Numbers 3:15
Numbers 3:15
"Count the Levites by their families and clans. Count every male a month old or more."

"Record the names of the members of the tribe of Levi by their families and clans. List every male who is one month old or older."

“List the sons of Levi, by fathers’ houses and by clans; every male from a month old and upward you shall list.”

"Number the sons of Levi by their fathers' households, by their families; every male from a month old and upward you shall number."

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.

Register the Levites by their ancestral houses and their clans. You are to register every male one month old or more."

"Number the descendants of Levi according to their ancestral houses and tribes, numbering every male from a month old and above."

"Number the Levites by their clans and their families; every male from a month old and upward you are to number."

"Count the Levites by households and families. Count every male who is at least one month old."

Number the sons of Levi by the houses of their fathers, by their families; thou shalt number every male from a month old and upward.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shall you number them.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shall you number them.

Number the children of Levi by their fathers houses, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.

Number the sons of Levi by the houses of their fathers and their families, every male from one month and upward.

Number the sons of Levi according to their fathers' houses, after their families; every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.

Number the children of Levi by their fathers' houses, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.

"Count the children of Levi by their fathers' houses, by their families. You shall count every male from a month old and upward."

'Number the sons of Levi by the house of their fathers, by their families; every male from a son of a month and upward thou dost number them.'

Numrat 3:15
Bëj regjistrimin e bijve të Levit në bazë të shtëpive të etërve të tyre dhe të familjeve të tyre; do të bësh regjistrimin e të gjithë meshkujve një muajsh e lart.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 3:15
عدّ بني لاوي حسب بيوت آبائهم وعشائرهم. كل ذكر من ابن شهر فصاعدا تعدّهم.

De Zalrach 3:15
Zöl de Brender naach ienerner Herkumft und Sippn, und zwaar allss Mannete über aynn Maanet!

Числа 3:15
Преброй левийците според бащините им домове, по семействата им; да преброиш всичките мъжки от един месец и нагоре.

民 數 記 3:15
你 要 照 利 未 人 的 宗 族 、 家 室 數 點 他 們 。 凡 一 個 月 以 外 的 男 子 都 要 數 點 。

你 要 照 利 未 人 的 宗 族 、 家 室 数 点 他 们 。 凡 一 个 月 以 外 的 男 子 都 要 数 点 。



Numbers 3:15
Popiši Levijevce po njihovim porodicama i rodovima; popiši sve muškarce od jednoga mjeseca i više.

Numeri 3:15
Sečti syny Léví vedlé domů otců jejich, po čeledech jejich, každého pohlaví mužského; zstáří jednoho měsíce a výše počítati budeš je.

4 Mosebog 3:15
Du skal mønstre Levis Sønner efter deres Fædrenehuse, efter deres Slægter; alle af Mandkøn fra en Maaned og opefter skal du mønstre.

Numberi 3:15
Tel de zonen van Levi naar het huis hunner vaderen, naar hun geslachten, al wat mannelijk is, van een maand oud en daarboven, die zult gij tellen.

במדבר 3:15
פְּקֹד֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י לֵוִ֔י לְבֵ֥ית אֲבֹתָ֖ם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֑ם כָּל־זָכָ֛ר מִבֶּן־חֹ֥דֶשׁ וָמַ֖עְלָה תִּפְקְדֵֽם׃

טו פקד את בני לוי לבית אבתם למשפחתם  כל זכר מבן חדש ומעלה תפקדם

פקד את־בני לוי לבית אבתם למשפחתם כל־זכר מבן־חדש ומעלה תפקדם׃

4 Mózes 3:15
Számláld meg Lévi fiait az õ atyáiknak háznépe szerint, az õ nemzetségeik szerint; egy hónapostól fogva, és azon felül minden finemût számlálj meg.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 3:15
Prikalkulu la Levidojn laux iliaj patrodomoj, laux iliaj familioj; cxiun virseksulon en la agxo de unu monato kaj pli prikalkulu.

Lue Levin pojat heidän isäinsä huoneen ja sukukuntainsa jälkeen: kaiken miehenpuolen, kuukauden vanhan ja sen ylitse, pitää sinun lukeman.

Nombres 3:15
Dénombre les fils de Lévi selon leurs maisons de pères, selon leurs familles: tu dénombreras tous les mâles depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus.

Fais le dénombrement des enfants de Lévi, selon les maisons de leurs pères, selon leurs familles; tu feras le dénombrement de tous les mâles, depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus.

Dénombre les enfants de Lévi, par les maisons de leurs pères, [et] par leurs familles, en comptant tout mâle depuis l'âge d'un mois, et au dessus.

4 Mose 3:15
Zähle die Kinder Levi nach ihrer Väter Häusern und Geschlechtern, alles, was männlich ist, eines Monden alt und drüber.

Zähle die Kinder Levi nach ihren Vaterhäusern und Geschlechtern, alles, was männlich ist, einen Monat alt und darüber. {~}

Mustere die Söhne Levis nach ihren Familien und Geschlechtern; alles, was männlich ist, von einem Monat an und darüber, sollst du von ihnen mustern.

Numeri 3:15
Fa’ il censimento de’ figliuoli di Levi secondo le case de’ loro padri, secondo le loro famiglie; farai il censimento di tutti i maschi dall’età d’un mese in su.

Annovera i figliuoli di Levi, per le lor famiglie paterne, e per le lor nazioni, annovera ogni maschio d’infra loro, dall’età d’un mese in su.

Bilanglah olehmu akan segala bani Lewi seturut rumah bapa-bapanya, seturut sukunya, yaitu segala anak laki-laki yang umur sebulan dan lebih dari pada itu hendaklah kaubilang.

민수기 3:15
레위 자손을 그들의 종족과 가족을 따라 계수하되 일개월 이상의 남자를 다 계수하라

Numeri 3:15
numera filios Levi per domos patrum suorum et familias omnem masculum ab uno mense et supra

Skaièiø knyga 3:15
“Suskaičiuok levitus pagal jų šeimas, visus vyriškos giminės asmenis, nuo vieno mėnesio amžiaus”.

Numbers 3:15
Taua nga tama a Riwai, tenei whare, tenei whare o o ratou matua, tenei hapu, tenei hapu o ratou: me tatau ratou e koe, nga tane katoa kotahi nei te marama, ahu atu.

4 Mosebok 3:15
Du skal mønstre Levis barn efter deres familier og ætter! Alt mannkjønn, fra den som er en måned gammel, og opover, skal du mønstre.

Números 3:15
Cuenta los hijos de Leví por sus casas paternas, por sus familias; contarás todo varón de un mes arriba.

"Cuenta a los hijos de Leví por sus casas paternas, por sus familias; contarás todo varón de un mes arriba."

Cuenta los hijos de Leví por las casas de sus padres, por sus familias: contarás a todos los varones de un mes para arriba.

Cuenta los hijos de Leví por las casas de sus padres, por sus familias: contarás todos los varones de un mes arriba.

Cuenta los hijos de Leví por las casas de sus padres, por sus familias; contarás todos los varones de un mes arriba.

Números 3:15
“Recensearás os filhos de Levi segundo suas casas patriarcais e de acordo com seus clãs familiares; recensearás todos os homens da idade de um mês para cima!”

Conta os filhos de Levi, segundo as casas de seus pais, pelas suas famílias; contarás todo homem da idade de um mês, para cima.   

Numeri 3:15
,,Fă numărătoarea copiilor lui Levi, după casele părinţilor lor, după familiile lor; şi anume, fă numărătoarea tuturor celor de parte bărbătească, dela vîrsta de o lună în sus.

Числа 3:15
исчисли сынов Левииных по семействам их, по родам их; всех мужеского пола от одного месяца и выше исчисли.

исчисли сынов Левииных по семействам их, по родам их; всех мужеского пола от одного месяца и выше исчисли.[]

4 Mosebok 3:15
Mönstra Levi barn, efter deras familjer och efter deras släkter; alla av mankön som äro en månad gamla eller därutöver skall du inmönstra.

Numbers 3:15
Bilangin mo ang mga anak ni Levi, ayon sa mga sangbahayan ng kanilang mga magulang, ayon sa kanilang mga angkan: bawa't lalake na mula sa isang buwang gulang na patanda ay bibilangin mo.

กันดารวิถี 3:15
จงนับคนเลวีตามเรือนบรรพบุรุษและตามครอบครัว คือท่านจงนับผู้ชายทุกคนที่มีอายุตั้งแต่เดือนหนึ่งขึ้นไป

Çölde Sayım 3:15
‹‹Levioğullarını ailelerine ve boylarına göre say. Bir aylık ve daha yukarı yaştaki her erkeği sayacaksın.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 3:15
Hãy kê sổ con cháu Lê-vi, tùy theo tông tộc và họ hàng chúng nó, kê hết thảy nam đinh từ một tháng sắp lên.

Numbers 3:14
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