Psalm 79:10
Psalm 79:10
Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Before our eyes, make known among the nations that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants.

Why should pagan nations be allowed to scoff, asking, "Where is their God?" Show us your vengeance against the nations, for they have spilled the blood of your servants.

Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Let the avenging of the outpoured blood of your servants be known among the nations before our eyes!

Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Let there be known among the nations in our sight, Vengeance for the blood of Your servants which has been shed.

Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed.

Why should the nations ask," Where is their God?" Before our eyes, let vengeance for the shed blood of Your servants be known among the nations.

Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Let vengeance for the blood of your servants be meted out before our eyes and among the nations.

Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Before our very eyes may the shed blood of your servants be avenged among the nations!

Lest the Gentiles say, “Where is your God?”, let the vengeance of the blood of your Servants that is shed be known among the Gentiles before our eyes.

Why should the nations [be allowed to] say, "Where is their God?" Let us watch as the nations learn that there is punishment for shedding the blood of your servants.

Why should the Gentiles say, Where is their God? let him be known among the Gentiles in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy slaves which is shed.

Why should the nations say, Where is their God? let him be known among the nations in our sight by the revenging of the blood of your servants which is shed.

Why should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of your servants which is shed.

Wherefore should the nations say, Where is their God? Let the avenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed Be known among the nations in our sight.

Lest they should say among the Gentiles: Where is their God? And let him be made known among the nations before our eyes, By the revenging the blood of thy servants, which hath been shed:

Wherefore should the nations say, Where is their God? Let the avenging of the blood of thy servants that is shed be known among the nations in our sight.

Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed be known among the heathen in our sight.

Why should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by avenging the blood of thy servants which is shed.

Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Let it be known among the nations, before our eyes, that vengeance for your servants' blood is being poured out.

Why do the nations say, 'Where is their God?' Let be known among the nations before our eyes, The vengeance of the blood of Thy servants that is shed.

Psalmet 79:10
Sepse kombet do të thonin: "Ku është Perëndia i tyre?". Para syve tona bëju të njohur kombeve hakmarrjen e gjakut të derdhur të shërbëtorëve të tu.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 79:10
‎لماذا يقول الامم اين هو الههم. لتعرف عند الامم قدام اعيننا نقمة دم عبيدك المهراق‎.

D Sälm 79:10
Zwö derffend d Haidn sagn: "Wo wär denn iener Got?"? Zaig s üns, wiest an de Haidn deine Knecht ien Bluet vergiltst!

Псалми 79:10
Защо да рекат народите: Где е техният Бог? Нека се знае, пред очите ни, между народите Възмездието за пролятата кръв на слугите Ти.

詩 篇 79:10
為 何 容 外 邦 人 說 他 們 的   神 在 哪 裡 呢 ? 願 你 使 外 邦 人 知 道 你 在 我 們 眼 前 伸 你 僕 人 流 血 的 冤 。

为 何 容 外 邦 人 说 他 们 的   神 在 哪 里 呢 ? 愿 你 使 外 邦 人 知 道 你 在 我 们 眼 前 伸 你 仆 人 流 血 的 冤 。



Psalm 79:10
Zašto da pogani govore: TÓa gdje je njihov Bog? Nek' se na poganima pokaže, pred očima našim, kako osvećuješ prolivenu krv slugu svojih!

Žalmů 79:10
Proč mají říkati pohané: Kdež jest Bůh jejich? Budiž znám mezi pohany, před očima našima, skrze pomstu krve služebníků svých, kteráž jest vylita.

Salme 79:10
Hvorfor skal Hedninger sige: »Hvor er deres Gud?« Lad dine Tjeneres udgydte Blod blive hævnet paa Hedningerne for vore Øjne!

Psalmen 79:10
Waarom zouden de heidenen zeggen: Waar is hun God? Laat de wraak des vergoten bloeds Uwer knechten onder de heidenen voor onze ogen bekend worden.

תהילים 79:10
לָ֤מָּה ׀ יֹאמְר֣וּ הַגֹּויִם֮ אַיֵּ֪ה אֱ‍ֽלֹהֵ֫יהֶ֥ם יִוָּדַ֣ע [בַּגִּיִּים כ] (בַּגֹּויִ֣ם ק) לְעֵינֵ֑ינוּ נִ֝קְמַ֗ת דַּֽם־עֲבָדֶ֥יךָ הַשָּׁפֽוּךְ׃

י למה יאמרו הגוים--  איה אלהיהם יודע בגיים (בגוים) לעינינו  נקמת דם-עבדיך השפוך

למה ׀ יאמרו הגוים איה א‍להיהם יודע [בגיים כ] (בגוים ק) לעינינו נקמת דם־עבדיך השפוך׃

Zsoltárok 79:10
Minek mondanák a pogányok: Hol az õ Istenök? Legyen nyilvánvaló a pogányokon szemeink láttára a te szolgáid kiontott véréért való bosszúállásod.

La psalmaro 79:10
Kial devas diri la popoloj:Kie estas ilia Dio? Farigxu konata inter la popoloj antaux niaj okuloj La vengxo por la versxita sango de Viaj sklavoj.

Miksis sallit pakanain sanoa: kussa on nyt heidän Jumalansa? ilmoitettakaan pakanain seassa, meidän silmäimme edessä, sinun palveliais veren kosto, joka vuodatettu on!

Psaume 79:10
Pourquoi les nations diraient-elles: Où est leur Dieu? Qu'elle soit connue parmi les nations, devant nos yeux, la vengeance du sang de tes serviteurs qui a été versé.

Pourquoi les nations diraient-elles: Où est leur Dieu? Qu'on sache, en notre présence, parmi les nations, Que tu venges le sang de tes serviteurs, le sang répandu!

Pourquoi diraient les nations : Où est leur Dieu? Que la vengeance du sang de tes serviteurs, qui a été répandu, soit manifestée parmi les nations en notre présence.

Psalm 79:10
Warum lässest du die Heiden sagen: Wo ist nun ihr Gott? Laß unter den Heiden vor unsern Augen kund werden die Rache des Bluts deiner Knechte, das vergossen ist.

Warum lässest du die Heiden sagen: "Wo ist nun ihr Gott?" Laß unter den Heiden vor unsern Augen kund werden die Rache des Blutes deiner Knechte, das vergossen ist.

Warum doch sollen die Heiden sagen: Wo ist nun ihr Gott? Möge an den Heiden vor unseren Augen kund werden die Rache für das vergossene Blut deiner Knechte!

Salmi 79:10
Perché direbbero le nazioni: Dov’è l’Iddio loro? Fa’ che la vendetta del sangue sparso de’ tuoi servitori sia nota fra le nazioni, dinanzi agli occhi nostri.

Perchè direbbero le genti: Ove è l’Iddio loro? Fa’ che sia conosciuta fra le genti, nel nostro cospetto, La vendetta del sangue sparso de’ tuoi servitori.

MAZMUR 79:10
Mengapa gerangan orang-orang kafir akan berkata demikian: Di mana Allah mereka itu? Biarlah ketahuan kepada segala orang kafir, bahwa kami melihat penuntut bela darah segala hamba-Mu yang telah tertumpah.

시편 79:10
어찌하여 열방으로 저희 하나님이 어디 있느냐 ? 말하게 하리이까 주의 종들의 피 흘림 당한 보수를 우리 목전에 열방 중에 알리소서

Psalmi 79:10
(78-12) et redde vicinis nostris septuplum in sinu eorum obprobrium suum quo exprobraverunt tibi Domine

Psalmynas 79:10
Kodėl turėtų sakyti pagonys: “Kur yra jų Dievas?” Tesužino apie Tave pagonys mūsų akivaizdoje, kai bausi už pralietą Tavo tarnų kraują!

Psalm 79:10
Kia mea koia nga tauiwi, Kei hea to ratou Atua? Kia kite atu matou e matau ana nga tauiwi ki te whakatakinga i te toto o au pononga i whakahekea nei.

Salmenes 79:10
Hvorfor skal hedningene si: Hvor er deres Gud? La det for våre øine kjennes blandt hedningene at dine tjeneres utøste blod blir hevnet,

Salmos 79:10
¿Por qué han de decir las naciones: Dónde está su Dios? Sea notoria entre las naciones, a nuestra vista, la venganza por la sangre derramada de tus siervos.

¿Por qué han de decir las naciones: "¿Dónde está su Dios?" Sea notoria entre las naciones, a nuestra vista, La venganza por la sangre derramada de Tus siervos.

Porque dirán las gentes: ¿Dónde está su Dios? Sea notoria en las gentes, delante de nuestros ojos, la venganza de la sangre de tus siervos que fue derramada.

Porque dirán las gentes: ¿Dónde está su Dios? Sea notoria en las gentes, delante de nuestros ojos, La venganza de la sangre de tus siervos, que fué derramada.

Porque dirán los gentiles: ¿Dónde está su Dios? Sea notorio en los gentiles, delante de nuestros ojos, la venganza de la sangre de tus siervos, que se ha derramado.

Salmos 79:10
Por que hão de dizer as nações: “Onde está o seu Deus?” Diante de nossos olhos, mostra aos pagãos a tua vingança pelo sangue dos teus servos!

Por que diriam as nações: Onde está o seu Deus? Torne-se manifesta entre as nações, à nossa vista, a vingança do sangue derramado dos teus servos.   

Psalmi 79:10
Pentruce să zică neamurile: ,,Unde este Dumnezeul lor?`` Să se ştie, înaintea ochilor noştri, printre neamuri, că Tu răzbuni sîngele vărsat al robilor Tăi!

Псалтирь 79:10
(78:10) Для чего язычникам говорить: „где Бог их?" Да сделается известным между язычниками пред глазами нашими отмщение за пролитую кровь рабов Твоих.

(78-10) Для чего язычникам говорить: `где Бог их?` Да сделается известным между язычниками пред глазами нашими отмщение за пролитую кровь рабов Твоих.[]

Psaltaren 79:10
Varför skulle hedningarna få säga: »Var är nu deras Gud?» Låt det inför våra ögon bliva kunnigt på hedningarna huru du hämnas dina tjänares utgjutna blod.

Psalm 79:10
Bakit sasabihin ng mga bansa, Saan nandoon ang kanilang Dios? Ang kagantihan sa dugo na nabubo sa iyong mga lingkod maalaman nawa ng mga bansa sa aming paningin.

เพลงสดุดี 79:10
ควรหรือที่บรรดาประชาชาติจะกล่าวว่า "พระเจ้าของเขาอยู่ที่ไหน" ขอให้พระองค์ทรงปรากฏในท่ามกลางประชาชาติต่อสายตาของข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลาย โดยการแก้แค้นโลหิตของผู้รับใช้พระองค์ที่ไหลออกมา

Mezmurlar 79:10
Niçin uluslar, ‹‹Nerede onların Tanrısı?›› diye konuşsun,
Kullarının dökülen kanının öcünü alacağını bilsinler,
Gözlerimizle bunu görelim![]

Thi-thieân 79:10
Vì cớ sao các dân nói rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời chúng nó ở đâu? Nguyện sự báo thù huyết kẻ tôi tớ Chúa, mà đã bị đổ ra, Ðược biết giữa các dân, trước mặt chúng tôi.

Psalm 79:9
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