Lamentations 4:15
Lamentations 4:15
"Go away! You are unclean!" people cry to them. "Away! Away! Don't touch us!" When they flee and wander about, people among the nations say, "They can stay here no longer."

"Get away!" the people shouted at them. "You're defiled! Don't touch us!" So they fled to distant lands and wandered among foreign nations, but none would let them stay.

“Away! Unclean!” people cried at them. “Away! Away! Do not touch!” So they became fugitives and wanderers; people said among the nations, “They shall stay with us no longer.”

"Depart! Unclean!" they cried of themselves. "Depart, depart, do not touch!" So they fled and wandered; Men among the nations said, "They shall not continue to dwell with us."

They cried unto them, Depart ye; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, they said among the heathen, They shall no more sojourn there.

Stay away! Unclean!" people shouted at them." Away, away! Don't touch us!" So they wandered aimlessly. It was said among the nations," They can stay here no longer."

"Go away! Unclean!" they shouted at them. "Go away! Go away! Don't touch!" When they fled away and wandered, those among the nations decreed, "They cannot live here!"

People cry to them, "Turn away! You are unclean! Turn away! Turn away! Don't touch us!" So they have fled and wander about; but the nations say, "They may not stay here any longer."

'Get away! You're unclean,' people yelled at them. 'Get away! Get away! Don't touch anyone.' When they fled and wandered around, the people of the nations said, 'They can't stay here any longer.'

Samech They cried unto them, Depart ye; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not because they were contaminated; and when they were thrust through, they said among the Gentiles, They shall never dwell here again.

They cried unto them, Depart; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, they said among the nations, They shall no more sojourn there.

They cried to them, Depart you; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, they said among the heathen, They shall no more sojourn there.

Depart ye, they cried unto them, Unclean! depart, depart, touch not! When they fled away and wandered, men said among the nations, They shall no more sojourn here .

Samech. Depart you that are defiled, they cried out to them: Depart, get ye hence, touch not: for they quarrelled, and being removed, they said among the Gentiles: He will no more dwell among them.

They cried unto them, Depart! Unclean! Depart! depart, touch not! When they fled away, and wandered about, it was said among the nations, They shall no more sojourn there.

Depart ye, they cried unto them, Unclean! depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, men said among the nations, They shall no more sojourn here.

They cried to them, Depart ye; it is unclean; depart, depart, touch not: when they fled away and wandered, they said among the heathen, They shall no more sojourn there.

Depart! they cried to them, Unclean! depart, depart, don't touch! When they fled away and wandered, men said among the nations, They shall no more live [here].

'Turn aside -- unclean,' they called to them, 'Turn aside, turn aside, touch not,' For they fled -- yea, they have wandered, They have said among nations: 'They do not add to sojourn.'

Vajtimet 4:15
Sapo dukeshin njerëzit bërtisnin: "Largohuni, një i papastër! Largohuni, largohuni mos e prekni!". Kur iknin dhe shkonin duke u endur midis kombeve thonin: "Nuk do të mund të rrijnë më këtu".

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 4:15
حيدوا نجس ينادون اليهم. حيدوا حيدوا لا تمسوا. اذ هربوا تاهوا ايضا. قالوا بين الامم انهم لا يعودون يسكنون.

De Klaglieder 4:15
"Unrain seitß! Verzieghtß enk, schnell!", rief myn yn de Priester zue. "Aus n Wög! Ietz geetß, verschwinddtß!" Ja, daa flohend s, was aau sünst? Daa gsagnd d Haidn gar: "Ietz glangt s! Mit dönn Gschwerl habnd mir nix z tuenn."

Плач Еремиев 4:15
Отстъпете, вие нечисти, викаха към тях; отстъпете, отстъпете, не се допирайте [до нас]; А когато те бягаха и се скитаха, говореше се между народите: Няма да пришелствуват вече [с нас].

耶 利 米 哀 歌 4:15
人 向 他 們 喊 著 說 : ! 不 潔 淨 的 , 躲 開 , 躲 開 ! 不 要 挨 近 我 ! 他 們 逃 走 飄 流 的 時 候 , 列 國 中 有 人 說 : 他 們 不 可 仍 在 這 裡 寄 居 。

人 向 他 们 喊 着 说 : ! 不 洁 净 的 , 躲 开 , 躲 开 ! 不 要 挨 近 我 ! 他 们 逃 走 飘 流 的 时 候 , 列 国 中 有 人 说 : 他 们 不 可 仍 在 这 里 寄 居 。



Lamentations 4:15
Natrag, nečisti! - viču im. Natrag! Ne dirajte! I tada pobjegoše poganima, al' ne smjedoše ondje ostati.

Pláč Jeremiášův 4:15
Volali na ně: Ustupujte nečistí, ustupujte, ustupujte, nedotýkejte se. Právěť jsou ustoupili, anobrž sem i tam se rozlezli, až mezi národy říkají: Nebudouť více míti vlastního bydlení.

Klagesangene 4:15
»Var jer! En uren!« raabte man; »Var jer dog for dem!« Naar de flyr og vanker, raaber man: »Bliv ikke her!«

Klaagliederen 4:15
Samech. Zij riepen tot hen: Wijkt, hier is een onreine wijkt, wijkt, roert niet aan! Zekerlijk, zij zijn weggevlogen, ja, weggezworven; zij zeiden onder de heidenen: Zij zullen er niet langer wonen.

איכה 4:15
ס֣וּרוּ טָמֵ֞א קָ֣רְאוּ לָ֗מֹו ס֤וּרוּ ס֙וּרוּ֙ אַל־תִּגָּ֔עוּ כִּ֥י נָצ֖וּ גַּם־נָ֑עוּ אָֽמְרוּ֙ בַּגֹּויִ֔ם לֹ֥א יֹוסִ֖יפוּ לָגֽוּר׃ ס

טו סורו טמא קראו למו סורו סורו אל תגעו--כי נצו גם נעו אמרו בגוים לא יוספו לגור  {ס}

סורו טמא קראו למו סורו סורו אל־תגעו כי נצו גם־נעו אמרו בגוים לא יוסיפו לגור׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 4:15
Távozzatok! tisztátalan! kiáltották azoknak; távozzatok, távozzatok, ne illessetek! Bizony elfutottak, bujdostak is; a pogányok közt ezt mondták: Nem lakhatnak itt sokáig!

Plorkanto de Jeremia 4:15
Oni kriis al ili:For, malpuruloj! for, for, ne altusxigxu! Kiam ili forigxadis kaj vagadis, oni diradis inter la nacioj:Ili ne plu logxos tie.

Vaan he huusivat heitä: välttäkäät, saastaiset, välttäkäät, älkäät mihinkään ruvetko; sillä he välttivät ja pakenivat, niin että myös pakanain seassa sanottiin: ei he kauvan siellä pysy.

Lamentations 4:15
Retirez-vous! un impur! leur criait-on; retirez-vous, retirez-vous, ne touchez pas!... Quand ils se sont enfuis, ils ont erré çà et là; on a dit parmi les nations: Ils n'auront plus leur demeure!

Eloignez-vous, impurs! leur criait-on, Eloignez-vous, éloignez-vous, ne nous touchez pas! Ils sont en fuite, ils errent çà et là; On dit parmi les nations: Ils n'auront plus leur demeure!

[Samech.] On leur criait : retirez-vous, souillé, retirez-vous, retirez-vous, n’[y] touchez point. Certes ils s’en sont envolés, et ils ont été transportés ça et là; on a dit parmi les nations, ils n’y retourneront plus pour y séjourner.

Klagelieder 4:15
sondern riefen sie an: Weichet, ihr Unreinen; weichet, weichet; rühret nichts an! Denn sie scheueten sich vor jenen und flohen sie, daß man auch unter den Heiden sagte: Sie werden nicht lange da bleiben.

man rief sie an: Weicht, ihr Unreinen, weicht, weicht, rührt nichts an! Wenn sie flohen und umherirrten, so sagte man auch unter den Heiden: Sie sollten nicht länger dableiben.

"Weicht aus! ein Unreiner!" rief man vor ihnen, "weicht aus, weicht aus! Berührt ihn nicht!" Wenn sie taumelten, sprach man unter den Heiden: sie sollen nicht ferner weilen!

Lamentazioni 4:15
Fatevi in là! Un impuro! si gridava al loro apparire; "Fatevi in là! Fatevi in là! Non lo toccate!" Quando fuggivano, erravan qua e là, e si diceva fra le nazioni: "Non restino più qui!"

Ei si gridava loro: Traetevi addietro; ciò è immondo; Traetevi addietro, nol toccate; E pur se ne volavano via, e andavano errando. Ei si è detto fra le genti: Essi non potran più dimorare nel lor paese.

Tak dapat tiada orang berseru-seru akan dia: Lalulah kamu, ialah seorang najis! Lalulah, lalulah, jangan jamah akan dia! Lagipun barang ke mana mereka itu sudah lari serta mengembara, kata orang di antara segala bangsa kafir: Tak boleh mereka itu lagi duduk di sini!

예레미아애가 4:15
사람이 저희에게 외쳐 이르기를 부정하다 가라,가라,가라,만지지 말라 하였음이여 저희가 도망하여 방황할 때에 이방인이 이르기를 저희가 다시는 여기 거하지 못하리라 하였도다

Lamentationes 4:15
SAMECH recedite polluti clamaverunt eis recedite abite nolite tangere iurgati quippe sunt et commoti dixerunt inter gentes non addet ultra ut habitet in eis

Raudø knyga 4:15
Apie juos buvo sakoma: “Pasitraukite, jie nešvarūs, nepalieskite jų!” Jie pabėgo ir klajojo aplinkui, bet net pagonys sakė: “Jų neturi būti tarp mūsų!”

Lamentations 4:15
I karanga ratou ki a ratou; Haere atu, e poke ana; haere atu, haere atu, kei pa; i to ratou whatinga, i a ratou e atiutiu noa atu ana, i ki nga tangata i roto i nga tauiwi, Kahore he nohoanga iho mo ratou ki konei.

Klagesangene 4:15
Vik bort! Uren! ropte folk til dem - vik bort, vik bort, rør ikke ved oss! For de har flyktet og vanker omkring; det sies blandt folkene: De skal ikke bli her lenger!

Lamentaciones 4:15
¡Apartaos! ¡Inmundos! gritaban de sí mismos. ¡Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis! Así que huyeron y vagaron; entre las naciones se decía: No seguirán residiendo entre nosotros.

"¡Apártense! ¡Inmundos!" gritaban de sí mismos. "¡Apártense, apártense, no nos toquen!" Así que huyeron y vagaron. Entre las naciones se decía: "No seguirán residiendo entre nosotros."

¡Apartaos! ¡Inmundos! les gritaban, ¡Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis! Cuando huyeron y fueron dispersados, dijeron entre las naciones: Nunca más morarán aquí.

Apartaos ¡inmundos!, les gritaban, Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis. Cuando huyeron y fueron dispersos, dijeron entre las gentes: Nunca más morarán aquí

Sámec : Les daban voces: Apartaos ¡Inmundicia!, Apartaos, apartaos, no toquéis: porque eran contaminados; y cuando fueron traspasados, dijeron entre los gentiles: Nunca más morarán aquí .

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 4:15
Gritavam-lhes: “Eis que estais imundos! Ó impuros, afastai-vos, desviai-vos de nós! Não nos toqueis!” Quando fugiram e andaram vagueando, comentava-se entre as nações: “Aqui tais pessoas jamais haverão de morar novamente!”

Desviai-vos! imundo! gritavam-lhes; desviai-vos, desviai-vos, não toqueis! Quando fugiram, e andaram, vagueando, dizia-se entre as nações: Nunca mais morarão aqui.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 4:15
,,Depărtaţi-vă, necuraţilor!`` li se striga, ,,la o parte, la o parte, nu vă atingeţi de noi!`` Cînd fugeau pribegind încoace şi încolo, printre neamuri, se spunea: ,,Să nu mai locuiască aici!``

Плач Иеремии 4:15
„Сторонитесь! нечистый!" кричали им; „сторонитесь, сторонитесь, не прикасайтесь"; и они уходили в смущении; а между народом говорили: „их более не будет!

`Сторонитесь! нечистый!` кричали им; `сторонитесь, сторонитесь, не прикасайтесь`; и они уходили в смущении; а между народом говорили: `их более не будет![]

Klagovisorna 4:15
»Viken undan!» »Oren!», så ropar man framför dem; »Viken undan, viken undan, kommen icke vid den!» ja, flyktiga och ostadiga måste de vara; bland hedningarna säger man om dem: »De skola ej mer finna någon boning.»

Lamentations 4:15
Magsihiwalay kayo, sila'y nagsisihiyaw sa kanila, Marurumi! magsihiwalay kayo, magsihiwalay kayo, huwag ninyong hipuin: nang sila'y magsitakas at magsilaboy ay sinabi ng mga tao sa gitna ng mga bansa, Hindi na sila nangingibang bayan pa rito.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 4:15
คนทั้งหลายร้องบอกเขาว่า "ไปซิ มลทินจริง ไปเถอะ ไป๊ อย่ามาถูกต้องนะ" เมื่อเขาเหล่านั้นหนีไป เป็นคนพเนจร พลเมืองของประชาชาติพูดกันว่า "เขาต้องไม่อยู่ที่นี่อีกต่อไป"

Ağıtlar 4:15
‹‹Çekilin! Kirliler!›› diye bağırdılar onlara,
‹‹Çekilin! Çekilin! Dokunmayın!››
Kaçıp başıboş dolaştıklarında,
Öteki uluslar, ‹‹Artık burada kalmasınlar›› dediler.[]

Ca-thöông 4:15
Người ta kêu bảo chúng rằng: Hãy xê ra, chẳng sạch. Hãy xê ra! xê ra! đừng rờ đến! Khi họ trốn tránh đi lưu lạc, dân ngoại kêu rằng: Chúng nó sẽ không trú ngụ ở đây nữa.

Lamentations 4:14
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