Matthew 10:32
Matthew 10:32
"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

"Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,

"Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

"Therefore, everyone who will acknowledge Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in heaven.

"Therefore, everyone who acknowledges me before people I, too, will acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

"Whoever, then, acknowledges me before people, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

“Everyone, therefore, who will confess me before children of men, I shall confess him also before my Father who is in Heaven.

"So I will acknowledge in front of my Father in heaven that person who acknowledges me in front of others.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in the heavens.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father who is in heaven.

Whoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven.

Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven.

Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, I also will confess him before my Father who is in the heavens.

Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven.

Whoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven.

"Every man who acknowledges me before men I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven.

Everyone therefore who confesses me before men, him I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven.

'Every one, therefore, who shall confess in me before men, I also will confess in him before my Father who is in the heavens;

Mateu 10:32
Prandaj kushdo që do të më rrëfenjë përpara njerëzve, dhe unë do ta rrëfejë përpara Atit tim që është në qiej.

ﻣﺘﻰ 10:32
فكل من يعترف بي قدام الناس اعترف انا ايضا به قدام ابي الذي في السموات.

«Ուստի ո՛վ որ դաւանի զիս մարդոց առջեւ, ես ալ պիտի դաւանիմ զինք Հօրս առջեւ՝ որ երկինքն է:

Euangelioa S. Mattheuen araura.  10:32
Bada norc-ere aboaturen bainau guiçonén aitzinean, aboaturen dut nic-ere hura ene Aita ceruètan denaren aitzinean.

Dyr Mathäus 10:32
Wer si ietz also vor de Leut zo mir bekennt, gan dönn bekenn mi aft aau i vor meinn Vatern eyn n Himml obn.

Матей 10:32
И тъй, всеки, който изповяда Мене пред човеците, ще го изповядам и Аз пред Отца Си, Който е на небесата.

馬 太 福 音 10:32
凡 在 人 面 前 認 我 的 , 我 在 我 天 上 的 父 面 前 也 必 認 他 ;

凡 在 人 面 前 认 我 的 , 我 在 我 天 上 的 父 面 前 也 必 认 他 ;





Evanðelje po Mateju 10:32
Tko god se, dakle, prizna mojim pred ljudima, priznat ću se i ja njegovim pred Ocem, koji je na nebesima.

Matouš 10:32
Kdožkoli tedy vyzná mne před lidmi, vyznámť i já jej před Otcem svým, jenž jest v nebesích.

Matthæus 10:32
Altsaa, enhver som vedkender sig mig for Menneskene, ham vil ogsaa jeg vedkende mig for min Fader, som er i Himlene.

Mattheüs 10:32
Een iegelijk dan, die Mij belijden zal voor de mensen, dien zal Ik ook belijden voor Mijn Vader, Die in de hemelen is.

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ Πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς·

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς·

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς·

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς.

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς·

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς·

πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ, ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς.

Πᾶς οὖν ὅστις ὁμολογήσει ἐν ἐμοὶ ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὁμολογήσω κἀγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν οὐρανοῖς·

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν τοις ουρανοις

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων, ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω, εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις.

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν ουρανοις

πας ουν οστις ομολογησει εν εμοι εμπροσθεν των ανθρωπων ομολογησω καγω εν αυτω εμπροσθεν του πατρος μου του εν {VAR1: τοις } {VAR2: [τοις] } ουρανοις

Pas oun hostis homologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn, homologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou Patros mou tou en tois ouranois;

Pas oun hostis homologesei en emoi emprosthen ton anthropon, homologeso kago en auto emprosthen tou Patros mou tou en tois ouranois;

Pas oun hostis homologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn, homologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en tois ouranois;

Pas oun hostis homologesei en emoi emprosthen ton anthropon, homologeso kago en auto emprosthen tou patros mou tou en tois ouranois;

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en ouranois

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en tois ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en tois ouranois

pas oun ostis omologēsei en emoi emprosthen tōn anthrōpōn omologēsō kagō en autō emprosthen tou patros mou tou en {WH: tois } {UBS4: [tois] } ouranois

pas oun ostis omologEsei en emoi emprosthen tOn anthrOpOn omologEsO kagO en autO emprosthen tou patros mou tou en {WH: tois} {UBS4: [tois]} ouranois

Máté 10:32
Valaki azért vallást tesz én rólam az emberek elõtt, én is vallást teszek arról az én mennyei Atyám elõtt;

La evangelio laŭ Mateo 10:32
CXiun do, kiu konfesos min antaux homoj, mi ankaux konfesos antaux mia Patro, kiu estas en la cxielo.

Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 10:32
Sentähden jokainen joka minun tunnustaa ihmisten edessä, sen tunnustan myös minä Isäni edessä, joka on taivaissa.

Matthieu 10:32
Quiconque donc me confessera devant les hommes, moi aussi je le confesserai devant mon Père qui est dans les cieux;

C'est pourquoi, quiconque me confessera devant les hommes, je le confesserai aussi devant mon Père qui est dans les cieux;

Quiconque donc me confessera devant les hommes, je le confesserai aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux.

Matthaeus 10:32
Darum, wer mich bekennet vor den Menschen, den will ich bekennen vor meinem himmlischen Vater.

Wer nun mich bekennet vor den Menschen, den will ich bekennen vor meinem himmlischen Vater.

Wer überall nun sich zu mir bekennt vor den Menschen, zu dem will auch ich mich bekennen vor meinem Vater in den Himmeln.

Matteo 10:32
Chiunque dunque mi riconoscerà davanti agli uomini, anch’io riconoscerò lui davanti al Padre mio che è ne’ cieli.

Ogni uomo adunque che mi avrà riconosciuto davanti agli uomini, io altresì lo riconoscerò davanti al Padre mio, che è ne’ cieli.

MATIUS 10:32
Sebab itu, tiap-tiap orang yang mengaku Aku di hadapan manusia, maka Aku ini juga akan mengaku dia di hadirat Bapa-Ku yang di surga.

Matthew 10:32
Kra win ara yessetḥin s yisem-iw zdat yemdanen, ula d nekk, ad ssetḥiɣ yis zdat Baba yellan deg igenwan.

마태복음 10:32
누구든지 사람 앞에서 나를 시인하면 나도 하늘에 계신 내 아버지 앞에서 저를 시인할 것이요

Matthaeus 10:32
omnis ergo qui confitebitur me coram hominibus confitebor et ego eum coram Patre meo qui est in caelis

Sv. Matejs 10:32
Katru, kas mani atzīst cilvēku priekšā, es atzīšu sava Tēva priekšā, kas ir debesīs.

Evangelija pagal Matà 10:32
Kas išpažins mane žmonių akivaizdoje, ir Aš jį išpažinsiu savo dangiškojo Tėvo akivaizdoje.

Matthew 10:32
Na, ki te whakaae tetahi ki ahau i te aroaro o nga tangata, ka whakaaetia ia e ahau i te aroaro o toku Matua i te rangi.

Matteus 10:32
Derfor, hver den som kjennes ved mig for menneskene, ham skal også jeg kjennes ved for min Fader i himmelen;

Mateo 10:32
Por tanto, todo el que me confiese delante de los hombres, yo también le confesaré delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos.

"Por tanto, todo el que Me confiese delante de los hombres, Yo también lo confesaré delante de Mi Padre que está en los cielos.

Cualquiera, pues, que me confesare delante de los hombres, también yo le confesaré delante de mi Padre que está en el cielo.

Cualquiera pues que me confesare delante de los hombres, le confesaré yo también delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos.

Cualquiera pues que me confesare delante de los hombres, le confesaré yo también delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos.

Mateus 10:32
Assim sendo, todo aquele que me declarar diante das pessoas, também eu o declararei diante de meu Pai que está nos céus.

Portanto, todo aquele que me confessar diante dos homens, também eu o confessarei diante de meu Pai, que está nos céus.   

Matei 10:32
Deaceea, pe orişicine Mă va mărturisi înaintea oamenilor, îl voi mărturisi şi Eu înaintea Tatălui Meu care este în ceruri;

От Матфея 10:32
Итак всякого, кто исповедает Меня пред людьми, того исповедаю и Я пред Отцем Моим Небесным;

Итак всякого, кто исповедает Меня пред людьми, того исповедаю и Я пред Отцем Моим Небесным;

Matthew 10:32
`Ashφ shuar Ashφ iimiainiain Winia natsantruiniatsna N·naka Winia Apar Yakφ nayaimpiniam pujana nui natsantrashtatjai.

Matteus 10:32
Därför, var och en som bekänner mig inför människorna, honom skall ock jag kännas vid inför min Fader, som är i himmelen.

Matayo 10:32
Kila mtu anayekiri hadharani kwamba yeye ni wangu, mimi pia nitamkiri mbele ya Baba yangu aliye mbinguni.

Mateo 10:32
Kaya't ang bawa't kumikilala sa akin sa harap ng mga tao, ay kikilalanin ko naman siya sa harap ng aking Ama na nasa langit.

มัทธิว 10:32
เหตุดังนั้นทุกคนที่จะรับเราต่อหน้ามนุษย์ เราจะรับผู้นั้นต่อพระพักตร์พระบิดาของเราผู้ทรงสถิตในสวรรค์ด้วย

Matta 10:32
‹‹İnsanların önünde beni açıkça kabul eden herkesi, ben de göklerdeki Babamın önünde açıkça kabul edeceğim.

Матей 10:32
От же всякий, хто мене визнавати ме перед людьми, того й я визнавати му перед Отцем моїм, що на небі.

Matthew 10:32
Hema-hema to mpangaku' hi doo kahi'a-na topetuku' -ku, hi'a wo'o mpai' kupangaku' hi Tuama-ku to hi rala suruga, ku'uli': `Tau toei topetuku' -ku.'

Ma-thi-ô 10:32
Bởi đó, ai xưng ta ra trước mặt thiên hạ, thì ta cũng sẽ xưng họ trước mặt Cha ta ở trên trời;

Matthew 10:31
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