Nehemiah 12:37
Nehemiah 12:37
At the Fountain Gate they continued directly up the steps of the City of David on the ascent to the wall and passed above the site of David's palace to the Water Gate on the east.

At the Fountain Gate they went straight up the steps on the ascent of the city wall toward the City of David. They passed the house of David and then proceeded to the Water Gate on the east.

At the Fountain Gate they went up straight before them by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, to the Water Gate on the east.

At the Fountain Gate they went directly up the steps of the city of David by the stairway of the wall above the house of David to the Water Gate on the east.

And at the fountain gate, which was over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall, above the house of David, even unto the water gate eastward.

At the Fountain Gate they climbed the steps of the city of David on the ascent of the wall and went above the house of David to the Water Gate on the east.

At the Fountain Gate, which stood opposite them, they ascended the stairs of the City of David where the wall rose above the house of David east of the Water Gate.

They went over the Fountain Gate and continued directly up the steps of the City of David on the ascent to the wall. They passed the house of David and continued on to the Water Gate toward the east.

At Fountain Gate they went straight up the stairs of the City of David. There the wall rises past David's palace and reaches Water Gate on the east.

And at the fountain gate, which was over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall, from the house of David unto the water gate eastward.

And at the fountain gate, which was opposite them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even unto the water gate eastward.

And at the fountain gate, which was over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water gate eastward.

And by the fountain gate, and straight before them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even unto the water gate eastward.

And they went up over against them by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall of the house of David, and to the water gate eastward:

And at the fountain-gate, and over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water-gate eastward.

And by the fountain gate, and straight before them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall, above the house of David, even unto the water gate eastward.

And at the fountain-gate, which was over against them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water-gate eastward.

By the spring gate, and straight before them, they went up by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water gate eastward.

and by the gate of the fountain and over-against them, they have gone up by the steps of the city of David, at the going up of the wall beyond the house of David, and unto the water-gate eastward.

Nehemia 12:37
Kur arritën te porta e Burimit u ngjitën drejtpërdrejtë nëpër shkallët e qytetit të Davidit, ku muret lartohen mbi shtëpinë e Davidit, deri te porta e Ujërave, në lindje.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 12:37
وعند باب العين الذي مقابلهم صعدوا على درج مدينة داود عند مصعد السور فوق بيت داود الى باب الماء شرقا.

Dyr Nehymies 12:37
Sö trochend von n Quellntoor gradaus über d Stiegn eyn de Dafetnstat aufhin und yn dyr Mauer entlang hinst eyn n Dafetn seinn Pflast und von daadl zo n Wassertoor auf dyr Oosterseitt.

Неемия 12:37
и при портата на извора те се изкачиха направо пред себе си по стъпалата на Давидовия град, гдето стената се възвишава над Давидовата къща, дори до портата на водата към изток.

尼 希 米 記 12:37
他 們 經 過 泉 門 往 前 , 從 大 衛 城 的 臺 階 隨 地 勢 而 上 , 在 大 衛 宮 殿 以 上 , 直 行 到 朝 東 的 水 門 。

他 们 经 过 泉 门 往 前 , 从 大 卫 城 的 ? 阶 随 地 势 而 上 , 在 大 卫 宫 殿 以 上 , 直 行 到 朝 东 的 水 门 。



Nehemiah 12:37
Kod Izvorskih vrata popeli su se njima nasuprot kraj stepenica Davidova grada, zidnim usponom od Davidove palače sve do Vodenih vrata na istoku.

Kinha Nehemiášova 12:37
Potom k bráně u studnice, kteráž naproti nim byla, vstupovali po stupních města Davidova, kudy se chodí na zed, a ode zdi při domě Davidově, až k bráně vodné k východu.

Nehemias 12:37
og de gik over Kildeporten; derpaa gik de lige ud op ad Trinene til Davidsbyen, ad Opgangen paa Muren oven for Davids Palads hen til Vandporten mod Øst.

Nehemia 12:37
Voorts naar de Fonteinpoort, en tegen hen over, gingen zij op bij de trappen van Davids stad, door den opgang des muurs, boven Davids huis, tot aan de Waterpoort, tegen het oosten.

נחמיה 12:37
וְעַל֩ שַׁ֨עַר הָעַ֜יִן וְנֶגְדָּ֗ם עָלוּ֙ עַֽל־מַעֲלֹות֙ עִ֣יר דָּוִ֔יד בַּֽמַּעֲלֶ֖ה לַחֹומָ֑ה מֵעַל֙ לְבֵ֣ית דָּוִ֔יד וְעַ֛ד שַׁ֥עַר הַמַּ֖יִם מִזְרָֽח׃

לז ועל שער העין ונגדם עלו על מעלות עיר דויד במעלה לחומה  מעל לבית דויד ועד שער המים מזרח

ועל שער העין ונגדם עלו על־מעלות עיר דויד במעלה לחומה מעל לבית דויד ועד שער המים מזרח׃

Nehemiás 12:37
[Méne pedig e sereg] a forrás kapuja felé, s egyenesen fölmenének Dávid városának lépcsõin a kõfalhoz vezetõ lépcsõre, s menének Dávid háza mellett s a vizek kapujáig napkelet felé.

Neĥemja 12:37
Apud la Pordego de la Fonto, kontraux gxi, ili iris sur la sxtupoj de la urbo de David supren sur la muregon al la domo de David, kaj gxis la Pordego de la Akvo oriente.

Ja Lähdeporttia päin menivät he ylös heidän kohdallansa astuimia myöten Davidin kaupunkiin, (ja siitä) astuimilla muurein päälle, Davidin huoneesta Vesiporttiin asti itään päin.

Néhémie 12:37
Et à la porte de la fontaine, vis-à-vis d'eux, ils montèrent les degrés de la ville de David, par la montée de la muraille, au-dessus de la maison de David, et jusqu'à la porte des eaux, vers le levant.

A la porte de la source, ils montèrent vis-à-vis d'eux les degrés de la cité de David par la montée de la muraille, au-dessus de la maison de David, jusqu'à la porte des eaux, vers l'orient.

Et ils vinrent vers la porte de la fontaine qui était vis-à-vis d'eux, et montèrent aux degrés de la cité de David, par la montée de la muraille, depuis la maison de David, jusqu'à la porte des eaux, vers l'orient.

Nehemia 12:37
zum Brunnentor wärts. Und gingen neben ihnen auf den Stufen zur Stadt Davids, die Mauer hinauf zu dem Hause Davids hinan, bis an das Wassertor gegen Morgen.

Und zogen zum Brunnentor hin und gingen stracks vor sich auf den Stufen zur Stadt Davids, die Mauer hinauf zu dem Hause Davids hinan und bis an das Wassertor gegen Morgen.

und weiter nach dem Quellthor, und nun stiegen sie geradeaus auf den Stufen der Davidsstadt den Aufstieg zur Mauer hinan, oberhalb vom Palaste Davids und bis zum Wasserthore nach Osten zu.

Neemia 12:37
Giunti che furono alla porta della Sorgente, montarono, dirimpetto a loro la scalinata della città di Davide, là dove le mura salgono al disopra del livello della casa di Davide, e giunsero alla porta delle Acque, a oriente.

Ed essendo giunti alla porta della fonte, salirono al diritto davanti a loro a’ gradi della Città di Davide, per la salita del muro, disopra alla casa di Davide; e pervennero fino alla porta delle acque, verso Oriente.

Setelah sampai ke pintu Mata Air naiklah mereka itu berturut-turut segala tangga negeri Daud pada tempat pagar tembok yang tertinggi itu di atas istana Daud sampai ke pintu Air arah ke timur.

느헤미아 12:37
샘문으로 말미암아 전진하여 성으로 올라 가는 곳에 이르러 다윗성의 층계로 올라가서 다윗의 궁 윗 길에서 동향하여 수문에 이르렀고

Nehemiae 12:37
(12-36) et contra eos ascenderunt in gradibus civitatis David in ascensu muri super domum David et usque ad portam Aquarum ad orientem

Nehemijo knyga 12:37
Praėję pro Šaltinio vartus, jie lipo aukštyn Dovydo miesto laiptais, vedančiais pro Dovydo namus, iki rytinių Vandens vartų.

Nehemiah 12:37
Na i te keti o te puna wai, i te ritenga mai ano o ratou, ka haere atu ratou i nga kaupae o te pa o Rawiri, i te pinakitanga o te taiepa i runga i te whare o Rawiri, tae noa ki te keti wai ki te rawhiti.

Nehemias 12:37
De gikk over Kildeporten og rett frem, opover trappene til Davids stad, der hvor en stiger op på muren ovenfor Davids hus, helt frem til Vannporten i øst.

Nehemías 12:37
Y a la puerta de la Fuente subieron directamente las gradas de la ciudad de David por la escalera de la muralla, por encima de la casa de David hasta la puerta de las Aguas al oriente.

Y a la Puerta de la Fuente subieron directamente las gradas de la ciudad de David por la escalera de la muralla, por encima de la casa de David hasta la Puerta de las Aguas al oriente.

Y a la puerta de la Fuente, en derecho delante de ellos, subieron por las gradas de la ciudad de David, por la subida del muro, desde la casa de David hasta la puerta de las Aguas al oriente.

Y á la puerta de la Fuente, en derecho delante de ellos, subieron por las gradas de la ciudad de David, por la subida del muro, desde la casa de David hasta la puerta de las Aguas al oriente.

Y a la puerta de la Fuente, y delante de ellos, subieron por las gradas de la ciudad de David, por la subida del muro, desde la casa de David hasta la puerta de las Aguas al oriente.

Neemias 12:37
À entrada do portão da Fonte subiram diretamente as escadas da Cidade de Davi, onde começa a subida do muro, acima da casa de Davi, até o portão das Águas, a Leste.

À entrada da porta da fonte subiram diretamente as escadas da cidade de Davi onde começa a subida do muro, acima da casa de Davi, até a porta das águas a leste.   

Neemia 12:37
La poarta izvorului, s'au suit drept înainte pe treptele cetăţii lui David pe ridicătura zidului, deasupra casei lui David, pînă la poarta apelor, spre răsărit.

Неемия 12:37
Подле ворот Источника, против них, они взошли по ступеням города Давидова, по лестнице, ведущей на стену сверх дома Давидова до Водяных ворот к востоку.

Подле ворот Источника, против них, они взошли по ступеням города Давидова, по лестнице, ведущей на стену сверх дома Давидова до Водяных ворот к востоку.[]

Nehemja 12:37
Och de gingo över Källporten och rakt fram uppför trapporna till Davids stad, på trappan i muren ovanför Davids hus, ända fram till Vattenporten mot öster.

Nehemiah 12:37
At sa tabi ng pintuang-bayan ng bukal, at nagtuwid sila sa harapan nila, na sila'y nagsisampa sa mga baytang ng bayan ni David sa sampahan sa kuta, sa ibabaw ng bahay ni David, hanggang sa pintuang-bayan ng tubig sa dakong silanganan.

เนหะมีย์ 12:37
ที่ประตูน้ำพุ ซึ่งอยู่ตรงข้ามกับพวกเขา เขาทั้งหลายเดินขึ้นบันไดของนครดาวิด ที่ทางขึ้นกำแพงเหนือพระราชวังของดาวิดถึงประตูน้ำทางทิศตะวันออก

Nehemya 12:37
Pınar Kapısından Davut Kentinin merdivenlerinden dosdoğru surlara çıktılar; Davutun sarayının üst tarafından geçerek doğuya doğru, Su Kapısına kadar yürüdüler.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 12:37
Từ cửa Suối, ở ngay mặt, chúng đi thẳng lên các nấc thành Ða-vít, tại nơi đốc vách thành ở trên đền Ða-vít, và đến cửa Nước về phía đông.

Nehemiah 12:36
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