Leviticus 23:43
Leviticus 23:43
so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.'"

This will remind each new generation of Israelites that I made their ancestors live in shelters when I rescued them from the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God."

that your generations may know that I made the people of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”

so that your generations may know that I had the sons of Israel live in booths when I brought them out from the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.'"

That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

so that your generations may know that I made the Israelites live in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt; I am Yahweh your God."

in order for your future generations to know that the Israelis lived in tents when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God."

so that your future generations may know that I made the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I brought them out from the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.'"

so that generations to come may learn how I made the people of Israel live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the LORD your God."

that your descendants may know that I made the sons of Israel to dwell in tabernacles when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I AM your God.

That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am Jehovah your God.

That your posterity may know, that I made the children of Israel to dwell in tabernacles, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

that your generations may know that I caused the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am Jehovah your God.

that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.'"

so that your generations do know that in booths I caused the sons of Israel to dwell; in my bringing them out of the land of Egypt; I, Jehovah, am your God.'

Levitiku 23:43
me qëllim që pasardhësit tuaj të dinë që unë i kam detyruar bijtë e Izraelit të banojnë në kasolle, kur i nxora nga vendi i Egjiptit. Unë jam Zoti, Perëndia juaj".

ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 23:43
لكي تعلم اجيالكم اني في مظال اسكنت بني اسرائيل لما اخرجتهم من ارض مصر. انا الرب الهكم.

S Brendertuem 23:43
Kemmete Kunner sollnd wissn, däß i d Isryheeler in Hüttnen wonen laassn haan, wie i s aus Güptn ausherghol. I bin dyr Herr, enker Got.

Левит 23:43
за да познаят [бъдещите] ви поколения, че в колиби направих израилтяните да седят, когато ги изведох из Египетската земя. Аз съм Господ вашият Бог.

利 未 記 23:43
好 叫 你 們 世 世 代 代 知 道 , 我 領 以 色 列 人 出 埃 及 地 的 時 候 曾 使 他 們 住 在 棚 裡 。 我 是 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的   神 。

好 叫 你 们 世 世 代 代 知 道 , 我 领 以 色 列 人 出 埃 及 地 的 时 候 曾 使 他 们 住 在 棚 里 。 我 是 耶 和 华 ─ 你 们 的   神 。



Leviticus 23:43
da vaši potomci znaju kako sam ja učinio da Izraelci žive u sjenicama kad sam ih izbavio iz zemlje egipatske. Ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš."

Leviticus 23:43
Aby věděli potomci vaši, že jsem choval v staních syny Izraelské, když jsem je vyvedl z země Egyptské: Já Hospodin Bůh váš.

3 Mosebog 23:43
for at eders Efterkommere kan vide, at jeg lod Israeliterne bo i Løvhytter, da jeg førte dem ud af Ægypten. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!

Leviticus 23:43
Opdat uw geslachten weten, dat Ik de kinderen Israels in loofhutten heb doen wonen, als Ik hen uit Egypteland uitgevoerd heb; Ik ben de HEERE, uw God!

ויקרא 23:43
לְמַעַן֮ יֵדְע֣וּ דֹרֹֽתֵיכֶם֒ כִּ֣י בַסֻּכֹּ֗ות הֹושַׁ֙בְתִּי֙ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל בְּהֹוצִיאִ֥י אֹותָ֖ם מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם אֲנִ֖י יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם׃

מג למען ידעו דרתיכם כי בסכות הושבתי את בני ישראל בהוציאי אותם מארץ מצרים  אני יהוה אלהיכם

למען ידעו דרתיכם כי בסכות הושבתי את־בני ישראל בהוציאי אותם מארץ מצרים אני יהוה אלהיכם׃

3 Mózes 23:43
Hogy megtudják a ti nemzetségeitek, hogy sátorokban lakattam Izráel fiait, a mikor kihoztam õket Égyiptom földérõl. Én vagyok az Úr, a ti Istenetek.

Moseo 3: Levidoj 23:43
por ke sciu viaj generacioj, ke en lauxboj Mi logxigis la Izraelidojn, kiam Mi elkondukis ilin el la lando Egipta:Mi estas la Eternulo, via Dio.

Että teidän sukunne tietäisivät, kuinka minä olen antanut Israelin lapset asua majoissa, koska minä johdatin heitä Egyptin maalta: Minä Herra teidän Jumalanne.

Lévitique 23:43
afin que vos générations sachent que j'ai fait habiter les fils d'Israël dans des tabernacles, lorsque je les fis sortir du pays d'Égypte. Moi, je suis l'Éternel, votre Dieu.

afin que vos descendants sachent que j'ai fait habiter sous des tentes les enfants d'Israël, après les avoir fait sortir du pays d'Egypte. Je suis l'Eternel, votre Dieu.

Afin que votre postérité sache que j'ai fait demeurer les enfants d'Israël dans des tentes, quand je les retirai du pays d'Egypte; je suis l'Eternel votre Dieu.

3 Mose 23:43
daß eure Nachkommen wissen, wie ich die Kinder Israel habe lassen in Hütten wohnen, da ich sie aus Ägyptenland führete. Ich bin der HERR, euer Gott.

daß eure Nachkommen wissen, wie ich die Kinder Israel habe lassen in Hütten wohnen, da ich sie aus Ägyptenland führte. Ich bin der HERR, euer Gott.

damit eure künftigen Geschlechter erfahren, daß ich die Israeliten habe in Hütten wohnen lassen, als ich sie aus Ägypten hinwegführte, ich, Jahwe, euer Gott.

Levitico 23:43
affinché i vostri discendenti sappiano che io feci dimorare in capanne i figliuoli d’Israele, quando li trassi fuori dal paese d’Egitto. Io sono l’Eterno, l’Iddio vostro".

Acciocchè le vostre generazioni sappiano che io ho fatto dimorare i figliuoli d’Israele in tabernacoli, quando io li ho tratti fuor del paese di Egitto. Io sono il Signore Iddio vostro.

IMAMAT 23:43
Supaya diketahui oleh segala anak buahmu, bahwa Aku telah medudukkan bani Israel dalam pondok-pondok, tatkala Aku menghantar akan mereka itu ke luar dari negeri Mesir: Bahwa Akulah Tuhan, Allahmu.

레위기 23:43
이는 내가 이스라엘 자손을 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 내던 때에 초막에 거하게 한 줄을 너희 대대로 알게 함이니라 나는 너희 하나님 여호와니라 !

Leviticus 23:43
ut discant posteri vestri quod in tabernaculis habitare fecerim filios Israhel cum educerem eos de terra Aegypti ego Dominus Deus vester

Kunigø knyga 23:43
kad jūsų palikuonys žinotų, jog buvau apgyvendinęs izraelitus palapinėse, kai juos išvedžiau iš Egipto žemės. Aš Viešpats, jūsų Dievas”.

Leviticus 23:43
Kia mohio ai o koutou whakatupuranga i meinga e ahau nga tama a Iharaira kia noho i roto i nga wharau, i taku whakaputanga mai i a ratou i te whenua o Ihipa: ko Ihowa ahau, ko to koutou Atua.

3 Mosebok 23:43
forat eders efterkommere skal vite at jeg lot Israels barn bo i løvhytter da jeg førte dem ut av Egyptens land; jeg er Herren eders Gud.

Levítico 23:43
para que vuestras generaciones sepan que yo hice habitar en tabernáculos a los hijos de Israel cuando los saqué de la tierra de Egipto. Yo soy el SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

para que sus generaciones sepan que Yo hice habitar en tabernáculos a los Israelitas cuando los saqué de la tierra de Egipto. Yo soy el SEÑOR su Dios.'"

Para que sepan vuestros descendientes que en tabernáculos hice yo habitar a los hijos de Israel, cuando los saqué de la tierra de Egipto: Yo Jehová vuestro Dios.

Para que sepan vuestros descendientes que en cabañas hice yo habitar á los hijos de Israel, cuando los saqué de la tierra de Egipto: Yo Jehová vuestro Dios.

para que sepan vuestros descendientes que en tabernáculos hice yo habitar a los hijos de Israel, cuando los saqué de la tierra de Egipto. Yo soy el SEÑOR vuestro Dios.

Levítico 23:43
a fim de que vossos descendentes saibam que Eu fiz os filhos de Israel habitar em tendas, quando os libertei da terra do Egito. Eu Sou Yahweh vosso Deus!”

para que as vossas gerações saibam que eu fiz habitar em tendas de ramos os filhos de Israel, quando os tirei da terra do Egito. Eu sou o Senhor vosso Deus.   

Levitic 23:43
pentruca urmaşii voştri să ştie că am făcut pe copiii lui Israel să locuiască în corturi, după ce i-am scos din ţara Egiptului. Eu sînt Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru.``

Левит 23:43
чтобы знали роды ваши, что в кущах поселил Я сынов Израилевых,когда вывел их из земли Египетской. Я Господь, Бог ваш.

чтобы знали роды ваши, что в кущах поселил Я сынов Израилевых, когда вывел их из земли Египетской. Я Господь, Бог ваш.[]

3 Mosebok 23:43
för att edra efterkommande må veta huru jag lät Israels barn bo i lövhyddor, när jag förde dem ut ur Egyptens land Jag är HERREN, eder Gud.

Leviticus 23:43
Upang maalaman ng inyong mga lahi na sa mga balag pinatahan ko ang mga anak ni Israel, nang aking ilabas sa lupain ng Egipto: ako ang Panginoon ninyong Dios.

เลวีนิติ 23:43
เพื่อตลอดชั่วอายุของเจ้าจะได้ทราบว่า เมื่อเราพาคนอิสราเอลออกจากแผ่นดินอียิปต์นั้นเราได้ให้เขาอยู่ในเพิง เราคือพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเจ้า"

Levililer 23:43
Öyle ki, gelecek kuşaklar İsrail halkını Mısırdan çıkardığım zaman çardaklarda barındırdığımı bilsinler. Tanrınız RAB benim.› ››[]

Leâ-vi Kyù 23:43
hầu cho dòng dõi các ngươi biết rằng khi ta đem dân Y-sơ-ra-ên ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô, ta cho họ ở trong những trại: Ta là Giê-hô-va, Ðức Chúa Trời của các ngươi.

Leviticus 23:42
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