Lamentations 4:18
Lamentations 4:18
People stalked us at every step, so we could not walk in our streets. Our end was near, our days were numbered, for our end had come.

We couldn't go into the streets without danger to our lives. Our end was near; our days were numbered. We were doomed!

They dogged our steps so that we could not walk in our streets; our end drew near; our days were numbered, for our end had come.

They hunted our steps So that we could not walk in our streets; Our end drew near, Our days were finished For our end had come.

They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

Our steps were closely followed so that we could not walk in our streets. Our end drew near; our time ran out. Our end had come!

Our steps were closely stalked, so we couldn't travel on our own streets. Our end is near, our days are over; indeed, our end has come.

Our enemies hunted us down at every step so that we could not walk about in our streets. Our end drew near, our days were numbered, for our end had come!

[The enemy] kept tracking us down, so we couldn't even go out into the streets. Our end was near. Our time was up. Our end had come.

Tzaddi They hunt our steps that we cannot walk in our streets; our end came near; our days were fulfilled; for our end is come.

They hunt our steps, so that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end has come.

They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

They hunt our steps, so that we cannot go in our streets: Our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

Sade. Our steps have slipped in the way of our streets, our end draweth near: our days are fulfilled, for our end is come.

They hunted our steps, that we could not go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

They hunt our steps, so that we can't go in our streets: Our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

They have hunted our steps from going in our broad-places, Near hath been our end, fulfilled our days, For come hath our end.

Vajtimet 4:18
Na gjuanin në çdo hap, duke na penguar të ecnim nëpër sheshet tona. Fundi ynë është i afërt, ditët tona janë plotësuar, fundi ynë ka mbërritur.

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 4:18
نصبوا فخاخا لخطواتنا حتى لا نمشي في ساحاتنا. قربت نهايتنا. كملت ايامنا لان نهايتنا قد أتت.

De Klaglieder 4:18
Ieder Schrit wurd überwacht; kains von üns kunnt naus auf d Straass. S Tootnglöggerl gläutt üns schoon, und mir ganend ünser End.

Плач Еремиев 4:18
Причакват стъпките ни, така че не можем да ходим по улиците си; Приближи се краят ни; дните ни се изпълниха; да! краят ни дойде.

耶 利 米 哀 歌 4:18
仇 敵 追 趕 我 們 的 腳 步 像 打 獵 的 , 以 致 我 們 不 敢 在 自 己 的 街 上 行 走 。 我 們 的 結 局 臨 近 ; 我 們 的 日 子 滿 足 ; 我 們 的 結 局 來 到 了 。

仇 敌 追 赶 我 们 的 脚 步 像 打 猎 的 , 以 致 我 们 不 敢 在 自 己 的 街 上 行 走 。 我 们 的 结 局 临 近 ; 我 们 的 日 子 满 足 ; 我 们 的 结 局 来 到 了 。



Lamentations 4:18
Vrebaju nam na korake da ne hodamo po trgovima svojim. Bliži nam se kraj, navršili nam se dani, naš konac dolazi.

Pláč Jeremiášův 4:18
Šlakují kroky naše, tak že ani po ulicích našich choditi nemůžeme; přiblížilo se skončení naše, doplnili se dnové naši, přišlo zajisté skončení naše.

Klagesangene 4:18
De lured paa vort Fjed, fra Torvene holdt vi os borte; Enden var nær, vore Dage var omme, ja, Enden var kommet.

Klaagliederen 4:18
Tsade. Zij hebben onze gangen nagespeurd, dat wij op onze straten niet gaan konden; ons einde is genaderd, onze dagen zijn vervuld, ja, ons einde is gekomen.

איכה 4:18
צָד֣וּ צְעָדֵ֔ינוּ מִלֶּ֖כֶת בִּרְחֹבֹתֵ֑ינוּ קָרַ֥ב קִצֵּ֛ינוּ מָלְא֥וּ יָמֵ֖ינוּ כִּי־בָ֥א קִצֵּֽינוּ׃ ס

יח צדו צעדינו מלכת ברחבתינו קרב קצנו מלאו ימינו כי בא קצנו  {ס}

צדו צעדינו מלכת ברחבתינו קרב קצינו מלאו ימינו כי־בא קצינו׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 4:18
Vadásztak lépéseinkre úgy, hogy nem járhattunk a mi utczáinkon; elközelgetett a mi végünk, beteltek a mi napjaink, bizony eljött a mi végünk!

Plorkanto de Jeremia 4:18
Ili glitigis niajn pasxojn, ke ni ne povu iri sur niaj stratoj. Alproksimigxis nia fino; plenigxis nia tempo, cxar venis nia fino.

He väijyvät meidän askeleitamme, niin ettemme rohkene meidän kaduillamme käydä; meidän loppumme on lähestynyt, meidän päivämme ovat täytetyt, sillä meidän loppumme on tullut.

Lamentations 4:18
Ils ont fait la chasse à nos pas, de manière que nous ne pouvions pas marcher sur nos places: notre fin est proche, nos jours sont accomplis; notre fin est venue!

On épiait nos pas, Pour nous empêcher d'aller sur nos places; Notre fin s'approchait, nos jours étaient accomplis... Notre fin est arrivée!

[Tsadi.] Ils ont épié nos pas, afin que nous ne marchassions point par nos places; notre fin est approchée, nos jours sont accomplis; notre fin, dis-je, est venue.

Klagelieder 4:18
Man jagte uns, daß wir auf unsern Gassen nicht gehen durften. Da kam auch unser Ende; unsere Tage sind aus, unser Ende ist kommen.

Man jagte uns, daß wir auf unsern Gassen nicht gehen durften. Da kam auch unser Ende; unsre Tage sind aus, unser Ende ist gekommen.

Man fahndete nach uns auf Schritt und Tritt, daß wir auf unsern Straßen nicht gehen konnten; unser Ende nahte sich, unsere Tage liefen ab, ja, es kam unser Ende!

Lamentazioni 4:18
Si spiavano i nostri passi, impedendoci di camminare per le nostre piazze. "La nostra fine è prossima", dicevamo: "I nostri giorni son compiuti, la nostra fine è giunta!"

Ci hanno cacciati, seguendo i nostri passi, Sì che non siam potuti andar per le nostre campagne; Il nostro fine si è avvicinato, i nostri dì son compiuti; Perciocchè il nostro fine è venuto.

Pada masa itu dikejar oranglah akan kami, sehingga tiada dapat kami balik ke sana ke mari; pada masa itu kesudahan kami hampirlah, dan genaplah segala hari kami; wai, kesudahan kami sudah sampai!

예레미아애가 4:18
저희가 우리 자취를 엿보니 우리가 거리에 행할 수 없음이여 우리의 끝이 가깝고 우리의 날이 다하였고 우리의 마지막이 이르렀도다

Lamentationes 4:18
SADE lubricaverunt vestigia nostra in itinere platearum nostrarum adpropinquavit finis noster conpleti sunt dies nostri quia venit finis noster

Raudø knyga 4:18
Mūsų žingsniai buvo sekami, negalėjome net gatvėje pasirodyti. Mūsų galas artėjo, dienos baigėsi.

Lamentations 4:18
E whaia ana e ratou o tatou hikoinga, te haere ai tatou i o tatou waharoa: kua tata to tatou whakamutunga, kua rite o tatou ra; no te mea kua tae mai to tatou whakamutunga.

Klagesangene 4:18
De lurte på våre skritt, så vi ikke kunde gå på våre gater; vår ende var kommet nær, vår tid var omme, ja, vår ende var kommet.

Lamentaciones 4:18
Ponían trampas a nuestros pasos para que no anduviéramos por nuestras calles. Se acercó nuestro fin, se cumplieron nuestros días, porque había llegado nuestro fin.

Ponían trampas a nuestros pasos Para que no anduviéramos por nuestras calles. Nuestro fin se acercaba, Se cumplieron nuestros días, Porque había llegado nuestro fin.

Cazaron nuestros pasos para que no anduviésemos por nuestras calles: Se acercó nuestro fin, se cumplieron nuestros días; porque llegó nuestro fin.

Cazaron nuestro pasos, que no anduviésemos por nuestras calles: Acercóse nuestro fin, cumpliéronse nuestros días; porque nuestro fin vino.

Tsade : Cazaron nuestros pasos, que no anduviésemos por nuestras calles. Se acercó nuestro fin, se cumplieron nuestros días; porque nuestro fin vino.

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 4:18
Observaram os nossos passos, de maneira que não podíamos andar pelas nossas ruas; o tempo da nossa destruição aproximava-se muito depressa; todos os nossos dias estavam contados, porque o nosso fim havia chegado.

Espiaram os nossos passos, de maneira que não podíamos andar pelas nossas ruas; o nosso fim estava perto; estavam contados os nossos dias, porque era chegado o nosso fim.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 4:18
Ne pîndeau paşii, ca să ne împiedice să mergem pe uliţele noastre; ni se apropia sfîrşitul, ni se împliniseră zilele... Da, ne venise sfîrşitul!

Плач Иеремии 4:18
А они подстерегали шаги наши, чтобы мы не могли ходить по улицам нашим; приблизился конец наш, дни наши исполнились; пришел конец наш.

А они подстерегали шаги наши, чтобы мы не могли ходить по улицам нашим; приблизился конец наш, дни наши исполнились; пришел конец наш.[]

Klagovisorna 4:18
Han lurar på vara steg, så att vi ej våga gå på våra gator. Vår ände är nära, vara dagar äro ute; ja, vår ande har kommit.

Lamentations 4:18
Kanilang inaabangan ang aming mga hakbang, upang huwag kaming makayaon sa aming mga lansangan: ang aming wakas ay malapit na, ang aming mga kaarawan ay nangaganap; sapagka't ang aming wakas ay dumating.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 4:18
มีคนสะกดรอยตามเรา จนพวกเราเดินตามถนนของพวกเราไม่ได้ เบื้องปลายของพวกเราก็ใกล้เข้ามาแล้ว วันเดือนทั้งหลายของพวกเราก็จะจบอยู่ เพราะบั้นปลายของพวกเรามาถึง

Ağıtlar 4:18
İzlerimizi sürüyorlar,
Sokaklarımızda gezemez olduk.
Sonumuz yaklaştı, günlerimiz tükendi,
Çünkü sonumuz geldi.[]

Ca-thöông 4:18
Chúng nó dòm ngó chơn chúng ta, đến nỗi chúng ta không bước ra nơi đường phố. Sự cuối cùng chúng ta đã gần! Ngày chúng ta đã trọn! phải, sự cuối cùng chúng ta đã đến!

Lamentations 4:17
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