Psalm 127:1
Psalm 127:1
A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.

A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

A Song of Ascents, of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.

A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

A Solomonic song of ascents. Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain; unless the LORD watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain.

Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor uselessly. Unless the LORD guards the city, its security forces keep watch uselessly.

A song of ascents, by Solomon. If the LORD does not build a house, then those who build it work in vain. If the LORD does not guard a city, then the watchman stands guard in vain.

If Lord Jehovah does not build the house, its builders labor uselessly, and if Lord Jehovah does not keep the city, its keepers wake up uselessly.

[A song by Solomon for going up to worship.] If the LORD does not build the house, it is useless for the builders to work on it. If the LORD does not protect a city, it is useless for the guard to stay alert.

Unless the LORD builds the house, they labour in vain that build it; unless the LORD keeps the city, the watchmen watch in vain.

Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain that build it: unless the LORD keeps the city, the watchman wakes, but in vain.

Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman wakes but in vain.

Except Jehovah build the house, They labor in vain that build it: Except Jehovah keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain.

Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it.

{A Song of degrees. Of Solomon.} Unless Jehovah build the house, in vain do its builders labour in it; unless Jehovah keep the city, the keeper watcheth in vain:

A Song of Ascents; of Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD shall build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD shall keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain.

Unless Yahweh builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless Yahweh watches over the city, the watchman guards it in vain.

A Song of the Ascents, by Solomon. If Jehovah doth not build the house, In vain have its builders laboured at it, If Jehovah doth not watch a city, In vain hath a watchman waked.

Psalmet 127:1
Në qoftë se Zoti nuk ndërton shtëpinë, me kot lodhen ndërtuesit; në qoftë se Zoti nuk ruan qytetin, më kot e ruanë rojet.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 127:1
ترنيمة المصاعد. لسليمان‎. ‎ان لم يبن الرب البيت فباطلا يتعب البناؤون. ان لم يحفظ الرب المدينة فباطلا يسهر الحارس‎.

D Sälm 127:1
Ayn Wallfartslied von n Salman: Wo dyr Trechtein nit an n Haus baut, hilfft aau d Müe nix von de Maurer. Wo dyr Trechtein nit ayn Stat hüett, bringt dyr Wächter lösstlich aau nix.

Псалми 127:1
(По слав. 126). Соломонова песен на възкачванията. Ако Господ не съгради дома, Напразно се трудят зидарите; Ако Господ не опази града, Напразно бди стражарят.

詩 篇 127:1
( 所 羅 門 上 行 之 詩 。 ) 若 不 是 耶 和 華 建 造 房 屋 , 建 造 的 人 就 枉 然 勞 力 ; 若 不 是 耶 和 華 看 守 城 池 , 看 守 的 人 就 枉 然 警 醒 。

( 所 罗 门 上 行 之 诗 。 ) 若 不 是 耶 和 华 建 造 房 屋 , 建 造 的 人 就 枉 然 劳 力 ; 若 不 是 耶 和 华 看 守 城 池 , 看 守 的 人 就 枉 然 警 醒 。



Psalm 127:1
Hodočasnička pjesma. Salomonova. Ako Jahve kuću ne gradi, uzalud se muče graditelji. Ako Jahve grad ne čuva, uzalud stražar bdi.

Žalmů 127:1
Píseň stupňů, Šalomounova. Nebude-li Hospodin stavěti domu, nadarmo usilují ti, kteříž stavějí jej; nebude-li Hospodin ostříhati města, nadarmo bdí strážný.

Salme 127:1
Sang til Festrejserne. Af Salomo. Dersom HERREN ikke bygger Huset, er Bygmestrenes Møje forgæves, dersom HERREN ikke vogter Byen, vaager Vægteren forgæves.

Psalmen 127:1
Een lied Hammaaloth, van Salomo. Zo de HEERE het huis niet bouwt, tevergeefs arbeiden deszelfs bouwlieden daaraan; zo de HEERE de stad niet bewaart, tevergeefs waakt de wachter.

תהילים 127:1
שִׁ֥יר הַֽמַּֽעֲלֹ֗ות לִשְׁלֹ֫מֹ֥ה אִם־יְהוָ֤ה ׀ לֹא־יִבְנֶ֬ה בַ֗יִת שָׁ֤וְא ׀ עָמְל֣וּ בֹונָ֣יו בֹּ֑ו אִם־יְהוָ֥ה לֹֽא־יִשְׁמָר־עִ֝֗יר שָׁ֤וְא ׀ שָׁקַ֬ד שֹׁומֵֽר׃

א שיר המעלות לשלמה אם-יהוה לא-יבנה בית--  שוא עמלו בוניו בו אם-יהוה לא-ישמר-עיר  שוא שקד שומר

שיר המעלות לשלמה אם־יהוה ׀ לא־יבנה בית שוא ׀ עמלו בוניו בו אם־יהוה לא־ישמר־עיר שוא ׀ שקד שומר׃

Zsoltárok 127:1
Grádicsok éneke Salamontól. Ha az Úr nem építi a házat, hiába dolgoznak azon annak építõi. Ha az Úr nem õrzi a várost, hiába vigyáz az õrizõ.

La psalmaro 127:1
Kanto de suprenirado. De Salomono. Se la Eternulo ne konstruas la domon, Tiam vane laboras super gxi gxiaj konstruantoj; Se la Eternulo ne gardas urbon, Tiam vane maldormas la gardanto.

Salomon veisu korkeimmassa Kuorissa. Jos ei Herra huonetta rakenna, niin hukkaan työtä tekevät, jotka sitä rakentavat: jos ei Herra kaupunkia varjele, niin vartiat hukkaan valvovat.

Psaume 127:1
Si l'Éternel ne bâtit la maison, ceux qui la bâtissent y travaillent en vain; si l'Éternel ne garde la ville, celui qui la garde veille en vain;

Cantique des degrés. De Salomon. Si l'Eternel ne bâtit la maison, Ceux qui la bâtissent travaillent en vain; Si l'Eternel ne garde la ville, Celui qui la garde veille en vain.

Cantique de Mahaloth, de Salomon. Si l'Eternel ne bâtit la maison, ceux qui la bâtissent, y travaillent en vain; si l'Eternel ne garde la ville, celui qui la garde, fait le guet en vain.

Psalm 127:1
Ein Lied Salomos im höhern Chor. Wo der HERR nicht das Haus bauet, so arbeiten umsonst, die dran bauen. Wo der HERR nicht die Stadt behütet, so wachet der Wächter umsonst.

Ein Lied Salomos im Höhern Chor. Wo der HERR nicht das Haus baut, so arbeiten umsonst, die daran bauen. Wo der HERR nicht die Stadt behütet, so wacht der Wächter umsonst.

Wallfahrtslieder. Von Salomo. Wenn Jahwe nicht das Haus baut, so haben sich seine Erbauer umsonst mit ihm abgemüht; wenn Jahwe nicht die Stadt behütet, so hat der Wächter umsonst gewacht.

Salmi 127:1
Canto dei pellegrinaggi. Di Salomone. Se l’Eterno non edifica la casa, invano vi si affaticano gli edificatori; se l’Eterno non guarda la città, invano vegliano le guardie.

Cantico di Maalot, di Salomone. SE il Signore non edifica la casa, In vano vi si affaticano gli edificatori; Se il Signore non guarda la città, In vano vegghiano le guardie.

MAZMUR 127:1
Nyanyian Hamaalot, dari Sulaiman. -- Jikalau kiranya bukan Tuhan yang membangunkan rumah, niscaya sia-sialah pekerjaan segala tukang akan dia, maka jikalau kiranya bukan Tuhan yang menunggui negeri, niscaya cuma-cuma ditunggui akan dia oleh penunggunya.

시편 127:1
(솔로몬의 시. 곧 성전에 올라가는 노래) 여호와께서 집을 세우지 아니하시면 세우는 자의 수고가 헛되며 여호와께서 성을 지키지 아니하시면 파숫군의 경성함이 허사로다

Psalmi 127:1
(126-1) canticum graduum Salomonis nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem frustra vigilat qui custodit eam

Psalmynas 127:1
Jei Viešpats nestato namų, veltui vargsta statytojai. Jei Viešpats nesaugo miesto, veltui budi sargai.

Psalm 127:1
He waiata; he pikitanga. Na Horomona. Ki te kore e hanga e Ihowa te whare, he maumau mahi ta nga kaihanga; ki te kore e tiakina e Ihowa te pa, maumau mataara noa te kaitiaki.

Salmenes 127:1
En sang ved festreisene; av Salomo. Dersom Herren ikke bygger huset, arbeider de forgjeves som bygger på det; dersom Herren ikke vokter byen, våker vekteren forgjeves.

Salmos 127:1
Si el SEÑOR no edifica la casa, en vano trabajan los que la edifican; si el SEÑOR no guarda la ciudad, en vano vela la guardia.

Cántico de ascenso gradual; de Salomón. Si el SEÑOR no edifica la casa, En vano trabajan los que la edifican; Si el SEÑOR no guarda la ciudad, En vano vela la guardia.

«Cántico gradual: para Salomón» Si Jehová no edificare la casa, en vano trabajan los que la edifican; si Jehová no guardare la ciudad, en vano vela la guarda.

Cántico gradual: para Salomón. SI Jehová no edificare la casa, En vano trabajan los que la edifican: Si Jehová no guardare la ciudad, En vano vela la guarda.

Canción de las gradas: para Salomón. Si el SEÑOR no edificare la casa, en vano trabajan los que la edifican; si el SEÑOR no guardare la ciudad, en vano vela la guardia.

Salmos 127:1
Cântico de peregrinação. De Salomão. A não ser que o Eterno edifique a Casa, trabalham em vão os que desejam construí-la. Se o SENHORnão proteger a cidade, inútil será a sentinela montar guarda.

Se o Senhor não edificar a casa, em vão trabalham os que a edificam; se o Senhor não guardar a cidade, em vão vigia a sentinela.   

Psalmi 127:1
(O cîntare a treptelor. Un psalm al lui Solomon.) Dacă nu zideşte Domnul o casă, degeaba lucrează cei ce o zidesc; dacă nu păzeşte Domnul o cetate, degeaba veghează cel ce o păzeşte.

Псалтирь 127:1
(126:1) Песнь восхождения. Соломона. Если Господь не созиждет дома,напрасно трудятся строящие его; если Господь не охранит города, напрасно бодрствует страж.

(126-1) ^^Песнь восхождения. Соломона.^^ Если Господь не созиждет дома, напрасно трудятся строящие его; если Господь не охранит города, напрасно бодрствует страж.[]

Psaltaren 127:1
En vallfartssång; av Salomo. Om HERREN icke bygger huset, så arbeta de fåfängt, som bygga därpå. Om HERREN icke bevarar staden, så vakar väktaren fåfängt.

Psalm 127:1
Malibang itayo ng Panginoon ang bahay, walang kabuluhang nagsisigawa ang nagtatayo: malibang ingatan ng Panginoon ang bayan, walang kabuluhang gumigising ang bantay.

เพลงสดุดี 127:1
ถ้าพระเยโฮวาห์มิได้ทรงสร้างบ้าน บรรดาผู้ที่สร้างก็เหนื่อยเปล่า ถ้าพระเยโฮวาห์มิได้ทรงเฝ้าอยู่เหนือนคร คนยามตื่นอยู่ก็เหนื่อยเปล่า

Mezmurlar 127:1
Evi RAB yapmazsa,
Yapıcılar boşuna didinir.
Kenti RAB korumazsa,
Bekçi boşuna bekler.[]

Thi-thieân 127:1
Nếu Ðức Giê-hô-va không cất nhà, Thì những thợ xây cất làm uổng công. Nhược bằng Ðức Giê-hô-va không coi-giữ thành, Thì người canh thức canh luống công.

Psalm 126:6
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