Numbers 1:18
Numbers 1:18
and they called the whole community together on the first day of the second month. The people registered their ancestry by their clans and families, and the men twenty years old or more were listed by name, one by one,

and they assembled the whole community of Israel on that very day. All the people were registered according to their ancestry by their clans and families. The men of Israel who were twenty years old or older were listed one by one,

and on the first day of the second month, they assembled the whole congregation together, who registered themselves by clans, by fathers’ houses, according to the number of names from twenty years old and upward, head by head,

and they assembled all the congregation together on the first of the second month. Then they registered by ancestry in their families, by their fathers' households, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, head by head,

And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

and they assembled the whole community on the first day of the second month. They recorded their ancestry by their clans and their ancestral houses, counting one by one the names of those 20 years old or more,

They assembled the entire community together during the second month. Then they recorded their ancestries, according to their tribes and ancestral houses, as well as the names of the men 20 years old and above individually,

and they assembled the entire community together on the first day of the second month. Then the people recorded their ancestry by their clans and families, and the men who were twenty years old or older were listed by name individually,

and assembled the whole community on the first day of the second month. Each man at least 20 years old provided his genealogy by family and household. Then his name was listed.

and they assembled all the congregation together on the first of the second month, and they were gathered by their lineages, by the houses of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls,

And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their ancestry by their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, individually.

And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month; and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by their fathers houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

And assembled them on the first day of the second month, reckoning them up by the kindreds, and houses, and families, and heads, and names of every one from twenty years old and upward,

and gathered the whole assembly together on the first of the second month. And they declared their pedigrees after their families, according to their fathers' houses, by the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, according to their polls.

And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

And they assembled all the congregation on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.

They assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month; and they declared their ancestry by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, one by one.

and all the company they assembled on the first of the second month, and they declare their births, by their families, by the house of their fathers, in the number of names from a son of twenty years and upward, by their polls,

Numrat 1:18
dhe thirrën tërë asamblenë, ditën e parë të muajit të dytë; ata u treguan fisin e tyre, në bazë të familjeve të tyre dhe të shtëpive të etërve të tyre, duke numëruar personat me moshë njëzet vjeç e lart, një për një.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 1:18
وجمعا كل الجماعة في اول الشهر الثاني فانتسبوا الى عشائرهم وبيوت آبائهم بعدد الاسماء من ابن عشرين سنة فصاعدا برؤوسهم

De Zalrach 1:18
Eyn n eerstn Tag von n zwaittn Maanet gversammlnd s de gantze Gmain. Dann wurdnd allsand Wörmannen, von zwainzg Jaar aufwärts, naach n Stamm und dyr Sippn namentlich erfasst.

Числа 1:18
свикаха цялото общество на първия ден от втория месец; и те се записаха един по един по семействата си, по бащините си домове, според числото на имената [на мъжете] от двадесет години и нагоре.

民 數 記 1:18
當 二 月 初 一 日 招 聚 全 會 眾 。 會 眾 就 照 他 們 的 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 數 目 , 從 二 十 歲 以 外 的 , 都 述 說 自 己 的 家 譜 。

当 二 月 初 一 日 招 聚 全 会 众 。 会 众 就 照 他 们 的 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 数 目 , 从 二 十 岁 以 外 的 , 都 述 说 自 己 的 家 谱 。



Numbers 1:18
te prvoga dana drugoga mjeseca sazovu svu zajednicu. Tada se u popis prema rodovima i porodicama po redu unosio broj osoba starijih od dvadeset godina.

Numeri 1:18
A shromáždili všecko množství prvního dne měsíce druhého, kteříž přiznávali se k rodům svým po čeledech svých, po domích otců svých, a vedlé počtu jmen, od dvadcítiletých a výše po osobách svých.

4 Mosebog 1:18
og de kaldte hele Menigheden sammen paa den første Dag i den anden Maaned. Saa lod de sig indføre i Familielisterne efter deres Slægter, efter deres Fædrenehuse, ved Optælling af Navnene fra Tyveaarsalderen og opefter, Hoved for Hoved,

Numberi 1:18
En zij verzamelden de gehele vergadering, op den eersten dag der tweede maand; en die verklaarden hun afkomst, naar hun geslachten, naar het huis hunner vaderen, in het getal der namen, van die twintig jaren oud was en daarboven, hoofd voor hoofd.

במדבר 1:18
וְאֵ֨ת כָּל־הָעֵדָ֜ה הִקְהִ֗ילוּ בְּאֶחָד֙ לַחֹ֣דֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִ֔י וַיִּתְיַֽלְד֥וּ עַל־מִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖ם לְבֵ֣ית אֲבֹתָ֑ם בְּמִסְפַּ֣ר שֵׁמֹ֗ות מִבֶּ֨ן עֶשְׂרִ֥ים שָׁנָ֛ה וָמַ֖עְלָה לְגֻלְגְּלֹתָֽם׃

יח ואת כל העדה הקהילו באחד לחדש השני ויתילדו על משפחתם לבית אבתם  במספר שמות מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה--לגלגלתם

ואת כל־העדה הקהילו באחד לחדש השני ויתילדו על־משפחתם לבית אבתם במספר שמות מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה לגלגלתם׃

4 Mózes 1:18
És összegyüjték az egész gyülekezetet a második hónapnak elsõ napján; és vallást tõnek az õ születésökrõl, az õ nemzetségeik szerint, az õ atyáiknak háznépe szerint, a neveknek száma szerint, húsz esztendõstõl fogva és feljebb fõrõl fõre.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 1:18
Kaj la tutan komunumon ili kunvenigis en la unua tago de la dua monato; kaj la kunvenintoj legitimis sin laux siaj familioj, laux siaj patrodomoj, laux la nombroj de la nomoj, de la agxuloj de dudek jaroj kaj pli, lauxkape,

Ja he kokosivat kaiken kansan, ensimäisenä päivänä toisella kuulla, jotka luettelivat polvilukunsa, sukukuntainsa, ja isäinsä huonetten jälkeen: nimenomattain, kahdenkymmenen vuotisesta ja sen ylitse, mies mieheltä.

Nombres 1:18
et ils réunirent toute l'assemblée, le premier jour du second mois; et chacun déclara sa filiation, selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons de pères, suivant le nombre des noms, depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus, par tête.

et ils convoquèrent toute l'assemblée, le premier jour du second mois. On les enregistra selon leurs familles, selon les maisons de leurs pères, en comptant par tête les noms depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus.

Et ils convoquèrent toute l'assemblée, le premier jour du second mois, et on enregistra chacun selon leurs familles, [et] selon la maison de leurs pères, les enregistrant, nom par nom, depuis l'âge de vingt ans, et au dessus, chacun par tête;

4 Mose 1:18
und sammelten auch die ganze Gemeine am ersten Tage des andern Monden und rechneten sie nach ihrer Geburt, nach ihren Geschlechtern und Väter Häusern und Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und drüber, von Haupt zu Haupt,

und sammelten auch die ganze Gemeinde am ersten Tage des zweiten Monats und rechneten nach ihrer Geburt, nach ihren Geschlechtern und Vaterhäusern und Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und darüber, von Haupt zu Haupt, {~}

und versammelten die ganze Gemeinde am ersten Tage des zweiten Monats. Da ließen sie sich in die Geburts-Verzeichnisse eintragen nach ihren Geschlechtern, Familien und einzelnen Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und darüber, Kopf für Kopf,

Numeri 1:18
e convocarono tutta la raunanza, il primo giorno del secondo mese; e il popolo fu inscritto secondo le famiglie, secondo le case de’ padri, contando il numero delle persone dai venti anni in su, uno per uno.

E, a’ calendi del secondo mese, adunarono tutta la raunanza; e le generazioni de’ figliuoli d’Israele furono descritte per le lor nazioni, e per le famiglie loro paterne, contandoli per nome dall’età di vent’anni in su, a testa a testa.

lalu dipanggilnya berhimpun segenap sidang itu pada hari yang pertama bulan yang kedua, supaya diberinya tahu umurnya, seturut sukunya dan seturut rumah bapa-bapanya, serta dengan bilangan nama masing-masing, yang umur dua puluh tahun dan lebih dari pada itu.

민수기 1:18
이월 일일에 온 회중을 모으니 그들이 각기 가족과 종족을 따라 이십세 이상으로 그 명수를 의지하여 자기 계통을 말하매

Numeri 1:18
et congregaverunt primo die mensis secundi recensentes eos per cognationes et domos ac familias et capita et nomina singulorum a vicesimo anno et supra

Skaièiø knyga 1:18
antrojo mėnesio pirmą dieną surinko vyrus pagal jų gimines ir šeimas, visus turėjusius dvidešimt metų ir vyresnius,

Numbers 1:18
A huihuia ana e ratou te whakaminenga katoa i te ra tuatahi o te rua o nga marama: a ka whakaaturia e ratou o ratou whakapapa, tenei hapu, tenei hapu, me nga whare o o ratou matua, tatau rawa nga ingoa, he pane, he pane, nga mea e rua tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau.

4 Mosebok 1:18
og de samlet hele menigheten på den første dag i den annen måned; og de lot sig innføre i ættelistene med sine navn, efter sine ætter og familier, fra tyveårsalderen og opover, en for en,

Números 1:18
y reunieron a toda la congregación el primer día del mes segundo. Y se registraron según sus antepasados por familias, por sus casas paternas, según el número de nombres, de veinte años arriba, uno por uno.

y reunieron a toda la congregación el primer día del mes segundo. Y se registraron según sus antepasados por familias, por sus casas paternas, según el número de nombres, de veinte años arriba, uno por uno.

y reunieron a toda la congregación en el primero del mes segundo, y fueron reunidos sus linajes, por las casas de sus padres, según la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años para arriba, por sus cabezas;

Y juntaron toda la congregación en el primero del mes segundo, y fueron reunidos sus linajes, por las casas de sus padres, según la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años arriba, por sus cabezas,

y juntaron a toda la congregación en el primero del mes segundo, y fueron reunidos por sus linajes, por las casas de sus padres, según la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años arriba, por sus cabezas,

Números 1:18
e convocaram toda a congregação, no primeiro dia do segundo mês. Os filhos de Israel determinaram sua descendência, segundo seus clãs e segundo as casas patriarcais, e registraram-se os nomes dos homens de vinte anos para cima, cabeça por cabeça.

e, tendo ajuntado toda a congregação no primeiro dia do segundo mês, declararam a linhagem deles segundo as suas familias, segundo as casas de seus pais, conforme o número dos nomes dos de vinte anos para cima, cabeça por cabeça;   

Numeri 1:18
şi au strîns toată adunarea, în cea dintîi zi a lunii a doua. I-au trecut în cărţile cari cuprindeau spiţa neamului, după familiile lor, după casele părinţilor lor, numărînd pe cap numele bărbaţilor dela vîrsta de douăzeci de ani în sus.

Числа 1:18
и собрали они все общество в первый день второго месяца. И объявили они родословия свои, по родам их, по семействам их, по числу имен, от двадцати лет ивыше, поголовно,

и собрали они все общество в первый [день] второго месяца. И объявили они родословия свои, по родам их, по семействам их, по числу имен, от двадцати лет и выше, поголовно,[]

4 Mosebok 1:18
och sedan de hade församlat hela menigheten på första dagen i andra månaden, blev folket infört i förteckningen efter sina släkter och efter sina familjer, vart namn räknat särskilt, de som voro tjugu år gamla eller därutöver, var person för sig,

Numbers 1:18
At kanilang pinisan ang buong kapisanan nang unang araw ng ikalawang buwan; at kanilang sinaysay ang kanikaniyang kanunuan ayon sa kanikanilang angkan, sangayon sa mga sangbahayan ng kanilang mga magulang, ayon sa bilang ng mga pangalan, mula sa dalawang pung taong gulang na patanda, ayon sa dami ng mga ulo nila.

กันดารวิถี 1:18
และในวันที่หนึ่งเดือนที่สองคนเหล่านี้ก็เรียกประชุมชนทั้งหมด เข้ามาขึ้นทะเบียนตามครอบครัวและตามเรือนบรรพบุรุษ ตามจำนวนรายชื่อเรียงตัวคนทั้งปวงที่มีอายุตั้งแต่ยี่สิบปีขึ้นไป

Çölde Sayım 1:18
RABbin buyruğu uyarınca ikinci ayın birinci günü bütün halkı topladılar. Yirmi ve daha yukarı yaştakileri boylarına, ailelerine göre birer birer sayıp adlarını yazdılar. Böylece Musa Sina Çölünde halkın sayımını yaptı.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 1:18
đến ngày mồng một tháng hai, truyền nhóm cả hội chúng, cứ kể tên từng người từ hai mươi tuổi sắp lên mà nhập sổ theo họ hàng và tông tộc của họ.

Numbers 1:17
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