Nehemiah 12:38
Nehemiah 12:38
The second choir proceeded in the opposite direction. I followed them on top of the wall, together with half the people--past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall,

The second choir giving thanks went northward around the other way to meet them. I followed them, together with the other half of the people, along the top of the wall past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall,

The other choir of those who gave thanks went to the north, and I followed them with half of the people, on the wall, above the Tower of the Ovens, to the Broad Wall,

The second choir proceeded to the left, while I followed them with half of the people on the wall, above the Tower of Furnaces, to the Broad Wall,

And the other company of them that gave thanks went over against them, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even unto the broad wall;

The second thanksgiving procession went to the left, and I followed it with half the people along the top of the wall, past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall,

The second thanksgiving choir approached opposite them, and I followed them. Half of the people stood on the crest of the wall from beyond the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall,

The second choir was proceeding in the opposite direction. I followed them, along with half the people, on top of the wall, past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall,

The other choir went to the left. I followed them with the other half of the people. We walked on the wall, past the Tower of the Ovens, as far as Broad Wall,

And the second choir went over against them, and I after them with half of the people upon the wall, from the tower of the furnaces even unto the broad wall,

And the other company of them that gave thanks went the opposite of them, and I followed them, with half of the people upon the wall, going past the tower of the ovens even unto the broad wall;

And the other company of them that gave thanks went over against them, and I after them, and the half of the people on the wall, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even to the broad wall;

And the other company of them that gave thanks went to meet them, and I after them, with the half of the people, upon the wall, above the tower of the furnaces, even unto the broad wall,

And the second choir of them that gave thanks went on the opposite side, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall, and upon the tower of the furnaces, even to the broad wall,

And the second choir went in the opposite direction upon the wall, and I after them, and the half of the people, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even to the broad wall;

And the other company of them that gave thanks went to meet them, and I after them, with the half of the people, upon the wall, above the tower of the furnaces, even unto the broad wall;

And the other company of them that gave thanks went over against them, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even to the broad wall;

The other company of those who gave thanks went to meet them, and I after them, with the half of the people, on the wall, above the tower of the furnaces, even to the broad wall,

And the second thanksgiving company that is going over-against, and I after it, and half of the people on the wall from beyond the tower of the furnaces and unto the broad wall,

Nehemia 12:38
Kori i dytë i lëvdimit mori drejtimin e kundërt; unë e ndiqja me gjysmën e popullit, mbi muret, mbi kullën e Furrave, deri te muri i Gjerë,

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 12:38
والفرقة الثانية من الحمّادين وكبت مقابلهم وانا وراءها ونصف الشعب على السور من عند برج التنانير الى السور العريض

Dyr Nehymies 12:38
Bei n zwaittn Föstkor war i mit dyr andern Hölftn von n Volk dyrbei. Mir giengend winster umhin, auf dyr Mauer obn an n Ofenturm vorbei hinst eyn de Braite Mauer

Неемия 12:38
А другото отделение хвалители вървеше в противоположна посока, и аз подир тях, тоже и половината от людете, по стената, край кулата на пещите и по широката стена,

尼 希 米 記 12:38
第 二 隊 稱 謝 的 人 要 與 那 一 隊 相 迎 而 行 。 我 和 民 的 一 半 跟 隨 他 們 , 在 城 牆 上 過 了 爐 樓 , 直 到 寬 牆 ;

第 二 队 称 谢 的 人 要 与 那 一 队 相 迎 而 行 。 我 和 民 的 一 半 跟 随 他 们 , 在 城 墙 上 过 了 炉 楼 , 直 到 宽 墙 ;



Nehemiah 12:38
Drugi zbor, a za njim ja i polovica narodnih knezova, išao je nalijevo zidom i Pećkom kulom sve do Tržnog zida,

Kinha Nehemiášova 12:38
Houf pak druhý oslavujících bral se naproti oněmno, a já za nimi, a polovice lidu po zdi od věže Tannurim až ke zdi široké,

Nehemias 12:38
Det andet Lovprisningstog, hvor jeg og den anden Halvdel af Folkets Øverster var med, drog til venstre oven paa Muren, over Ovntaarnet til den brede Mur

Nehemia 12:38
Het tweede dankkoor nu ging tegenover, en ik achter hetzelve, met de helft des volks, op den muur, van boven den Bakoventoren, tot aan den breden muur;

נחמיה 12:38
וְהַתֹּודָ֧ה הַשֵּׁנִ֛ית הַהֹולֶ֥כֶת לְמֹ֖ואל וַאֲנִ֣י אַחֲרֶ֑יהָ וַחֲצִ֨י הָעָ֜ם מֵעַ֣ל לְהַחֹומָ֗ה מֵעַל֙ לְמִגְדַּ֣ל הַתַּנּוּרִ֔ים וְעַ֖ד הַחֹומָ֥ה הָרְחָבָֽה׃

לח והתודה השנית ההולכת למואל ואני אחריה וחצי העם מעל להחומה מעל למגדל התנורים ועד החומה הרחבה

והתודה השנית ההולכת למואל ואני אחריה וחצי העם מעל להחומה מעל למגדל התנורים ועד החומה הרחבה׃

Nehemiás 12:38
A hálaadást éneklõ második sereg pedig, mely átellenben megy vala - én pedig és a népnek fele utánok - [méne] a kõfal mellett, a kemenczék tornya mellett, mind a széles kõfalig.

Neĥemja 12:38
La dua hxoro iris kontrauxe de ili, kaj post gxi iris mi kaj duono de la popolo, supre sur la murego, de la Turo de la Fornoj gxis la Largxa Murego,

Ja toinen laulukunta kävi vastaan, ja minä sen perässä, ja toinen puoli kansaa muurin päällä, Pätsitornista leviään muuriin saakka,

Néhémie 12:38
Et le second choeur marcha à l'opposite sur la muraille, et moi après lui, ainsi que la moitié du peuple, depuis la tour des fours jusqu'à la muraille large,

Le second choeur se mit en marche à l'opposite. J'étais derrière lui avec l'autre moitié du peuple, sur la muraille. Passant au-dessus de la tour des fours, on alla jusqu'à la muraille large;

Et la seconde bande de ceux qui chantaient les louanges [de Dieu], allait à l'opposite, et j'allais après elle, avec [l'autre] moitié du peuple, allant sur la muraille, par-dessus la tour des fours, jusqu'à la muraille large;

Nehemia 12:38
Der andere Dankchor ging gegen ihnen über, und ich ihm nach, und die Hälfte des Volks die Mauer hinan zum Ofenturm hinauf, bis an die breite Mauer,

Der andere Dankchor ging ihnen gegenüber, und ich ihm nach und die Hälfte des Volks, oben auf der Mauer zum Ofenturm hinan und bis an die breite Mauer

Und der zweite Dankchor zog nach links, während ich und die andere Hälfte des Volks hinter ihm hergingen, oben auf der Mauer, über den Ofenturm und bis zur breiten Mauer

Neemia 12:38
Il secondo coro s’incamminò nel senso opposto; e io gli andavo dietro, con l’altra metà del popolo, sopra le mura. Passando al disopra della torre de’ Forni, esso andò fino alle mura larghe;

E la seconda schiera di quelli che cantavano le laudi di Dio camminava dal lato opposto, ed io appresso ad essa, con l’altra metà del popolo, sopra il muro, disopra alla torre de’ forni, fino al muro largo;

Maka kelompok yang kedua akan mengucap syukur itu berjalan ke kiri dan akupun mengiringkan dia serta dengan setengah orang banyak itu di atas pagar tembok lalu dari atas pintu Tanur sampai kepada pagar tembok yang lebar.

느헤미아 12:38
감사 찬송하는 다른 떼는 저희를 마주 진행하는데 내가 백성의 절반으로 더불어 그 뒤를 따라 성 위로 행하여 풀무 망대 윗 길로 성 넓은 곳에 이르고

Nehemiae 12:38
(12-37) et chorus secundus gratias referentium ibat ex adverso et ego post eum et media pars populi super murum et super turrem Furnorum et usque ad murum latissimum

Nehemijo knyga 12:38
Antra grupė ėjo kairėn; paskui juos aš sekiau su puse tautos pro Krosnių bokštą iki Plačiosios sienos,

Nehemiah 12:38
Na, ko tera atu ropu o nga kaiwhakawhetai i haere ki te whakatutaki i a ratou, me ahau i muri i a ratou, me tetahi tanga o te iwi i runga i te taiepa, i runga o te taumaihi oumu tae noa ki te taiepa whanui:

Nehemias 12:38
Det andre lovsangskor gikk til den motsatte side, og jeg fulgte efter det med den andre halvdel av folket, ovenpå muren, ovenfor Ovnstårnet, bort til den brede mur,

Nehemías 12:38
El segundo coro marchaba hacia la izquierda, y yo iba tras ellos con la mitad del pueblo por encima de la muralla, pasando por la torre de los Hornos, hasta la muralla Ancha,

El segundo coro marchaba hacia la izquierda, y yo iba tras ellos con la mitad del pueblo por encima de la muralla, pasando por la Torre de los Hornos, hasta la Muralla Ancha,

Y el segundo coro iba del lado opuesto, y yo en pos de él, con la mitad del pueblo sobre el muro, desde la torre de los Hornos hasta el muro ancho;

Y el segundo coro iba del lado opuesto, y yo en pos de él, con la mitad del pueblo sobre el muro, desde la torre de los Hornos hasta el muro ancho;

Y el segundo coro iba del lado opuesto, y yo en pos de él, con la mitad del pueblo sobre el muro, desde la torre de los Hornos hasta el muro ancho;

Neemias 12:38
O segundo coro avançou no sentido oposto. Eu os acompanhei, quando iam sobre o muro, levando comigo a metade do povo; passamos pela Torre dos Fornos até a parte mais larga do muro,

A outra companhia dos que davam graças foi para a esquerda, seguindo-os eu com a metade do povo, sobre o muro, passando pela torre dos fornos até a muralha larga,   

Neemia 12:38
Al doilea cor a pornit spre stînga. În urma lui veneam eu cu cealaltă jumătate din popor, pe zid. Trecînd pe deasupra turnului cuptoarelor, au mers pînă la zidul cel lat;

Неемия 12:38
Другой хор шел напротив них, и за ним я и половина народа, постене от Печной башни и до широкой стены,

Другой хор шел напротив них, и за ним я и половина народа, по стене от Печной башни и до широкой стены,[]

Nehemja 12:38
Och efter den andra lovsångskören, som gick åt motsatt håll, följde jag med andra hälften av folket, ovanpå muren, upp genom Ugnstornet ända till Breda muren,

Nehemiah 12:38
At ang isang pulutong nila na nagpapasalamat ay yumaong sinalubong sila, at ako'y sa hulihan nila, na kasama ko ang kalahati ng bayan sa ibabaw ng kuta, sa itaas ng moog ng mga hurno, hanggang sa maluwang na kuta;

เนหะมีย์ 12:38
อีกคณะหนึ่งที่กล่าวคำโมทนาเดินไปทางตรงกันข้าม และข้าพเจ้าตามเขาไป พร้อมกับประชาชนครึ่งหนึ่ง บนกำแพงเหนือหอคอยเตาไฟ ถึงกำแพงกว้าง

Nehemya 12:38
Şükürler sunarak yürüyen öbür grupsa surların üzerinde sola doğru ilerliyordu. Halkın yarısıyla birlikte ben de onları izledim. Fırınlar Kulesinden geçip Geniş Duvara kadar yürüdük.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 12:38
Còn tốp cảm tạ thứ nhì đi trên vách thành đối ngang lại với tốp thứ nhất, còn tôi đi ở sau họ với phân nửa dân sự, từ tháp các Lò cho đến vách rộng,

Nehemiah 12:37
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