Psalm 28:1
Psalm 28:1
Of David. To you, LORD, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit.

A psalm of David. I pray to you, O LORD, my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you are silent, I might as well give up and die.

Of David. To you, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit.

A Psalm of David. To You, O LORD, I call; My rock, do not be deaf to me, For if You are silent to me, I will become like those who go down to the pit.

A Psalm of David. Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

Davidic. LORD, I call to You; my rock, do not be deaf to me. If You remain silent to me, I will be like those going down to the Pit.

To you, LORD, I cry out! My Rock, do not refuse to answer me. If you remain silent, I will become like those who descend into the Pit.

By David. To you, O LORD, I cry out! My protector, do not ignore me! If you do not respond to me, I will join those who are descending into the grave.

To you I cried, Lord Jehovah, my God; do not be silent to me, lest you be silent to me and I shall be handed over with those who go down to the pit.

[By David.] O LORD, I call to you. O my rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. If you remain silent, I will be like those who go into the pit.

Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent unto me lest, if thou be silent unto me, I become like those that go down into the grave.

Unto you will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if you be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

To you will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if you be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

Unto thee, O Jehovah, will I call: My rock, be not thou deaf unto me; Lest, if thou be silent unto me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

A psalm for David himself. Unto thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be not thou silent to me: lest thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

{A Psalm of David.} Unto thee, Jehovah, do I call; my rock, be not silent unto me, lest, if thou keep silence toward me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

A Psalm of David. Unto thee, O LORD, will I call; my rock, be not thou deaf unto me: lest, if thou be silent unto me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

A Psalm of David. To thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou shouldst be silent to me, I should become like them that go down into the pit.

To you, Yahweh, I call. My rock, don't be deaf to me; lest, if you are silent to me, I would become like those who go down into the pit.

By David. Unto Thee, O Jehovah, I call, My rock, be not silent to me! Lest Thou be silent to me, And I have been compared With those going down to the pit.

Psalmet 28:1
Ty të këlthas, o Zot, o kështjella ime; mos rri në heshtje, sepse po të mos flasësh ti, unë bëhem njëlloj si ata që zbresin në gropë.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 28:1
لداود‎. ‎اليك يا رب اصرخ يا صخرتي لا تتصامم من جهتي لئلا تسكت عني فاشبه الهابطين في الجب‎.

D Sälm 28:1
Von n Dafetn: Zo dir ruef i, o Herr, mein Föls. Wendd di nit schweiget ab! Denn sagetst nix, dann wär i schoon so guet als wie in n Grab.

Псалми 28:1
(По слав. 27). Давидов [псалом]. Към Тебе ще извикам, Господи, канаро моя; Не замълчавай към мене, Да не би, ако останеш мълчалив към мене, Да се оприлича на ония, които слизат в рова.

詩 篇 28:1
( 大 衛 的 詩 。 ) 耶 和 華 啊 , 我 要 求 告 你 ! 我 的 磐 石 啊 , 不 要 向 我 緘 默 ! 倘 若 你 向 我 閉 口 , 我 就 如 將 死 的 人 一 樣 。

( 大 卫 的 诗 。 ) 耶 和 华 啊 , 我 要 求 告 你 ! 我 的 磐 石 啊 , 不 要 向 我 缄 默 ! 倘 若 你 向 我 闭 口 , 我 就 如 将 死 的 人 一 样 。



Psalm 28:1
Davidov. K tebi, o Jahve, vapijem, hridino moja, ne ogluši se na me: da neuslišan ne postanem kao oni koji u grob silaze.

Žalmů 28:1
Davidův. K toběť, Hospodine, volám, skálo má, neodmlčujž mi se, abych, neozval-li bys mi se, nebyl podobný učiněn těm, kteříž sstupují do hrobu.

Salme 28:1
Af David. Jeg raaber til dig, o HERRE, min Klippe, vær ikke tavs imod mig, at jeg ej, naar du tier, skal blive som de, der synker i Graven.

Psalmen 28:1
Een psalm van David. Tot U roep ik, HEERE! mijn Rotssteen, houd U niet als doof van mij af; opdat ik niet, zo Gij U van mij stil houdt, vergeleken worde met degenen, die in den kuil nederdalen.

תהילים 28:1
לְדָוִ֡ד אֵ֘לֶ֤יךָ יְהוָ֨ה ׀ אֶקְרָ֗א צוּרִי֮ אַֽל־תֶּחֱרַ֪שׁ מִ֫מֶּ֥נִּי פֶּן־תֶּֽחֱשֶׁ֥ה מִמֶּ֑נִּי וְ֝נִמְשַׁ֗לְתִּי עִם־יֹ֥ורְדֵי בֹֽור׃

א לדוד אליך יהוה אקרא--  צורי אל-תחרש ממני פן-תחשה ממני  ונמשלתי עם-יורדי בור

לדוד אליך יהוה ׀ אקרא צורי אל־תחרש ממני פן־תחשה ממני ונמשלתי עם־יורדי בור׃

Zsoltárok 28:1
Dávidé. ne fordulj el szótlanul tõlem, hogy ne legyek, ha néma maradnál, a sírba szállókhoz hasonló.

La psalmaro 28:1
De David. Al Vi, ho Eternulo, mi vokas; Mia Roko, ne silentu al mi; Se Vi silentos al mi, mi similigxos al tiuj, Kiuj iras en la tombon.

Davidin Psalmi. Koska minä huudan sinua, Herra, uskallukseni, niin älä vaikene minulle; etten, koska sinä vaikenisit minulle, minä tulisi niiden kaltaiseksi, jotka hautaan menevät.

Psaume 28:1
Éternel! je crie à toi; mon rocher! ne te tais point envers moi; de peur que, si tu gardes le silence envers moi, je ne sois fait semblable à ceux qui descendent dans la fosse.

De David. Eternel! c'est à toi que je crie. Mon rocher! ne reste pas sourd à ma voix, De peur que, si tu t'éloignes sans me répondre, Je ne sois semblable à ceux qui descendent dans la fosse.

Psaume de David. Je crie à toi, ô Eternel! mon rocher, ne te rends point sourd envers moi, de peur que si tu ne me réponds, je ne sois fait semblable à ceux qui descendent en la fosse.

Psalm 28:1
Ein Psalm Davids. Wenn ich rufe zur dir, HERR, mein Hort, so schweige mir nicht, auf daß nicht, wo du schweigest, ich gleich werde denen, die in die Hölle fahren.

Ein Psalm Davids. Wenn ich rufe zu dir, HERR, mein Hort, so schweige mir nicht, auf daß nicht, wo du schweigst, ich gleich werde denen, die in die Grube fahren.

Von David. Zu dir, Jahwe, rufe ich; mein Fels, schweige mir nicht, daß ich nicht, wenn du schweigst, denen gleich werde, die in die Grube hinabgefahren.

Salmi 28:1
Di Davide. Io grido a te, o Eterno; Ròcca mia, non esser sordo alla mia voce, che talora, se t’allontani senza rispondermi, io non diventi simile a quelli che scendon nella fossa.

Salmo di Davide IO grido a te, Signore; Rocca mia, non tacere, senza rispondermi; Che talora, se tu ti taci, Io non sia renduto simile a quelli che scendono nella fossa.

Mazmur Daud.

시편 28:1
(다윗의 시) 여호와여, 내가 주께 부르짖으오니 나의 반석이여, 내게 귀를 막지마소서 주께서 내게 잠잠하시면 내가 무덤에 내려가는 자와 같을까 하나이다

Psalmi 28:1
(27-1) David ad te Domine clamabo Fortis meus ne obsurdescas mihi ne forte tacente te mihi conparer his qui descendunt in lacum

Psalmynas 28:1
Tavęs šaukiuosi, Viešpatie, mano uola! Išgirsk mane. Jei tylėsi, tapsiu kaip tie, kurie nužengia į duobę.

Psalm 28:1
Na Rawiri. Ka karanga ahau ki a koe, e Ihowa, e toku kohatu, kaua e wahangu ki ahau; ki te wahangu hoki koe ki ahau, ka rite ahau ki te hunga e heke atu ana ki te poka.

Salmenes 28:1
Av David. Til dig, Herre, roper jeg. Min klippe, vær ikke døv imot mig, forat jeg ikke, om du tier til mig, skal bli lik dem som farer ned i graven!

Salmos 28:1
A ti clamo, oh SEÑOR; roca mía, no seas sordo para conmigo, no sea que si guardas silencio hacia mí, venga a ser semejante a los que descienden a la fosa.

Salmo de David. A Ti clamo, oh SEÑOR; Roca mía, no seas sordo para conmigo, No sea que si guardas silencio hacia mí, Venga a ser semejante a los que descienden a la fosa.

«Salmo de David» A ti clamaré, oh Jehová, Roca mía; no te desentiendas de mí; Para que no sea yo, dejándome tú, semejante a los que descienden a la fosa.

Salmo de David. A TI clamaré, oh Jehová, Fortaleza mía: no te desentiendas de mí; Porque no sea yo, dejándome tú, Semejante á los que descienden al sepulcro.

De David. A ti llamaré, oh SEÑOR, fuerza mía; no te desentiendas de mí; para que no sea yo , dejándome , semejante a los que descienden al sepulcro.

Salmos 28:1
Um salmo de Davi. A ti, ó SENHOR, eu suplico, Rocha minha, não deixes de ouvir o meu clamor. Pois, se permaneceres em silêncio, serei como os que voltam ao pó.

A ti clamo, ó Senhor; rocha minha, não emudeças para comigo; não suceda que, calando-te a meu respeito, eu me torne semelhante aos que descem à cova.   

Psalmi 28:1
(Un psalm al lui David.) Doamne, către Tine strig. Stînca mea! Nu rămînea surd la glasul meu, ca nu cumva, dacă Te vei depărta fără să-mi răspunzi, să ajung ca cei ce se pogoară în groapă.

Псалтирь 28:1
(27:1) Псалом Давида. К тебе, Господи, взываю: твердыня моя! не будь безмолвен для меня, чтобы при безмолвии Твоем я не уподобился нисходящим в могилу.

(27-1) ^^Псалом Давида.^^ К тебе, Господи, взываю: твердыня моя! не будь безмолвен для меня, чтобы при безмолвии Твоем я не уподобился нисходящим в могилу.[]

Psaltaren 28:1
Av David. Till dig, HERRE, ropar jag; min klippa, var icke stum mot mig. Ja, var icke tyst mot mig, så att jag bliver lik dem som fara ned i graven.

Psalm 28:1
Sa iyo, Oh Panginoon, tatawag ako; bato ko, huwag kang magpakabingi sa akin: baka kung ikaw ay tumahimik sa akin, ako'y maging gaya nila na bumaba sa hukay.

เพลงสดุดี 28:1
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ข้าพระองค์ร้องทูลต่อพระองค์ ศิลาของข้าพระองค์ ขออย่าให้พระกรรณหนวกต่อข้าพระองค์ เกรงว่าถ้าพระองค์ทรงเงียบอยู่ต่อข้าพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์จะเป็นเหมือนคนเหล่านั้นที่ลงไปยังปากแดนผู้ตาย

Mezmurlar 28:1
Ya RAB, sana yakarıyorum,
Kayam benim, kulak tıkama sesime;
Çünkü sen sessiz kalırsan,
Ölüm çukuruna inen ölülere dönerim ben.[]

Thi-thieân 28:1
Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, tôi kêu cầu Ngài; Hỡi hòn Ðá tôi, chớ bịt tai cùng tôi; Kẻo nếu Ngài làm thinh với tôi, Tôi phải giống như những kẻ xuống huyệt chăng.

Psalm 27:14
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