Luke 24:27
Luke 24:27
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

Then, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them all the passages of Scripture about himself.

Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures.

And he began from Moses and from all The Prophets and he expounded to them about himself from all of the scriptures.

Then he began with Moses' Teachings and the Prophets to explain to them what was said about him throughout the Scriptures.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded this unto them in all the scriptures concerning himself.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures, the things that were concerning him.

And having begun from Moses and from all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

And, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them the passages in Scripture which refer to Himself.

Beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

and having begun from Moses, and from all the prophets, he was expounding to them in all the Writings the things about himself.

Luka 24:27
Dhe, duke zënë fill nga Moisiu dhe nga gjithë profetët, ai u shpjegoi atyre në të gjitha Shkrimet gjërat që i takonin atij.

ﻟﻮﻗﺎ 24:27
ثم ابتدأ من موسى ومن جميع الانبياء يفسر لهما الأمور المختصة به في جميع الكتب

Եւ սկսելով Մովսէսէն ու բոլոր Մարգարէներէն՝՝, կը մեկնէր անոնց՝ ի՛նչ որ գրուած էր իր մասին բոլոր Գիրքերուն մէջ:

Euangelioa S. Luc-en araura.  24:27
Guero hassiric Moyses baitharic eta Propheta gucietaric, declaratzen cerauzten Scriptura gucietan harçaz beraz ciraden gauçác.

Dyr Laux 24:27
Und mit n Mosenn angfangen über alle Weissagn glögt yr ien dar, was in dyr gsamtn Schrift über iem gschribn steet.

Лука 24:27
И като почна от Моисея и от всичките пророци, тълкуваше им [писаното] за Него във всичките писания.

路 加 福 音 24:27
於 是 從 摩 西 和 眾 先 知 起 , 凡 經 上 所 指 著 自 己 的 話 都 給 他 們 講 解 明 白 了 。

於 是 从 摩 西 和 众 先 知 起 , 凡 经 上 所 指 着 自 己 的 话 都 给 他 们 讲 解 明 白 了 。





Evanðelje po Luki 24:27
Počevši tada od Mojsija i svih proroka, protumači im što u svim Pismima ima o njemu.

Lukáš 24:27
A počav od Mojžíše a všech Proroků, vykládal jim všecka ta písma, kteráž o něm byla.

Lukas 24:27
Og han begyndte fra Moses og fra alle Profeterne og udlagde dem i alle Skrifterne det, som handlede om ham.

Lukas 24:27
En begonnen hebbende van Mozes en van al de profeten, legde Hij hun uit, in al de Schriften, hetgeen van Hem geschreven was.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωϋσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διερμήνευσεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωυσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διερμήνευσεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωυσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διερμήνευσεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

Καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν, διηρμήνευεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωϋσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διερμήνευσεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωϋσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διερμήνευσεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν, διηρμήνευεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ.

καὶ ἀρξάμενος ἀπὸ Μωσέως καὶ ἀπὸ πάντων τῶν προφητῶν διηρμήνευεν αὐτοῖς ἐν πάσαις ταῖς γραφαῖς τὰ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ

και αρξαμενος απο μωυσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διερμηνευσεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου

και αρξαμενος απο μωυσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διερμηνευσεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου

και αρξαμενος απο μωσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διηρμηνευεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου

και αρξαμενος απο Μωσεως και απο παντων των προφητων, διηρμηνευεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου.

και αρξαμενος απο μωσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διηρμηνευεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου

και αρξαμενος απο μωυσεως και απο παντων των προφητων διερμηνευσεν αυτοις εν πασαις ταις γραφαις τα περι εαυτου

kai arxamenos apo Mōuseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diermēneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri heautou.

kai arxamenos apo Mouseos kai apo panton ton propheton diermeneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri heautou.

kai arxamenos apo Mōuseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diermēneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri heautou.

kai arxamenos apo Mouseos kai apo panton ton propheton diermeneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri heautou.

kai arxamenos apo mōuseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diermēneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOuseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diermEneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mōseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diērmēneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diErmEneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mōseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diērmēneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diErmEneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mōseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diērmēneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diErmEneuen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mōuseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diermēneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOuseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diermEneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mōuseōs kai apo pantōn tōn prophētōn diermēneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

kai arxamenos apo mOuseOs kai apo pantOn tOn prophEtOn diermEneusen autois en pasais tais graphais ta peri eautou

Lukács 24:27
És elkezdvén Mózestõl és minden prófétáktól fogva, magyarázza vala nékik minden írásokban, a mik õ felõle megirattak.

La evangelio laŭ Luko 24:27
Kaj komencante de Moseo kaj de cxiuj profetoj, li klarigis al ili el cxiuj Skriboj la dirojn pri li mem.

Evankeliumi Luukkaan mukaan 24:27
Ja hän rupesi Moseksesta ja kaikista prophetaista, ja selitti heille kirjoitukset, jotka hänestä olivat.

Luc 24:27
Et commençant par Moïse et par tous les prophètes, il leur expliquait, dans toutes les écritures, les choses qui le regardent.

Et, commençant par Moïse et par tous les prophètes, il leur expliqua dans toutes les Ecritures ce qui le concernait.

Puis commençant par Moïse, et [continuant] par tous les Prophètes, il leur expliquait dans toutes les Ecritures les choses qui le regardaient.

Lukas 24:27
Und fing an von Mose und allen Propheten und legte ihnen alle Schriften aus, die von ihm gesagt waren.

Und fing an von Mose und allen Propheten und legte ihnen alle Schriften aus, die von ihm gesagt waren.

Und er hob an von Moses und von allen Propheten, und erklärte ihnen durch alle Schriften, was ihn angeht.

Luca 24:27
E cominciando da Mosè e da tutti i profeti, spiegò loro in tutte le Scritture le cose che lo concernevano.

E cominciando da Mosè, e seguendo per tutti i profeti, dichiarò loro in tutte le scritture le cose ch’erano di lui.

LUKAS 24:27
Maka mulai daripada Musa dan segala nabi-nabi diartikannya kepada mereka itu dari dalam segenap Alkitab akan barang yang tersurat tentang diri-Nya sendiri.

Luke 24:27
Dɣa yessefhem-asen ayen meṛṛa yuran fell-as di tira iqedsen ; yebda-d si tektabin n Sidna Musa, armi ț-țid n lenbiya meṛṛa.

누가복음 24:27
이에 모세와 및 모든 선지자의 글로 시작하여 모든 성경에 쓴바 자기에 관한 것을 자세히 설명하시니라

Lucas 24:27
et incipiens a Mose et omnibus prophetis interpretabatur illis in omnibus scripturis quae de ipso erant

Sv. Lūkass 24:27
Un, iesākdams no Mozus un visiem praviešiem, Viņš tiem izskaidroja visus Rakstus, kas par Viņu bija uzrakstīti.

Evangelija pagal Lukà 24:27
Ir, pradėjęs nuo Mozės, primindamas visus pranašus, Jis aiškino jiems, kas visuose Raštuose apie Jį pasakyta.

Luke 24:27
Na ka timata ia ki ta Mohi, ki ta nga poropiti katoa, whakaaturia ana ki a raua nga mea mona o nga karaipiture katoa.

Lukas 24:27
Og han begynte fra Moses og fra alle profetene og utla for dem i alle skriftene det som er skrevet om ham.

Lucas 24:27
Y comenzando por Moisés y continuando con todos los profetas, les explicó lo referente a El en todas las Escrituras.

Comenzando por Moisés y continuando con todos los profetas, les explicó lo referente a El en todas las Escrituras.

Y comenzando desde Moisés, y de todos los profetas, les declaró en todas las Escrituras lo concerniente a Él.

Y comenzando desde Moisés, y de todos los profetas, declarábales en todas las Escrituras lo que de él decían.

Y comenzando desde Moisés, y de todos los profetas, les declaraba esto en todas las Escrituras que eran de él.

Lucas 24:27
Então, iniciando por Moisés e discorrendo sobre todos os profetas, explanou-lhes o que a seu respeito constava em todas as Escrituras.

E, começando por Moisés, e por todos os profetas, explicou-lhes o que dele se achava em todas as Escrituras.   

Luca 24:27
Şi a început dela Moise, şi dela toţi proorocii, şi le -a tîlcuit, în toate Scripturile, ce era cu privire la El.

От Луки 24:27
И, начав от Моисея, из всех пророков изъяснял им сказанное о Нем во всем Писании.

И, начав от Моисея, из всех пророков изъяснял им сказанное о Нем во всем Писании.

Luke 24:27
Tura Nuyß Yus-Papinium Muisßis aarmia Nuyß jukin Ashφ Y·snan etserin ni T·runatniurin aararmia nuna jintintiatasa nankamamiayi.

Lukas 24:27
Och han begynte att genomgå Moses och alla profeterna och uttydde för dem vad som i alla skrifterna var sagt om honom.

Luka 24:27
Akawafafanulia mambo yote yaliyomhusu yeye katika Maandiko Matakatifu kuanzia Mose hadi manabii wote.

Lucas 24:27
At magmula kay Moises at sa mga propeta, ay ipinaaninaw niya sa kanila ang mga bagay tungkol sa kaniya sa lahat ng mga kasulatan.

ลูกา 24:27
พระองค์จึงทรงเริ่มอธิบายพระคัมภีร์ที่เล็งถึงพระองค์ทุกข้อให้เขาฟัง เริ่มต้นตั้งแต่โมเสสและบรรดาศาสดาพยากรณ์

Luka 24:27
Sonra Musanın ve bütün peygamberlerin yazılarından başlayarak, Kutsal Yazıların hepsinde kendisiyle ilgili olanları onlara açıkladı.

Лука 24:27
І, почавши від Мойсея і від усіх пророків, виясняв Їм у всіх писаннях про Него.

Luke 24:27
Ngkai ree, Yesus mpakanoto-raka hawe'ea to te'uki' hi rala Buku Tomoroli' to mpolowa woto-na, ntepu'u ngkai sura to na'uki' nabi Musa duu' rata hi hawe'ea sura nabi.

Lu-ca 24:27
Ðoạn, Ngài bắt đầu từ Môi-se rồi kế đến mọi đấng tiên tri mà cắt nghĩa cho hai người đó những lời chỉ về Ngài trong cả Kinh Thánh.

Luke 24:26
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