Joshua 23:7
Joshua 23:7
Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. You must not serve them or bow down to them.

Make sure you do not associate with the other people still remaining in the land. Do not even mention the names of their gods, much less swear by them or serve them or worship them.

that you may not mix with these nations remaining among you or make mention of the names of their gods or swear by them or serve them or bow down to them,

so that you will not associate with these nations, these which remain among you, or mention the name of their gods, or make anyone swear by them, or serve them, or bow down to them.

That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:

and so that you do not associate with these nations remaining among you. Do not call on the names of their gods or make an oath to them; do not worship them or bow down to them.

That way, you will not mingle with those nations that remain among you, nor mention the name of their gods, nor make oaths by them, nor serve them, nor worship them.

or associate with these nations that remain near you. You must not invoke or make solemn declarations by the names of their gods! You must not worship or bow down to them!

Don't get mixed up with the nations left in your territory. Don't ever mention the names of their gods or swear an oath to them. Don't ever serve their gods or bow down to them.

that ye not enter in among these Gentiles that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them,

That you mix not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them:

That you come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves to them:

that ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them , neither serve them, nor bow down yourselves unto them;

Lest after that you are come in among the Gentiles, who will remain among you, you should swear by the name of their gods, and serve them, and adore them:

that ye enter not among these nations, these that remain among you; and ye shall make no mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them;

that ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow down yourselves unto them:

That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves to them:

that you not come among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow down yourselves to them;

so as not to go in among these nations, these who are left with you; and of the name of their gods ye do not make mention, nor do ye swear, nor do ye serve them, nor do ye bow yourselves to them;

Jozueu 23:7
pa u përzier me kombet që mbeten midis jush; nuk do të përmendni as emrin e perëndive të tyre dhe nuk do të betoheni për ta; nuk do t'i shërbeni dhe nuk do të bini përmbys para tyre;

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 23:7
حتى لا تدخلوا الى هؤلاء الشعوب اولئك الباقين معكم ولا تذكروا اسم آلهتهم ولا تحلفوا بها ولا تعبدوها ولا تسجدوا لها.

Dyr Josen 23:7
Fangtß enk nix an mit dene Völker, wo bei enk non überblibn seind; nemtß d Nämm von ienerne Götter nit aynmaal eyn s Mäul, schwörtß nit bei ien, dientß ien nit und bettß is nit an!

Исус Навиев 23:7
за да се не смесвате с тия народи, които останаха помежду ви, нито да споменавате имената на боговете им, нито да се кълнете [в тях], нито да им служите, нито да им се кланяте;

約 書 亞 記 23:7
不 可 與 你 們 中 間 所 剩 下 的 這 些 國 民 攙 雜 。 他 們 的   神 , 你 們 不 可 提 他 的 名 , 不 可 指 著 他 起 誓 , 也 不 可 事 奉 、 叩 拜 ;

不 可 与 你 们 中 间 所 剩 下 的 这 些 国 民 搀 杂 。 他 们 的   神 , 你 们 不 可 提 他 的 名 , 不 可 指 着 他 起 誓 , 也 不 可 事 奉 、 叩 拜 ;



Joshua 23:7
Ne miješajte se s tim narodima koji ostadoše među vama; i ne spominjite imena njihovih bogova niti se kunite njima; nemojte im služiti i ne klanjajte se njima.

Jozue 23:7
Nesměšujte se s těmi národy, kteříž pozůstávají s vámi, a jména bohů jejich nepřipomínejte, ani skrze ně přisahejte, aniž jim služte, ani se jim klanějte.

Josua 23:7
og ikke indlader eder med disse Folk, som er tilbage iblandt eder; I maa ikke paakalde deres Guders Navne eller sværge ved dem, ikke dyrke eller tilbede dem,

Jozua 23:7
Dat gij niet ingaat tot deze volken: deze, die overgebleven zijn bij ulieden; gedenkt ook niet aan den naam hunner goden, en doet er niet bij zweren, en dient hen niet, en buigt u voor die niet;

יהושע 23:7
לְבִלְתִּי־בֹוא֙ בַּגֹּויִ֣ם הָאֵ֔לֶּה הַנִּשְׁאָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה אִתְּכֶ֑ם וּבְשֵׁ֨ם אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֤ם לֹא־תַזְכִּ֙ירוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א תַשְׁבִּ֔יעוּ וְלֹ֣א תַעַבְד֔וּם וְלֹ֥א תִֽשְׁתַּחֲו֖וּ לָהֶֽם׃

ז לבלתי בא בגוים האלה הנשארים האלה אתכם ובשם אלהיהם לא תזכירו ולא תשביעו ולא תעבדום ולא תשתחוו להם

לבלתי־בוא בגוים האלה הנשארים האלה אתכם ובשם אלהיהם לא־תזכירו ולא תשביעו ולא תעבדום ולא תשתחוו להם׃

Józsué 23:7
Hogy össze ne elegyedjetek ezekkel a népekkel, azokkal, a melyek fenmaradtak közöttetek; isteneiknek nevét ki se ejtsétek, azokra ne esküdjetek, se ne szolgáljatok nékik, se elõttök meg ne hajoljatok;

Josuo 23:7
ne komunikigxante kun tiuj popoloj, kiuj restis kun vi; kaj la nomon de iliaj dioj ne citu, kaj ne jxuru per ili, kaj ne servu al ili, kaj ne adoru ilin;

Niin ettette tulisi näiden teidän keskellenne jääneiden kansain sekaan, ja ettette mieleenne johdattaisi eli vannoisi heidän jumalainsa nimen kautta, ettekä myös palvelisi heitä elikkä kumartaisi heitä.

Josué 23:7
afin que vous n'entriez pas parmi ces nations qui restent parmi vous, et que vous ne fassiez pas mention du nom de leurs dieux, et que vous ne fassiez pas jurer par eux, et que vous ne les serviez pas, et que vous ne vous prosterniez pas devant eux.

Ne vous mêlez point avec ces nations qui sont restées parmi vous; ne prononcez point le nom de leurs dieux, et ne l'employez point en jurant; ne les servez point, et ne vous prosternez point devant eux.

Et que vous ne vous mêliez point avec ces nations qui sont restées parmi vous; que vous ne fassiez point mention du nom de leurs dieux; et que vous ne fassiez jurer personne [par eux], et que vous ne les serviez point, et ne vous prosterniez point devant eux.

Josua 23:7
auf daß ihr nicht unter diese übrigen Völker kommet, die mit euch sind, und nicht gedenket noch schwöret bei dem Namen ihrer Götter, noch ihnen dienet, noch sie anbetet,

auf daß ihr nicht unter diese übrigen Völker kommt, die bei euch sind, und nicht gedenkt noch schwört bei dem Namen ihrer Götter noch ihnen dient noch sie anbetet,

damit ihr euch nicht etwa mit diesen Völkern, die da noch bei euch übrig geblieben sind, vermischt, die Namen ihrer Götter in den Mund nehmt, bei ihnen schwört, sie verehrt und euch vor ihnen niederwerft;

Giosué 23:7
senza mischiarvi con queste nazioni che rimangono fra voi; non mentovate neppure il nome de’ loro dèi, non ne fate uso nei giuramenti; non li servite, e non vi prostrate davanti a loro;

e non entriate da queste genti che restano appresso di voi, e non ricordiate il nome de’ loro dii, e non li usiate in giuramenti, e non serviate loro, e non li adoriate.

YOSUA 23:7
Maka janganlah kamu berjinak-jinakkan dengan bangsa yang tinggal lagi sertamu, dan jangan kamu sebut nama dewa-dewanya, dan jangan bersumpah demi namanya, dan jangan berbuat bakti atau menyembah sujud kepadanya.

여호수아 23:7
너희 중에 남아 있는 이 나라들 중에 가지 말라 ! 그 신들의 이름을 부르지 말라 ! 그것을 가리켜 맹세하지 말라 ! 또 그것을 섬겨서 그것에게 절하지 말라 !

Iosue 23:7
ne postquam intraveritis ad gentes quae inter vos futurae sunt iuretis in nomine deorum earum et serviatis eis et adoretis illos

Jozuës knyga 23:7
Nesimaišykite su šitomis tautomis, kurios tebegyvena tame krašte. Neminėkite jų dievų vardų, neprisiekite jais, negarbinkite jų ir netarnaukite jiems;

Joshua 23:7
Kei haere hoki ki roto ki enei iwi, i mahue iho nei ki waenganui i a koutou; kei whakahuatia nga ingoa o o ratou atua, kei oatitia, kei mahi ki a ratou, kei koropiko ki a ratou:

Josvas 23:7
og ikke gir eder i lag med disse folk, de som ennu er tilbake hos eder. Deres guders navn skal I ikke nevne og ikke la nogen sverge ved dem og ikke dyrke dem og ikke tilbede dem,

Josué 23:7
a fin de que no os juntéis con estas naciones, las que quedan entre vosotros. No mencionéis el nombre de sus dioses, ni hagáis a nadie jurar por ellos, ni los sirváis, ni os inclinéis ante ellos,

a fin de que no se junten con estas naciones, las que quedan entre ustedes. No mencionen el nombre de sus dioses, ni hagan que nadie jure por ellos, ni los sirvan, ni se inclinen ante ellos,

para que no os mezcléis con estas naciones que han quedado con vosotros, no hagáis mención ni juréis por el nombre de sus dioses, ni los sirváis, ni os inclinéis a ellos:

Que cuando entrareis á estas gentes que han quedado con vosotros, no hagáis mención ni juréis por el nombre de sus dioses, ni los sirváis, ni os inclinéis á ellos:

que cuando entrareis a estos gentiles que han quedado con vosotros, no hagáis mención ni juréis por el nombre de sus dioses, ni los honréis, ni os inclinéis a ellos.

Josué 23:7
sem vos misturardes com estas populações que ainda restam no meio de vós. Não pronunciareis o nome dos seus deuses, não os invocareis nos vossos juramentos, não os servireis e não prestareis a eles a vossa adoração, louvor e serviço.

para que não vos mistureis com estas nações que ainda restam entre vós; e dos nomes de seus deuses não façais menção, nem por eles façais jurar, nem os sirvais, nem a eles vos inclineis.   

Iosua 23:7
Să nu vă amestecaţi cu neamurile acestea cari au rămas printre voi; să nu rostiţi numele dumnezeilor lor, şi să nu -l întrebuinţaţi în jurămînt; să nu le slujiţi, şi să nu vă închinaţi înaintea lor.

Иисус Навин 23:7
Не сообщайтесь с сими народами, которые остались между вами, не воспоминайте имени богов их, не клянитесь ими и не служите им и не поклоняйтесь им,

Не сообщайтесь с сими народами, которые остались между вами, не воспоминайте имени богов их, не клянитесь [ими] и не служите им и не поклоняйтесь им,[]

Josuaé 23:7
och icke träden i gemenskap med dessa folk som ännu äro kvar här jämte eder, ej heller nämnen deras gudars namn eller svärjen vid dem eller tjänen och tillbedjen dem.

Joshua 23:7
Na huwag kayong pumasok sa mga bansang ito, sa mga ito na nangalalabi sa gitna ninyo; huwag din ninyong banggitin ang pangalan ng kanilang mga dios, ni magpasumpa sa pangalan ng mga yaon, ni maglingkod sa mga yaon, ni yumukod sa mga yaon:

โยชูวา 23:7
เพื่อว่าท่านจะมิได้ปะปนกับประชาชาติเหล่านี้ ซึ่งเหลืออยู่ท่ามกลางท่าน หรือออกชื่อพระของเขา หรือปฏิญาณในนามพระของเขา หรือปรนนิบัติพระนั้น หรือกราบลงนมัสการพระนั้น

Yeşu 23:7
Aranızda kalan uluslarla hiçbir ilişkiniz olmasın; ilahlarının adını anmayın; kimseye onların adıyla ant içirmeyin; onlara kulluk edip tapmayın.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 23:7
Chớ nên xen lộn cùng các dân tộc này còn ở lại giữa các ngươi, chớ xưng đến danh các thần chúng nó, chớ biểu ai bắt các thần ấy mà thề, chớ hầu việc, và đừng quì lạy trước các thần đó.

Joshua 23:6
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