Nehemiah 12:27
Nehemiah 12:27
At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres.

For the dedication of the new wall of Jerusalem, the Levites throughout the land were asked to come to Jerusalem to assist in the ceremonies. They were to take part in the joyous occasion with their songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites in all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication with gladness, with thanksgivings and with singing, with cymbals, harps, and lyres.

Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought out the Levites from all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem so that they might celebrate the dedication with gladness, with hymns of thanksgiving and with songs to the accompaniment of cymbals, harps and lyres.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, they sent for the Levites wherever they lived and brought them to Jerusalem to celebrate the joyous dedication with thanksgiving and singing accompanied by cymbals, harps, and lyres.

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, they invited the descendants of Levi to come from wherever they lived to Jerusalem so they could celebrate the dedication with joy, thanksgiving, and songs, accompanied by cymbals, lyres, and harps.

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, they sought out the Levites from all the places they lived to bring them to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication joyfully with songs of thanksgiving and songs accompanied by cymbals, harps, and lyres.

When the wall of Jerusalem was going to be dedicated, they went to wherever the Levites lived and had them come to Jerusalem to celebrate the dedication joyfully with hymns of thanksgiving, with songs and cymbals, and with harps and lyres.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgiving and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, lyres, and harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, and to keep the dedication, and to rejoice with thanksgiving, and with singing, and with cymbals, and psalteries and harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to hold the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, lutes and harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication, with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with giving thanks, and with singing, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and with harps.

And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them in to Jerusalem, to make the dedication even with gladness, and with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps;

Nehemia 12:27
Për kushtimin e mureve të Jeruzalemit dërguan të kërkojnë Levitë nga tërë vendet e tyre, për t'i sjellë në Jeruzalem që të kremtonin kushtimin me gëzim, me lavderime dhe me këngë, me cembale, me harpa dhe me qeste.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 12:27
وعند تدشين سور اورشليم طلبوا اللاويين من جميع اماكنهم لياتوا بهم الى اورشليم لكي يدشنوا بفرح وبحمد وغناء بالصنوج والرباب والعيدان.

Dyr Nehymies 12:27
Wie d Ruslhamer Mauer eingweiht wurd, gholt myn de Brender von überall zamm, däß s dö Feier mit Froolocken und dyr Musig von Zimbln, Härpfenn und Zitern gstalttnd.

Неемия 12:27
И при посвещаването на ерусалимската стена потърсиха левитите по всичките им места, за да ги доведат в Ерусалим да празнуват посвещението с веселие, със славословия и песни, с кимвали, псалтири и арфи.

尼 希 米 記 12:27
耶 路 撒 冷 城 牆 告 成 的 時 候 , 眾 民 就 把 各 處 的 利 未 人 招 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 要 稱 謝 、 歌 唱 、 敲 鈸 、 鼓 瑟 、 彈 琴 , 歡 歡 喜 喜 地 行 告 成 之 禮 。

耶 路 撒 冷 城 墙 告 成 的 时 候 , 众 民 就 把 各 处 的 利 未 人 招 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 要 称 谢 、 歌 唱 、 敲 钹 、 鼓 瑟 、 弹 琴 , 欢 欢 喜 喜 地 行 告 成 之 礼 。



Nehemiah 12:27
Kad je bila posveta jeruzalemskoga zida, potražili su levite svugdje gdje su stanovali da ih dovedu u Jeruzalem te proslave posvetu radošću, zahvalnicama i pjesmom uz cimbale, harfe i citre.

Kinha Nehemiášova 12:27
Ku posvěcování pak zdí Jeruzalémských shlédávali Levíty ze všech míst jejich, aby je přivedli do Jeruzaléma, aby vykonali posvěcení a veselí, a to s oslavováním a zpěvy, cymbály, loutnami a harfami.

Nehemias 12:27
Da Jerusalems Mur skulde indvies, opsøgte man Leviterne alle Vegne, hvor de boede, og bragte dem til Jerusalem, for at de skulde fejre Indvielsen med Fryd og Takkesang, med Sang, Cymbler, Harper og Citre.

Nehemia 12:27
In de inwijding nu van Jeruzalems muur, zochten zij de Levieten uit al hun plaatsen, dat zij hen te Jeruzalem brachten, om de inwijding te doen met vreugde, en met dankzeggingen, en met gezang, cimbalen, luiten, en met harpen.

נחמיה 12:27
וּבַחֲנֻכַּ֞ת חֹומַ֣ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֗ם בִּקְשׁ֤וּ אֶת־הַלְוִיִּם֙ מִכָּל־מְקֹ֣ומֹתָ֔ם לַהֲבִיאָ֖ם לִֽירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם לַעֲשֹׂ֨ת חֲנֻכָּ֤ה וְשִׂמְחָה֙ וּבְתֹודֹ֣ות וּבְשִׁ֔יר מְצִלְתַּ֖יִם נְבָלִ֥ים וּבְכִנֹּרֹֽות׃

כז ובחנכת חומת ירושלם בקשו את הלוים מכל מקומתם להביאם לירושלם--לעשת חנכה ושמחה ובתודות ובשיר מצלתים נבלים ובכנרות

ובחנכת חומת ירושלם בקשו את־הלוים מכל־מקומתם להביאם לירושלם לעשת חנכה ושמחה ובתודות ובשיר מצלתים נבלים ובכנרות׃

Nehemiás 12:27
Jeruzsálem kõfalának felszentelésekor pedig fölkeresék a Lévitákat minden õ helyeiken, hogy behozzák õket Jeruzsálembe, hogy véghezvigyék a felszentelést örömmel és hálaadással és énekléssel, czimbalmokkal, lantokkal és cziterákkal.

Neĥemja 12:27
CXe la inauxguro de la murego de Jerusalem oni sercxis la Levidojn el cxiuj iliaj lokoj, por venigi ilin en Jerusalemon, por fari inauxguron kaj gxojan feston, kun glorhimnoj kaj kantoj, kun cimbaloj, psalteroj, kaj harpoj.

Ja Jerusalemin muurin vihkimiselle etsivät he Leviläisiä kaikista heidän paikoistansa, tuodaksensa heitä Jerusalemiin pitämään vihkimistä ilolla, kiitoksella, virsillä, symbaleilla, psalmeilla ja harpuilla.

Néhémie 12:27
Et lors de la dédicace de la muraille de Jérusalem, on envoya quérir les lévites de tous leurs lieux d'habitation, pour les amener à Jérusalem, pour faire la dédicace avec joie, avec des louanges et des chants, avec des cymbales, des luths et des harpes.

Lors de la dédicace des murailles de Jérusalem, on appela les Lévites de tous les lieux qu'ils habitaient et on les fit venir à Jérusalem, afin de célébrer la dédicace et la fête par des louanges et par des chants, au son des cymbales, des luths et des harpes.

Or en la dédicace de la muraille de Jérusalem, on envoya quérir les Lévites de tous leurs lieux, pour les faire venir à Jérusalem, afin qu'on célébrât la dédicace avec joie, par des actions de grâces, et par des cantiques sur des cymbales, des musettes, et des violons.

Nehemia 12:27
Und in der Einweihung der Mauern zu Jerusalem suchte man die Leviten aus allen ihren Orten, daß man sie gen Jerusalem brächte, zu halten Einweihung in Freuden mit Danken, mit Singen, Zimbeln, Psaltern und Harfen.

Und bei der Einweihung der Mauer zu Jerusalem suchte man die Leviten aus allen ihren Orten, daß man sie gen Jerusalem brächte, zu halten Einweihung in Freuden, mit Danken, mit Singen, mit Zimbeln, Psalter und Harfen.

Bei der Einweihung der Mauer von Jerusalem aber holte man die Leviten aus allen ihren Wohnorten, um sie nach Jerusalem zu bringen, damit sie die Einweihung mit Jubel und Danksagungen und mit Gesang, Cymbeln, Harfen und Zithern begehen sollten.

Neemia 12:27
Alla dedicazione delle mura di Gerusalemme si mandarono a cercare i Leviti di tutti i luoghi dov’erano, per farli venire a Gerusalemme affin di fare la dedicazione con gioia, con laudi e cantici e suon di cembali, saltèri e cetre.

OR nella dedicazione delle mura di Gerusalemme, si ricercarono i Leviti da tutti i luoghi loro, per farli venire in Gerusalemme, per far la dedicazione con allegrezza, con laudi, e cantici, con cembali, e salteri, e cetere.

Bermula, maka pada tahbis pagar tembok Yeruzalem dicaharinya segala orang Lewi dari pada segala tempatnya, hendak dibawanya akan dia ke Yeruzalem, supaya dibuatnya tahbis itu dengan kesukaan hatinya dan dengan mengucap syukur dan memuji-muji dan dengan ceracak dan dandi dan kecapi.

느헤미아 12:27
예루살렘 성곽이 낙성되니 각처에서 레위 사람들을 찾아 예루살렘으로 데려다가 감사하며 노래하며 제금 치며 비파와 수금을 타며 즐거이 봉헌식을 행하려 하매

Nehemiae 12:27
in dedicatione autem muri Hierusalem requisierunt Levitas de omnibus locis suis ut adducerent eos in Hierusalem et facerent dedicationem et laetitiam in actione gratiarum et in cantico in cymbalis psalteriis et citharis

Nehemijo knyga 12:27
Jeruzalės sienoms pašventinti buvo sušaukti levitai iš visų vietovių; jie turėjo atvykti Jeruzalėn, kad pašventinimas vyktų su džiaugsmu, padėkos giesmėmis ir su cimbolų, arfų ir psalterių muzika.

Nehemiah 12:27
Na, i te tainga o te kawa o te taiepa o Hiruharama, i rapua nga Riwaiti i o ratou wahi katoa, i meatia kia kawea ki Hiruharama, kia taia hoki te kawa i runga i te koa, i te whakawhetai, i te waiata, i te himipora, i te hatere, i te hapa.

Nehemias 12:27
Til innvielsen av Jerusalems mur hentet de levittene fra alle deres bosteder og førte dem til Jerusalem for å holde innvielse og gledesfest både med lovprisning og med sang, med cymbler, harper og citarer.

Nehemías 12:27
En la dedicación de la muralla de Jerusalén buscaron a los levitas de todos sus lugares para traerlos a Jerusalén, a fin de celebrar la dedicación con alegría, con himnos de acción de gracias y con cánticos, acompañados de címbalos, arpas y liras.

En la dedicación de la muralla de Jerusalén buscaron a los Levitas de todos sus lugares para traerlos a Jerusalén, a fin de celebrar la dedicación con alegría, con himnos de acción de gracias y con cánticos, acompañados de címbalos, arpas y liras.

Y para la dedicación del muro de Jerusalén buscaron a los levitas de todos los lugares, para traerlos a Jerusalén, para hacer la dedicación y la fiesta con alabanzas y con cánticos, con címbalos, salterios y cítaras.

Y á la dedicación del muro de Jerusalem buscaron á los Levitas de todos los lugares, para traerlos á Jerusalem, para hacer la dedicación y la fiesta con alabanzas y con cánticos, con címbalos, salterios y cítaras.

Y a la dedicación del muro de Jerusalén buscaron a los levitas de todos sus lugares, para traerlos a Jerusalén, para hacer la dedicación y la fiesta con alabanzas y con cánticos, con címbalos, salterios y cítaras.

Neemias 12:27
Por ocasião da dedicação a Deus dos muros de Jerusalém, os levitas foram convocados e trazidos de onde estavam vivendo para Jerusalém a fim de participarem alegremente das cerimônias de dedicação com seus hinos, cânticos e declamações de ações de graça, ao som de címbalos, alaúdes, harpas e liras.

Ora, na dedicação dos muros de Jerusalém buscaram os levitas de todos os lugares, para os trazerem a Jerusalém, a fim de celebrarem a dedicação com alegria e com ações de graças, e com canto, címbalos, alaúdes e harpas.   

Neemia 12:27
La sfinţirea zidurilor Ierusalimului, au chemat pe Leviţi din toate locurile în cari locuiau, şi i-au adus la Ierusalim, ca să prăznuiască sfinţirea şi sărbătoarea cu laude şi cîntări, în sunet de chimvale, alăute şi arfe.

Неемия 12:27
При освящении стены Иерусалимской потребовали левитов из всех мест их, приказываяим придти в Иерусалим для совершения освящения и радостного празднества со славословиямии песнями при звуке кимвалов, псалтирей и гуслей.

При освящении стены Иерусалимской потребовали левитов из всех мест их, приказывая им придти в Иерусалим для совершения освящения и радостного празднества со славословиями и песнями при [звуке] кимвалов, псалтирей и гуслей.[]

Nehemja 12:27
Och när Jerusalems mur skulle invigas, uppsökte man leviterna på alla deras orter och förde dem till Jerusalem för att hålla invignings- och glädjehögtid under tacksägelse och sång, med cymbaler, psaltare och harpor.

Nehemiah 12:27
At sa pagtatalaga ng kuta ng Jerusalem ay kanilang hinanap ang mga Levita mula sa lahat nilang dako upang dalhin nila sila sa Jerusalem, na ipagdiwang ang pagtatalaga na may kasayahan, na may mga pagpapasalamat, at may mga awitan din may mga cimbalo, mga salterio, at may mga alpa.

เนหะมีย์ 12:27
คราวเมื่อทำพิธีมอบถวายกำแพงเยรูซาเล็ม เขาได้แสวงหาคนเลวีตามที่ของเขาทั่วทุกแห่ง เพื่อจะนำเขามาที่เยรูซาเล็ม เพื่อฉลองมอบถวายด้วยความยินดี ด้วยการโมทนาและด้วยการร้องเพลง ด้วยฉาบ พิณใหญ่ และพิณเขาคู่

Nehemya 12:27
Yeruşalim surları Tanrıya adanacağı zaman, nerede bir Levili varsa aranıp bulundu ve Yeruşalime getirildi. Çünkü surları sevinçle, şükranla, ezgilerle, zil, çenk ve lirlerle adamak istiyorlardı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 12:27
Khi khánh thành các vách thành Giê-ru-sa-lem, thì người ta sai gọi các người Lê-vi ở khắp mọi nơi, đặng đem chùng về Giê-ru-sa-lem, để dự lễ khánh thành cách vui vẻ, có tiếng khen ngợi và ca hát theo chập chỏa, đờn cầm, và đờn sắt.

Nehemiah 12:26
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