hommes en condamnation, ainsi aussi par une seule justice les conséquences de cette justice furent envers tous les hommes en justification de vie.

Ainsi donc, comme par une seule offense la condamnation a atteint tous les hommes, de même par un seul acte de justice la justification qui donne la vie s'étend à tous les hommes.

Comme donc par un seul péché les hommes sont assujettis à la condamnation, ainsi par une seule justice justifiante [le don est venu] sur tous les hommes en justification de vie.

Roemer 5:18
wie nun durch eines Sünde die Verdammnis über alle Menschen kommen ist, also ist auch durch eines Gerechtigkeit die Rechtfertigung des Lebens über alle Menschen kommen.

Wie nun durch eines Sünde die Verdammnis über alle Menschen gekommen ist, so ist auch durch eines Gerechtigkeit die Rechtfertigung des Lebens über alle Menschen gekommen.

In diesem Sinne also gilt es: wie durch Einen Fall es für alle Menschen zur Verdammnis kommt, so durch Eine Rechtthat für alle Menschen zum Rechtspruch des Lebens.

Romani 5:18
Come dunque con un sol fallo la condanna si è estesa a tutti gli uomini, così, con un solo atto di giustizia la giustificazione che dà vita s’è estesa a tutti gli uomini.

Siccome adunque per una offesa il giudicio è passato a tutti gli uomini, in condannazione, così ancora per un atto di giustizia la grazia è passata a tutti gli uomini, in giustificazione di vita.

ROMA 5:18
Sebab itu, sebagaimana oleh sebab satu dosa sekalian manusia terkena hukum, begitulah oleh sebab Satu perbuatan yang benar itu, sekalian manusia dibenarkan, supaya beroleh hidup.

Romans 5:18
S wakka, ddnub n yiwen wemdan yesseɣli-d lɛiqab ɣef yemdanen meṛṛa, akken daɣen lḥeqq i gexdem yiwen wemdan, yewwi-d leslak i gessidiren imdanen meṛṛa.

로마서 5:18
그런즉 한 범죄로 많은 사람이 정죄에 이른 것 같이 의의 한 행동으로 말미암아 많은 사람이 의롭다 하심을 받아 생명에 이르렀느니라

Romanos 5:18
igitur sicut per unius delictum in omnes homines in condemnationem sic et per unius iustitiam in omnes homines in iustificationem vitae

Romiešiem 5:18
Tātad, kā viena vainas dēļ pār visiem cilvēkiem nākusi pazudināšana, tā Viena taisnības dēļ pār visiem cilvēkiem nācis attaisnojums dzīvībai.

Laiðkas romieèiams 5:18
Todėl kaip vieno žmogaus nusikaltimas visiems žmonėms užtraukė teismą ir pasmerkimą, taip vieno Žmogaus teisumas visiems pelnė išteisinimą, kad gyventų.

Romans 5:18
Ae ra, i te mea na te hara kotahi i tau ai te he ki nga tangata katoa, waihoki na te tika kotahi i puta ai te mea homai noa ki nga tangata katoa, e tika ai, e ora ai.

Romerne 5:18
Altså: likesom éns fall blev til fordømmelse for alle mennesker, således blev også éns rettferdige gjerning til livsens rettferdiggjørelse for alle mennesker;

Romanos 5:18
Así pues, tal como por una transgresión resultó la condenación de todos los hombres, así también por un acto de justicia resultó la justificación de vida para todos los hombres.

Así pues, tal como por una transgresión resultó la condenación de todos los hombres, así también por un acto de justicia resultó la justificación de vida para todos los hombres.

Así que, como por el pecado de uno vino la condenación a todos los hombres, así también, por la justicia de uno, vino la gracia a todos los hombres para justificación de vida.

Así que, de la manera que por un delito vino la culpa á todos los hombres para condenación, así por una justicia vino la gracia á todos los hombres para justificación de vida.

Así que, de la manera que por un delito vino la culpa a todos los hombres para condenación, así por una justicia vino la gracia a todos los hombres para justificación de vida.

Romanos 5:18
Portanto, assim como uma só transgressão determinou na condenação de todos os seres humanos, assim igualmente um só ato de justiça resultou na justificação que traz vida a todos os homens.

Portanto, assim como por uma só ofensa veio o juízo sobre todos os homens para condenação, assim também por um só ato de justiça veio a graça sobre todos os homens para justificação e vida.   

Romani 5:18
...Astfel dar, după cum printr'o singură greşală, a venit o osîndă, care a lovit pe toţi oamenii, tot aşa, printr'o singură hotărîre de iertare a venit pentru toţi oamenii o hotărîre de neprihănire care dă viaţa.

К Римлянам 5:18
Посему, как преступлением одного всем человекам осуждение, так правдою одного всем человекам оправдание к жизни.

Посему, как преступлением одного всем человекам осуждение, так правдою одного всем человекам оправдание к жизни.

Romans 5:18
Atan tunaan T·ramujai Ashφ tunaarintin ajasar Jßkarmiayi. N·nisan Jesukrφstu pΘnker T·ramujai Ashφ shuar Yus "pΘnkeraitme" timia nuka yamaram iwiaakmajai tuke pujusartatui.

Romabrevet 5:18
Alltså, likasom det, som kom genom en endas fall, för alla människor ledde till en fördömelsedom, så leder det, som kom genom rättfärdiggörelsedomen förmedelst en enda, för alla människor till en rättfärdiggörelse som medför liv.

Warumi 5:18
Basi, kama vile kosa la mtu mmoja lilivyoleta hukumu kwa binadamu wote, kadhalika kitendo kimoja kiadilifu kinawapa uhuru na uzima.

Mga Taga-Roma 5:18
Kaya kung paanong sa pamamagitan ng isang pagsuway ay dumating ang hatol sa lahat ng mga tao sa ipagdurusa; gayon din naman sa pamamagitan ng isang gawa ng katuwiran, ang kaloob na walang bayad ay dumating sa lahat ng mga tao sa ikaaaring-ganap ng buhay.

โรม 5:18
ฉะนั้นการพิพากษาลงโทษได้มาถึงคนทั้งปวงเพราะการละเมิดของคนๆเดียวฉันใด ความชอบธรรมของพระองค์ผู้เดียวก็นำของประทานแห่งพระคุณมาถึงทุกคนฉันนั้น คือความชอบธรรมแห่งชีวิต

Romalılar 5:18
İşte, tek bir suçun bütün insanların mahkûmiyetine yol açtığı gibi, bir doğruluk eylemi de bütün insanlara yaşam veren aklanmayı sağladı.

Римляни 5:18
Тим же оце, як через провину одного на всїх людей осуд, так і через праведність одного на всїх людей оправданнє життя.

Romans 5:18
Jadi', ngkai petiboki-na Adam toe, hawe'ea tauna jadi' masala' pai' masipato' rahuku'. Wae wo'o, ngkai pobabehi-na Yesus to monoa' toe, hawe'ea tauna ma'ala jadi' monoa' -mi hi poncilo Alata'ala pai' -ra mporata katuwua' to lompe' duu' kahae-hae-na.

Roâ-ma 5:18
Vậy, như bởi chỉ một tội mà sự đoán phạt rải khắp hết thảy mọi người thể nào, thì bởi chỉ một việc công bình mà sự xưng công bình, là sự ban sự sống, cũng rải khắp cho mọi người thể ấy.

Romans 5:17
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