Psalm 69:13
Psalm 69:13
But I pray to you, LORD, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation.

But I keep praying to you, LORD, hoping this time you will show me favor. In your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with your sure salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.

But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, at an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness of Your lovingkindness, Answer me with Your saving truth.

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

But as for me, LORD, my prayer to You is for a time of favor. In Your abundant, faithful love, God, answer me with Your sure salvation.

As for me, LORD, may my prayer to you come at a favorable time. God, in the abundance of your gracious love, answer me with your sure deliverance.

O LORD, may you hear my prayer and be favorably disposed to me! O God, because of your great loyal love, answer me with your faithful deliverance!

And I have prayed before you, Lord Jehovah, in an acceptable time; oh God, in the abundance of your grace answer me, and in the abundance of your salvation.

May my prayer come to you at an acceptable time, O LORD. O God, out of the greatness of your mercy, answer me with the truth of your salvation.

But I corrected my prayer unto thee, O LORD, in the time of thy good pleasure; O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy saving health.

But as for me, my prayer is unto you, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of your mercy hear me, in the truth of your salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of your mercy hear me, in the truth of your salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O Jehovah, in an acceptable time: O God, in the abundance of thy lovingkindness, Answer me in the truth of thy salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O Lord; for the time of thy good pleasure, O God. In the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, Jehovah, in an acceptable time: O God, in the abundance of thy loving-kindness answer me, according to the truth of thy salvation:

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy, answer me in the truth of thy salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

But as for me, my prayer is to you, Yahweh, in an acceptable time. God, in the abundance of your loving kindness, answer me in the truth of your salvation.

And I -- my prayer is to Thee, O Jehovah, A time of good pleasure, O God, In the abundance of Thy kindness, Answer me in the truth of Thy salvation.

Psalmet 69:13
Por sa për mua, o Zot, lutja ime të drejtohet ty, o Zot, në kohë të pranueshme; në dhembshurinë tënde të madhe përgjigjmu, o Perëndi, në shpëtimin tënd të siguruar.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 69:13
اما انا فلك صلاتي يا رب في وقت رضى يا الله بكثرة رحمتك استجب لي بحق خلاصك‎.

D Sälm 69:13
Aber i bett zo dir. Trechtein, antwort myr eilweil! Herrgot, kimm, denn i waiß s ja, däßst myr d Hilf nit versagst!

Псалми 69:13
Но аз към Тебе [отправям] молитвата си, Господи, в благоприятно време; Боже, послушай ме според голямата Твоя милост, Според верността на Твоето спасение.

詩 篇 69:13
但 我 在 悅 納 的 時 候 向 你 ─ 耶 和 華 祈 禱 。   神 啊 , 求 你 按 你 豐 盛 的 慈 愛 , 憑 你 拯 救 的 誠 實 應 允 我 !

但 我 在 悦 纳 的 时 候 向 你 ─ 耶 和 华 祈 祷 。   神 啊 , 求 你 按 你 丰 盛 的 慈 爱 , 凭 你 拯 救 的 诚 实 应 允 我 !



Psalm 69:13
No tebi se molim, Jahve, u vrijeme milosti, Bože; po velikoj dobroti svojoj ti me usliši po svojoj vjernoj pomoći!

Žalmů 69:13
Já pak modlitbu svou k tobě odsílám, Hospodine, časť jest dobré líbeznosti tvé. Ó Bože, vedlé množství milosrdenství svého vyslyš mne, pro pravdu svou spasitelnou.

Salme 69:13
Men jeg beder, HERRE, til dig i Naadens Tid, o Gud, i din store Miskundhed svare du mig!

Psalmen 69:13
Maar mij aangaande, mijn gebed is tot U, o HEERE; er is een tijd des welbehagens, o God! door de grootheid Uwer goedertierenheid; verhoor mij door de getrouwheid Uws heils.

תהילים 69:13
וַאֲנִ֤י תְפִלָּתִֽי־לְךָ֨ ׀ יְהוָ֡ה עֵ֤ת רָצֹ֗ון אֱלֹהִ֥ים בְּרָב־חַסְדֶּ֑ךָ עֲ֝נֵ֗נִי בֶּאֱמֶ֥ת יִשְׁעֶֽךָ׃

יד ואני תפלתי-לך יהוה עת רצון--  אלהים ברב-חסדך ענני  באמת ישעך

ואני תפלתי־לך ׀ יהוה עת רצון אלהים ברב־חסדך ענני באמת ישעך׃

Zsoltárok 69:13
Én pedig néked könyörgök, oh Uram; jókedvednek idején, oh Isten, a te kegyelmed sokaságához képest hallgass meg engem a te megszabadító hûségeddel.

La psalmaro 69:13
Kaj mi pregxas al Vi, ho Eternulo, en favora tempo; Ho Dio, pro Via granda boneco respondu al mi per Via vera helpo.

Mutta minä rukoilen sinua, Herra, otollisella ajalla, Jumala, sinun suuren laupiutes puolesta: kuule minua sinun autuutes totuuden tähden.

Psaume 69:13
Mais, pour moi, ma prière s'adresse à toi, Éternel, en un temps agréé. -O Dieu! selon la grandeur de ta bonté, réponds-moi selon la vérité de ton salut.

Mais je t'adresse ma prière, ô Eternel! Que ce soit le temps favorable, ô Dieu, par ta grande bonté! Réponds-moi, en m'assurant ton secours!

Mais, pour moi, ma requête s'adresse à toi, ô Eternel! Il y a un temps de [ton] bon plaisir, ô Dieu! selon la grandeur de ta gratuité. Réponds-moi selon la vérité de ta délivrance.

Psalm 69:13
Die im Tor sitzen, waschen von mir, und in den Zechen singet man von mir.

Ich aber bete, HERR, zu dir zur angenehmen Zeit; Gott durch deine große Güte erhöre mich mit deiner treuen Hilfe.

Ich aber bete zu dir, Jahwe, zur wohlgefälligen Zeit; o Gott, nach deiner großen Gnade erhöre mich mit deiner treuen Hilfe!

Salmi 69:13
Ma, quanto a me, la mia preghiera sale a te, o Eterno, nel tempo accettevole; o Dio, nella grandezza della tua misericordia, rispondimi, secondo la verità della tua salvezza.

Ma quant’è a me, o Signore, la mia orazione s’indirizza a te; Egli vi è un tempo di benevolenza; O Dio, per la grandezza della tua benignità, E per la verità della tua salute, rispondimi.

MAZMUR 69:13
Tetapi akan daku, permintaan doaku adalah kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan! maka adalah suatu masa keridlaan, ya Allah! oleh kebesaran kemurahan-Mu; sahutilah kiranya akan daku oleh karena setia selamat-Mu.

시편 69:13
여호와여, 열납하시는 때에 나는 주께 기도하오니 하나님이여, 많은 인자와 구원의 진리로 내게 응답하소서

Psalmi 69:13
(68-15) erue me de luto ut non infigar libera me ab his qui oderunt me et de profundis aquis

Psalmynas 69:13
O aš meldžiuosi Tau, Viešpatie, visą laiką. Dieve, dėl savo beribio gailestingumo išklausyk mane, dėl savo išgelbėjimo tiesos.

Psalm 69:13
Ko ahau ia, ki a koe taku inoi, e Ihowa, i te wa e manakohia ai: whakahokia mai he kupu ki ahau, e te Atua, i runga i te nui o tou aroha, o te pono o tau whakaoranga.

Salmenes 69:13
Men jeg kommer med min bønn til dig, Herre, i nådens tid, Gud, for din megen miskunnhet; svar mig med din frelsende trofasthet!

Salmos 69:13
Pero yo elevo a ti mi oración, oh SEÑOR, en tiempo propicio; oh Dios, en la grandeza de tu misericordia, respóndeme con tu verdad salvadora.

Pero yo elevo a Ti mi oración, oh SEÑOR, en tiempo propicio; Oh Dios, en la grandeza de Tu misericordia, Respóndeme con Tu verdad salvadora.

Mas yo a ti elevo mi oración, oh Jehová, en tiempo aceptable; oh Dios, por la multitud de tu misericordia, por la verdad de tu salvación, escúchame.

Empero yo enderezaba mi oración á ti, oh Jehová, al tiempo de tu buena voluntad: Oh Dios, por la multitud de tu misericordia, Por la verdad de tu salud, óyeme.

Pero yo enderezaba mi oración a ti, oh SEÑOR, al tiempo de la buena voluntad. Oh Dios, por la multitud de tu misericordia, por la verdad de tu salud, óyeme.

Salmos 69:13
Todavia eu, SENHOR, no tempo oportuno elevo a ti minha petição; respondeme, por teu grande amor, ó Deus, com tua graça infalível!

Eu, porém, faço a minha oração a ti, ó Senhor, em tempo aceitável; ouve-me, ó Deus, segundo a grandeza da tua benignidade, segundo a fidelidade da tua salvação.   

Psalmi 69:13
Dar eu către Tine îmi înalţ rugăciunea, Doamne, la vremea potrivită. În bunătatea Ta cea mare, răspunde-mi, Dumnezeule, şi dă-mi ajutorul Tău!

Псалтирь 69:13
(68:14) А я с молитвою моею к Тебе, Господи; во время благоугодное, Боже, по великойблагости Твоей услышь меня в истине спасения Твоего;

(68-14) А я с молитвою моею к Тебе, Господи; во время благоугодное, Боже, по великой благости Твоей услышь меня в истине спасения Твоего;[]

Psaltaren 69:13
Men jag kommer med min bön till dig, HERRE, i behaglig tid, genom din stora nåd, o Gud; svara mig i din frälsande trofasthet.

Psalm 69:13
Nguni't tungkol sa akin, ang dalangin ko'y sa iyo, Oh Panginoon, sa isang kalugodlugod na panahon: Oh Dios, sa karamihan ng iyong kagandahang-loob,

เพลงสดุดี 69:13
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ แต่ส่วนข้าพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์อธิษฐานต่อพระองค์ในเวลาอันเหมาะสม ข้าแต่พระเจ้า โดยความเมตตาอันอุดมของพระองค์ ขอทรงโปรดฟังข้าพระองค์ด้วยความจริงแห่งความรอดของพระองค์

Mezmurlar 69:13
Ama benim duam sanadır, ya RAB.
Ey Tanrı, sevginin bolluğuyla,
Güvenilir kurtarışınla uygun gördüğünde
Yanıtla beni.[]

Thi-thieân 69:13
Nhưng Ðức Giê-hô-va ơi, tôi nhờ dịp tiện Mà cầu nguyện cùng Ngài. Ðức Chúa Trời ơn, theo sự thương xót lớn của Chúa, Và theo lẽ thật về sự cứu rỗi của Chúa, xin hãy đáp lại tôi.

Psalm 69:12
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