Psalm 132:7
Psalm 132:7
"Let us go to his dwelling place, let us worship at his footstool, saying,

Let us go to the sanctuary of the LORD; let us worship at the footstool of his throne.

“Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool!”

Let us go into His dwelling place; Let us worship at His footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

Let us go to His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool.

Let's go to his dwelling place and worship at his footstool.

Let us go to his dwelling place! Let us worship before his footstool!

We shall enter his tabernacle and we shall worship at the stool of his feet.

Let's go to his dwelling place. Let's worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tents; we will worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles; We will worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacle: We will adore in the place where his feet stood.

Let us go into his habitations, let us worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles; we will worship at his footstool.

We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

"We will go into his dwelling place. We will worship at his footstool.

We come in to His tabernacles, We bow ourselves at His footstool.

Psalmet 132:7
Le të shkojmë në banesën e tij, le ta adhurojmë përpara fronit të këmbëve të tij.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 132:7
‎لندخل الى مساكنه. لنسجد عند موطئ قدميه

D Sälm 132:7
Auf, geen myr hin und falln myr in Eerfarcht vor iem hin!

Псалми 132:7
Нека влезем в скиниите Му, Нека се поклоним при подножието Му.

詩 篇 132:7
我 們 要 進 他 的 居 所 , 在 他 腳 凳 前 下 拜 。

我 们 要 进 他 的 居 所 , 在 他 脚 凳 前 下 拜 。



Psalm 132:7
Uđimo u stan njegov, pred noge mu padnimo!

Žalmů 132:7
Vejdemeť již do příbytků jeho, a skláněti se budeme u podnoží noh jeho.

Salme 132:7
lad os gaa hen til hans Bolig, tilbede ved hans Fødders Skammel!«

Psalmen 132:7
Wij zullen in Zijn woningen ingaan, wij zullen ons nederbuigen voor de voetbank Zijner voeten.

תהילים 132:7
נָבֹ֥ואָה לְמִשְׁכְּנֹותָ֑יו נִ֝שְׁתַּחֲוֶ֗ה לַהֲדֹ֥ם רַגְלָֽיו׃

ז נבואה למשכנותיו  נשתחוה להדם רגליו

נבואה למשכנותיו נשתחוה להדם רגליו׃

Zsoltárok 132:7
Hadd menjünk be az õ hajlékaiba, boruljunk le lábainak zsámolyához!

La psalmaro 132:7
Ni iru en Lian logxejon, Ni klinigxu antaux la benketo de Liaj piedoj.

Me tahdomme hänen asuinsioihinsa mennä, ja kumartaa hänen jalkainsa astinlaudan edessä.

Psaume 132:7
Entrons dans ses demeures, prosternons-nous devant le marchepied de ses pieds.

Allons à sa demeure, Prosternons-nous devant son marchepied!...

Nous entrerons dans ses pavillons, [et] nous nous prosternerons devant son marchepied.

Psalm 132:7
Wir wollen in seine Wohnung gehen und anbeten vor seinem Fußschemel.

Wir wollen in seine Wohnung gehen und anbeten vor seinem Fußschemel.

Laßt uns in seine Wohnung eingehen, vor dem Schemel seiner Füße niederfallen!

Salmi 132:7
Andiamo nella dimora dell’Eterno, adoriamo dinanzi allo sgabello de’ suoi piedi!

Entriamo negli abitacoli del Signore; Adoriamo allo scannello de’ suoi piedi.

MAZMUR 132:7
Maka sekarang kami hendak masuk ke dalam tempat kediaman-Nya dan kamipun hendak menyembah sujud pada telapakan kaki-Nya.

시편 132:7
우리가 그의 성막에 들어가서 그 발등상 앞에서 경배하리로다

Psalmi 132:7
(131-7) intremus in tabernacula eius adoremus scabillum pedum eius

Psalmynas 132:7
Įeikime į Jo palapines, parpulkime prie Jo kojų pakojo!

Psalm 132:7
Ka haere matou ki roto ki ona tapenakara; ka koropiko ki tona turanga waewae.

Salmenes 132:7
Vi vil komme til hans bolig, vi vil tilbede for hans føtters skammel.

Salmos 132:7
Entremos a sus moradas; postrémonos ante el estrado de sus pies.

Entremos a Sus moradas; Postrémonos ante el estrado de Sus pies.

Entraremos en sus tabernáculos; adoraremos ante el estrado de sus pies.

Entraremos en sus tiendas; Encorvarnos hemos al estrado de sus pies.

Entraremos en sus tiendas; adoremos al estrado de sus pies.

Salmos 132:7
“Entremos na sua habitação! Vinde e adoremos ao Senhor diante do estrado de seus pés!

Entremos nos seus tabernáculos; prostremo-nos ante o escabelo de seus pés.   

Psalmi 132:7
,,Haidem la locuinţa Lui, să ne închinăm înaintea aşternutului picioarelor Lui!...

Псалтирь 132:7
(131:7) Пойдем к жилищу Его, поклонимся подножию ног Его.

(131-7) Пойдем к жилищу Его, поклонимся подножию ног Его.[]

Psaltaren 132:7
Låtom oss gå in i hans boning, tillbedja vid hans fotapall.

Psalm 132:7
Kami ay magsisipasok sa kaniyang tabernakulo; kami ay magsisisamba sa harap ng kaniyang tungtungan.

เพลงสดุดี 132:7
เราจะไปยังที่ประทับของพระองค์ เราจะนมัสการที่รองพระบาทของพระองค์

Mezmurlar 132:7
‹‹RABbin konutuna gidelim,
Ayağının taburesi önünde tapınalım›› dedik.[]

Thi-thieân 132:7
Chúng tôi sẽ vào nơi ở Ngài, Thờ lạy trước bệ chơn Ngài.

Psalm 132:6
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