Mark 11:2
Mark 11:2
saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.

"Go into that village over there," he told them. "As soon as you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.

and said to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it.

and said to them, "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one yet has ever sat; untie it and bring it here.

And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him.

and told them, "Go into the village ahead of you. As soon as you enter it, you will find a young donkey tied there, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here.

and told them, "Go into the village ahead of you. As soon as you go into it, you will find a colt tied up that no one has ever ridden. Untie it, and bring it along.

and said to them, "Go to the village ahead of you. As soon as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here.

And he said to them, “Go to that village opposite us, and immediately entering you will find a colt that is tied which no one of the children of men has ridden. Loose him and bring him,”

He said to them, "Go into the village ahead of you. As you enter it, you will find a young donkey tied there. No one has ever sat on it. Untie it, and bring it.

and said unto them, Go to the place which is before you; and as soon as ye are entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, upon which no man ever sat; loose him and bring him.

And said unto them, Go your way into the village opposite you: and as soon as you are entered into it, you shall find a colt tied, on which never man sat; loose him, and bring him.

And said to them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a colt tied, where on never man sat; loose him, and bring him.

and saith unto them, Go your way into the village that is over against you: and straightway as ye enter into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon no man ever yet sat; loose him, and bring him.

And saith to them: Go into the village that is over against you, and immediately at your coming in thither, you shall find a colt tied, upon which no man yet hath sat: loose him, and bring him.

and says to them, Go into the village which is over against you, and immediately on entering into it ye will find a colt tied, upon which no child of man has ever sat: loose it and lead it here.

and saith unto them, Go your way into the village that is over against you: and straightway as ye enter into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon no man ever yet sat; loose him, and bring him.

And saith to them, Go into the village over against you: and as soon as ye have entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, on which never man sat; loose him, and bring him.

"Go," He said, "to the village facing you, and immediately on entering it you will find an ass's foal tied up which no one has ever yet ridden: untie him and bring him here.

and said to them, "Go your way into the village that is opposite you. Immediately as you enter into it, you will find a young donkey tied, on which no one has sat. Untie him, and bring him.

and saith to them, 'Go away to the village that is over-against you, and immediately, entering into it, ye shall find a colt tied, on which no one of men hath sat, having loosed it, bring it:

Marku 11:2
duke u thënë: ''Shkoni në fshatin përballë dhe, posa të hyni aty, do të gjeni një kërriç të lidhur, mbi të cilin akoma nuk ka hipur askush; zgjidheni dhe ma sillni.

ﻣﺮﻗﺲ 11:2
وقال لهما اذهبا الى القرية التي امامكما فللوقت وانتما داخلان اليها تجدان جحشا مربوطا لم يجلس عليه احد من الناس. فحلاه وأتيا به.

«Գացէ՛ք այդ ձեր դիմացի գիւղը. անոր մէջ մտնելով՝ իսկոյն պիտի գտնէք կապուած աւանակ մը, որուն վրայ մա՛րդ նստած չէ. արձակեցէ՛ք զայն ու բերէ՛ք:

Euangelioa S. Marc-en araura. 11:2
Eta erran ciecén, Çoazte çuen aurkán den burgura: eta hartan sarthuren çareten beçain sarri, eridenen duçue asto vmebat estecatua, nehor oraino gainean iarri içan etzayonic: lachaturic hura ekardaçue.

Dyr Marx 11:2
Er wis s an: "Geetß eyn dös Dorf vor enk einhin; und daadl finddtß glei bei n Ortseingang ayn Öslfülln, dös was non niemdd gritn haat. Dös höngtß ab und bringtß!

Марко 11:2
Идете в селото, което е на среща ви, и щом влезете в него, ще намерите вързано осле, което никой човек не е още възсядал; отвържете го и го докарайте.

馬 可 福 音 11:2
對 他 們 說 : 你 們 往 對 面 村 子 裡 去 , 一 進 去 的 時 候 , 必 看 見 一 匹 驢 駒 拴 在 那 裡 , 是 從 來 沒 有 人 騎 過 的 , 可 以 解 開 , 牽 來 。

对 他 们 说 : 你 们 往 对 面 村 子 里 去 , 一 进 去 的 时 候 , 必 看 见 一 匹 驴 驹 拴 在 那 里 , 是 从 来 没 有 人 骑 过 的 , 可 以 解 开 , 牵 来 。





Evanðelje po Marku 11:2
i kaže im: Hajdete u selo pred vama. Čim u nj uđete, naći ćete privezano magare koje još nitko nije zajahao. Odriješite ga i vodite.

Marek 11:2
A řekl jim: Jděte do hrádku, kterýž proti vám jest, a hned vejdouce tam, naleznete oslátko přivázané, na kterémž ještě nižádný z lidí neseděl. Odvížíce, přiveďte ke mně.

Markus 11:2
»Gaar hen til den Landsby, som ligger lige for eder, og straks, naar I komme ind i den, skulle I finde et Føl bundet, paa hvilket der endnu aldrig har siddet noget Menneske; løser det og fører det hid!

Markus 11:2
En zeide tot hen: Gaat heen in het vlek, dat tegen u over is; en terstond als gij in hetzelve komt, zult gij vinden een veulen gebonden, op hetwelk geen mens gezeten heeft, ontbindt het, en brengt het.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν, καὶ εὐθὺς εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον ἐφ’ ὃν οὐδεὶς οὔπω ἀνθρώπων ἐκάθισεν· λύσατε αὐτὸν καὶ φέρετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν, καὶ εὐθὺς εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον ἐφ' ὃν οὐδεὶς οὔπω ἀνθρώπων ἐκάθισεν· λύσατε αὐτὸν καὶ φέρετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν, καὶ εὐθὺς εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον ἐφ' ὃν οὐδεὶς οὔπω ἀνθρώπων ἐκάθισεν· λύσατε αὐτὸν καὶ φέρετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς, Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν· καὶ εὐθέως εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον, ἐφ’ ὃν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων κεκάθικεν· λύσαντες αὐτὸν ἀγάγετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν, καὶ εὐθέως εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον, ἐφ’ ὃν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων κεκάθικε· λύσαντες αὐτὸν ἀγάγετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν, καὶ εὐθὺς εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον, ἐφ’ ὃν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων οὔπω κεκάθικεν· λύσατε αὐτὸν καὶ φέρετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς, Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν· καὶ εὐθέως εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον, ἐφ’ ὃν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων κεκάθικε· λύσαντες αὐτὸν ἀγάγετε.

καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην τὴν κατέναντι ὑμῶν καὶ εὐθὲως εἰσπορευόμενοι εἰς αὐτὴν εὑρήσετε πῶλον δεδεμένον ἐφ' ὃν οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων κεκάθικεν λύσαντες αὐτὸν ἀγάγετε

και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων και ευθυς εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον εφ ον ουδεις ουπω ανθρωπων εκαθισεν λυσατε αυτον και φερετε

και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων και ευθυς εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον εφ ον ουδεις ανθρωπων ουπω κεκαθικεν λυσατε αυτον και φερετε

και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων και ευθεως εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον εφ ον ουδεις ανθρωπων κεκαθικεν λυσαντες αυτον αγαγετε

και λεγει αυτοις, Υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων· και ευθεως εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον, εφ ον ουδεις ανθρωπων κεκαθικε· λυσαντες αυτον αγαγετε.

και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων και ευθεως εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον εφ ον ουδεις ανθρωπων κεκαθικεν λυσαντες αυτον αγαγετε

και λεγει αυτοις υπαγετε εις την κωμην την κατεναντι υμων και ευθυς εισπορευομενοι εις αυτην ευρησετε πωλον δεδεμενον εφ ον ουδεις ουπω ανθρωπων εκαθισεν λυσατε αυτον και φερετε

kai legei autois Hypagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti hymōn, kai euthys eisporeuomenoi eis autēn heurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph’ hon oudeis oupō anthrōpōn ekathisen; lysate auton kai pherete.

kai legei autois Hypagete eis ten komen ten katenanti hymon, kai euthys eisporeuomenoi eis auten heuresete polon dedemenon eph’ hon oudeis oupo anthropon ekathisen; lysate auton kai pherete.

kai legei autois Hypagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti hymōn, kai euthys eisporeuomenoi eis autēn heurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph' hon oudeis oupō anthrōpōn ekathisen; lysate auton kai pherete.

kai legei autois Hypagete eis ten komen ten katenanti hymon, kai euthys eisporeuomenoi eis auten heuresete polon dedemenon eph' hon oudeis oupo anthropon ekathisen; lysate auton kai pherete.

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrōpōn oupō kekathiken lusate auton kai pherete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrOpOn oupO kekathiken lusate auton kai pherete

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai eutheōs eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrōpōn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai eutheOs eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrOpOn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai eutheōs eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrōpōn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai eutheOs eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrOpOn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai eutheōs eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrōpōn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai eutheOs eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis anthrOpOn kekathiken lusantes auton agagete

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis oupō anthrōpōn ekathisen lusate auton kai pherete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis oupO anthrOpOn ekathisen lusate auton kai pherete

kai legei autois upagete eis tēn kōmēn tēn katenanti umōn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autēn eurēsete pōlon dedemenon eph on oudeis oupō anthrōpōn ekathisen lusate auton kai pherete

kai legei autois upagete eis tEn kOmEn tEn katenanti umOn kai euthus eisporeuomenoi eis autEn eurEsete pOlon dedemenon eph on oudeis oupO anthrOpOn ekathisen lusate auton kai pherete

Márk 11:2
És monda nékik: Eredjetek abba a faluba, a mely elõttetek van; és a mikor abba bejuttok, azonnal találtok egy megkötött vemhet, a melyen ember nem ült még soha; azt oldjátok el és hozzátok ide.

La evangelio laŭ Marko 11:2
kaj diris al ili:Iru en la vilagxon, kiu estas kontraux vi, kaj enirinte gxin, vi tuj trovos azenidon alligitan, sur kiu ankoraux neniu iam sidis; malligu kaj alkonduku gxin.

Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan 11:2
Ja sanoi heille: menkäät kylään, joka on teidän edessänne, ja kohta kuin te siihen tulette sisälle, löydätte te varsan sidottuna, jonka päällä ei yksikään ihminen istunut ole; päästäkäät se ja tuokaat tänne.

Marc 11:2
Allez au village qui est vis-à-vis de vous; et aussitôt, en y entrant, vous trouverez un ânon attaché, sur lequel jamais aucun homme ne s'est assis; détachez-le, et amenez-le.

en leur disant: Allez au village qui est devant vous; dès que vous y serez entrés, vous trouverez un ânon attaché, sur lequel aucun homme ne s'est encore assis; détachez-le, et amenez-le.

Et il leur dit : allez-vous-en à cette bourgade qui est vis-à-vis de vous; et en y entrant, vous trouverez un ânon attaché, sur lequel jamais homme ne s'assit; détachez-le, et l'amenez.

Markus 11:2
und sprach zu ihnen: Gehet hin in den Flecken, der vor euch liegt, und alsbald; wenn ihr hineinkommt, werdet ihr finden ein Füllen angebunden, auf welchem nie kein Mensch gesessen ist. Löset es ab und führet es her!

und sprach zu ihnen: Gehet hin in den Flecken, der vor euch liegt; und alsbald, wenn ihr hineinkommt, werdet ihr finden ein Füllen angebunden, auf welchem nie ein Mensch gesessen hat; löset es ab und führet es her!

und sagt zu ihnen: gehet hin in das Dorf euch gegenüber, und sobald ihr hineinkommt, werdet ihr ein Füllen angebunden finden, auf dem noch nie ein Mensch gesessen ist: das bindet los und bringt es her.

Marco 11:2
Andate nella borgata che è di rimpetto a voi; e subito, appena entrati, troverete legato un puledro d’asino, sopra il quale non è montato ancora alcuno; scioglietelo e menatemelo.

E disse loro: Andate nel castello ch’è dirimpetto a voi; e subito, come entrerete là, troverete un puledro d’asino attaccato, sopra il quale non montò mai alcuno; scioglietelo, e menatemelo.

serta berkata kepada mereka itu, "Pergilah kamu ke dusun yang di hadapan kamu; apabila kamu masuk ke dalamnya, kamu akan jumpa seekor keledai muda tertambat, yang belum pernah ditunggang oleh seorang jua pun; orakkanlah talinya, bawa dia ke mari.

Mark 11:2
yenna-yasen : Ṛuḥet ɣer taddart-nni yellan zdat-wen, m'ara tawḍem aț-țafem aɣyul d amecṭuḥ yeqqen, leɛmeṛ yerkeb fell-as ula d yiwen. Fsit-as-ed cced tawim-t-id.

마가복음 11:2
이르시되 `너희 맞은편 마을로 가라 그리로 들어가면 곧 아직 아무 사람도 타 보지 않은 나귀 새끼의 매여 있는 것을 보리니 풀어 끌고 오너라

Marcus 11:2
et ait illis ite in castellum quod est contra vos et statim introeuntes illuc invenietis pullum ligatum super quem nemo adhuc hominum sedit solvite illum et adducite

Sv. Marks 11:2
Un sacīja viņiem: Ejiet miestā, kas jūsu priekšā! Un jūs, ieiedami tur, tūdaļ atradīsiet piesietu kumeļu, uz kura vēl neviens cilvēks līdz šim nav sēdējis; atraisiet to un atvediet!

Evangelija pagal Morkø 11:2
liepdamas: “Eikite į priešais esantį kaimą ir, vos įžengę į jį, rasite pririštą asilaitį, kuriuo dar niekas iš žmonių nėra jojęs. Atriškite jį ir atveskite”.

Mark 11:2
A i mea ia ki a raua, Haere ki te kainga e anga mai ana ki a korua: e tomo kau ki reira, ka kite korua i tetahi kuao e here ana, kahore ano kia nohoia e te tangata; wetekina, arahina mai.

Markus 11:2
Gå bort til den by som ligger rett for eder, og straks I kommer inn i den, skal I finne en fole bundet, som ennu aldri noget menneske har sittet på; løs den, og før den hit!

Marcos 11:2
y les dijo: Id a la aldea enfrente de vosotros, y tan pronto como entréis en ella, encontraréis un pollino atado en el cual nadie se ha montado todavía; desatadlo y traedlo.

y les dijo: "Vayan a la aldea enfrente de ustedes, y tan pronto como entren en ella, encontrarán un pollino atado en el cual nadie se ha montado todavía; desátenlo y tráiganlo.

y les dijo: Id a la aldea que está enfrente de vosotros, y luego que entréis en ella, hallaréis un pollino atado, sobre el cual ningún hombre se ha sentado; desatadlo y traedlo.

Y les dice: Id al lugar que está delante de vosotros, y luego entrados en él, hallaréis un pollino atado, sobre el cual ningún hombre ha subido; desatadlo y traedlo.

Y les dice: Id al lugar que está delante de vosotros, y luego entrados en él, hallaréis un pollino atado, sobre el cual ningún hombre ha subido; desatadlo y traedlo.

Marcos 11:2
e lhes recomendou: “Ide ao povoado que está logo adiante de vós e, assim que entrardes, achareis um jumentinho amarrado, sobre o qual ninguém ainda montou. Soltai-o e trazei-o aqui.

e disse-lhes: Ide à aldeia que está defronte de vós; e logo que nela entrardes, encontrareis preso um jumentinho, em que ainda ninguém montou; desprendei-o e trazei-o.   

Marcu 11:2
şi le -a zis: ,,Duceţi-vă în satul dinaintea voastră: îndată ce veţi intra în el, veţi găsi un măgăruş legat, pe care n'a încălecat încă nici un om; deslegaţi -l şi aduceţi-Mi -l.

От Марка 11:2
и говорит им: пойдите в селение, которое прямо перед вами; входя в него, тотчас найдете привязанного молодого осла, на которого никто из людей несадился; отвязав его, приведите.

и говорит им: пойдите в селение, которое прямо перед вами; входя в него, тотчас найдете привязанного молодого осла, на которого никто из людей не садился; отвязав его, приведите.

Mark 11:2
Ujuiak Tφmiayi "Aatunini pΘpruchiniam werum nuin umpuuru uchich jinkiamu Wßinkiattarme. Nu umpuuruka tuke entsamprukchamuiti. Nu atiarum utitiarum.

Markus 11:2
och sade till dem: »Gån in i byn som ligger mitt framför eder, så skolen I, strax då I kommen ditin, finna en åsnefåle stå där bunden, som ännu ingen människa har suttit på; lösen den och fören den hit.

Marko 11:2
akawaambia, "Nendeni katika kijiji kilicho mbele yenu. Mtakapokuwa mnaingia humo, mtakuta mwana punda amefungwa ambaye bado hajatumiwa na mtu. Mfungueni mkamlete.

Marcos 11:2
At sa kanila'y sinabi, Magsiparoon kayo sa nayong nasa tapat ninyo: at pagkapasok ninyo roon, ay masusumpungan ninyo ang isang nakataling batang asno, na hindi pa nasasakyan ng sinomang tao; inyong kalagin siya, at dalhin ninyo siya rito.

มาระโก 11:2
สั่งเขาว่า "จงเข้าไปในหมู่บ้านที่อยู่ตรงหน้าท่าน ครั้นเข้าไปแล้วในทันใดนั้นจะพบลูกลาตัวหนึ่งผูกอยู่ ที่ยังไม่มีใครขึ้นขี่เลย จงแก้มันจูงมาเถิด

Markos 11:2

Марко 11:2
і рече їм: Ійдїть у село, що перед вами, і зараз, увійшовши в него, знайдете осля привязане, на котре ніхто в людей не сідав, одвязавши його, приведіть.

Mark 11:2
na'uli' -raka: "Hilou-mokoi hi ngata to tanyanyohi toe mai. Wae pesua' -ni mpai' rala ngata, nihilo mpai' hama'a ana' keledai tehoo', to ko'ia hangkania rahawi'. Bongka koloro-na pai' keni-i tumai.

Maùc 11:2
và phán rằng: Hãy đi đến làng ngay trước mặt các ngươi; vừa khi vào đó, thấy một con lừa con đương buộc, chưa có ai cỡi; hãy mở nó ra, dắt về cho ta.

Mark 11:1
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