Joshua 13:23
Joshua 13:23
The boundary of the Reubenites was the bank of the Jordan. These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the Reubenites, according to their clans.

The Jordan River marked the western boundary for the tribe of Reuben. The towns and their surrounding villages in this area were given as a homeland to the clans of the tribe of Reuben.

And the border of the people of Reuben was the Jordan as a boundary. This was the inheritance of the people of Reuben, according to their clans with their cities and villages.

The border of the sons of Reuben was the Jordan. This was the inheritance of the sons of Reuben according to their families, the cities and their villages.

And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben after their families, the cities and the villages thereof.

The border of the Reubenites was the Jordan and its plain. This was the inheritance of the Reubenites by their clans, with the cities and their villages.

The border of the descendants of Reuben was the Jordan River and its banks. This was the inheritance belonging to the descendants of Reuben, divided according to their families, cities, and villages.

The border of the tribe of Reuben was the Jordan. The land allotted to the tribe of Reuben by its clans included these cities and their towns.

The border of Reuben's territory was the Jordan River. This was Reuben's inheritance for its families. It included cities with their villages.

And the border of the sons of Reuben was the Jordan and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the sons of Reuben according to their families, these cities with their villages.

And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, the cities and their villages.

And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben after their families, the cities and the villages thereof.

And the border of the children of Reuben was the Jordan, and the border thereof . This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, the cities and the villages thereof.

And the river Jordan was the herder of the children of Ruben. This is the possession of the Rubenites, by their kindreds, of cities and villages.

And the border of the children of Reuben was the Jordan, and its border. This is the inheritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, the cities and their hamlets.

And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, the cities and the villages thereof.

And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and its border. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben after their families, the cities and their villages.

The border of the children of Reuben was the bank of the Jordan. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben according to their families, the cities and its villages.

And the border of the sons of Reuben is the Jordan, and its border; this is the inheritance of the sons of Reuben, for their families, the cities and their villages.

Jozueu 13:23
Territori i bijve të Rubenit kufizohej me Jordanin. Kjo ishte trashëgimia e bijve të Rubenit në bazë të familjeve të tyre, së bashku me qytetet dhe fshatrat e tyre.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 13:23
وكان تخم بني رأوبين الاردن وتخومه. هذا نصيب بني رأوبين حسب عشائرهم المدن وضياعها

Dyr Josen 13:23
De Grentz von de Ruber war dyr Jordn. Die Stötn und Derffer dort seind yn de Rubersippnen iener Örbbsiz.

Исус Навиев 13:23
А границата на рувимците беше Иордан и пределите му. Това е наследството на рувимците според семействата им, с градовете му и техните села.

約 書 亞 記 13:23
流 便 人 的 境 界 就 是 約 但 河 與 靠 近 約 但 河 的 地 。 以 上 是 流 便 人 按 著 宗 族 所 得 為 業 的 諸 城 , 並 屬 城 的 村 莊 。

流 便 人 的 境 界 就 是 约 但 河 与 靠 近 约 但 河 的 地 。 以 上 是 流 便 人 按 着 宗 族 所 得 为 业 的 诸 城 , 并 属 城 的 村 庄 。



Joshua 13:23
Međa sinova Rubenovih bijaše Jordan. To je bila baština sinova Rubenovih po njihovim porodicama: gradovi i sela njihova.

Jozue 13:23
I bylo pomezí synů Rubenových Jordán s mezemi svými. To jest dědictví synů Rubenových po čeledech jejich, města i vsi jejich.

Josua 13:23
Rubeniternes Grænse blev Jordan; den var Grænseskel. Det var Rubeniternes Arvelod efter deres Slægter, de nævnte Byer med Landsbyer.

Jozua 13:23
De landpale nu der kinderen van Ruben was de Jordaan, en derzelver landpale; dat is het erfdeel der kinderen van Ruben, naar hun huisgezinnen, de steden en haar dorpen.

יהושע 13:23
וַיְהִ֗י גְּבוּל֙ בְּנֵ֣י רְאוּבֵ֔ן הַיַּרְדֵּ֖ן וּגְב֑וּל זֹ֣את נַחֲלַ֤ת בְּנֵֽי־רְאוּבֵן֙ לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֔ם הֶעָרִ֖ים וְחַצְרֵיהֶֽן׃ פ

כג ויהי גבול בני ראובן--הירדן וגבול  זאת נחלת בני ראובן למשפחותם הערים וחצריהן  {פ}

ויהי גבול בני ראובן הירדן וגבול זאת נחלת בני־ראובן למשפחתם הערים וחצריהן׃ פ

Józsué 13:23
Vala tehát a Rúben fiainak határa a Jordán és melléke. Ez a Rúben fiainak öröksége az õ családjaik szerint, a városok és azoknak falui.

Josuo 13:23
Kaj limo de la Rubenidoj estis Jordan kaj gxia regiono. Tio estas la posedajxo de la Rubenidoj laux iliaj familioj, la urboj kaj iliaj vilagxoj.

JOOSUA 13:23
Ja Rubenin lasten raja oli Jordani rajoinensa. Tämä on Rubenin lasten perimys heidän sukukuntainsa, kaupunkeinsa ja kyläinsä jälkeen.

Josué 13:23
Et la frontière des fils de Ruben fut le Jourdain et sa rive. Ce fut là l'héritage des fils de Ruben, selon leurs familles: les villes et leurs hameaux.

Le Jourdain servait de limite au territoire des fils de Ruben. Voilà l'héritage des fils de Ruben selon leurs familles; les villes et leurs villages.

Et les bornes des enfants de Ruben furent le Jourdain, et sa borne. Tel fut l'héritage des enfants de Ruben selon leurs familles, [savoir] ces villes-là, et leurs villages.

Josua 13:23
Und die Grenze der Kinder Ruben war der Jordan Das ist das Erbteil der Kinder Ruben unter ihren Geschlechtern, Städten und Dörfern.

Und die Grenze der Kinder Ruben war der Jordan. Das ist das Erbteil der Kinder Ruben nach ihren Geschlechtern, die Städte und ihre Dörfer. {~}

Und die Grenze der Rubeniten bildete durchweg der Jordan. Das ist der Erbbesitz der einzelnen Geschlechter der Rubeniten, die Städte und die zugehörigen Dörfer.

Giosué 13:23
Al territorio dei figliuoli di Ruben serviva di confine il Giordano. Tale fu l’eredità de’ figliuoli di Ruben secondo le loro famiglie: con le città ed i villaggi annessi.

E i confini de’ figliuoli di Ruben furono il Giordano e i confini. Questa fu l’eredità de’ figliuoli di Ruben, secondo le lor nazioni, cioè: quelle città e le lor villate.

YOSUA 13:23
Maka perhinggaan tanah bani Rubin itu Yarden dan segala tanah yang pada tepinya: sekalian inilah bahagian pusaka bani Rubin dengan bangsa-bangsanya, segala negeri dan dusun-dusunnya.

여호수아 13:23
르우벤 자손의 서편 경계는 요단과 그 강 가라 이상은 르우벤 자손의 기업으로 그 가족대로 받은 성읍과 촌락이니라

Iosue 13:23
factusque est terminus filiorum Ruben Iordanis fluvius haec est possessio Rubenitarum per cognationes suas urbium et viculorum

Jozuës knyga 13:23
Rubenitų siena buvo Jordanas su jam priklausančia pakrančių sritimi. Tai buvo rubenitų paveldėjimas.

Joshua 13:23
A ko te rohe ki nga tama a Reupena ko Horano, me tona rohe ano. Ko te wahi tuturu tenei i nga tama a Reupena, i o ratou hapu, nga pa me nga kainga o aua pa.

Josvas 13:23
Og Rubens barns grense var Jordan og landet langsmed den. Dette var Rubens barns arv efter deres ætter, byene med tilhørende landsbyer.

Josué 13:23
Y el límite de los hijos de Rubén fue el Jordán. Esta fue la heredad de los hijos de Rubén según sus familias: las ciudades y sus aldeas.

El límite de los Rubenitas era el Jordán. Esta fue la heredad de la tribu de Rubén según sus familias: las ciudades y sus aldeas.

Y el Jordán fue el término de los hijos de Rubén, con su frontera. Ésta fue la heredad de los hijos de Rubén conforme a sus familias, estas ciudades con sus aldeas.

Y fueron los términos de los hijos de Rubén el Jordán con su término. Esta fué la herencia de los hijos de Rubén conforme á sus familias, estas ciudades con sus villas.

Y fueron los términos de los hijos de Rubén el Jordán con su término. Esta fue la herencia de los hijos de Rubén conforme a sus familias, estas ciudades con sus villas.

Josué 13:23
Assim, os limites das terras dos filhos de Rúben eram demarcados pela própria margem do Jordão e seu território. Essas cidades e suas aldeias foram a herança concedida aos filhos de Rúben segundo suas famílias, clã por clã.

E ficou sendo o Jordão o termo dos filhos de Rúben. Essa região, com as suas cidades e aldeias, foi a herança dos filhos de Rúben, segundo as suas famílias.   

Iosua 13:23
Hotarul ţinutului fiilor lui Ruben era Iordanul. Aceasta este moştenirea fiilor lui Ruben, după familiile lor: cetăţile şi satele lor.

Иисус Навин 13:23
Пределом сынов Рувимовых был Иордан. Вот удел сынов Рувимовыхпо племенам их, города и села их.

Пределом сынов Рувимовых был Иордан. Вот удел сынов Рувимовых по племенам их, города и села их.[]

Josuaé 13:23
Och gränsen för Rubens barn var Jordan; den utgjorde gränsen. Detta är Rubens barns arvedel, efter deras släkter, städerna med sina byar.

Joshua 13:23
At ang hangganan ng mga anak ni Ruben ay ang Jordan, at ang hangganan niyaon. Ito ang mana ng mga anak ni Ruben ayon sa kanilang mga angkan, ang mga bayan at ang mga nayon niyaon.

โยชูวา 13:23
อาณาเขตของคนรูเบนคือแม่น้ำจอร์แดนเป็นพรมแดน นี่เป็นมรดกของคนรูเบนตามครอบครัว รวมทั้งหัวเมืองและชนบทด้วย

Yeşu 13:23
Rubenoğullarının sınırı Şeria Irmağına dayanıyordu. Rubenoğullarına, boy sayısına göre köyleriyle birlikte mülk olarak verilen kentler bunlardı.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 13:23
Ðịa phận người Ru-bên có sông Giô-đanh làm giới hạn. Ðó là sản nghiệp của người Ru-bên, tùy theo những họ hàng, thành ấp, và làng xóm của họ.

Joshua 13:22
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