Psalm 45:1
Psalm 45:1
For the director of music. To the tune of "Lilies." Of the Sons of Korah. A maskil. A wedding song. My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

For the choir director: A love song to be sung to the tune "Lilies." A psalm of the descendants of Korah. Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.

To the choirmaster: according to Lilies. A Maskil of the Sons of Korah; a love song. My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.

For the choir director; according to the Shoshannim. A Maskil of the sons of Korah. A Song of Love. My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves. My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

For the choir director: according to "The Lilies." A Maskil of the sons of Korah. A love song. My heart is moved by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

My heart is overflowing with good news; I speak what I have composed to the king; my tongue is like the pen of an articulate scribe.

For the music director; according to the tune of "Lilies;" by the Korahites, a well-written poem, a love song. My heart is stirred by a beautiful song. I say, "I have composed this special song for the king; my tongue is as skilled as the stylus of an experienced scribe."

My heart brings forth good accounts and tells the deeds of The King; my tongue is the pen of a ready Scribe,

[For the choir director; according to [shoshannim]; a [maskil] by Korah's descendants; a love song.] My heart is overflowing with good news. I will direct my song to the king. My tongue is a pen for a skillful writer.

My heart is overflowing with a good word; I speak of the things which I have done concerning the king; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

My heart is overflowing with a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made concerning the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready scribe.

My heart is gushing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

My heart overfloweth with a goodly matter; I speak the things which I have made touching the king: My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Unto the end, for them that shall be changed, for the sons of Core, for understanding. A canticle for the Beloved. My heart hath uttered a good word I speak my works to the king; My tongue is the pen of a scrivener that writeth swiftly.

{To the chief Musician. Upon Shoshannim. Of the sons of Korah. An instruction; a song of the Beloved.} My heart is welling forth with a good matter: I say what I have composed touching the king. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

For the Chief Musician; set to Shoshannim; a Psalm of the sons of Korah. Maschil. A Song of loves. My heart overfloweth with a goodly matter: I speak the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves. My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made concerning the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

My heart overflows with a noble theme. I recite my verses for the king. My tongue is like the pen of a skillful writer.

To the Overseer. -- 'On the Lilies.' -- By sons of Korah. -- An Instruction. -- A song of loves. My heart hath indited a good thing, I am telling my works to a king, My tongue is the pen of a speedy writer.

Psalmet 45:1
Më burojnë nga zemra fjalë shumë të ëmbla; unë i këndoj mbretit poemën time. Gjuha ime do të jetë si pena e një shkruesi të shpejtë.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 45:1
لامام المغنين على السوسن. لبني قورح. قصيدة. ترنيمة محبة‎. ‎فاض قلبي بكلام صالح. متكلم انا بانشائي للملك. لساني قلم كاتب ماهر

D Sälm 45:1
Für n Stenger: Naach dyr Weis "Gilgnen". Ayn Liebslied ist s und ayn Unterweisungslied von de Koracher: [2] Mein Hertz fliesst über, so vil Froos haan i zo n Sagn. Yn n Künig sing mein Lied i, födergschwind dyrhin.

Псалми 45:1
(По слав. 44). За първия певец, по Криновете: псалом за Кореевите синове. Поучение. Песен на любовта. От сърцето ми извира блага дума. Аз разказвам делата си на Царя; Езикът ми е перо на бързописец.

詩 篇 45:1
( 可 拉 後 裔 的 訓 誨 詩 , 又 是 愛 慕 歌 , 交 與 伶 長 。 調 用 百 合 花 。 ) 我 心 裡 湧 出 美 辭 ; 我 論 到 我 為 王 做 的 事 , 我 的 舌 頭 是 快 手 筆 。

( 可 拉 後 裔 的 训 诲 诗 , 又 是 爱 慕 歌 , 交 与 伶 长 。 调 用 百 合 花 。 ) 我 心 里 涌 出 美 辞 ; 我 论 到 我 为 王 做 的 事 , 我 的 舌 头 是 快 手 笔 。



Psalm 45:1
Zborovođi. Po napjevu Ljiljani. Sinova Korahovih. Poučna pjesma. Svadbena pjesma. (1a) Iz srca mi naviru riječi divne: pjesmu svoju ja kralju pjevam, jezik mi je k'o pisaljka hitra pisara.

Žalmů 45:1
Přednímu kantoru z synů Chóre, na šošannim, vyučující. Píseň o lásce. (1a) Vyneslo srdce mé slovo dobré, vypravovati budu písně své o králi, jazyk můj jako péro hbitého písaře.

Salme 45:1
Til Sangmesteren. Til Liljerne. Af Koras Sønner. En Maskil. En Sang om Kærlighed. (2) Mit Hjerte svulmer af liflige Ord, jeg kvæder mit Kvad til Kongens Pris, som Hurtigskriverens Pen er min Tunge.

Psalmen 45:1
Een onderwijzing, een lied der liefde, voor den opperzangmeester, onder de kinderen van Korach, op Schoschannim. (1a) Mijn hart geeft een goede rede op; ik zegge mijn gedichten uit van een Koning; mijn tong is een pen eens vaardigen schrijvers.

תהילים 45:1
לַמְנַצֵּ֣חַ עַלשֹׁ֭־שַׁנִּים לִבְנֵי־קֹ֑רַח מַ֝שְׂכִּ֗יל שִׁ֣יר יְדִידֹֽת׃ רָ֘חַ֤שׁ לִבִּ֨י ׀ דָּ֘בָ֤ר טֹ֗וב אֹמֵ֣ר אָ֭נִי מַעֲשַׂ֣י לְמֶ֑לֶךְ לְ֝שֹׁונִ֗י עֵ֤ט ׀ סֹופֵ֬ר מָהִֽיר׃

א למנצח על-ששנים לבני-קרח  משכיל שיר ידידת ב רחש לבי דבר טוב--  אמר אני מעשי למלך לשוני  עט סופר מהיר

למנצח עלש־שנים לבני־קרח משכיל שיר ידידת׃ רחש לבי ׀ דבר טוב אמר אני מעשי למלך לשוני עט ׀ סופר מהיר׃

Zsoltárok 45:1
Az éneklõmesternek a sosannimra, Kóráh fiainak tanítása; ének a szerelmetesrõl. (1a) Fölbuzog szívem szép beszédre. Mondom: mûvem a királynak szól. Nyelvem gyors írónak tolla.

La psalmaro 45:1
Al la hxorestro. Por sxosxanoj. Instrua ama kanto de la Korahxidoj. Mia koro plenigxis per bona temo; Mi kantos pri regxo; Mia lango estas kiel plumo de lerta skribisto.

Morsiamen opetusvirsi kukkasesta Koran lapsilta edelläveisaajalle. (H45:2) Minun sydämeni ajattelee kauniin laulun: minä veisaan kuninkaasta, minun kieleni on jalon kirjoittajan kynä.

Psaume 45:1
Mon coeur bouillonne d'une bonne parole; je dis ce que j'ai composé au sujet du roi; ma langue est le style d'un écrivain habile.

Au chef des chantres. Sur les lis. Des fils de Koré. Cantique. Chant d'amour. Des paroles pleines de charme bouillonnent dans mon coeur. Je dis: Mon oeuvre est pour le roi! Que ma langue soit comme la plume d'un habile écrivain!

Maskil des enfants de Coré, [qui est] un Cantique nuptial, [donné] au maitre chantre, [pour le chanter] sur Sosannim. Mon cœur médite un excellent discours, [et] j'ai dit : mes ouvrages seront pour le Roi; ma langue sera la plume d'un écrivain diligent.

Psalm 45:1
Ein Brautlied und Unterweisung der Kinder Korah von den Rosen, vorzusingen.

Ein Brautlied und Unterweisung der Kinder Korah, von den Rosen, vorzusingen. Mein Herz dichtet ein feines Lied; ich will singen von meinem König; meine Zunge ist wie der Griffel eines guten Schreibers.

Dem Musikmeister, nach "Lilien", von den Korachiten. Ein Maskil, ein Lied der Liebe. 2 Mein Herz wallt über von lieblicher Rede; ich spreche: Mein Werk gilt einem Könige! Meine Zunge ist der Griffel eines gewandten Schreibers.

Salmi 45:1
Per il Capo de’ musici. Sopra "i gigli". De’ figliuoli di Core. Cantico. Inno nuziale. Mi ferve in cuore una parola soave; io dico: l’opera mia è per un re; la mia lingua sarà come la penna d’un veloce scrittore.

Maschil, cantico d’amori, dato al capo de’ Musici, de’ figliuoli di Core, sopra Sosannim IL mio cuore sgorga un buon ragionamento; Io recito al Re le mie opere; La mia lingua sarà come la penna di un veloce scrittore.

Suatu pengajaran, suatu nyanyian pengasihan bagi biduan besar di antara bani Korah, pada Sosyanim. (1a) Bahwa nyanyian kesukaan terbitlah dari dalam hatiku dan kukatakan syairku akan hal Raja itu, maka lidahku seperti kalam seorang yang pantas menyurat.

시편 45:1
(고라 자손의 마스길. 사랑의 노래 영장으로 소산님에 맞춘 것) 내 마음에서 좋은 말이 넘쳐 왕에 대하여 지은 것을 말하리니 내 혀는 필객의 붓과 같도다

Psalmi 45:1
(44-1) victori pro liliis filiorum Core eruditionis canticum amantissimi (44-2) eructavit cor meum verbum bonum dico ego opera mea regi lingua mea stilus scribae velocis

Psalmynas 45:1
Mano širdis prisipildė gražių žodžių. Giedosiu giesmę Karaliui. Mano liežuvis­plunksna miklioje raštininko rankoje.

Psalm 45:1
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He Homhanimi ma nga tama a Koraha. He Makiri, he waiata aroha. E pupuke ake ana te mea pai i roto i toku ngakau: ka korerotia e ahau aku i tito ai mo te kingi: he pene toku arero na te kaituhituhi hohoro.

Salmenes 45:1
Til sangmesteren; efter Liljer*; av Korahs barn; en læresalme, en sang om kjærlighet.

Salmos 45:1
Rebosa en mi corazón un tema bueno; al rey dirijo mis versos; mi lengua es como pluma de escribiente muy ligero.

Para el director del coro; según Sosanim. Masquil de los hijos de Coré. Canción de amor. Rebosa en mi corazón un tema bueno; Al Rey dirijo mis versos; Mi lengua es como pluma de escribiente muy ligero.

«Al Músico principal: sobre Sosanim: para los hijos de Coré: Masquil: Canción de amores» Rebosa mi corazón palabra buena: Refiero yo al Rey mis obras: Mi lengua es pluma de escribiente muy ligero.

Al Músico principal: sobre Sosannim: para los hijos de Coré: Masquil: Canción de amores. REBOSA mi corazón palabra buena: Refiero yo al Rey mis obras: Mi lengua es pluma de escribiente muy ligero.

Al Vencedor: sobre Sosanim (lirios ): a los hijos de Coré: Masquil: Canción de amores. Rebosa mi corazón palabra buena; yo digo en mis obras del Rey; mi lengua es pluma de escribiente muy ligero.

Salmos 45:1
Ao regente do coro, de acordo com a melodia Os Lírios. Dos filhos de Corá. Poema didático. Uma canção matrimonial. Com o coração transbordando de boas palavras, recito os meus versos em honra ao rei; seja a minha língua como a pena de um sábio escritor.

O meu coração trasborda de boas palavras; dirijo os meus versos ao rei; a minha língua é qual pena de um hábil escriba.   

Psalmi 45:1
(Către mai marele cîntăreţilor. De cîntat cum se cîntă: ,,Crinii``. Un psalm al fiilor lui Core. O cîntare. O cîntare de dragoste.) Cuvinte pline de farmec îmi clocotesc în inimă, şi zic: ,,Lucrarea mea de laudă este pentru Împăratul!`` Ca pana unui scriitor iscusit să-mi fie limba!

Псалтирь 45:1
(44:1) Начальнику хора. На музыкальном орудии Шошан. Учение. Сынов Кореевых. Песнь любви. (44:2) Излилось из сердца моего слово благое; я говорю: песнь моя о Царе; язык мой – трость скорописца.

(44-1) ^^Начальнику хора. На [музыкальном орудии] Шошан. Учение. Сынов Кореевых. Песнь любви.^^ (44-2) Излилось из сердца моего слово благое; я говорю: песнь моя о Царе; язык мой--трость скорописца.[]

Psaltaren 45:1
För sångmästaren, efter »Liljor»; av Koras söner; en sång, ett kväde om kärlek. (1a) Mitt hjärta flödar över av sköna ord; jag säger: min dikt gäller en konung; en snabb skrivares penna är min tunga.

Psalm 45:1
Ang aking puso ay nananagana sa isang mainam na bagay: aking sinasalita ang mga bagay na aking ginawa tungkol sa hari: ang aking dila ay panulat ng bihasang manunulat.

เพลงสดุดี 45:1
จิตใจข้าพเจ้าล้นไหลด้วยแนวคิดดี ข้าพเจ้าเล่าบทประพันธ์ของข้าพเจ้าถวายกษัตริย์ ลิ้นของข้าพเจ้าเหมือนปากไก่ของอาลักษณ์ที่ชำนาญ

Mezmurlar 45:1
Yüreğimden güzel sözler taşıyor,
Kral için söylüyorum şiirlerimi,
Dilim usta bir yazarın kalemi gibi olsun.[]

Thi-thieân 45:1
Lòng tôi đầy tràn những lời tốt; Tôi nói điều tôi vịnh cho vua; Lưỡi tôi như ngòi viết của văn sĩ có tài.

Psalm 44:26
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