Numbers 4:12
Numbers 4:12
"They are to take all the articles used for ministering in the sanctuary, wrap them in a blue cloth, cover that with the durable leather and put them on a carrying frame.

They must take all the remaining furnishings of the sanctuary and wrap them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine goatskin leather, and place them on the carrying frame.

And they shall take all the vessels of the service that are used in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of goatskin and put them on the carrying frame.

and they shall take all the utensils of service, with which they serve in the sanctuary, and put them in a blue cloth and cover them with a covering of porpoise skin, and put them on the carrying bars.

And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar:

They are to take all the serving utensils they use in the sanctuary, place them in a blue cloth, cover them with a covering made of manatee skin, and put them on a carrying frame."

Then they are to take all the utensils for service with which they minister at the sanctuary, set them on the blue cloth, cover them with the leather-dyed skin covering, and then set them on the beams for transport.

Then they must take all the utensils of the service, with which they serve in the sanctuary, put them in a blue cloth, cover them with a covering of fine leather, and put them on a carrying beam.

"They will take all the articles that are used in the holy place, put them in a violet cloth, cover that with fine leather, and put them on a frame to carry them.

and they shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary and put them in a cloth of blue and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins and shall put them on a bar.

And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badger skins, and shall put them on a carrying beam:

And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar:

and they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame.

All the vessels wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, they shall wrap up in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars.

And they shall take all the instruments of service, wherewith they serve in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skin, and shall put them upon a pole.

and they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame.

And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar.

"They shall take all the vessels of ministry, with which they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a blue cloth, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame.

and have taken all the vessels of ministry wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and have put them unto a garment of blue, and have covered them with a covering of badger skin, and have put them on the bar,

Numrat 4:12
Pastaj do të marrin të gjitha veglat e shërbimit që përdoren në shenjtëroren, do t'i fusin në një cohë ngjyrë vjollce, do t'i mbështjellin me një mbulesë prej lëkure të baldosës dhe do t'i vendosin mbi një bartinë.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 4:12
ويأخذون جميع امتعة الخدمة التي يخدمون بها في القدس ويجعلونها في ثوب اسمانجون ويغطونها بغطاء من جلد تخس ويجعلونها على العتلة.

De Zalrach 4:12
Dann lögnd s dös gantze Gezöch für s Heiligtuem auf ayn blaus Tuech aufhin, wicklnd s mit ayner Daxlingdöck ein und tuend s eyn s Gstöll aufhin.

Числа 4:12
Ще вземат и всичките му служебни прибори, с които служат в светото място, и ще ги турят в син плат, ще ги покрият с покрив от язовски кожи и ще ги окачат на лост.

民 數 記 4:12
又 要 把 聖 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 藍 色 毯 子 裡 , 用 海 狗 皮 蒙 上 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。

又 要 把 圣 所 用 的 一 切 器 具 包 在 蓝 色 毯 子 里 , 用 海 狗 皮 蒙 上 , 放 在 抬 架 上 。



Numbers 4:12
Neka sad uzmu sav pribor što se upotrebljava za službu u Svetištu pa ga stave na ljubičasto platno i onda prekriju pokrivačem od fine kože. Zatim neka sve to polože na nosiljku.

Numeri 4:12
Vezmou i všecky nádoby k službě, jimiž přisluhovali v svatyni, a zavinouce do roucha z postavce modrého, přikryjí je přikrytím z koží jezevčích, a vloží na sochory.

4 Mosebog 4:12
Og de skal tage alle Redskaber, som bruges ved Tjenesten i Helligdommen, og lægge dem i et violet Purpurklæde og dække dem til med et Dække af Tahasjskind og lægge dem paa Bærebøren.

Numberi 4:12
Zij zullen ook nemen alle gereedschap van den dienst, met hetwelk zij in het heiligdom dienen, en zullen het leggen in een kleed van hemelsblauw, en zullen hetzelve met een deksel van dassenvellen bedekken; en zij zullen het op den draagboom leggen.

במדבר 4:12
וְלָקְחוּ֩ אֶת־כָּל־כְּלֵ֨י הַשָּׁרֵ֜ת אֲשֶׁ֧ר יְשָֽׁרְתוּ־בָ֣ם בַּקֹּ֗דֶשׁ וְנָֽתְנוּ֙ אֶל־בֶּ֣גֶד תְּכֵ֔לֶת וְכִסּ֣וּ אֹותָ֔ם בְּמִכְסֵ֖ה עֹ֣ור תָּ֑חַשׁ וְנָתְנ֖וּ עַל־הַמֹּֽוט׃

יב ולקחו את כל כלי השרת אשר ישרתו בם בקדש ונתנו אל בגד תכלת וכסו אותם במכסה עור תחש ונתנו על המוט

ולקחו את־כל־כלי השרת אשר ישרתו־בם בקדש ונתנו אל־בגד תכלת וכסו אותם במכסה עור תחש ונתנו על־המוט׃

4 Mózes 4:12
Vegyék elõ azután a szolgálatnak minden eszközét, a melyekkel szolgálni fognak a szenthelyen, és tegyék kékszínû ruhába, és takarják be azokat borzbõrbõl csinált takaróval, és tegyék a saroglyára.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 4:12
Kaj ili prenu cxiujn objektojn de servado, per kiuj oni servas en la sanktejo, kaj ili metu tion en bluan tukon kaj tegu tion per tego el antilopaj feloj kaj metu sur portilon.

Kaikki astiat, joilla he palvelevat pyhässä, pitää heidän ottaman ja levittämän niiden ylitse sinisen vaatteen, ja peittämän sen tekasjim-nahkaisella peitteellä, ja paneman ne korentoin päälle.

Nombres 4:12
Et ils prendront tous les ustensiles du service avec lesquels on sert dans le lieu saint, et ils les mettront dans un drap de bleu, et les couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et les mettront sur une perche.

Ils prendront tous les ustensiles dont on se sert pour le service dans le sanctuaire, et ils les mettront dans un drap bleu, et ils les envelopperont d'une couverture de peaux de dauphins; puis ils les placeront sur le brancard.

Ils prendront aussi tous les ustensiles du service dont on se sert au Sanctuaire, ils [les] mettront dans un drap de pourpre, et ils les couvriront d'une couverture de peaux de taissons, et les mettront sur des leviers.

4 Mose 4:12
Alle Geräte, damit sie schaffen im Heiligtum, sollen sie nehmen und gelbe Decken drüber tun und mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen decken und auf Stangen legen.

Alle Gerät, womit sie schaffen im Heiligtum, sollen sie nehmen und blaue Decken darüber tun und mit einer Decke von Dachsfellen bedecken und auf Stangen legen. {~}

Sodann sollen sie alle für den Dienst erforderlichen Geräte, mit denen man den Dienst im Heiligtume zu besorgen pflegt, nehmen und in ein Tuch von blauem Purpur thun; dann sollen sie sie mit einer Decke von Seekuhfell überdecken und auf die Trage legen.

Numeri 4:12
E prenderanno tutti gli utensili di cui si fa uso per il servizio nel santuario, li metteranno in un panno violaceo, li avvolgeranno in una coperta di pelli di delfino e li porranno sopra un paio di stanghe.

Poi prendano tutti gli arredi del servigio, co’ quali si fa il servigio nel Santuario, e mettanli dentro un drappo di violato, e copranli con una coverta di pelli di tasso; e mettanli sopra un par di stanghe.

Setelah itu hendaklah diambilnya segala serba yang terpakai kepada pekerjaan dalam tempat suci itu, dibungkuskannya dengan kain biru laut dan ditudungkannya dengan tudung kulit gajah mina dan diletakkannya di atas usungan.

민수기 4:12
또 성소에서 봉사하는 데 쓰는 모든 기명을 취하여 청색 보자기에 싸서 해달의 가죽 덮개로 덮어 메는 틀 위에 두고

Numeri 4:12
omnia vasa quibus ministratur in sanctuario involvent hyacinthino pallio et extendent desuper operimentum ianthinarum pellium inducentque vectes

Skaièiø knyga 4:12
Visus apeigoms naudojamus daiktus įvynios į mėlyną audinį, ant viršaus užties opšrų kailių uždangalu ir uždės ant neštuvų.

Numbers 4:12
Na ka mau ki nga mea e minita ai ratou i te wahi tapu, ka hoatu ki roto ki te kakahu puru, ka hipoki ki tetahi hipoki hiako pateri, ka whakaeke ki te amo:

4 Mosebok 4:12
Så skal de ta alle de redskaper som brukes til tjenesten i helligdommen, og legge dem i et klæde av blå ull og dekke dem til med et dekke av takasskinn og legge dem på en bærebør.

Números 4:12
y tomarán todos los utensilios para el ministerio con que sirven en el santuario, los pondrán en un paño azul, los cubrirán con una cubierta de piel de marsopa y los colocarán sobre las parihuelas.

y tomarán todos los utensilios para el ministerio con que sirven en el santuario, los pondrán en un paño azul, los cubrirán con una cubierta de piel de marsopa y los colocarán sobre las varas.

Y tomarán todos los vasos del servicio, de que hacen uso en el santuario, y los pondrán en un paño azul, y los cubrirán con una cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los colocarán sobre unas parihuelas.

Y tomarán todos los vasos del servicio, de que hacen uso en el santuario, y los pondrán en un paño cárdeno, y los cubrirán con una cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los colocarán sobre unas parihuelas.

Y tomarán todos los vasos del ministerio, con los cuales se ministren en el santuario, y los pondrán en el paño cárdeno, y los cubrirán con la cubierta de pieles de tejones, y los pondrán sobre las varas.

Números 4:12
Depois tomarão todos os objetos usados no serviço do santuário. Depositá-los-ão sobre um pano de púrpura, azul celeste, e os recobrirão com uma coberta de couro fino, e porão tudo sobre os varais para carregar.

Também tomarão todos os utensilios do ministério, com que servem no santuário, envolvê-los-ão num pano de azul e, cobrindo-os com uma coberta de peles de golfinhos, os colocarão sobre os varais.   

Numeri 4:12
Să ia apoi toate uneltele întrebuinţate pentru slujbă în sfîntul locaş, şi să le pună într'un covor albastru, şi să le acopere cu o învelitoare de piele de viţel de mare; apoi să le pună pe targă.

Числа 4:12
И возьмут все вещи служебные, которые употребляются для служения во святилище, и положат в одежду из голубой шерсти , и покроют ихпокровом из кож синих, и положат на носилки.

И возьмут все вещи служебные, которые употребляются для служения во святилище, и положат в одежду из голубой [шерсти], и покроют их покровом из кож синих, и положат на носилки.[]

4 Mosebok 4:12
Och de skola taga alla gudstjänstredskap, som begagnas vid tjänstgöringen i helgedomen, och lägga dem i ett mörkblått kläde och betäcka dem med ett överdrag av tahasskinn, och sedan lägga dem på en bår.

Numbers 4:12
At kanilang kukunin ang lahat ng mga kasangkapan na ukol sa pangangasiwa na ipinangangasiwa nila sa santuario, at kanilang ilalagay sa isang kayong bughaw, at kanilang tatakpan ng isang panakip na balat ng foka, at kanilang ipapatong sa patungan.

กันดารวิถี 4:12
และให้เขาเอาผ้าสีฟ้าห่อภาชนะเครื่องใช้ซึ่งใช้อยู่ในสถานบริสุทธิ์และคลุมเสียด้วยหนังทาคัช และใส่ไว้บนโครงหาม

Çölde Sayım 4:12
Kutsal yerde kullanılan bütün eşyaları lacivert bir beze sarıp deri bir örtüyle örtecek, sedyenin üzerine koyacaklar.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 4:12
Lại, cũng phải lấy hết thảy đồ đạc dùng về công việc nơi thánh, để trong một tấm nỉ màu điều xanh, rồi đắp một tấm phủ bằng da cá nược và để lên trên cái sề.

Numbers 4:11
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