Mark 14:35
Mark 14:35
Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him.

He went on a little farther and fell to the ground. He prayed that, if it were possible, the awful hour awaiting him might pass him by.

And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

Then He went a little farther, fell to the ground, and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him.

Going on a little farther, he fell to the ground and kept praying that if it were possible the hour might pass from him.

Going a little farther, he threw himself to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour would pass from him.

And he approached a little and he fell on the ground, and he prayed that if it were possible, the hour would pass from him.

After walking a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible he might not have to suffer what was ahead of him.

And he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.

And when he was gone forward a little, he fell flat on the ground; and he prayed, that if it might be, the hour might pass from him.

And, going forward a little, he fell upon the earth; and he prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.

And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, If it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

Going forward a short distance He threw Himself upon His face and prayed repeatedly that, if it was possible, He might be spared that time of agony;

He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.

And having gone forward a little, he fell upon the earth, and was praying, that, if it be possible the hour may pass from him,

Marku 14:35
Dhe, si shkoi pak përpara, ra përmbys përtokë dhe lutej që, po të ishte e mundur, të largohej prej tij ajo orë.

ﻣﺮﻗﺲ 14:35
ثم تقدم قليلا وخرّ على الارض وكان يصلّي لكي تعبر عنه الساعة ان امكن.

Քիչ մը առջեւ երթալով՝ ինկաւ գետին, իր երեսին վրայ, եւ աղօթեց, որ եթէ կարելի է՝ այդ ժամը անցնի իրմէ:

Euangelioa S. Marc-en araura. 14:35
Eta aitzinachiago ioanic, bere buruä lurrera egotz ceçan, eta othoitz eguin ceçan, baldin possible baliz iragan ledin harenganic oren hura:

Dyr Marx 14:35
Und er gieng ayn Stückl weiter, warf si auf d Erdn nider und gabett, däß d Leidnsstund an iem vorbeigeeheb, wenn s gäng.

Марко 14:35
И като отиде малко напред, падна на земята; и молеше се ако е възможно, да Го отмине тоя час, казвайки:

馬 可 福 音 14:35
他 就 稍 往 前 走 , 俯 伏 在 地 , 禱 告 說 : 倘 若 可 行 , 便 叫 那 時 候 過 去 。

他 就 稍 往 前 走 , 俯 伏 在 地 , 祷 告 说 : 倘 若 可 行 , 便 叫 那 时 候 过 去 。





Evanðelje po Marku 14:35
Ode malo dalje i rušeći se na zemlju molio je da ga, ako je moguće, mimoiđe ovaj čas.

Marek 14:35
A poodšed maličko, padl na zemi a modlil se, aby, bylo-li by možné, odešla od něho hodina ta.

Markus 14:35
Og han gik lidt frem, kastede sig ned paa Jorden og bad om, at den Time maatte gaa ham forbi, om det var muligt.

Markus 14:35
En een weinig voortgegaan zijnde, viel Hij op de aarde, en bad, zo het mogelijk ware, dat die ure van Hem voorbijging.

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπιπτεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν παρέλθῃ ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα,

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπιπτεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν παρέλθῃ ἀπ' αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα,

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπιπτεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν παρέλθῃ ἀπ' αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα,

Καὶ προσελθὼν μικρόν, ἔπεσεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα, εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν, παρέλθῃ ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα.

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπεσεν ἐπὶ πρόσωπον ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστι, παρέλθῃ ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα,

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπιπτεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν παρέλθῃ ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα,

καὶ προελθὼν μικρόν, ἔπεσεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα, εἰ δυνατόν ἐστι, παρέλθῃ ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα.

καὶ προελθὼν μικρὸν ἔπεσεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς καὶ προσηύχετο ἵνα εἰ δυνατόν ἐστιν παρέλθῃ ἀπ' αὐτοῦ ἡ ὥρα

και προελθων μικρον επιπτεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

και προελθων μικρον επιπτεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

και προελθων μικρον επεσεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

και προελθων μικρον, επεσεν επι της γης, και προσηυχετο ινα, ει δυνατον εστι, παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα.

και προσελθων μικρον επεσεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

και προελθων μικρον επιπτεν επι της γης και προσηυχετο ινα ει δυνατον εστιν παρελθη απ αυτου η ωρα

kai proelthōn mikron epipten epi tēs gēs, kai prosēucheto hina ei dynaton estin parelthē ap’ autou hē hōra,

kai proelthon mikron epipten epi tes ges, kai proseucheto hina ei dynaton estin parelthe ap’ autou he hora,

kai proelthōn mikron epipten epi tēs gēs, kai prosēucheto hina ei dynaton estin parelthē ap' autou hē hōra,

kai proelthon mikron epipten epi tes ges, kai proseucheto hina ei dynaton estin parelthe ap' autou he hora,

kai proelthōn mikron epipten epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proelthOn mikron epipten epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

kai proselthōn mikron epesen epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proselthOn mikron epesen epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

kai proelthōn mikron epesen epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proelthOn mikron epesen epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

kai proelthōn mikron epesen epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proelthOn mikron epesen epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

kai proelthōn mikron epipten epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proelthOn mikron epipten epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

kai proelthōn mikron epipten epi tēs gēs kai prosēucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthē ap autou ē ōra

kai proelthOn mikron epipten epi tEs gEs kai prosEucheto ina ei dunaton estin parelthE ap autou E Ora

Márk 14:35
És egy kevéssé elõre menvén, a földre esék, és imádkozék, hogy, ha lehetséges, múljék el tõle ez az óra;

La evangelio laŭ Marko 14:35
Kaj irinte iom antauxen, li falis sur la teron, kaj pregxis, ke, se povas esti, la horo pasu for de li.

Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan 14:35
Ja hän kävi vähää edemmä, lankesi maahan ja rukoili, jos mahdollinen olis, että aika hänen ohitsensa kävis.

Marc 14:35
Et s'en allant un peu plus avant, il se jeta contre terre, et il priait que, s'il était possible, l'heure passât loin de lui.

Puis, ayant fait quelques pas en avant, il se jeta contre terre, et pria que, s'il était possible, cette heure s'éloignât de lui.

Puis s'en allant un peu plus outre, il se jeta en terre, et il priait que s'il était possible, l'heure passât arrière de lui.

Markus 14:35
Und ging ein wenig fürbaß, fiel auf die Erde und betete, daß, so es möglich wäre, die Stunde vorüberginge,

Und ging ein wenig weiter, fiel auf die Erde und betete, daß, wenn es möglich wäre, die Stunde vorüberginge,

Und er gieng eine kleine Strecke vor, warf sich auf die Erde und betete, daß, wo möglich, diese Stunde an ihm vorüber gehe,

Marco 14:35
E andato un poco innanzi, si gettò a terra; e pregava che, se fosse possibile, quell’ora passasse oltre da lui.

E andato un poco innanzi, si gettò in terra, e pregava che, se era possibile, quell’ora passasse oltre da lui.

MARKUS 14:35
Maka berjalanlah Ia ke hadapan sedikit, lalu sujud ke tanah, serta berdoa, jikalau boleh kiranya ketika itu akan terlepas daripada-Nya.

Mark 14:35
Issebɛed iman-is fell-asen, iḍeggeṛ iman-is ɣer lqaɛa, yedɛa ɣer Sidi Ṛebbi ma yella wamek ara yessebɛed fell-as taswiɛt-nni n leɛtab.

마가복음 14:35
조금 나아가사 땅에 엎드리어 될 수 있는대로 이 때가 자기에게서 지나가기를 구하여

Marcus 14:35
et cum processisset paululum procidit super terram et orabat ut si fieri posset transiret ab eo hora

Sv. Marks 14:35
Un Viņš, nedaudz pagājis tālāk, krita zemē un lūdza Dievu: ja tas varētu būt, lai šī stunda paietu Viņam secen.

Evangelija pagal Morkø 14:35
Paėjęs truputį toliau, sukniubo ant žemės ir meldėsi, kad, jei įmanoma, Jį aplenktų toji valanda.

Mark 14:35
Na ka haere ia ki pahaki tata atu, ka hinga ki te whenua, ka inoi, me kahore e ahei kia pahemo atu tenei haora i a ia.

Markus 14:35
Og han gikk et lite stykke frem, falt ned på jorden og bad at denne stund måtte gå ham forbi, om det var mulig,

Marcos 14:35
Adelantándose un poco, se postró en tierra y oraba que si fuera posible, pasara de El aquella hora.

Adelantándose un poco, se postró en tierra y oraba que si fuera posible, pasara de El aquella hora.

Y yéndose un poco adelante, se postró en tierra, y oró que si fuese posible, pasase de Él aquella hora.

Y yéndose un poco adelante, se postró en tierra, y oro que si fuese posible, pasase de él aquella hora,

Y yéndose un poco adelante, se postró en tierra, y oró, que si fuese posible, pasase de él aquella hora,

Marcos 14:35
Caminhou um pouco mais adiante e, prostrando-se, orava para que, se possível, àquela hora fosse afastada dele.

E adiantando-se um pouco, prostrou-se em terra; e orava para que, se fosse possível, passasse dele aquela hora.   

Marcu 14:35
Apoi a mers puţin mai înainte, S'a aruncat la pămînt, şi Se ruga ca, dacă este cu putinţă, să treacă de la El ceasul acela.

От Марка 14:35
И, отойдя немного, пал на землю и молился, чтобы, если возможно, миновал Его час сей;

И, отойдя немного, пал на землю и молился, чтобы, если возможно, миновал Его час сей;

Mark 14:35
Jesussha ishichik arantach we, Nunkß piniakumar tepes Y·san aujmiayi. "Ju Wßitsatin ßtatna nu, T·rutatniuitkuinkia iniaitiusta" tu seamiayi.

Markus 14:35
Därefter gick han litet längre bort och föll ned på jorden och bad, att om möjligt vore, den stunden skulle bliva honom besparad.

Marko 14:35
Akaenda mbele kidogo, akajitupa chini kifudifudi, akasali kwamba, kama ingewezekana, asiipitie saa hiyo ya mateso.

Marcos 14:35
At lumakad siya sa dako pa roon, at nagpatirapa sa lupa, at idinalangin na, kung mangyayari, ay makalampas sa kaniya ang oras.

มาระโก 14:35
แล้วพระองค์เสด็จดำเนินไปอีกหน่อยหนึ่ง ซบพระกายลงที่ดินอธิษฐานว่า ถ้าเป็นได้ให้เวลานั้นล่วงพ้นไปจากพระองค์

Markos 14:35
Biraz ilerledi, yüzüstü yere kapanıp dua etmeye başladı. ‹‹Mümkünse o saati yaşamayayım›› dedi.

Марко 14:35
І, пройшовши трохи далїй, припав до землі, і молив ся, щоб, коли можна, мимо йшла від Него ся година.

Mark 14:35
Oti toe, hilou-imi molaa hangkedi', pai' -i motumpa hi tana' mosampaya. Rala posampaya-na merapi' -i bona ane ma'ala uma-i-hawo mporata kaparia toe.

Maùc 14:35
Rồi Ngài đi một đỗi xa hơn, sấp mình xuống đất mà cầu nguyện rằng: nếu có thể được, xin giờ nầy qua khỏi mình.

Mark 14:34
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