Nehemiah 12:47
Nehemiah 12:47
So in the days of Zerubbabel and of Nehemiah, all Israel contributed the daily portions for the musicians and the gatekeepers. They also set aside the portion for the other Levites, and the Levites set aside the portion for the descendants of Aaron.

So now, in the days of Zerubbabel and of Nehemiah, all Israel brought a daily supply of food for the singers, the gatekeepers, and the Levites. The Levites, in turn, gave a portion of what they received to the priests, the descendants of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah gave the daily portions for the singers and the gatekeepers; and they set apart that which was for the Levites; and the Levites set apart that which was for the sons of Aaron.

So all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah gave the portions due the singers and the gatekeepers as each day required, and set apart the consecrated portion for the Levites, and the Levites set apart the consecrated portion for the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified holy things unto the Levites; and the Levites sanctified them unto the children of Aaron.

So in the days of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah, all Israel contributed the daily portions for the singers and gatekeepers. They also set aside daily portions for the Levites, and the Levites set aside daily portions for the descendants of Aaron.

All Israel in the time of Zerubbabel and in the time of Nehemiah gave allotments to each of the singers and gate keepers on a daily basis, setting them apart to benefit the descendants of Levi. And the descendants of Levi set them apart to benefit the descendants of Aaron.

So in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah, all Israel was contributing the portions for the singers and gatekeepers, according to the daily need. They also set aside the portion for the Levites, and the Levites set aside the portion for the descendants of Aaron.

At the time of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah, all the Israelites were giving gifts for the daily support of the singers and the gatekeepers. They set aside holy gifts for [the daily support of] the Levites, and the Levites set aside holy gifts for support of Aaron's descendants.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, each thing in its day; and they sanctified them unto the Levites; and the Levites sanctified them unto the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions for the singers and the gatekeepers, every day their portion: and they set apart holy things for the Levites; and the Levites set them apart for the children of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified holy things to the Levites; and the Levites sanctified them to the children of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, as every day required: and they set apart that which was for the Levites; and the Levites set apart that which was for the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel, in the days of Zorobabel, and in the days of Nehemias gave portions to the singing men, and to the porters, day by day, and they sanctified the Levites, and the Levites sanctified the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel, in the days of Zerubbabel and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the doorkeepers, every day what was needed, and they consecrated things for the Levites; and the Levites consecrated for the children of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, as every day required: and they sanctified for the Levites; and the Levites sanctified for the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified holy things to the Levites; and the Levites sanctified them to the children of Aaron.

All Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, as every day required: and they set apart [that which was] for the Levites; and the Levites set apart [that which was] for the sons of Aaron.

And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, are giving the portions of the singers, and of the gatekeepers, the matter of a day in its day, and are sanctifying to the Levites, and the Levites are sanctifying to the sons of Aaron.

Nehemia 12:47
Në kohën e Zerubabelit dhe të Nehemias, gjithë Izraeli u jepte çdo ditë racionet e caktuara këngëtarëve dhe derëtarëve; vinte gjithashtu mënjanë racionin për Levitët, dhe Levitët vinin mënjanë racionin e shenjtëruar për bijtë e Aaronit.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 12:47
وكان كل اسرائيل في ايام زربابل وايام نحميا يؤدون انصبة المغنين والبوابين امر كل يوم في يومه وكانوا يقدسون للاويين وكان اللاويون يقدسون لبني هرون

Dyr Nehymies 12:47
Zuer Zeit von n Schrobybeel und Nehymiesn glifert dös gantze Isryheel seinn Tail für d Singer und Toorwächter ab, wie s is halt Tag um Tag gabraucht. Sö gaabnd yn de Brender ienern Weihtail und de Brender widerum yn de ärnischn Priester.

Неемия 12:47
И в дните на Зоровавела и в дните на Неемия, целият Израил даваха определените за всеки ден дялове на певците и на вратарите; те посвещаваха [даровете си] на левитите, а левитите посвещаваха на Аароновите потомци.

尼 希 米 記 12:47
當 所 羅 巴 伯 和 尼 希 米 的 時 候 , 以 色 列 眾 人 將 歌 唱 的 、 守 門 的 , 每 日 所 當 得 的 分 供 給 他 們 , 又 給 利 未 人 當 得 的 分 ; 利 未 人 又 給 亞 倫 的 子 孫 當 得 的 分 。

当 所 罗 巴 伯 和 尼 希 米 的 时 候 , 以 色 列 众 人 将 歌 唱 的 、 守 门 的 , 每 日 所 当 得 的 分 供 给 他 们 , 又 给 利 未 人 当 得 的 分 ; 利 未 人 又 给 亚 伦 的 子 孙 当 得 的 分 。



Nehemiah 12:47
Zato je sav Izrael u vrijeme Zerubabela i u Nehemijino vrijeme dan za danom davao dijelove određene za pjevače i vratare. Davali su levitima posvećene darove, a leviti su davali sinovima Aronovim.

Kinha Nehemiášova 12:47
Pročež všecken Izrael za dnů Zorobábele a za času Nehemiáše dávali díly pro zpěváky a vrátné, na každý den stálé odměření, a odvodili je Levítům, Levítové pak dávali synům Aronovým.

Nehemias 12:47
Hele Israel gav paa Zerubbabels og Nehemias's Tid Afgifter til Sangerne og Dørvogterne, efter som det krævedes Dag for Dag; og de gav Leviterne Helliggaver, og Leviterne gav Arons Sønner Helliggaver.

Nehemia 12:47
Daarom gaf gans Israel, in de dagen van Zerubbabel, en in de dagen van Nehemia, de delen der zangers en der poortiers, van elk dagelijks op zijn dag; en zij heiligden voor de Levieten, en de Levieten heiligden voor de kinderen van Aaron.

נחמיה 12:47
וְכָל־יִשְׂרָאֵל֩ בִּימֵ֨י זְרֻבָּבֶ֜ל וּבִימֵ֣י נְחֶמְיָ֗ה נֹֽתְנִ֛ים מְנָיֹ֛ות הַמְשֹׁרְרִ֥ים וְהַשֹּׁעֲרִ֖ים דְּבַר־יֹ֣ום בְּיֹומֹ֑ו וּמַקְדִּשִׁים֙ לַלְוִיִּ֔ם וְהַלְוִיִּ֔ם מַקְדִּשִׁ֖ים לִבְנֵ֥י אַהֲרֹֽן׃ פ

מז וכל ישראל בימי זרבבל ובימי נחמיה נתנים מניות המשררים והשערים--דבר יום ביומו ומקדשים ללוים והלוים מקדשים לבני אהרן  {פ}

וכל־ישראל בימי זרבבל ובימי נחמיה נתנים מניות המשררים והשערים דבר־יום ביומו ומקדשים ללוים והלוים מקדשים לבני אהרן׃ פ

Nehemiás 12:47
És a Zorobábel és Nehémiás napjaiban megadja vala az egész Izráel az énekeseknek és kapunállóknak az õ részöket naponként, nevezetesen oda szentelik vala azt a Lévitáknak, a Léviták pedig az Áron fiainak.

Neĥemja 12:47
CXiuj Izraelidoj en la tempo de Zerubabel kaj en la tempo de Nehxemja donadis partojn cxiutagajn al la kantistoj kaj pordegistoj; kaj ili konsekradis partojn por la Levidoj, kaj la Levidoj konsekradis partojn por la idoj de Aaron.

Mutta koko Israel antoi veisaajille ja ovenvartioille osan, Serubbabelin ja Nehemian aikana, joka päivä heidän osansa; ja pyhittivät sen Leviläisille, ja Leviläiset pyhittivät Aaronin lapsille.

Néhémie 12:47
Et aux jours de Zorobabel, et aux jours de Néhémie, tout Israël donnait les portions des chantres et des portiers, chaque jour ce qu'il fallait, et on mettait à part pour les lévites, et les lévites mettaient à part pour les fils d'Aaron.

Tout Israël, au temps de Zorobabel et de Néhémie, donna les portions des chantres et des portiers, jour par jour; on donna aux Lévites les choses consacrées, et les Lévites donnèrent aux fils d'Aaron les choses consacrées.

C'est pourquoi tous les Israélites du temps de Zorobabel, et du temps de Néhémie, donnaient les portions des chantres et des portiers, [savoir], ce qu'il fallait chaque jour, et les consacraient aux Lévites, et les Lévites les consacraient aux enfants d'Aaron.

Nehemia 12:47
Aber ganz Israel gab den Sängern und Torhütern Teil zu den Zeiten Serubabels und Nehemias, einen jeglichen Tag sein Teil; und sie gaben Geheiligtes für die Leviten, die Leviten aber gaben Geheiligtes für die Kinder Aaron.

Aber ganz Israel gab den Sängern und Torhütern Teile zu den Zeiten Serubabels und Nehemias, einen jeglichen Tag sein Teil; und sie gaben Geheiligtes für die Leviten, die Leviten aber gaben Geheiligtes für die Kinder Aaron.

Und alle Israeliten gaben zur Zeit Serubabels und zur Zeit Nehemias die Abgaben für die Sänger und die Thorhüter, soviel für jeden Tag erforderlich war, und zwar lieferten sie die Weihegaben den Leviten, die Leviten aber lieferten den Nachkommen Aarons die ihnen zukommenden Weihegaben.

Neemia 12:47
Tutto Israele, al tempo di Zorobabele e di Nehemia, dava giorno per giorno le porzioni assegnate ai cantori ed ai portinai; dava ai Leviti le cose consacrate, e i Leviti davano ai figliuoli d’Aaronne le cose consacrate che loro spettavano.

E però, al tempo di Zorobabel, e al tempo di Neemia, tutto Israele dava le porzioni assegnate a’ cantori, ed a’ portinai, giorno per giorno; così le consacravano a’ Leviti, e i Leviti le consacravano ai figliuoli d’Aaronne.

Maka sebab itu pada zaman Zerubabil dan pada zaman Nehemyapun diberikan segala orang Israel bahagian biduan dan penunggu pintu pada tiap-tiap hari, dan dibawanya masuk akan barang yang disucikan itu kepada orang Lewi dan barang yang disucikan itu dibawa masuk pula oleh orang Lewi kepada bani Harun.

느헤미아 12:47
스룹바벨과 느헤미야 때에는 온 이스라엘이 노래하는 자들과 문지기들에게 날마다 쓸 것을 주되 그 구별한 것을 레위 사람들에게 주고 레위 사람들은 그것을 또 구별하여 아론 자손에게 주었느니라

Nehemiae 12:47
(12-46) et omnis Israhel in diebus Zorobabel et in diebus Neemiae dabat partes cantoribus et ianitoribus per dies singulos et sanctificabant Levitas et Levitae sanctificabant filios Aaron

Nehemijo knyga 12:47
Zorobabelio ir Nehemijo dienomis izraelitai pristatydavo giedotojams ir vartininkams skirtą kasdieninę dalį. Jie duodavo šventas dovanas levitams, o levitai duodavo tai Aarono vaikams.

Nehemiah 12:47
I nga ra hoki i a Herupapera, i nga ra ano i a Nehemia, i homai e Iharaira katoa nga wahi ma nga kaiwaiata, ma nga kaitiaki kuwaha, te wahi mo tenei ra, mo tenei ra: i whakatapua ano e ratou nga mea tapu ma nga Riwaiti; a ko nga Riwaiti hei whak atapu ma nga tama a Arona.

Nehemias 12:47
Og i Serubabels og Nehemias' dager gav hele Israel sangerne og dørvokterne det som tilkom dem for hver dag; og de gav levittene hellige gaver, og levittene gav Arons barn hellige gaver.

Nehemías 12:47
Y todo Israel, en días de Zorobabel y en días de Nehemías, daba las porciones correspondientes a los cantores y a los porteros como se demandaba para cada día, y consagraban parte para los levitas, y los levitas consagraban parte para los hijos de Aarón.

Y todo Israel, en días de Zorobabel y en días de Nehemías, daba las porciones correspondientes a los cantores y a los porteros como se demandaba para cada día, y consagraban parte para los Levitas, y los Levitas consagraban parte para los hijos de Aarón.

Y todo Israel en días de Zorobabel, y en días de Nehemías, daba raciones a los cantores y a los porteros, cada cosa en su día: consagraban asimismo sus porciones a los levitas, y los levitas consagraban parte a los hijos de Aarón.

Y todo Israel en días de Zorobabel, y en días de Nehemías, daba raciones á los cantores y á los porteros, cada cosa en su día: consagraban asimismo sus porciones á los Levitas, y los Levitas consagraban parte á los hijos de Aarón.

Y todo Israel en días de Zorobabel, y en días de Nehemías, daba raciones a los cantores y a los porteros, cada cosa en su día; y santificaban a los levitas, y los levitas santificaban a los hijos de Aarón.

Neemias 12:47
Sendo assim, nos dias de Zorobabel e de Neemias, todo o Israel contribuía com ofertas diárias para os músicos e cantores, bem como para com os guardas dos portões. Também separavam a parte pertencente aos outros levitas, e estes separavam a porção destinada aos descendentes de Arão.

Pelo que todo o Israel, nos dias de Zorobabel e nos dias de Neemias, dava aos cantores e aos porteiros as suas porções destinadas aos levitas, e os levitas separavam as porções destinadas aos filhos de Arão.   

Neemia 12:47
Tot Israelul a dat pe vremea lui Zorobabel şi Neemia, părţile cuvenite cîntăreţilor şi uşierilor, zi de zi; au dat Leviţilor lucrurile sfinţite, iar Leviţii au dat fiilor lui Aaron lucrurile sfinţite cuvenite lor.

Неемия 12:47
Все Израильтяне во дни Зоровавеля и во дни Неемии давали частипевцам и привратникам на каждый день и отдавали святыни левитам, а левиты отдавали святыни сынам Аарона.

Все Израильтяне во дни Зоровавеля и во дни Неемии давали части певцам и привратникам на каждый день и отдавали святыни левитам, а левиты отдавали святыни сынам Аарона.[]

Nehemja 12:47
Och nu under Serubbabels och Nehemjas tid gav hela Israel åt sångarna och dörrvaktarna vad som tillkom dem för var dag; och man gav åt leviterna deras helgade andel, och leviterna gåvo åt Arons söner deras helgade andel.

Nehemiah 12:47
At ang buong Israel sa mga kaarawan ni Zorobabel, at sa mga kaarawan ni Nehemias, ay nangagbigay ng mga bahagi ng mga mangaawit, at mga tagatanod-pinto, ayon sa kailangan sa bawa't araw: at kanilang itinalaga sa mga Levita; at itinalaga ng mga Levita sa mga anak ni Aaron.

เนหะมีย์ 12:47
และอิสราเอลทั้งปวงในสมัยของเศรุบบาเบลและในสมัยของเนหะมีย์ ได้ให้ปันส่วนตามต้องการทุกวันแก่นักร้องและคนเฝ้าประตู และเขาได้กันส่วนของคนเลวีไว้ต่างหาก และคนเลวีได้กันส่วนของลูกหลานอาโรนไว้ต่างหาก

Nehemya 12:47
Zerubbabil'in ve Nehemya'nın yaşadığı dönemde bütün İsrail halkı bağışlarıyla ezgicilerin ve kapı nöbetçilerinin ücretlerini gününde karşıladı. Levililer'in hakkını ayırdılar, Levililer de Harun soyundan gelenlerin hakkını ayırdı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 12:47
Trong đời Xô-rô-ba-bên và Nê-hê-mi, cả Y-sơ-ra-ên đều cấp phần cho kẻ ca hát và người canh giữ cửa, ngày nào cần dùng theo ngày nấy; cũng để riêng phần của người Lê-vi, và người Lê-vi để riêng phần của con cháu A-rôn.

Nehemiah 12:46
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