Romans 5:15
Romans 5:15
But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!

But there is a great difference between Adam's sin and God's gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ.

But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.

But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

But the gift is not like the trespass. For if by the one man's trespass the many died, how much more have the grace of God and the gift overflowed to the many by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ.

But God's free gift is not like Adam's offense. For if many people died as the result of one man's offense, how much more have God's grace and the free gift given through the kindness of one man, Jesus the Messiah, been showered on many people!

But the gracious gift is not like the transgression. For if the many died through the transgression of the one man, how much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ multiply to the many!

But the fall was unlike the gift in this way: for if because of the fall of one the many died, much more, therefore, the grace of God and the gift by The One Man Yeshua The Messiah shall superabound to the many.

There is no comparison between [God's] gift and [Adam's] failure. If humanity died as the result of one person's failure, it is certainly true that God's kindness and the gift given through the kindness of one person, Jesus Christ, have been showered on humanity.

But not as the offense, so also is the gift. For if through the offense of that one many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of one man, Jesus the Christ, has abounded unto many.

So also is the free gift not like the offense. For if through the offense of one many are dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded unto many.

But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded to many.

But not as the trespass, so also is the free gift. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound unto the many.

But not as the offence, so also the gift. For if by the offence of one, many died; much more the grace of God, and the gift, by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

But shall not the act of favour be as the offence? For if by the offence of one the many have died, much rather has the grace of God, and the free gift in grace, which is by the one man Jesus Christ, abounded unto the many.

But not as the trespass, so also is the free gift. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound unto the many.

But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many are dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded to many.

But God's free gift immeasurably outweighs the transgression. For if through the transgression of the one individual the mass of mankind have died, infinitely greater is the generosity with which God's grace, and the gift given in His grace which found expression in the one man Jesus Christ, have been bestowed on the mass of mankind.

But the free gift isn't like the trespass. For if by the trespass of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

But, not as the offence so also is the free gift; for if by the offence of the one the many did die, much more did the grace of God, and the free gift in grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abound to the many;

Romakëve 5:15
Mirëpo hiri nuk është si shkelja; nëse në fakt për shkak të shkeljes së një njeriu të vetëm vdiqën shumë, shumë më tepër hiri i Perëndisë dhe dhurata me anë të hirit e një njeriu, Jezu Krishtit, i teproi për shumë të tjerë.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 5:15
ولكن ليس كالخطية هكذا ايضا الهبة. لانه ان كان بخطية واحد مات الكثيرون فبالأولى كثيرا نعمة الله والعطية بالنعمة التي بالانسان الواحد يسوع المسيح قد ازدادت للكثيرين.

Բայց շնորհը յանցանքին պէս չէ. որովհետեւ եթէ մէկին յանցանքով շատեր մեռան, ա՛լ ո՜րչափ աւելի շատերուն վրայ առատացաւ Աստուծոյ շնորհքը, եւ պարգեւը՝ որ շնորհուեցաւ մէկ մարդու՝ Յիսուս Քրիստոսի միջոցով:

Romanoetara. 5:15
Baina dohaina ezta offensá beçala: ecen baldin baten offensáz anhitz hil içan badirade, anhitzez areago Iaincoaren gratiá, eta guiçon-batez den gratiaren dohaina, cein baita Iesus Christ anhitzetara abondatu içan da.

D Roemer 5:15
Aber mit dyr Gnaad ist s grad umkeerter wie mit dyr Übertrötung. Seind durch dönn Ainn sein Übertrötung de Viln yn n Tood verfalln, werd de Gnaad von n Herrgot und dö Gaab, wo durch de Gnaadntaat von dönn ainn Menschn Iesen Krist bewirkt wordn ist, yn de Viln grad um dös reicher ztail.

Римляни 5:15
но дарбата не е такава каквото бе прегрешението; защото, ако поради прегрешението на единия измряха мнозината, то Божията благодат и дарбата чрез благодатта на един човек, Исус Христос, много повече се преумножи за мнозината;

羅 馬 書 5:15
只 是 過 犯 不 如 恩 賜 , 若 因 一 人 的 過 犯 , 眾 人 都 死 了 , 何 況 神 的 恩 典 , 與 那 因 耶 穌 基 督 一 人 恩 典 中 的 賞 賜 , 豈 不 更 加 倍 的 臨 到 眾 人 麼 ?

只 是 过 犯 不 如 恩 赐 , 若 因 一 人 的 过 犯 , 众 人 都 死 了 , 何 况 神 的 恩 典 , 与 那 因 耶 稣 基 督 一 人 恩 典 中 的 赏 赐 , 岂 不 更 加 倍 的 临 到 众 人 麽 ?





Poslanica Rimljanima 5:15
Ali s darom nije kao s grijehom. Jer ako su grijehom jednoga mnogi umrli, mnogo se obilatije na sve razlila milost Božja, milost darovana u jednom čovjeku, Isusu Kristu.

Římanům 5:15
Ale ne jako hřích, tak i milost. Nebo poněvadž onoho pádem jednoho mnoho jich zemřelo, mnohemť více milost Boží a dar z milosti toho jednoho člověka Jezukrista na mnohé rozlit jest.

Romerne 5:15
Men det er ikke saaledes med Naadegaven som med Faldet; thi døde de mange ved den enes Fald, da har meget mere Guds Naade og Gaven i det ene Menneskes Jesu Kristi Naade udbredt sig overflødig, til de mange.

Romeinen 5:15
Doch niet, gelijk de misdaad, alzo is ook de genadegift, want indien, door de misdaad van een, velen gestorven zijn, zo is veel meer de genade Gods, en de gave door de genade, die daar is van een mens Jezus Christus, overvloedig geweest over velen.

Ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν.

Ἀλλ' οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν.

Ἀλλ' οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν.

Ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα. Εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν.

Ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτω καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσε.

ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν.

ἀλλ’ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα, οὕτω καὶ τὸ χάρισμα. εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσε.

Ἀλλ οὐχ ὡς τὸ παράπτωμα οὕτως καὶ τὸ χάρισμα· εἰ γὰρ τῷ τοῦ ἑνὸς παραπτώματι οἱ πολλοὶ ἀπέθανον πολλῷ μᾶλλον ἡ χάρις τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι τῇ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἀνθρώπου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς τοὺς πολλοὺς ἐπερίσσευσεν

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα ουτως [και] το χαρισμα ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου ιησου χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσεν

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα ουτως και το χαρισμα ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου ιησου χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσεν

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα ουτως και το χαρισμα ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου ιησου χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσεν

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα, ουτω και το χαρισμα. ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον, πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του Θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου Ιησου Χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσε.

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα ουτως και το χαρισμα ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου ιησου χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσεν

αλλ ουχ ως το παραπτωμα ουτως {VAR1: [και] } {VAR2: και } το χαρισμα ει γαρ τω του ενος παραπτωματι οι πολλοι απεθανον πολλω μαλλον η χαρις του θεου και η δωρεα εν χαριτι τη του ενος ανθρωπου ιησου χριστου εις τους πολλους επερισσευσεν

All’ ouch hōs to paraptōma, houtōs kai to charisma; ei gar tō tou henos paraptōmati hoi polloi apethanon, pollō mallon hē charis tou Theou kai hē dōrea en chariti tē tou henos anthrōpou Iēsou Christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen.

All’ ouch hos to paraptoma, houtos kai to charisma; ei gar to tou henos paraptomati hoi polloi apethanon, pollo mallon he charis tou Theou kai he dorea en chariti te tou henos anthropou Iesou Christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen.

All' ouch hōs to paraptōma, houtōs kai to charisma; ei gar tō tou henos paraptōmati hoi polloi apethanon, pollō mallon hē charis tou theou kai hē dōrea en chariti tē tou henos anthrōpou Iēsou Christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen.

All' ouch hos to paraptoma, houtos kai to charisma; ei gar to tou henos paraptomati hoi polloi apethanon, pollo mallon he charis tou theou kai he dorea en chariti te tou henos anthropou Iesou Christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen.

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs kai to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs kai to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs kai to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs kai to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs kai to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs kai to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs kai to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs kai to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs [kai] to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs [kai] to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch ōs to paraptōma outōs {WH: [kai] } {UBS4: kai } to charisma ei gar tō tou enos paraptōmati oi polloi apethanon pollō mallon ē charis tou theou kai ē dōrea en chariti tē tou enos anthrōpou iēsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

all ouch Os to paraptOma outOs {WH: [kai]} {UBS4: kai} to charisma ei gar tO tou enos paraptOmati oi polloi apethanon pollO mallon E charis tou theou kai E dOrea en chariti tE tou enos anthrOpou iEsou christou eis tous pollous eperisseusen

Rómaiakhoz 5:15
De a kegyelmi ajándék nem úgy [van,] mint a bûneset; mert ha amaz egynek esete miatt sokan haltak meg, az Isten kegyelme és a kegyelembõl való ajándék, mely az egy ember Jézus Krisztusé, sokkal inkább elhatott sokakra.

Al la romanoj 5:15
Sed ne kia la eraro, tia estas la donaco. CXar se per la eraro de unu mortis la multaj, des plimulte abundis al la multaj la graco de Dio kaj la donaco per la graco de la unu homo Jesuo Kristo.

Kirje roomalaisille 5:15
Mutta ei niin lahjan kanssa ole kuin synnin; sillä jos monta ovat sen yhden synnin tähden kuolleet, niin on paljoa enemmin Jumalan armo ja lahja sen yhden ihmisen Jesuksen Kristuksen armossa monen päälle runsaasti tullut.

Romains 5:15
Mais n'en est-il pas du don de grâce comme de la faute? car si, par la faute d'un seul, plusieurs sont morts, beaucoup plutôt la grâce de Dieu et le don ont abondé envers plusieurs, par la grâce qui est d'un seul homme, Jésus Christ.

Mais il n'en est pas du don gratuit comme de l'offense; car, si par l'offense d'un seul il en est beaucoup qui sont morts, à plus forte raison la grâce de Dieu et le don de la grâce venant d'un seul homme, Jésus-Christ, ont-ils été abondamment répandus sur beaucoup.

Mais il n'en est pas du don comme de l'offense; car si par l'offense d'un seul plusieurs sont morts, beaucoup plutôt la grâce de Dieu, et le don par la grâce, qui est d'un seul homme, [savoir] de Jésus-Christ, a abondé sur plusieurs.

Roemer 5:15
Aber nicht hält sich's mit der Gabe wie mit der Sünde. Denn so an eines Sünde viele gestorben sind, so ist viel mehr Gottes Gnade und Gabe vielen reichlich widerfahren durch die Gnade des einigen Menschen, Jesu Christi.

Aber nicht verhält sich's mit der Gabe wie mit der Sünde. Denn so an eines Sünde viele gestorben sind, so ist viel mehr Gottes Gnade und Gabe vielen reichlich widerfahren durch die Gnade des einen Menschen Jesus Christus. {~}

doch nein, es ist bei der Gabe der Gnade nicht so wie beim Fall: sind dort die Vielen gestorben durch den Fall des Einen, so hat sich die Gnade Gottes und das Geschenk durch die Gnade des Einen Menschen Jesus Christus noch ganz anders an den Vielen reich erwiesen;

Romani 5:15
Però, la grazia non è come il fallo. Perché, se per il fallo di quell’uno i molti sono morti, molto più la grazia di Dio e il dono fattoci dalla grazia dell’unico uomo Gesù Cristo, hanno abbondato verso i molti.

Ma pure la grazia non è come l’offesa; perciocchè, se per l’offesa dell’uno que’ molti son morti, molto più è abbondata inverso quegli altri molti la grazia di Dio, e il dono, per la grazia dell’un uomo Gesù Cristo.

ROMA 5:15
Tetapi karunia Allah bukannya seperti dosa itu. Karena jikalau banyak orang sudah mati oleh sebab dosa seorang, maka terlebih lagi anugerah Allah dan pemberian-Nya melimpah kepada banyak orang di dalam anugerah, yaitu Yesus Kristus yang Seorang juga.

Romans 5:15
Ur nezmir ara a nmettel ddnub n Adem ɣer lemziya d ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi ; Adem iɛuṣa Sidi Ṛebbi yiwet n tikkelt yewwi-d lmut i yemdanen meṛṛa, acḥal ihi meqqṛet ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi i d-yețțunefken i yemdanen s Ɛisa Lmasiḥ.

로마서 5:15
그러나 이 은사는 그 범죄와 같지 아니하니 곧 한 사람의 범죄를 인하여 많은 사람이 죽었은즉 더욱 하나님의 은혜와 또는 한 사람 예수 그리스도의 은혜로 말미암은 선물이 많은 사람에게 넘쳤으리라

Romanos 5:15
sed non sicut delictum ita et donum si enim unius delicto multi mortui sunt multo magis gratia Dei et donum in gratiam unius hominis Iesu Christi in plures abundavit

Romiešiem 5:15
Bet ar žēlastības dāvanu nav tā kā ar pārkāpumu; jo, ja viena noziedzības dēļ daudzi miruši, tad jo vairāk Dieva žēlastība un viena cilvēka, Jēzus Kristus, žēlastības dāvana pārpilnībā nākusi pār daudziem.

Laiðkas romieèiams 5:15
Bet su dovana yra ne taip kaip su kalte. Jei dėl vieno žmogaus nusikaltimo mirė daugelis, tai tuo labiau Dievo malonė ir malonės dovana per vieną Žmogų, Jėzų Kristų, gausiai atiteko daugybei.

Romans 5:15
Otira kihai i rite ki te hara te mea i homai noa mai. Mehemea hoki na te hara o te kotahi i mate ai te tokomaha, waihoki tera noa atu te huanga ki te tokomaha o to te Atua aroha noa, o te mea homai hoki i runga i te aroha noa o te tangata kotahi, o Ihu Karaiti.

Romerne 5:15
Men ikke er det med nådegaven således som med fallet; for er de mange død ved den enes fall, da er meget mere Guds nåde og gaven i det ene menneske Jesu Kristi nåde blitt overvettes rik for de mange.

Romanos 5:15
Pero no sucede con la dádiva como con la transgresión. Porque si por la transgresión de uno murieron los muchos, mucho más, la gracia de Dios y el don por la gracia de un hombre, Jesucristo, abundaron para los muchos.

Pero no sucede con la dádiva como con la transgresión. Porque si por la transgresión de uno murieron los muchos, mucho más, la gracia de Dios y el don por la gracia de un Hombre, Jesucristo, abundaron para los muchos.

Así también fue el don, mas no como el pecado. Porque si por el pecado de uno muchos murieron, mucho más la gracia de Dios abundó para muchos, y el don de gracia por un hombre, Jesucristo.

Mas no como el delito, tal fué el don: porque si por el delito de aquel uno murieron los muchos, mucho más abundó la gracia de Dios á los muchos, y el don por la gracia de un hombre, Jesucristo.

Mas no como el delito, tal es el don; porque si por el delito de aquel uno murieron muchos, mucha más la gracia de Dios, y el don por la gracia de un hombre, Jesús el Cristo, abundó a muchos.

Romanos 5:15
Contudo, não há comparação entre o dom gratuito e a transgressão. Pois, se muitos morreram por causa da desobediência de um só, muito mais a graça de Deus e o dom pela graça de um só homem, Jesus Cristo, transbordou para multidões!

Mas não é assim o dom gratuito como a ofensa; porque, se pela ofensa de um morreram muitos, muito mais a graça de Deus, e o dom pela graça de um só homem, Jesus Cristo, abund muitos.   

Romani 5:15
Dar cu darul fără plată nu este ca şi cu greşala; căci, dacă prin greşala unuia singur, cei mulţi au fost loviţi cu moartea, apoi cu mult mai mult harul lui Dumnezeu şi darul, pe care ni l -a făcut harul acesta într'un singur om, adică în Isus Hristos, s'au dat din belşug celor mulţi.

К Римлянам 5:15
Но дар благодати не как преступление. Ибо если преступлением одного подверглись смерти многие, то тем более благодать Божия и дар по благодати одного Человека, Иисуса Христа, преизбыточествуют для многих.

Но дар благодати не как преступление. Ибо если преступлением одного подверглись смерти многие, то тем более благодать Божия и дар по благодати одного Человека, Иисуса Христа, преизбыточествуют для многих.

Romans 5:15
Atan Tunßa T·ramia nujai apatka iisam, Yus iin tsankatramaj nuka nankaamas pΘnkeraiti. Kame Atan ninki tunaan T·ramujai Ashφ aents Untsurφ armia nu, tunaarintin ainiak, Jßkarmiayi. Tura Yus iin ti anenma asa chikichik aishmanjai nuna nankaamas Tφ shiiran tsankatramaji. Jesukrφstujainkia Untsurφ shuaran uwemtikrar ti shiiran tsankateawai.

Romabrevet 5:15
Likväl är det icke så med nådegåvan, som det var med syndafallet. Ty om genom en endas fall de många hava blivit döden underlagda, så har ännu mycket mer Guds nåd och gåvan i och genom nåd -- vilken, också den, är kommen genom en enda människa, Jesus Kristus -- blivit på ett överflödande sätt de många beskärd.

Warumi 5:15
Lakini ipo tofauti: neema ya Mungu si kama dhambi ya Adamu. Maana, ingawa dhambi ya mtu mmoja ilisababisha kifo kwa wote, kwa fadhili ya mtu mmoja, yaani Yesu Kristo, Mungu amewazidishia wote neema na zawadi zake.

Mga Taga-Roma 5:15
Datapuwa't gayon din ang kaloob na walang bayad ay hindi gaya ng pagsuway. Sapagka't kung sa pagsuway ng isa ay nangamatay ang marami, lubha pang sumagana sa marami ang biyaya ng Dios, at ang kaloob dahil sa biyaya ng isang lalaking si Jesucristo.

โรม 5:15
แต่ของประทานแห่งพระคุณนั้นหาเป็นเช่นความละเมิดนั้นไม่ เพราะว่าถ้าคนเป็นอันมากต้องตายเพราะการละเมิดของคนๆเดียว มากยิ่งกว่านั้น พระคุณของพระเจ้าและของประทานโดยพระคุณของพระองค์ผู้เดียวนั้น คือพระเยซูคริสต์ ก็มีบริบูรณ์แก่คนเป็นอันมาก

Romalılar 5:15
Ne var ki, Tanrının armağanı Ademin suçu gibi değildir. Çünkü bir kişinin suçu yüzünden birçokları öldüyse, Tanrının lütfu ve bir tek adamın, yani İsa Mesihin lütfuyla verilen bağış birçokları yararına daha da çoğaldı.

Римляни 5:15
Та не так і дар, як прогрішеннє. Коли бо через прогрішеннє одного многі померли, то много більше благодать Божа і дар благодаттю одного чоловіка Ісуса Христа у многих наддостаткували.

Romans 5:15
Aga pobago Adam pai' pobago Yesus mosisala mpu'u. Pewai' mara Alata'ala hi kita' meliu kabohe-na ngkai petiboki-na Adam. Ngkai petiboki-na Adam, hawe'ea manusia' mate. Tapi' meliu mpu'u kalompe' nono-na Alata'ala to nawai' mara hi manusia' hante petauntongoi' Yesus Kristus.

Roâ-ma 5:15
Song tội lỗi chẳng phải như sự ban cho của ân điển. Vì nếu bởi tội lỗi của chỉ một người mà mọi kẻ khác đều phải chết, thì huống chi ơn của Ðức Chúa Trời và sự ban cho trong ơn Ngài tỏ ra bởi một người là Ðức Chúa Jêsus Christ, chan chứa cho hết thảy mọi người khác là dường nào!

Romans 5:14
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