Numbers 10:10
Numbers 10:10
Also at your times of rejoicing--your appointed festivals and New Moon feasts--you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before your God. I am the LORD your God."

Blow the trumpets in times of gladness, too, sounding them at your annual festivals and at the beginning of each month. And blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and peace offerings. The trumpets will remind the LORD your God of his covenant with you. I am the LORD your God."

On the day of your gladness also, and at your appointed feasts and at the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings. They shall be a reminder of you before your God: I am the LORD your God.”

"Also in the day of your gladness and in your appointed feasts, and on the first days of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be as a reminder of you before your God. I am the LORD your God."

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

You are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your fellowship sacrifices and on your joyous occasions, your appointed festivals, and the beginning of each of your months. They will serve as a reminder for you before your God: I am Yahweh your God."

At the beginning of the month, during your time of rejoicing at the appointed place, sound the trumpet over your burnt offering, then sacrifice your peace offering, since they are to be your memorial before the LORD your God. I am the LORD your God."

"Also in the time when you rejoice, such as on your appointed festivals or at the beginnings of your months, you must blow with your trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings, so that they may become a memorial for you before your God: I am the LORD your God."

Also, on your festival days and on the first day of the month, blow the trumpets when you sacrifice your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. The trumpets will be a reminder for you in God's presence. I am the LORD your God."

Also in the day of your gladness and in your solemn days and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace, that they may be to you for a memorial before your God; I AM your God.

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am Jehovah your God.

If at any time you shall have a banquet, end on your festival days, and on the first days of your months, you shall sound the trumpets over the holocausts, and the sacrifices of peace offerings, that they may be to you for a remembrance of your God. I am the Lord your God.

And in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings and over your sacrifices of peace-offering; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am Jehovah your God.

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.

"Also in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God. I am Yahweh your God."

And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed seasons, and in the beginnings of your months, ye have blown also with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings, and they have been to you for a memorial before your God; I, Jehovah, am your God.'

Numrat 10:10
Po kështu në ditët tuaja të gëzimit, në festat tuaja të caktuara dhe në fillim të muajve tuaj të parë, do t'u bini borive me rastin e olokausteve dhe të flijimeve tuaja të falënderimit; dhe kështu ato do të bëjnë që të kujtoheni përpara Perëndisë tuaj. Unë jam Zoti, Perëndia juaj".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 10:10
وفي يوم فرحكم وفي يوم اعيادكم ورؤوس شهوركم تضربون بالابواق على محرقاتكم وذبائح سلامتكم فتكون لكم تذكارا امام الهكم. انا الرب الهكم

De Zalrach 10:10
Aau an enkerne Freudntäg und Feirtyg, zo n Beispil an n Neumaandföst, daa blaastß zo enkerne Brand- und Heilsopfer mit de Trummetn. Dann gaat enker Got wider enker gedenken. I bin dyr Trechtein, enker Got.

Числа 10:10
И на увеселителните си дни, и на празниците си, и на новолунията си да свирите с тръбите над всеизгарянията си и над примирителните си жертви; и това ще ви бъде за спомен пред вашия Бог. Аз съм Иеова вашият Бог.

民 數 記 10:10
在 你 們 快 樂 的 日 子 和 節 期 , 並 月 朔 , 獻 燔 祭 和 平 安 祭 , 也 要 吹 號 , 這 都 要 在 你 們 的   神 面 前 作 為 紀 念 。 我 是 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的   神 。

在 你 们 快 乐 的 日 子 和 节 期 , 并 月 朔 , 献 燔 祭 和 平 安 祭 , 也 要 吹 号 , 这 都 要 在 你 们 的   神 面 前 作 为 纪 念 。 我 是 耶 和 华 ─ 你 们 的   神 。



Numbers 10:10
Na dan svoje svečanosti, svojih blagdana ili svojih mjesečevih mlađaka, dok prinosite svoje paljenice i pričesnice, trubite u trube. Neka to za vas bude spomen pred Bogom vašim. Ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš."

Numeri 10:10
V den také veselí vašeho, a při slavnostech svých, a při začátcích měsíců vašich troubiti budete v trouby ty k obětem svým zápalným a pokojným, i budou vám na památku před Bohem vaším: Já Hospodin Bůh váš.

4 Mosebog 10:10
Og paa eders Glædesdage, eders Højtider og Nymaanedage, skal I blæse i Trompeterne ved eders Brændofre og Takofre; saa skal de tjene eder til Ihukommelse for eders Guds Aasyn. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!

Numberi 10:10
Desgelijks ten dage uwer vrolijkheid, en in uw gezette hoogtijden, en in de beginselen uwer maanden, zult gij ook met de trompetten blazen over uw brandofferen, en over uw dankofferen; en zij zullen u ter gedachtenis zijn voor het aangezicht uws Gods; Ik ben de HEERE, uw God!

במדבר 10:10
וּבְיֹ֨ום שִׂמְחַתְכֶ֥ם וּֽבְמֹועֲדֵיכֶם֮ וּבְרָאשֵׁ֣י חָדְשֵׁיכֶם֒ וּתְקַעְתֶּ֣ם בַּחֲצֹֽצְרֹ֗ת עַ֚ל עֹלֹ֣תֵיכֶ֔ם וְעַ֖ל זִבְחֵ֣י שַׁלְמֵיכֶ֑ם וְהָי֨וּ לָכֶ֤ם לְזִכָּרֹון֙ לִפְנֵ֣י אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶ֔ם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃ פ

י וביום שמחתכם ובמועדיכם ובראשי חדשיכם--ותקעתם בחצצרת על עלתיכם ועל זבחי שלמיכם והיו לכם לזכרון לפני אלהיכם אני יהוה אלהיכם  {פ}

וביום שמחתכם ובמועדיכם ובראשי חדשיכם ותקעתם בחצצרת על עלתיכם ועל זבחי שלמיכם והיו לכם לזכרון לפני אלהיכם אני יהוה אלהיכם׃ פ

4 Mózes 10:10
A ti vígasságtoknak napján, és a ti ünnepeiteken, és a ti hónapjaitok kezdetén is fújjátok meg a kürtöket, a ti egészen égõáldozataitokra, és a ti hálaáldozatitokra: és lesznek néktek emlékeztetõül a ti Istenetek elõtt. Én vagyok az Úr, a ti Istenetek.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 10:10
Kaj en la tago de via gxojo kaj en viaj festoj kaj en viaj novmonataj tagoj trumpetu per trumpetoj cxe viaj bruloferoj kaj cxe viaj pacoferoj; kaj tio estos memorigo pri vi antaux via Dio:Mi estas la Eternulo, via Dio.

Niin myös teidän ilopäivinänne, ja teidän juhlapäivinänne, ja teidän uusissa kuissanne, pitää teidän torvilla soittaman, teidän polttouhrianne ja kiitosuhrianne uhratessanne, että ne olisivat teille muistoksi teidän Jumalanne edessä. Minä Herra teidän Jumalanne.

Nombres 10:10
Et dans vos jours de joie, et dans vos jours solennels, et au commencement de vos mois, vous sonnerez des trompettes sur vos holocaustes, et sur vos sacrifices de prospérités, et elles seront un mémorial pour vous devant votre Dieu. Moi, je suis l'Éternel, votre Dieu.

Dans vos jours de joie, dans vos fêtes, et à vos nouvelles lunes, vous sonnerez des trompettes, en offrant vos holocaustes et vos sacrifices d'actions de grâces, et elles vous mettront en souvenir devant votre Dieu. Je suis l'Eternel, votre Dieu.

Aussi dans vos jours de joie, dans vos fêtes solennelles, et au commencement de vos mois, vous sonnerez des trompettes sur vos holocaustes, et sur vos sacrifices de prospérités, et elles vous serviront de mémorial devant votre Dieu; je [suis] l'Eternel, votre Dieu.

4 Mose 10:10
Desselbigengleichen, wenn ihr fröhlich seid an euren Festen und in euren Neumonden, sollt ihr mit den Trommeten blasen über eure Brandopfer und Dankopfer, daß es sei euch zum Gedächtnis vor eurem Gott. Ich bin der HERR, euer Gott.

Desgleichen, wenn ihr fröhlich seid, und an euren Festen und an euren Neumonden sollt ihr mit den Drommeten blasen über eure Brandopfer und Dankopfer, daß es euch sei zum Gedächtnis vor eurem Gott. Ich bin der HERR, euer Gott.

Auch an euren Freudentagen, sowie an euren Festen und euren Neumonden, sollt ihr die Trompeten blasen zu euren Brandopfern und zu euren Heilsopfern, daß Sie euch ein gnädiges Gedenken von seiten eures Gottes schaffen; ich bin Jahwe, euer Gott.

Numeri 10:10
Così pure nei vostri giorni di gioia, nelle vostre solennità e al principio de’ vostri mesi, sonerete con le trombe quand’offrirete i vostri olocausti e i vostri sacrifizi di azioni di grazie; ed esse vi faranno ricordare nel cospetto del vostro Dio. Io sono l’Eterno, il vostro Dio".

Parimente a’ giorni delle vostre allegrezze, e nelle vostre feste solenni, e nelle vostre calendi, sonate con le trombe, offerendo i vostri olocausti, e i vostri sacrificii da render grazie; ed esse vi saranno per ricordanza nel cospetto dell’Iddio vostro. Io sono il Signore Iddio vostro.

Demikianpun pada hari kesukaanmu, pada masa raya yang tertentu dan pada bulan-bulan yang baharu, apabila kamu meniup nafiri itu atas korbanmu bakaran dan atas korbanmu syukur, diadakannya bahwa akan kamu diingat di hadapan hadirat Allahmu: Bahwa Akulah Tuhan, Allahmu!

민수기 10:10
또 너희 희락의 날과 너희 정한 절기와 월삭에는 번제물의 위에와 화목제물의 위에 나팔을 불라 그로 말미암아 너희 하나님이 너희를 기억하리라 나는 너희 하나님 여호와니라 !

Numeri 10:10
si quando habebitis epulum et dies festos et kalendas canetis tubis super holocaustis et pacificis victimis ut sint vobis in recordationem Dei vestri ego Dominus Deus vester

Skaièiø knyga 10:10
Jūsų džiaugsmo dieną, šventės dieną ir pirmą mėnesio dieną, trimituokite prie deginamųjų ir padėkos aukų kaip atminimą Dievui. Aš, Viešpats, jūsų Dievas”.

Numbers 10:10
I te ra ano e hari ai, i o koutou ra nunui hoki, i nga timatanga o o koutou marama, me whakatangi nga tetere ki a koutou tahunga tinana, ki a koutou patunga mo te pai; a hei whakamahara ena ki a koutou ki te aroaro o to koutou Atua: ko Ihowa aha u, ko to koutou Atua.

4 Mosebok 10:10
Og på eders gledesdager og eders høitider og eders nymånedager skal I støte i trompetene når I ofrer eders brennoffer og eders takkoffer, og de skal minne om eder for eders Guds åsyn; jeg er Herren eders Gud.

Números 10:10
Asimismo, en el día de vuestra alegría, en vuestras fiestas señaladas y en el primer día de vuestros meses, tocaréis las trompetas durante vuestros holocaustos y durante los sacrificios de vuestras ofrendas de paz; y serán para vosotros como recordatorio delante de vuestro Dios. Yo soy el SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

"Asimismo, en el día de su alegría, en sus fiestas señaladas y en el primer día de sus meses, tocarán las trompetas durante sus holocaustos y durante los sacrificios de sus ofrendas de paz; y serán para ustedes como recordatorio delante de su Dios. Yo soy el SEÑOR su Dios."

Y en el día de vuestra alegría, y en vuestras solemnidades, y en los principios de vuestros meses, tocaréis las trompetas sobre vuestros holocaustos y sobre los sacrificios de vuestras ofrendas de paz, y os serán por memorial delante de vuestro Dios: Yo Jehová vuestro Dios.

Y en el día de vuestra alegría, y en vuestras solemnidades, y en los principios de vuestros meses, tocaréis las trompetas sobre vuestros holocaustos, y sobre los sacrificios de vuestras paces, y os serán por memoria delante de vuestro Dios: Yo Jehová vues

También en el día de vuestra alegría, y en vuestras solemnidades, y en los principios de vuestros meses, tocaréis las trompetas sobre vuestros holocaustos, y sobre los sacrificios de vuestra paz, y os serán por memoria delante de vuestro Dios: Yo soy el SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

Números 10:10
Nos vossos dias de festas, nas solenidades fixas e no primeiro dia de cada mês, devereis igualmente tocar tais cornetas por ocasião dos vossos holocaustos e das vossas ofertas de comunhão e paz, e elas vos servirão de memorial em vosso benefício diante de Yahweh. Eu Sou o SENHOR, o vosso Deus!”

Semelhantemente, no dia da vossa alegria, nas vossas festas fixas, e nos princípios dos vossos meses, tocareis as trombetas sobre os vossos holocaustos, e sobre os sacrifícios de vossas ofertas pacíficas; e eles vos serão por memorial perante vosso Deus. Eu sou o Senhor vosso Deus.   

Numeri 10:10
În zilele voastre de bucurie, la sărbătorile voastre, şi la lunile noi ale voastre, să sunaţi din trîmbiţe, cînd vă veţi aduce arderile de tot şi jertfele de mulţămire; şi ele vor face ca Dumnezeul vostru să-Şi aducă aminte de voi. Eu sînt Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru.``

Числа 10:10
и в день веселия вашего, и в праздники ваши, и в новомесячия ваши трубите трубами при всесожжениях ваших и при мирных жертвах ваших, – и это будет напоминанием о вас пред Богом вашим. ЯГосподь, Бог ваш.

и в день веселия вашего, и в праздники ваши, и в новомесячия ваши трубите трубами при всесожжениях ваших и при мирных жертвах ваших, --и это будет напоминанием о вас пред Богом вашим. Я Господь, Бог ваш.[]

4 Mosebok 10:10
Och när I haven en glädjedag och haven edra högtider och nymånader, skolen I stöta i trumpeterna, då I offren edra brännoffer och tackoffer; så skola de bringa eder i åminnelse inför eder Guds ansikte. Jag är HERREN, eder Gud.»

Numbers 10:10
Gayon sa kaarawan ng inyong kasayahan, at sa inyong mga takdang kapistahan, at sa mga pasimula ng inyong mga buwan, ay inyong hihipan ang mga pakakak sa ibabaw ng inyong mga handog na susunugin, at sa ibabaw ng mga hain ng inyong mga handog tungkol sa kapayapaan; at sa inyo'y magiging alaala sa harap ng inyong Dios: ako ang Panginoon ninyong Dios.

กันดารวิถี 10:10
ในวันที่เจ้าทั้งหลายมีความยินดี และในงานเทศกาลและในวันต้นเดือนของเจ้า เจ้าจงเป่าแตรเหนือเครื่องเผาบูชาและเหนือสัตวบูชาอันเป็นเครื่องสันติบูชา เป็นที่ให้พระเจ้าของเจ้าระลึกถึงเจ้า เราเป็นพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเจ้า"

Çölde Sayım 10:10
Sevinçli olduğunuz günler -kutladığınız bayramlar ve Yeni Ay Törenlerinde- yakmalık sunular ve esenlik kurbanları üzerine borazan çalacaksınız. Böylelikle Tanrınızın önünde anımsanmış olacaksınız. Ben Tanrınız RABbim.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 10:10
Trong những ngày vui mừng, trong các lễ trọng thể và đầu tháng của các ngươi, thì phải thổi loa khi dâng những của lễ thiêu và của lễ thù ân mình; loa sẽ dùng làm kỷ niệm trước mặt Ðức Chúa Trời của các ngươi. Ta là Giê-hô-va, Ðức Chúa Trời của các ngươi.

Numbers 10:9
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