Job 33:27
Job 33:27
And they will go to others and say, 'I have sinned, I have perverted what is right, but I did not get what I deserved.

He will declare to his friends, 'I sinned and twisted the truth, but it was not worth it.

He sings before men and says: ‘I sinned and perverted what was right, and it was not repaid to me.

"He will sing to men and say, 'I have sinned and perverted what is right, And it is not proper for me.

He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;

He will look at men and say, "I have sinned and perverted what was right; yet I did not get what I deserved.

"He'll sing to mankind with these words: 'I've sinned. I have twisted what is right. Yet he has not repaid me like I deserve.

That person sings to others, saying: 'I have sinned and falsified what is right, but I was not punished according to what I deserved.

Each one sings in front of other people and says, 'I sinned and did wrong instead of what was right, and it did me no good.

He looks upon men, and if any say, I have sinned and perverted that which was right, and it did not profit me;

He looks upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;

He looks on men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;

He singeth before men, and saith, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, And it profited me not:

He shall look upon men, and shall say : I have sinned, and indeed I have offended, and I have not received what I have deserved.

He will sing before men, and say, I have sinned, and perverted what was right, and it hath not been requited to me;

He singeth before men, and saith, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not:

He looketh upon men, and if any shall say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;

He sings before men, and says, 'I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it didn't profit me.

He looketh on men, and saith, 'I sinned, And uprightness I have perverted, And it hath not been profitable to me.

Jobi 33:27
Duke iu drejtuar njerëzve, do të thotë: "Kam mëkatuar dhe kam shkelur drejtësinë, dhe nuk u ndëshkova siç e meritoja.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 33:27
يغني بين الناس فيقول قد اخطأت وعوجت المستقيم ولم أجاز عليه.

Dyr Hieb 33:27
Er singt aft aus: 'Schwaer gsündigt haan i; mir haimzalt haat yr s zamtdönn nit.

Йов 33:27
Той пее пред човеците, казвайки: Съгреших и изкривих правото, И не ми се въздаде [според греха ми];

約 伯 記 33:27
他 在 人 前 歌 唱 說 : 我 犯 了 罪 , 顛 倒 是 非 , 這 竟 與 我 無 益 。

他 在 人 前 歌 唱 说 : 我 犯 了 罪 , 颠 倒 是 非 , 这 竟 与 我 无 益 。



Job 33:27
Tada čovjek pred ljudima zapjeva: 'Griješio sam i pravo izvrtao, ali mi Bog zlom nije uzvratio.

Jobova 33:27
Kterýž hledě na lidi, řekne: Zhřešilť jsem byl, a to, což pravého bylo, převrátil jsem, ale nebylo mi to prospěšné.

Job 33:27
Han synger det ud for Folk: »Jeg synded og krænkede Retten og fik dog ej Løn som forskyldt!

Job 33:27
Hij zal de mensen aanschouwen, en zeggen: Ik heb gezondigd, en het recht verkeerd, hetwelk mij niet heeft gebaat;

איוב 33:27
יָשֹׁ֤ר ׀ עַל־אֲנָשִׁ֗ים וַיֹּ֗אמֶר חָ֭טָאתִי וְיָשָׁ֥ר הֶעֱוֵ֗יתִי וְלֹא־שָׁ֥וָה לִֽי׃

כז ישר על-אנשים ויאמר חטאתי וישר העויתי  ולא-שוה לי

ישר ׀ על־אנשים ויאמר חטאתי וישר העויתי ולא־שוה לי׃

Jób 33:27
Az emberek elõtt énekel és mondja: Vétkeztem és az igazat elferdítettem vala, de nem e szerint fizetett meg nékem;

Ijob 33:27
Li rigardas la homojn, kaj diras: Mi pekis, la veron mi kripligis, Kaj Li ne repagis al mi;

JOB 33:27
Hän tunnustaa ihmiselle ja sanoo: minä olen syntiä tehnyt ja oikeuden vääntänyt; vaan ei se minua auttanut.

Job 33:27
Il chantera devant les hommes, et dira: J'ai péché et j'ai perverti la droiture, et il ne me l'a pas rendu;

Il chante devant les hommes et dit: J'ai péché, j'ai violé la justice, Et je n'ai pas été puni comme je le méritais;

Il regardera vers les hommes, et dira : J'avais péché, j'avais renversé le droit, et cela ne m'avait point profité.

Hiob 33:27
Er wird vor den Leuten bekennen und sagen: Ich wollte gesündiget und das Recht verkehret haben, aber es hätte mir nichts genützet.

Er wird vor den Leuten bekennen und sagen: "Ich hatte gesündigt und das Recht verkehrt; aber es ist mir nicht vergolten worden.

Er singt vor den Leuten und spricht: "Ich hatte gesündigt und das Recht verkehrt, doch wurde es mir nicht vergolten.

Giobbe 33:27
Ed egli va cantando fra la gente e dice: "Avevo peccato, pervertito la giustizia, e non sono stato punito come meritavo.

Ed esso poi si volgerà verso gli uomini, e dirà: Io avea peccato, ed avea pervertita la dirittura, E ciò non mi ha punto giovato.

AYUB 33:27
Orang itu akan melihat berkeliling di antara segala manusia sambil katanya: Bahwa aku sudah berbuat dosa dan sudah melangkahkan hukum, tetapi tiada dibalasnya kepadaku.

욥기 33:27
그가 사람 앞에서 노래하여 이르기를 내가 전에 범죄하여 시비를 바꾸었으나 내게 무익하였었구나

Iob 33:27
respiciet homines et dicet peccavi et vere deliqui et ut eram dignus non recepi

Jobo knyga 33:27
Jis žiūrės į žmones ir sakys: ‘Buvau nusidėjęs ir nukrypęs nuo tiesos, bet man už tai neatlygino’.

Job 33:27
E waiata ana ia i te aroaro o nga tangata, e mea ana, Kua hara ahau, whakaparoritia ake e ahau te tika, a kahore he pai ki ahau:

Jobs 33:27
Han synger for menneskene og sier: Jeg hadde syndet og gjort det rette kroket, men han gjengjeldte mig det ikke;

Job 33:27
Cantará él a los hombres y dirá: ``He pecado y pervertido lo que es justo, y no es apropiado para mí.

Cantará él a los hombres y dirá: 'He pecado y pervertido lo que es justo, Y no es apropiado para mí.

Él mira sobre los hombres; y al que dijere: Pequé, y pervertí lo recto, y no me ha aprovechado;

El mira sobre los hombres; y el que dijere: Pequé, y pervertí lo recto, Y no me ha aprovechado;

El mira sobre los hombres; y el que dijere: Pequé, y pervertí lo recto, y no me ha aprovechado;

Jó 33:27
Em seguida ele dará seu testemunho diante das pessoas exclamando: “Pequei e torci o que era certo, contudo Ele não me castigou tanto quanto eu merecia.

Cantará diante dos homens, e dirá: Pequei, e perverti o direito, o que de nada me aproveitou.   

Iov 33:27
Atunci el cîntă înaintea oamenilor, şi zice: ,Am păcătuit, am călcat dreptatea, şi n'am fost pedepsit după faptele mele;

Иов 33:27
Он будет смотреть на людей и говорить: грешил я и превращал правду, и не воздано мне;

Он будет смотреть на людей и говорить: грешил я и превращал правду, и не воздано мне;[]

Job 33:27
Så får denne då sjunga inför människorna och säga: »Väl syndade jag, och väl kränkte jag rätten, dock vederfors mig ej vad jag hade förskyllt;

Job 33:27
Siya'y umaawit sa harap ng mga tao, at nagsasabi, Ako'y nagkasala, at sumira ng matuwid, at hindi ko napakinabangan:

โยบ 33:27
พระองค์ทรงทอดพระเนตรมนุษย์ และถ้าผู้ใดกล่าวว่า `ข้าบาปแล้ว และเห็นผิดเป็นชอบ และมิได้เป็นประโยชน์อะไรแก่ข้า'

Eyüp 33:27
Sonra insanların önünde türkü çağırır:
‹Günah işleyip doğru yoldan saptım,
Ama Tanrı hak ettiğim cezayı vermedi bana,[]

Gioùp 33:27
Ðoạn, người đó sẽ hát trước mặt loài người, mà rằng: "Tôi đã phạm tội, làm hư hoại sự ngay thẳng, Song chẳng có ích gì cho tôi.

Job 33:26
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