Numbers 29:6
Numbers 29:6
These are in addition to the monthly and daily burnt offerings with their grain offerings and drink offerings as specified. They are food offerings presented to the LORD, a pleasing aroma.

These special sacrifices are in addition to your regular monthly and daily burnt offerings, and they must be given with their prescribed grain offerings and liquid offerings. These offerings are given as a special gift to the LORD, a pleasing aroma to him.

besides the burnt offering of the new moon, and its grain offering, and the regular burnt offering and its grain offering, and their drink offering, according to the rule for them, for a pleasing aroma, a food offering to the LORD.

besides the burnt offering of the new moon and its grain offering, and the continual burnt offering and its grain offering, and their drink offerings, according to their ordinance, for a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the LORD.

Beside the burnt offering of the month, and his meat offering, and the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, and their drink offerings, according unto their manner, for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.

These are in addition to the monthly and regular burnt offerings with their prescribed grain offerings and drink offerings. They are a pleasing aroma, a fire offering to the LORD."

This is to be separate and apart from the burnt offering for the New Moon, with its corresponding grain offering, the regular burnt offering with its corresponding grain offering, and their drink offerings, according to their respective ordinances, as a pleasing aroma, an incinerated offering made to the LORD.

this is in addition to the monthly burnt offering and its grain offering, and the daily burnt offering with its grain offering and their drink offerings as prescribed, as a sweet aroma, a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.

Offer these in addition to the monthly burnt offering with its grain offering, and the daily burnt offerings with their proper grain offerings and wine offerings. They are a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the LORD.

Besides the burnt offering of the month and its present, and the daily burnt offering and its present and their drink offerings, according to their law, for an acceptable savour, a sacrifice on fire unto the LORD.

Besides the burnt offerings of the month, and their grain offerings, and the daily burnt offering, and its grain offering, and their drink offerings, according unto their ordinance, for a sweet aroma, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.

Beside the burnt offering of the month, and his meat offering, and the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, and their drink offerings, according to their manner, for a sweet smell, a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.

besides the burnt-offering of the new moon, and the meal-offering thereof, and the continual burnt-offering and the meal-offering thereof, and their drink-offerings, according unto their ordinance, for a sweet savor, an offering made by fire unto Jehovah.

Besides the holocaust of the first day of the month with the sacrifices thereof, and the perpetual holocaust with the accustomed libations. With the same ceremonies you shall offer a burnt sacrifice for a most sweet odour to the Lord.

besides the monthly burnt-offering And its oblation, And the continual burnt-offering And its oblation, And their drink-offerings, according to their ordinance, for a sweet odour, an offering by fire to Jehovah.

beside the burnt offering of the new moon, and the meal offering thereof, and the continual burnt offering and the meal offering thereof, and their drink offerings, according unto their ordinance, for a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

Besides the burnt-offering of the month, and his meat-offering, and the daily burnt-offering, and his meat-offering, and their drink-offerings, according to their manner, for a sweet savor, a sacrifice made by fire to the LORD.

besides the burnt offering of the new moon, and the meal offering of it, and the continual burnt offering and the meal offering of it, and their drink offerings, according to their ordinance, for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

apart from the burnt-offering of the month, and its present, and the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations, according to their ordinance, for sweet fragrance, a fire-offering to Jehovah.

Numrat 29:6
përveç olokaustit mujor me blatimin e tij ushqimor, olokaustit të përjetshëm me blatimin e tij ushqimor, simbas normave të caktuara. Do të jetë një flijim i bërë me zjarr, me erë të këndshme për Zotin.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 29:6
فضلا عن محرقة الشهر وتقدمتها والمحرقة الدائمة وتقدمتها مع سكائبهنّ كعادتهنّ رائحة سرور وقودا للرب

De Zalrach 29:6
Dös allss kimmt zo n töglichnen und maanetlichnen Reglopfer non dyrzue, wie s vorgschribn seind. Dann nimmt s aau dyr Herr gern an.

Числа 29:6
в прибавка на новолунното всеизгаряне и хлебния му принос, и всегдашното всеизгаряне и хлебния му принос, с възлиянията им, според определеното за тях, за благоуханна жертва чрез огън Господу.

民 數 記 29:6
這 些 是 在 月 朔 的 燔 祭 和 同 獻 的 素 祭 , 並 常 獻 的 燔 祭 與 同 獻 的 素 祭 , 以 及 照 例 同 獻 的 奠 祭 以 外 , 都 作 為 馨 香 的 火 祭 獻 給 耶 和 華 。

这 些 是 在 月 朔 的 燔 祭 和 同 献 的 素 祭 , 并 常 献 的 燔 祭 与 同 献 的 素 祭 , 以 及 照 例 同 献 的 奠 祭 以 外 , 都 作 为 馨 香 的 火 祭 献 给 耶 和 华 。



Numbers 29:6
Neka to bude povrh paljenice o mlađaku mjesecu i njezine prinosnice, povrh trajne paljenice i njezine prinosnice i povrh njihovih propisanih ljevanica, žrtva spaljena na ugodan miris Jahvi."

Numeri 29:6
Mimo zápalnou obět novoměsíčnou s obětí její suchou, a mimo obět zápalnou ustavičnou s obětí její suchou, a s obětmi jejich mokrými vedlé pořádku jejich, u vůni příjemnou, v obět ohnivou Hospodinu.

4 Mosebog 29:6
alt foruden Nymaanebrændofferet med tilhørende Afgrødeoffer og det daglige Brændoffer med tilhørende Afgrødeoffer og Drikofre efter de derom gældende Forskrifter, til en liflig Duft, et Ildoffer for HERREN.

Numberi 29:6
Behalve het brandoffer der maand, en zijn spijsoffer, en het gedurig brandoffer, en zijn spijsoffer, met hun drankofferen, naar hun wijze, ten liefelijken reuk, ten vuuroffer den HEERE.

במדבר 29:6
מִלְּבַד֩ עֹלַ֨ת הַחֹ֜דֶשׁ וּמִנְחָתָ֗הּ וְעֹלַ֤ת הַתָּמִיד֙ וּמִנְחָתָ֔הּ וְנִסְכֵּיהֶ֖ם כְּמִשְׁפָּטָ֑ם לְרֵ֣יחַ נִיחֹ֔חַ אִשֶּׁ֖ה לַיהוָֽה׃ ס

ו מלבד עלת החדש ומנחתה ועלת התמיד ומנחתה ונסכיהם כמשפטם  לריח ניחח אשה ליהוה  {ס}

מלבד עלת החדש ומנחתה ועלת התמיד ומנחתה ונסכיהם כמשפטם לריח ניחח אשה ליהוה׃ ס

4 Mózes 29:6
az újhold egészen égõáldozatján és annak ételáldozatján kivül, és a szüntelen való egészen égõáldozaton és annak ételáldozatján, és azoknak italáldozatjokon kivül, az õ rendjök szerint, kedves illatú tûzáldozatul az Úrnak.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 29:6
krom la monata brulofero kaj gxia farunofero kaj la konstanta brulofero kaj gxia farunofero; kaj iliajn versxoferojn laux ilia regularo; kiel agrablan odorajxon, fajroferon al la Eternulo.

Paitsi saman kuukauden polttouhria ja ruokauhria, ja paitsi alinomaista polttouhria, ruokauhrinensa ja juomauhrinensa, heidän säätynsä jälkeen makian hajun tuleksi Herralle.

Nombres 29:6
-outre l'holocauste du mois, et son gâteau, et l'holocauste continuel et son gâteau, et leurs libations, selon leur ordonnance, en odeur agréable, un sacrifice par feu à l'Éternel.

Vous offrirez ces sacrifices, outre l'holocauste et l'offrande de chaque mois, l'holocauste perpétuel et l'offrande, et les libations qui s'y joignent, d'après les règles établies. Ce sont des sacrifices consumés par le feu, d'une agréable odeur à l'Eternel.

Outre l'holocauste du commencement du mois et son gâteau, et l'holocauste continuel et son gâteau, et leurs aspersions, selon leur ordonnance, en bonne odeur de sacrifice fait par feu à l'Eternel.

4 Mose 29:6
über das Brandopfer des Monden und sein Speisopfer und über das tägliche Brandopfer mit seinem Speisopfer und mit ihrem Trankopfer, nach ihrem Recht zum süßen Geruch. Das ist ein Opfer dem HERRN.

außer dem Brandopfer des Monats und seinem Speisopfer und außer dem täglichen Brandopfer mit seinem Speisopfer und mit seinem Trankopfer, wie es recht ist -,zum süßen Geruch. Das ist ein Opfer dem HERRN.

außer dem Neumond-Brandopfer und dem zugehörigen Speisopfer, sowie außer dem regelmäßigen Brandopfer und dem zugehörigen Speisopfer und den Trankopfern, die ihnen beizugeben sind, wie es sich gebührt - zum lieblichen Geruch, als ein Jahwe dargebrachtes Feueropfer.

Numeri 29:6
oltre l’olocausto del mese con la sua oblazione, e l’olocausto perpetuo con la sua oblazione, e le loro libazioni, secondo le regole stabilite. Sarà un sacrifizio, fatto mediante il fuoco, di soave odore all’Eterno.

oltre all’olocausto delle calendi, e la sua offerta di panatica; e oltre all’olocausto continuo, e la sua offerta di panatica, e le loro offerte da spandere, secondo i loro ordini, in soave odore, in sacrificio da ardere al Signore.

Lain dari pada korban bakaran pada bulan baharu dan persembahannya makanan dan korban bakaran yang selalu dengan persembahannya makanan dan persembahannya minuman dengan sepertinya, suatu persembahan yang dimakan api dan bau yang harum bagi Tuhan.

민수기 29:6
월삭의 번제와 그 소제와 상번제와 그 소제와 그 전제 외에 그 규례를 따라 향기로운 화제로 여호와께 드릴 것이니라

Numeri 29:6
praeter holocaustum kalendarum cum sacrificiis suis et holocaustum sempiternum cum libationibus solitis hisdem caerimoniis offeretis in odorem suavissimum incensum Domino

Skaièiø knyga 29:6
neskaičiuojant mėnesinės deginamosios bei duonos aukos ir kasdieninės deginamosios, duonos ir geriamosios aukos, kurias aukosite pagal jų nuostatus, kad būtų malonus kvapas Viešpačiui.

Numbers 29:6
Ko te tahunga tinana ano o te marama, me tona whakahere totokore, ko t tahunga tinana tuturu, me tona whakahere totokore, me nga ringihanga o era, kia rite ki nga ritenga o te pera, hei kakara reka, hei whakahere ahi ki a Ihowa.

4 Mosebok 29:6
foruten måneds-brennofferet med tilhørende matoffer og det stadige brennoffer med tilhørende matoffer og foreskrevne drikkoffer, til en velbehagelig duft, et ildoffer for Herren.

Números 29:6
esto, además del holocausto de la luna nueva y de su ofrenda de cereal, y del holocausto continuo y de su ofrenda de cereal y de sus libaciones, según su ordenanza, como aroma agradable, ofrenda encendida al SEÑOR.

esto, además del holocausto de la luna nueva y de su ofrenda de cereal, y del holocausto continuo y de su ofrenda de cereal y de sus libaciones, según su ordenanza, como aroma agradable, ofrenda encendida al SEÑOR.

Además del holocausto del mes, y su presente, y el holocausto continuo y su presente, y sus libaciones, conforme a su ley, por ofrenda encendida a Jehová en olor grato.

Además del holocausto del mes, y su presente, y el holocausto continuo y su presente, y sus libaciones, conforme á su ley, por ofrenda encendida á Jehová en olor de suavidad.

Además del holocausto del mes, y su presente, y el holocausto continuo y su presente, y sus libaciones, conforme a su ley, por ofrenda encendida al SEÑOR en olor grato.

Números 29:6
Isso além da oferta que é completamente queimada em sacrifício no primeiro dia do mês, junto com a oferenda de cereais, e além do holocausto perpétuo, queimado todos os dias, junto com a oferta oblação, oferta de cereais, e suas correspondentes libações, ofertas derramadas de vinho, de acordo com o estatuto, em perfume muito agradável, como oferenda queimada a Yahweh.

além do holocausto do mês e a sua oferta de cereais, e do holocausto contínuo e a sua oferta de cereais, com as suas ofertas de libação, segundo a ordenança, em cheiro suave, oferta queimada ao Senhor.   

Numeri 29:6
Să aduceţi aceste jertfe, afară de arderea de tot şi darul ei de mîncare din fiecare lună, afară de arderea de tot necurmată, darul ei de mîncare, şi jertfele de băutură, cari se adaugă la ele, după rînduielile aşezate. Acestea sînt nişte jertfe mistuite de foc, de un miros plăcut Domnului.

Числа 29:6
сверх новомесячного всесожжения и хлебного приношения его, и сверх постоянноговсесожжения и хлебного приношения его, и возлияний их, по уставу, в приятное благоухание Господу.

сверх новомесячного всесожжения и хлебного приношения его, и [сверх] постоянного всесожжения и хлебного приношения его, и возлияний их, по уставу, в приятное благоухание Господу.[]

4 Mosebok 29:6
detta förutom nymånadsbrännoffret med tillhörande spisoffer, och förutom det dagliga brännoffret med tillhörande spisoffer, och förutom de drickoffer som på föreskrivet sätt skola offras till båda: allt till en välbehaglig lukt, ett eldsoffer åt HERREN.

Numbers 29:6
Bukod pa sa handog na susunugin sa bagong buwan, at sa handog na harina niyaon, at sa palaging handog na susunugin at sa handog na harina niyaon, at sa mga inuming handog niyaon, ayon sa kanilang palatuntunan, na pinakamasarap na amoy, na handog sa Panginoon na pinaraan sa apoy.

กันดารวิถี 29:6
นอกเหนือเครื่องเผาบูชาในวันข้างขึ้นและธัญญบูชาคู่กันและเครื่องเผาบูชาประจำวันคู่กับธัญญบูชา และเครื่องดื่มบูชาคู่กัน ตามลักษณะเครื่องบูชาเหล่านี้ เป็นกลิ่นที่พอพระทัย เป็นเครื่องบูชาด้วยไฟถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์

Çölde Sayım 29:6
Kurala göre sunacağınız aylık ve günlük yakmalık sunuyla dökmelik sunulara, tahıl sunularına ek olarak bunları sunacaksınız. Bunlar RABbi hoşnut eden koku olarak yakılan sunulardır.› ›› ayetlerinde de geçer. ayetlerinde de geçer. ayetlerinde de geçer.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 29:6
các ngươi phải dâng những lễ vật nầy ngoài của lễ thiêu đầu tháng, và của lễ chay cặp theo, của lễ thiêu hằng hiến, và của lễ chay với lễ quán cặp theo, tùy theo những lệ đã định về mấy của lễ đó, mà làm của lễ dùng lửa dâng lên có mùi thơm cho Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Numbers 29:5
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