Psalm 74:3
Psalm 74:3
Turn your steps toward these everlasting ruins, all this destruction the enemy has brought on the sanctuary.

Walk through the awful ruins of the city; see how the enemy has destroyed your sanctuary.

Direct your steps to the perpetual ruins; the enemy has destroyed everything in the sanctuary!

Turn Your footsteps toward the perpetual ruins; The enemy has damaged everything within the sanctuary.

Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Make Your way to the everlasting ruins, to all that the enemy has destroyed in the sanctuary.

Hurry! Look at the permanent ruins— every calamity the enemy brought upon the Holy Place.

Hurry and look at the permanent ruins, and all the damage the enemy has done to the temple!

Lift your Servants above those who are taken by your might - everyone who oppresses is the enemy of your Holiness.

Turn your steps toward these pathetic ruins. The enemy has destroyed everything in the holy temple.

Lift up thy feet unto the eternal desolations, unto every enemy who has done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Lift up your feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy has done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Lift up your feet to the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy has done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual ruins, All the evil that the enemy hath done in the sanctuary.

Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end; see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Lift up thy steps unto the perpetual desolations: everything in the sanctuary hath the enemy destroyed.

Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual ruins, all the evil that the enemy hath done in the sanctuary.

Lift up thy feet to the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

Lift up your feet to the perpetual ruins, all the evil that the enemy has done in the sanctuary.

Lift up Thy steps to the perpetual desolations, Everything the enemy did wickedly in the sanctuary.

Psalmet 74:3
Drejto hapat e tua në këto rrënoja të pandreqshme; armiku i ka prishur të gjitha në shenjtërore.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 74:3
‎ارفع خطواتك الى الخرب الابدية. الكل قد حطم العدو في المقدس‎.

D Sälm 74:3
Ietz kümmert um dö Oed di; eebig lang ist s schoon verwüestt! Dyr Feind haat d Lostat zammghaut;

Псалми 74:3
Отправи стъпките Си горе към постоянните запустявания, [Към] всичкото зло, което неприятелят е извършил в светилището.

詩 篇 74:3
求 你 舉 步 去 看 那 日 久 荒 涼 之 地 , 仇 敵 在 聖 所 中 所 行 的 一 切 惡 事 。

求 你 举 步 去 看 那 日 久 荒 凉 之 地 , 仇 敌 在 圣 所 中 所 行 的 一 切 恶 事 。



Psalm 74:3
Korakni k ruševinama vječnim - sve je u Svetištu razorio neprijatelj.

Žalmů 74:3
Přispějž k hrozným pustinám. Jak všecko pohubil nepřítel v svatyni!

Salme 74:3
Løft dine Fjed til de evige Tomter: Fjenden lagde alt i Helligdommen øde.

Psalmen 74:3
Hef Uw voeten op tot de eeuwige verwoestingen; de vijand heeft alles in het heiligdom verdorven.

תהילים 74:3
הָרִ֣ימָה פְ֭עָמֶיךָ לְמַשֻּׁאֹ֣ות נֶ֑צַח כָּל־הֵרַ֖ע אֹויֵ֣ב בַּקֹּֽדֶשׁ׃

ג הרימה פעמיך למשאות נצח  כל-הרע אויב בקדש

הרימה פעמיך למשאות נצח כל־הרע אויב בקדש׃

Zsoltárok 74:3
Lépj fel a teljes pusztaságba; mindent tönkre tett az ellenség a szent helyen!

La psalmaro 74:3
Direktu Viajn pasxojn al la eternaj ruinoj, Al cxio, kion detruis malamiko en la sanktejo.

Tallaa heitä jaloillas, ja sysää heitä ijäiseen hävitykseen: vihollinen on raiskannut kaikki pyhässä.

Psaume 74:3
Élève tes pas vers les ruines perpétuelles; l'ennemi a tout saccagé dans le lieu saint.

Porte tes pas vers ces lieux constamment dévastés! L'ennemi a tout ravagé dans le sanctuaire.

Avance tes pas vers les masures de perpétuelle durée; l'ennemi a tout renversé au lieu Saint.

Psalm 74:3
Tritt auf sie mit Füßen und stoße sie gar zu Boden. Der Feind hat alles verderbet im Heiligtum.

Hebe deine Schritte zum dem, was so lange wüst liegt. Der Feind hat alles verderbt im Heiligtum.

Erhebe deine Schritte zu den ewigen Trümmern: alles hat der Feind im Heiligtume verderbt.

Salmi 74:3
Dirigi i tuoi passi verso le ruine perpetue; il nemico ha tutto devastato nel tuo santuario.

Muovi i passi verso le ruine perpetue, Verso tutto il male che i nemici han fatto nel luogo santo.

Berbangkitlah kiranya datang melihat kerusakan yang tiada dapat dibaiki, karena segala sesuatu dalam bait-ulmukadis telah dibinasakan oleh musuh.

시편 74:3
영구히 파멸된 곳으로 주의 발을 드십소서 원수가 성소에서 모든 악을 행하였나이다

Psalmi 74:3
(73-5) manifesta in introitu desuper in saltu lignorum secures

Psalmynas 74:3
Įženk į nesibaigiančius griuvėsius. Priešas šventykloje nusiaubė viską.

Psalm 74:3
Hiki ake ou waewae ki nga whakangaromanga e mau tonu nei, ki nga mahi kino katoa a te hoariri ki te wahi tapu.

Salmenes 74:3
Opløft dine trin til de evige grushoper! Alt har fienden fordervet i helligdommen.

Salmos 74:3
Dirige tus pasos hacia las ruinas eternas; todo lo que hay en el santuario lo ha dañado el enemigo.

Dirige Tus pasos hacia las ruinas eternas; Todo lo que hay en el santuario lo ha dañado el enemigo.

Levanta tus pies a los asolamientos eternos; a toda la maldad que el enemigo ha hecho en el santuario.

Levanta tus pies á los asolamientos eternos: A todo enemigo que ha hecho mal en el santuario.

Levanta tus pies a los asolamientos eternos; a todo enemigo que ha hecho mal en el santuario.

Salmos 74:3
Dirige teus passos para essas eternas ruínas! O inimigo tudo devastou no santuário.

Dirige os teus passos para as perpétuas ruínas, para todo o mal que o inimigo tem feito no santuário.   

Psalmi 74:3
îndreaptă-Ţi paşii spre aceste locuri pustiite fără curmare! Vrăjmaşul a pustiit totul în locaşul Tău cel sfînt.

Псалтирь 74:3
(73:3) Подвигни стопы Твои к вековым развалинам: все разрушил враг во святилище.

(73-3) Подвигни стопы Твои к вековым развалинам: все разрушил враг во святилище.[]

Psaltaren 74:3
Vänd dina steg till den plats där evig förödelse råder; allt har ju fienden fördärvat i helgedomen.

Psalm 74:3
Itaas mo ang iyong mga paa sa mga walang hanggang guho, ang lahat na kasamaang ginawa ng kaaway sa santuario.

เพลงสดุดี 74:3
ขอทรงนำย่างพระบาทของพระองค์มายังซากปรักหักพังอยู่เนืองนิตย์ คือมายังสิ่งทั้งปวงที่ถูกศัตรูกระทำอย่างชั่วร้ายในสถานบริสุทธิ์นั้น

Mezmurlar 74:3
Yönelt adımlarını şu onarılmaz yıkıntılara doğru,
Düşman kutsal yerdeki her şeyi yıktı.[]

Thi-thieân 74:3
Cầu xin Chúa đưa bước đến các nơi hư nát đời đời: Kẻ thù nghịch đã phá tan hết trong nơi thánh.

Psalm 74:2
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