Nahum 1:14
Nahum 1:14
The LORD has given a command concerning you, Nineveh: "You will have no descendants to bear your name. I will destroy the images and idols that are in the temple of your gods. I will prepare your grave, for you are vile."

And this is what the LORD says concerning the Assyrians in Nineveh: "You will have no more children to carry on your name. I will destroy all the idols in the temples of your gods. I am preparing a grave for you because you are despicable!"

The LORD has given commandment about you: “No more shall your name be perpetuated; from the house of your gods I will cut off the carved image and the metal image. I will make your grave, for you are vile.”

The LORD has issued a command concerning you: "Your name will no longer be perpetuated. I will cut off idol and image From the house of your gods. I will prepare your grave, For you are contemptible."

And the LORD hath given a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.

The LORD has issued an order concerning you: There will be no offspring to carry on your name. I will eliminate the carved idol and cast image from the house of your gods; I will prepare your grave, for you are contemptible.

Now this is what the Lord has decreed about you, Nineveh: "There will be no more children born to carry on your name. I will cut out the graven and molten images from the temples of your gods. I myself will dig your grave, because you are vile."

The LORD has issued a decree against you: "Your dynasty will come to an end. I will destroy the idols and images in the temples of your gods. I will desecrate your grave--because you are accursed!"

The LORD has given this command about you, Nineveh: You will no longer have descendants to carry on your name. I will remove the wooden and metal idols from the temple of your gods. I will prepare your grave because you are worthless.

And the LORD shall give a commandment concerning thee that no one else of thy name ever be sown; out of the house of thy god I will cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make it thy grave because thou wert vile.

And the LORD has given a commandment concerning you: No more shall your name be perpetuated: out of the house of your gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make your grave; for you are vile.

And the LORD has given a commandment concerning you, that no more of your name be sown: out of the house of your gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make your grave; for you are vile.

And Jehovah hath given commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.

And the Lord will give a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name shall be sown: I will destroy the graven and molten thing out of the house of thy God, I will make it thy grave, for thou art disgraced.

And Jehovah hath given commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy god will I cut off the graven image, and the molten image: I will prepare thy grave; for thou art vile.

And the LORD hath given commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image; I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.

And the LORD hath given a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.

Yahweh has commanded concerning you: "No more descendants will bear your name. Out of the house of your gods, will I cut off the engraved image and the molten image. I will make your grave, for you are vile."

And commanded concerning thee hath Jehovah, 'No more of thy name doth spread abroad, From the house of thy gods I cut off graven and molten image, I appoint thy grave, for thou hast been vile.

Nahumi 1:14
Por lidhur me ty Zoti ka dhënë këtë urdhër: "Emri yt nuk do të përjetësohet më. Nga tempulli i perëndive të tua do të zhduk figurat e gdhendura dhe ato të derdhura. Do të të përgatis varrin se je i neveritshëm".

ﻧﺎﺣﻮﻡ 1:14
ولكن قد اوصى عنك الرب لا يزرع من اسمك في ما بعد. اني اقطع من بيت الهك التماثيل المنحوتة والمسبوكة. اجعله قبرك لانك صرت حقيرا

Dyr Nähum 1:14
Dir, Nimf, haat dyr Trechtein bschaffen, däßst auf Niemerwiderseghn verschwinddst. De Gipsköpff in enkern Templ hau i zamm; und i schauflt dyr ayn Grab, weilst weiter muesst.

Наум 1:14
Но за тебе, [Ниневио], Господ даде заповед Да се не посее вече [потомство] с твоето име; От капището на боговете ти ще изсека ваяните и леяните [идоли]; Ще [го] направя твой гроб, защото си скверен.

那 鴻 書 1:14
耶 和 華 已 經 出 令 , 指 著 尼 尼 微 說 : 你 名 下 的 人 必 不 留 後 ; 我 必 從 你   神 的 廟 中 除 滅 雕 刻 的 偶 像 和 鑄 造 的 偶 像 ; 我 必 因 你 鄙 陋 , 使 你 歸 於 墳 墓 。

耶 和 华 已 经 出 令 , 指 着 尼 尼 微 说 : 你 名 下 的 人 必 不 留 後 ; 我 必 从 你   神 的 庙 中 除 灭 雕 刻 的 偶 像 和 铸 造 的 偶 像 ; 我 必 因 你 鄙 陋 , 使 你 归 於 坟 墓 。



Nahum 1:14
Protiv tebe Jahve naređuje: Neće više biti roda tvoga imena, iz hrama tvojih bogova istrijebit ću likove rezane i livene, a od tvog groba ruglo ću učiniti.

Nahuma 1:14
Nebo přikázaní vydal proti tobě Hospodin, nebudeť rozsíváno ze jména tvého více; z domu Boha tvého vyhladím rytinu i slitinu, a když zlehčen budeš, způsobímť hrob.

Nahum 1:14
Om dig lyder HERRENS Bud: Dit Navn skal ikke ihukommes mere. Af din Guds Hus udrydder jeg det skaarne og støbte Billede, og jeg skænder din Grav.

Nahum 1:14
Doch tegen u heeft de HEERE bevolen, dat er van uw naam niemand meer gezaaid zal worden; uit het huis uws gods zal Ik uitroeien de gesneden en gegoten beelden; Ik zal u daar een graf maken, als gij zult veracht zijn geworden.

נחום 1:14
וְצִוָּ֤ה עָלֶ֙יךָ֙ יְהוָ֔ה לֹֽא־יִזָּרַ֥ע מִשִּׁמְךָ֖ עֹ֑וד מִבֵּ֨ית אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ אַכְרִ֨ית פֶּ֧סֶל וּמַסֵּכָ֛ה אָשִׂ֥ים קִבְרֶ֖ךָ כִּ֥י קַלֹּֽותָ׃ פ

יד וצוה עליך יהוה לא יזרע משמך עוד מבית אלהיך אכרית פסל ומסכה אשים קברך--כי קלות  {פ}

וצוה עליך יהוה לא־יזרע משמך עוד מבית אלהיך אכרית פסל ומסכה אשים קברך כי קלות׃ פ

Náhum 1:14
Felõled pedig azt rendeli az Úr: Nevednek ne támadjon többé magva; isteneid házából kivesztem a faragott és öntött képeket; megásom sírodat, mert becstelen vagy.

Naĥum 1:14
Sed pri vi la Eternulo decidis:Ne plu restos semo portanta vian nomon; el la domo de viaj dioj Mi ekstermos la idolojn kaj statuojn; Mi signos sur via tombo, ke vi farigxis senvalora.

Mutta sinua vastaan on Herra käskenyt, ettei yksikään sinun nimes siemen pysymän pidä. Sinun Jumalas huoneesta tahdon minä hukuttaa sinun epäjumalas, ja kuvas tahdon minä sinulle haudaksi tehdä; sillä sinä olet tyhjäksi tullut.

Nahum 1:14
Et l'Éternel a commandé à ton égard: on ne sèmera plus de semence de ton nom. De la maison de ton dieu je retrancherai l'image taillée et l'image de fonte, je préparerai ton sépulcre, car tu es vil.

Voici ce qu'a ordonné sur toi l'Eternel: Tu n'auras plus de descendants qui portent ton nom; J'enlèverai de la maison de ton dieu les images taillées ou en fonte; Je préparerai ton sépulcre, car tu es trop léger.

Car l'Eternel a donné commission contre toi; il n'en naîtra plus de ton nom; je retrancherai de la maison de tes dieux les images de taille et de fonte; je ferai [de cette maison-là] ton sépulcre, après que tu seras tombé dans le mépris.

Nahum 1:14
Aber wider dich hat der HERR geboten, daß deines Namens Same keiner mehr soll bleiben. Vom Hause deines Gottes will ich dich ausrotten, die Götzen und Bilder will ich dir zum Grabe machen; denn du bist zunichte worden.

Aber wider dich hat der HERR geboten, daß deines Namens kein Same mehr soll bleiben. Vom Hause deines Gottes will ich dich ausrotten, die Götzen und Bilder will ich dir zum Grab machen; denn du bist zunichte geworden.

Wider dich aber wird Jahwe Befehl thun: Dein Name soll fortan durch keine Aussaat mehr erhalten bleiben! Aus dem Tempel deines Gottes will ich Schnitzbilder und Gußbilder vertilgen, will dir ein Grab herrichten, denn du bist verworfen!

Nahum 1:14
E quanto a te, popolo di Ninive, l’Eterno ha dato quest’ordine: Che non vi sia più posterità del tuo nome; io sterminerò dalla casa delle tue divinità le immagini scolpite e le immagini fuse; io ti preparerò la tomba perché sei divenuto spregevole.

Ma contro a te il Signore ha ordinato che non vi sia più posterità del tuo nome; io sterminerò della casa de’ tuoi dii le sculture, e le statue di getto; io farò di quella il tuo sepolcro, perciocchè tu sei degno di spezzo.

NAHUM 1:14
Tetapi akan halmu Tuhan sudah berfirman, bahwa kepujianmu tiada akan berpecah-pecah lagi! Dari dalam rumah berhalamu akan Kutumpas segala patung pahatan dan tuangan, dan Kujadikan dia kuburmu, sebab engkau sudah mencelakan Daku!

나훔 1:14
나 여호와가 네게 대하여 명하였나니 네 이름이 다시는 전파되지 않을 것이라 내가 네 신들의 집에서 새긴 우상과 부은 우상을 멸절하며 네 무덤을 예비하리니 이는 네가 비루함이니라

Nahum 1:14
et praecipiet super te Dominus non seminabitur ex nomine tuo amplius de domo Dei tui interficiam sculptile et conflatile ponam sepulchrum tuum quia inhonoratus es

Nahumo knyga 1:14
Viešpats sako apie tave: “Tavo vardas nebebus minimas! Aš tavo šventyklų dievus­drožtus ir lietus­sunaikinsiu, o tau paruošiu kapą, nes netekai garbės”.

Nahum 1:14
He whakahau hoki ta Ihowa mou, ara kia kaua e whakatokia tetahi o tou ingoa a muri ake nei: ka hatepea atu e ahau te whakapakoko tarai me te whakapakoko whakarewa i roto i te whare o ou atua: ka hanga e ahau he urupa mou; no te mea he kino koe.

Nahum 1:14
Men om dig* byder Herren så: Det skal ikke mere fødes nogen som bærer ditt navn; av din guds hus vil jeg utrydde både utskårne og støpte billeder; jeg vil gjøre i stand en grav for dig, for du er funnet for lett**.

Nahúm 1:14
El SEÑOR ha dado una orden en cuanto a ti: No se perpetuará más tu nombre. De la casa de tus dioses arrancaré los ídolos y las imágenes de fundición. Yo prepararé tu sepultura, porque eres vil.

El SEÑOR ha dado una orden en cuanto a ti (rey de Nínive): "No se perpetuará más tu nombre. De la casa de tus dioses Arrancaré los ídolos y las imágenes de fundición. Yo prepararé tu sepultura, porque eres vil."

Mas acerca de ti mandará Jehová, que nunca más sea sembrado alguno de tu nombre; de la casa de tus dioses talaré escultura y estatua de fundición, la haré tu sepulcro; porque fuiste vil.

Mas acerca de ti mandará Jehová, que nunca más sea sembrado alguno de tu nombre: de la casa de tu dios talaré escultura y estatua de fundición, haréla tu sepulcro; porque fuiste vil.

Mas acerca de ti mandará el SEÑOR, que nunca más sea sembrado alguno de tu nombre: de la casa de tu dios talaré escultura y estatua de fundición, la haré tu sepulcro; porque fuiste vil.

Naum 1:14
Contra ti, porém, ó rei de Nínive, eis que Yahweh ordenou que não houvesse mais descendência que perpetue teu nome sobre a terra. Exterminarei do templo dos teus deuses todas as imagens idólatras de arte, escultura e fundição; e prepararei o teu sepulcro, porque és maldito!”

Contra ti, porém, o Senhor deu ordem que não haja mais linhagem do teu nome; da casa dos teus deuses exterminarei as imagens de escultura e as de fundição; farei o teu sepulcro, porque és vil.   

Naum 1:14
Iată ce a poruncit însă Domnul împotriva ta, Asur: ,,Nu vei mai avea urmaşi cari să-ţi poarte numele; voi ridica din casa dumnezeului tău chipurile cioplite sau turnate; îţi voi pregăti mormîntul, căci te-ai aflat prea uşor.``

Наум 1:14
А о тебе, Ассур , Господь определил: не будет более семени с твоим именем; из дома бога твоего истреблю истуканов и кумиров; приготовлю тебе в нем могилу, потому что ты будешь в презрении.

А о тебе, [Ассур], Господь определил: не будет более семени с твоим именем; из дома бога твоего истреблю истуканов и кумиров; приготовлю тебе в нем могилу, потому что ты будешь в презрении.[]

Nahum 1:14
Men om dig bjuder HERREN så »Ingen avkomma av ditt namn skall mer få finnas. Ur dina gudars hus skall jag utrota alla beläten, både skurna och gjutna. En grav bereder jag åt dig, ty på skam har du kommit.»

Nahum 1:14
At ang Panginoon ay nagbigay utos tungkol sa iyo, na hindi na matatatag ang iyong pangalan: sa bahay ng iyong mga dios ay aking ihihiwalay ang larawang inanyuan at ang larawang binubo; aking gagawin ang iyong libingan; sapagka't ikaw ay hamak.

นาฮูม 1:14
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสบัญชาด้วยเรื่องเจ้าว่า "เขาจะไม่หว่านชื่อของเจ้าให้แพร่หลายอีกต่อไป เราจะขจัดรูปเคารพที่สลักและรูปเคารพที่หล่อออกเสียจากนิเวศแห่งพระของเจ้า เราจะขุดหลุมศพให้เจ้า เพราะเจ้าชั่วนัก"

Nahum 1:14
RAB, ‹‹Artık soyunu sürdürecek torunların olmasın››
Diye buyurdu, ey Ninova.
‹‹Tanrılarının tapınağındaki oyma ve dökme putları yok edeceğim›› diyor. ‹‹Mezarını hazırlayacağım.
Çünkü sen aşağılıksın.››[]

Na-hum 1:14
Ðức Giê-hô-va đã truyền lịnh về ngươi, từ danh ngươi chẳng sanh ra nữa. Ta sẽ trừ bỏ tượng chạm và tượng đúc khỏi nhà các thần ngươi; ta sẽ làm mồ mả cho ngươi, vì ngươi là hèn mạt.

Nahum 1:13
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