Psalm 135:2
Psalm 135:2
you who minister in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.

you who serve in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.

who stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God!

You who stand in the house of the LORD, In the courts of the house of our God!

Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God,

who stand in the house of Yahweh, in the courts of the house of our God.

you who are standing in the LORD's Temple, in the courtyards of the house of our God.

who serve in the LORD's temple, in the courts of the temple of our God.

Those who stand in the house of Lord Jehovah and in the courts of the house of our God.

who are standing in the house of the LORD, in the courtyards of the house of our God.

Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God,

You that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God,

You that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.

Ye that stand in the house of Jehovah, In the courts of the house of our God.

You that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.

Ye that stand in the house of Jehovah, in the courts of the house of our God.

Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God.

Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God,

you who stand in the house of Yahweh, in the courts of our God's house.

Who are standing in the house of Jehovah, In the courts of the house of our God.

Psalmet 135:2
që rrini në shtëpinë e Zotit, në oborret e shtëpisë së Perëndisë tonë.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 135:2
الواقفين في بيت الرب في ديار بيت الهنا

D Sälm 135:2
Hall ayn Luier! - Lobtß all yn n Herrn seinn Nam, ös, seine Knecht, [2] ös, woß in n Templ steetß, in n Haus von n Herrn, in de Vorhöf, bei ünsern Got!

Псалми 135:2
Които престоявате в дома Господен, В дворовете на дома на нашия Бог.

詩 篇 135:2


Psalm 135:2
koji u Domu Jahvinu stojite u predvorjima Doma Boga našega!

Žalmů 135:2
Kteříž stáváte v domě Hospodinově, v síňcích domu Boha našeho.

Salme 135:2
som staar i HERRENS Hus, i vor Guds Huses Forgaarde!

Psalmen 135:2
Gij, die staat in het huis des HEEREN, in de voorhoven van het huis onzes Gods!

תהילים 135:2
עֹֽמְדִים בְּבֵ֣ית יְהוָ֑ה בְּ֝חַצְרֹ֗ות בֵּ֣ית אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃

ב שעמדים בבית יהוה--  בחצרות בית אלהינו

עמדים בבית יהוה בחצרות בית אלהינו׃

Zsoltárok 135:2
A kik álltok az Úrnak házában, Istenünk házának pitvaraiban.

La psalmaro 135:2
Kiuj staras en la domo de la Eternulo, En la kortoj de la domo de nia Dio.

Te kuin seisotte Herran huoneessa, meidän Jumalamme esihuoneissa.

Psaume 135:2
Qui vous tenez dans la maison de l'Éternel, dans les parvis de la maison de notre Dieu!

Qui vous tenez dans la maison de l'Eternel, Dans les parvis de la maison de notre Dieu!

Vous qui assistez en la maison de l'Eternel, aux parvis de la maison de notre Dieu,

Psalm 135:2
die ihr stehet im Hause des HERRN, in den Höfen des Hauses unsers Gottes!

die ihr stehet im Hause des HERRN, in den Höfen des Hauses unsers Gottes!

die ihr im Tempel Jahwes steht, in den Vorhöfen des Tempels unseres Gottes!

Salmi 135:2
che state nella casa dell’Eterno, nei cortili della casa del nostro Dio.

Che state nella Casa del Signore, Ne’ cortili della Casa del nostro Dio.

MAZMUR 135:2
Kamu yang berdiri dalam rumah Tuhan, pada halaman rumah Allah kami!

시편 135:2
여호와의 집 우리 하나님의 전정에 섰는 너희여,

Psalmi 135:2
(134-2) qui statis in domo Domini in atriis domus Dei nostri

Psalmynas 135:2
kurie stovite Jo namuose, mūsų Dievo namų kiemuose.

Psalm 135:2
E koutou e tu nei i roto i te whare o Ihowa, i nga marae o te whare o to tatou Atua.

Salmenes 135:2
I som står i Herrens hus, i forgårdene til vår Guds hus!

Salmos 135:2
los que estáis en la casa del SEÑOR, en los atrios de la casa de nuestro Dios.

Los que están en la casa del SEÑOR, En los atrios de la casa de nuestro Dios.

los que estáis en la casa de Jehová, en los atrios de la casa de nuestro Dios.

Los que estáis en la casa de Jehová, En los atrios de la casa de nuestro Dios.

los que estáis en la Casa del SEÑOR, en los atrios de la Casa de nuestro Dios.

Salmos 135:2
que permaneceis na Casa do SENHOR,nos átrios da casa de nosso Deus!

vós que assistis na casa do Senhor, nos átrios da casa do nosso Deus.   

Psalmi 135:2
cari staţi în Casa Domnului, în curţile Casei Dumnezeului nostru!

Псалтирь 135:2
(134:2) стоящие в доме Господнем, во дворах дома Бога нашего.

(134-2) стоящие в доме Господнем, во дворах дома Бога нашего.[]

Psaltaren 135:2
I som stån i HERRENS hus, i gårdarna till vår Guds hus.

Psalm 135:2
Ninyong nagsisitayo sa bahay ng Panginoon. Sa mga looban ng bahay ng ating Dios.

เพลงสดุดี 135:2
ท่านที่ยืนอยู่ในพระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ ที่ในบริเวณพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าของเรา

Mezmurlar 135:2

Thi-thieân 135:2
Là kẻ đứng trong nhà Ðức Giê-hô-va, Tại hành lang của nhà Ðức Chúa Trời chúng ta, hãy ngợi khen Ngài!

Psalm 135:1
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