Joshua 19:8
Joshua 19:8
and all the villages around these towns as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah in the Negev). This was the inheritance of the tribe of the Simeonites, according to its clans.

including all the surrounding villages as far south as Baalath-beer (also known as Ramah of the Negev). This was the homeland allocated to the clans of the tribe of Simeon.

together with all the villages around these cities as far as Baalath-beer, Ramah of the Negeb. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the people of Simeon according to their clans.

and all the villages which were around these cities as far as Baalath-beer, Ramah of the Negev. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Simeon according to their families.

And all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalathbeer, Ramath of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

and all the villages surrounding these cities as far as Baalath-beer (Ramah of the south). This was the inheritance of the tribe of Simeon's descendants by their clans.

Also included were all the surrounding villages as far as Baalath-beer, in Ramah of the Negev. This was the inheritance of the tribe of Simeon, according to its families.

as well as all the towns around these cities as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah of the Negev). This was the land assigned to the tribe of Simeon by its clans.

All the villages around these cities as far as Baalath Beer and Ramath Negev were also included. This is the inheritance of the tribe of Simeon for its families.

with all the villages that were round about these cities unto Baalathbeer, which is Ramath of the Negev. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Simeon according to their families.

And all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalathbeer, Ramath of the South. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

And all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalathbeer, Ramath of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

and all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalath-beer, Ramah of the South. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

And all the villages round about these cities to Baalath Beer Ramath to the south quarter. This is the inheritance of the children of Simeon according to their kindreds,

and all the hamlets that are round these cities to Baalath-beer, that is Ramah of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

and all the villages that were round about these cities to Baalath-beer, Ramah of the South. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

And all the villages that were around these cities to Baalath-beer, Ramath of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

and all the villages that were around these cities to Baalath Beer, Ramah of the South. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families.

also all the villages which are round about these cities, unto Baalath-Beer, Ramoth of the south. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Simeon, for their families;

Jozueu 19:8
dhe të gjitha fshatrat që ndodheshin rreth këtyre qyteteve, deri në Baalath-Beer, Ramah të Negevit. Kjo përfaqësonte trashëgiminë e fisit të bijve të Simeonit, simbas familjeve të tyre.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 19:8
وجميع الضياع التي حوالي هذه المدن الى بعلة بير رامة الجنوب. هذا هو نصيب سبط بني شمعون حسب عشائرهم.

Dyr Josen 19:8
und aau non allss in aynn weitern Umkraiß hinst Bälet-Ber und Rämet in n Sundergau. Dös ist dyr Örbgrund von de Simeuner und ienerne Sippnen.

Исус Навиев 19:8
и всичките села, които бяха около тия градове, до Ваалат-вир (който е южния Рамат). Това е наследството за племето на симеонците според семействата им.

約 書 亞 記 19:8
並 有 這 些 城 邑 四 圍 一 切 的 村 莊 , 直 到 巴 拉 比 珥 , 就 是 南 地 的 拉 瑪 。 這 是 西 緬 支 派 按 著 宗 族 所 得 的 地 業 。

并 有 这 些 城 邑 四 围 一 切 的 村 庄 , 直 到 巴 拉 比 珥 , 就 是 南 地 的 拉 玛 。 这 是 西 缅 支 派 按 着 宗 族 所 得 的 地 业 。



Joshua 19:8
I sva naselja što su oko tih gradova, do Baalat Beera, Ramat Negeba. To je baština plemena sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim.

Jozue 19:8
I všecky vsi, kteréž byly vůkolí měst těch, až do Balatber a Rámat poledního. To jest dědictví pokolení synů Simeonových po čeledech jejich.

Josua 19:8
Desuden alle Landsbyerne rundt om disse Byer indtil Ba'alat-Be'er, Rama i Sydlandet. Det er Simeoniternes Stammes Arvelod efter deres Slægter.

Jozua 19:8
En al de dorpen, die rondom deze steden waren, tot Baalath-Beer, dat is Ramath tegen het zuiden. Dit is het erfdeel van den stam der kinderen van Simeon, naar hun huisgezinnen.

יהושע 19:8
וְכָל־הַֽחֲצֵרִ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֤ר סְבִיבֹות֙ הֶֽעָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה עַד־בַּֽעֲלַ֥ת בְּאֵ֖ר רָ֣אמַת נֶ֑גֶב זֹ֗את נַחֲלַ֛ת מַטֵּ֥ה בְנֵֽי־שִׁמְעֹ֖ון לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָֽם׃

ח וכל החצרים אשר סביבות הערים האלה עד בעלת באר ראמת נגב  זאת נחלת מטה בני שמעון--למשפחתם

וכל־החצרים אשר סביבות הערים האלה עד־בעלת באר ראמת נגב זאת נחלת מטה בני־שמעון למשפחתם׃

Józsué 19:8
És mindazok a faluk, a melyek e városok körül valának Baalath-Beérig, délen Rámatig. Ez a Simeon fiai nemzetségének öröksége az õ családjaik szerint.

Josuo 19:8
Kaj cxiuj vilagxoj, kiuj estas cxirkaux tiuj urboj, gxis Baalat-Beer, Ramat sude. Tio estas la posedajxo de la tribo de la Simeonidoj, laux iliaj familioj.

Siihen myös kaikki kylät, jotka ympäri näitä kaupungeita ovat, BaalatBeeriin asti, ja Ramatiin, etelän puoleen. Tämä on Simeonin lasten sukukunnan perimys heidän suvuissansa,

Josué 19:8
et tous les hameaux qui étaient autour de ces villes, jusqu'à Baalath-Beër, la Rama du midi. Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des fils de Siméon, selon leurs familles.

et tous les villages aux environs de ces villes, jusqu'à Baalath-Beer, qui est Ramath du midi. Tel fut l'héritage de la tribu des fils de Siméon, selon leurs familles.

Et tous les villages qui étaient autour de ces villes-là jusqu'à Balath-béer, qui est Rama du Midi. Tel fut l'héritage de la Tribu des enfants de Siméon, selon leurs familles.

Josua 19:8
Dazu alle Dörfer, die um diese Städte liegen, bis gen Baalath-Beer-Ramath gegen Mittag. Das ist das Erbteil des Stamms der Kinder Simeon in ihren Geschlechtern.

Dazu alle Dörfer, die um diese Städte liegen, bis gen Baalath-Beer-Ramath gegen Mittag. Das ist das Erbteil des Stammes der Kinder Simeon nach ihren Geschlechtern.

dazu alle die Dörfer, die rings um die genannten Städte lagen bis Baalath Beer, dem Rama des Südlands. Das ist der Erbbesitz der verschiedenen Geschlechter des Stammes der Simeoniten.

Giosué 19:8
e tutti i villaggi che stavano attorno a queste città, fino a Baalath-Beer, che è la Rama del sud. Tale fu l’eredità della tribù de’ figliuoli di Simeone, secondo le loro famiglie.

e tutte le villate ch’erano d’intorno a queste città, fino a Baalat-beer, che è Rama meridionale. Questa fu l’eredità della tribù de’ figliuoli di Simeone, secondo le lor nazioni.

YOSUA 19:8
Dan lagi segala dusun yang keliling negeri-negeri itu sampai ke Baalat-Beir-Ramat pada sebelah selatan. Maka inilah bahagian pusaka suku bani Simeon dengan bangsa-bangsanya.

여호수아 19:8
또 남방 라마 곧 바알랏 브엘까지 이 성들을 둘러 있는 모든 촌락이니 이는 시므온 자손의 지파가 그 가족대로 얻은 기업이라

Iosue 19:8
omnes viculi per circuitum urbium istarum usque ad Balaath Berrameth contra australem plagam haec est hereditas filiorum Symeon iuxta cognationes suas

Jozuës knyga 19:8
Be to, ir kaimus, kurie buvo arti šitų miestų; pietuose iki Balat Bero ir Ramato buvo Simeono giminės paveldėjimas.

Joshua 19:8
Me nga kainga katoa o enei pa a tawhio noa, a tae noa ki Paarata Peere, ki Ramata ki te tonga. Ko te wahi tupu tenei o te iwi o nga tama a Himiona, o o ratou hapu.

Josvas 19:8
og alle de landsbyer som lå rundt omkring disse byer inntil Ba'alat-Be'er, Rama i sydlandet. Dette var den arvelodd som Simeons barns stamme fikk efter sine ætter.

Josué 19:8
y todas las aldeas que estaban alrededor de estas ciudades hasta Baalat-beer, Ramat del Neguev. Esta fue la heredad de la tribu de los hijos de Simeón conforme a sus familias.

y todas las aldeas que estaban alrededor de estas ciudades hasta Baalat Beer, Ramat del Neguev (región del sur). Esta fue la heredad de la tribu de los hijos de Simeón conforme a sus familias.

y todas las aldeas que estaban alrededor de estas ciudades hasta Baalat-beer, que es Ramat del Neguev. Ésta es la heredad de la tribu de los hijos de Simeón, conforme a sus familias.

Y todas las aldeas que estaban alrededor de estas ciudades hasta Baalath-beer, que es Ramat del mediodía. Esta es la heredad de la tribu de los hijos de Simeón, según sus familias.

con todas las aldeas que estaban alrededor de estas ciudades hasta Baalat-beer, que es Ramat del mediodía. Esta es la heredad de la tribu de los hijos de Simeón, según sus familias.

Josué 19:8
e todas as aldeias ao redor dessas cidades, até Baalate-Beer, que é conhecida como Ramá, no Neguebe. Essa foi a herança da tribo dos filhos de Simeão de acordo com suas famílias, clã por clã.

e todas as aldeias que havia em redor dessas cidades, até Baalate-Ber, que é Ramá do sul. Essa é a herança da tribo dos filhos de Simeão, segundo as suas famílias.   

Iosua 19:8
şi toate satele din împrejurimile acestor cetăţi, pînă la Baalat-Beer, care este Ramatul de miazăzi, Aceasta a fost moştenirea seminţiei fiilor lui Simeon, după familiile lor.

Иисус Навин 19:8
и все села, которые находились вокруг городов сих даже до Ваалаф-Беера, или южной Рамы. Вот удел колена сынов Симеоновых, по племенам их.

и все села, которые находились вокруг городов сих даже до Ваалаф-Беера, или южной Рамы. Вот удел колена сынов Симеоновых, по племенам их.[]

Josuaé 19:8
därtill alla de byar som lågo runt omkring dessa städer, ända till Baalat-Beer, det sydliga Rama. Detta var Simeons barns arvedel, efter deras släkter.

Joshua 19:8
At ang lahat ng mga nayon na nasa palibot ng mga bayang ito hanggang sa Baalathbeer, Ramat ng Timugan. Ito ang mana ng lipi ng mga anak ni Simeon ayon sa kanilang mga angkan.

โยชูวา 19:8
รวมทั้งบรรดาชนบทที่อยู่รอบหัวเมืองเหล่านี้ไกลออกไปจนถึงเมืองบาอาลัทเบเออร์ เมืองรามาห์ที่ภาคใต้ เหล่านี้เป็นมรดกของตระกูลคนสิเมโอนตามครอบครัวของเขา

Yeşu 19:8
Baalat-Beer, yani Negevdeki Ramaya kadar uzanan bu kentlerin çevresindeki bütün köyler de Şimonoğullarına aitti. Boy sayısına göre Şimonoğulları oymağının payı buydu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 19:8
luôn hết các làng ở chung quanh những thành ấy cho đến Ba-lát-Bê -e, tức là Ra-ma ở miền nam. Ðó là sản nghiệp của chi phái Si-mê-ôn, tùy theo những họ hàng của chúng.

Joshua 19:7
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