Numbers 29:7
Numbers 29:7
"'On the tenth day of this seventh month hold a sacred assembly. You must deny yourselves and do no work.

"Ten days later, on the tenth day of the same month, you must call another holy assembly. On that day, the Day of Atonement, the people must go without food and must do no ordinary work.

“On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation and afflict yourselves. You shall do no work,

'Then on the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation, and you shall humble yourselves; you shall not do any work.

And ye shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month an holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls: ye shall not do any work therein:

You are to hold a sacred assembly on the tenth day of this seventh month and practice self-denial; you must not do any work.

"You are to hold a sacred assembly on the tenth day of this same seventh month. You are to humble yourselves, and no servile work is to be done.

"'On the tenth day of this seventh month you are to have a holy assembly. You must humble yourselves; you must not do any work on it.

"On the tenth day of the seventh month you must have a holy assembly. You must humble yourselves. You must not do any work.

And ye shall have on the tenth of this seventh month a holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls; ye shall not do any work;

And you shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month a holy convocation; and you shall humble yourselves: you shall not do any work on it:

And you shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month an holy convocation; and you shall afflict your souls: you shall not do any work therein:

And on the tenth day of this seventh month ye shall have a holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls: ye shall do no manner of work;

The tenth day also of this seventh month shall be holy and venerable unto you, and you shall afflict your souls: you shall do no servile work therein.

And on the tenth of this seventh month ye shall have a holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls; no manner of work shall ye do.

And on the tenth day of this seventh month ye shall have an holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls; ye shall do no manner of work:

And ye shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month a holy convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls: in it ye shall not do any work.

"'On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall have a holy convocation; and you shall afflict your souls: you shall do no kind of work;

'And on the tenth of this seventh month a holy convocation ye have, and ye have humbled your souls; ye do no work;

Numrat 29:7
Ditën e dhjetë të këtij muaji të shtatë do të keni një mbledhje të shenjtë dhe do të përulni shpirtërat tuaja; nuk do të bëni asnjë punë,

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 29:7
وفي عاشر هذا الشهر السابع يكون لكم محفل مقدس وتذلّلون انفسكم. عملا ما لا تعملوا.

De Zalrach 29:7
Eyn n Zöntn von n sibtn Maanet halttß ayn weihe Samnung. Daa werd streng gfastt, und ayn iede Arecht ist unterschafft.

Числа 29:7
И на десетия ден от тоя седми месец да имате свето събрание, и да смирите душите си, и да не работите никаква работа;

民 數 記 29:7
七 月 初 十 日 , 你 們 當 有 聖 會 ; 要 刻 苦 己 心 , 甚 麼 工 都 不 可 做 。

七 月 初 十 日 , 你 们 当 有 圣 会 ; 要 刻 苦 己 心 , 甚 麽 工 都 不 可 做 。



Numbers 29:7
A desetoga dana toga sedmog mjeseca imajte sveti saziv. Postite i nemojte raditi nikakva posla.

Numeri 29:7
V desátý pak den téhož měsíce sedmého shromáždění svaté míti budete, a ponižovati budete životů svých; žádného díla nebudete dělati.

4 Mosebog 29:7
Paa den tiende Dag i samme syvende Maaned skal I holde Højtidsstævne, I skal faste og maa intet som helst Arbejde udføre.

Numberi 29:7
En op den tienden dezer zevende maand zult gij een heilige samenroeping hebben, en gij zult uw zielen verootmoedigen; geen werk zult gij doen;

במדבר 29:7
וּבֶעָשֹׂור֩ לַחֹ֨דֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִ֜י הַזֶּ֗ה מִֽקְרָא־קֹ֙דֶשׁ֙ יִהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֔ם וְעִנִּיתֶ֖ם אֶת־נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶ֑ם כָּל־מְלָאכָ֖ה לֹ֥א תַעֲשֽׂוּ׃

ז ובעשור לחדש השביעי הזה מקרא קדש יהיה לכם ועניתם את נפשתיכם כל מלאכה לא תעשו

ובעשור לחדש השביעי הזה מקרא־קדש יהיה לכם ועניתם את־נפשתיכם כל־מלאכה לא תעשו׃

4 Mózes 29:7
E hetedik hónapnak tizedik napján is szent gyülekezésetek legyen néktek; és sanyargassátok meg magatokat, semmi munkát ne végezzetek;

Moseo 4: Nombroj 29:7
Kaj en la deka tago de tiu sepa monato estu cxe vi sankta kunveno; kaj premu viajn animojn; faru nenian laboron;

Kymmenentenä päivänä tällä seitsemännellä kuukaudella pitää myös teillä pyhä kokous oleman ja teidän pitää vaivaaman teidän sielujanne, ja ei yhtään työtä (silloin) tekemän.

Nombres 29:7
Et le dixième jour de ce septième mois, vous aurez une sainte convocation, et vous affligerez vos âmes; vous ne ferez aucune oeuvre.

Le dixième jour de ce septième mois, vous aurez une sainte convocation, et vous humilierez vos âmes: vous ne ferez aucun ouvrage.

Et au dixième jour de ce septième mois vous aurez une sainte convocation, et vous affligerez vos âmes; vous ne ferez aucune œuvre.

4 Mose 29:7
Der zehnte Tag dieses siebenten Monden soll bei euch auch heilig heißen, daß ihr zusammenkommet; und sollt eure Leiber kasteien und keine Arbeit drinnen tun,

Der zehnte Tag des siebenten Monats soll bei euch auch heilig heißen, daß ihr zusammenkommt; und sollt eure Leiber kasteien und keine Arbeit da tun,

Und am zehnten Tage desselben siebenten Monats sollt ihr Festversammlung am Heiligtum abhalten und euch kasteien; da dürft ihr keinerlei Arbeit verrichten.

Numeri 29:7
Il decimo giorno di questo settimo mese avrete una santa convocazione e umilierete le anime vostre; non farete lavoro di sorta,

Parimente, al decimo giorno di questo settimo mese, siavi santa raunanza; e affliggete l’anime vostre, e non fate alcun lavoro.

Maka pada sepuluh hari bulan yang ketujuh itu hendaklah ada suatu perhimpunan yang suci bagi kamu serta hendaklah kamu merendahkan diri kamu, dan janganlah kamu kerjakan barang sesuatu pekerjaan padanya.

민수기 29:7
칠월 십일에는 너희가 성회로 모일 것이요 마음을 괴롭게 하고 아무 노동도 하지 말 것이며

Numeri 29:7
decima quoque dies mensis huius septimi erit vobis sancta atque venerabilis et adfligetis animas vestras omne opus servile non facietis in ea

Skaièiø knyga 29:7
Taip pat septinto mėnesio dešimtoji diena bus jums šventa ir iškilminga. Tą dieną varginsite savo sielas ir nedirbsite jokio darbo.

Numbers 29:7
A i te tekau o nga ra o tenei marama, o te whitu, he huihuinga tapu mo koutou: me whakapouri o koutou wairua: kaua tetahi mahi e mahia:

4 Mosebok 29:7
Den tiende dag i den samme syvende måned skal I holde en hellig sammenkomst; da skal I faste. I skal ikke gjøre nogen arbeidsgjerning.

Números 29:7
``El décimo día de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación y os humillaréis; no haréis ningún trabajo.

'El décimo día de este mes séptimo tendrán santa convocación y se humillarán; no harán ningún trabajo.

Y en el día diez de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas; ninguna obra haréis;

Y en el diez de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas: ninguna obra haréis:

Y en el diez de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas; ninguna obra haréis;

Números 29:7
No décimo dia do último mês, tereis uma assembléia santa. Jejuareis e não realizareis trabalho algum.

Também no dia dez deste sétimo mês tereis santa convocação, e afligireis as vossas almas; nenhum trabalho fareis;   

Numeri 29:7
În ziua a zecea a acestei luni a şaptea, să aveţi o adunare sfîntă, şi să vă smeriţi sufletele; atunci să nu faceţi nicio lucrare.

Числа 29:7
И в десятый день сего седьмого месяца пусть будет у вас священное собрание: смиряйте тогда души ваши и никакого дела не делайте;

И в десятый [день] сего седьмого месяца пусть будет у вас священное собрание: смиряйте [тогда] души ваши и никакого дела не делайте;[]

4 Mosebok 29:7
På tionde dagen i samma sjunde månad skolen I ock hålla en helig sammankomst, och I skolen då späka eder; intet arbete skolen I då göra.

Numbers 29:7
At sa ikasangpung araw nitong ikapitong buwan, ay magkakaroon kayo ng isang banal na pagpipisan; at inyong pagdadalamhatiin ang inyong mga kaluluwa; huwag kayong gagawa ng anomang gawa:

กันดารวิถี 29:7
ในวันที่สิบเดือนที่เจ็ดนี้ เจ้าทั้งหลายจงมีการประชุมบริสุทธิ์ เจ้าต้องถ่อมใจลง อย่าทำการงานสิ่งใด

Çölde Sayım 29:7
‹‹ ‹Yedinci ayın onuncu günü kutsal bir toplantı düzenleyeceksiniz. O gün isteklerinizi denetleyecek, hiç iş yapmayacaksınız.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 29:7
Ngày mồng mười tháng bảy nầy, các ngươi sẽ có sự nhóm hiệp thánh, phải ép linh hồn mình, chớ nên làm một công việc xác thịt nào.

Numbers 29:6
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