Job 33:13
Job 33:13
Why do you complain to him that he responds to no one's words?

So why are you bringing a charge against him? Why say he does not respond to people's complaints?

Why do you contend against him, saying, ‘He will answer none of man’s words’?

"Why do you complain against Him That He does not give an account of all His doings?

Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Why do you take Him to court for not answering anything a person asks?

Why are you arguing with him? He doesn't have to give explanations for what he does to you!

Why do you contend against him, that he does not answer all a person's words?

Why do you quarrel with him since he doesn't answer any questions?

Why dost thou strive against him? For he will not answer all of thy words.

Why do you strive against him? for he gives not account of any of his matters.

Why do you strive against him? for he gives not account of any of his matters.

Why dost thou strive against him, For that he giveth not account of any of his matters?

Dost thou strive against him, because he hath not answered thee to all words?

Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.

Why do you strive against him, because he doesn't give account of any of his matters?

Wherefore against Him hast thou striven, When for all His matters He answereth not?

Jobi 33:13
Pse hahesh me të, kur ai nuk jep llogari për asnjë nga veprimet e tij?

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 33:13
لماذا تخاصمه. لان كل اموره لا يجاوب عنها.

Dyr Hieb 33:13
Muesst du mit n Herrgot dösswögn hadern, grad weil yr nit seinn Raatschluß schaint?

Йов 33:13
Защо се препираш с Него, Загдето Той не дава отчет ни за едно от Своите дела?

約 伯 記 33:13
你 為 何 與 他 爭 論 呢 ? 因 他 的 事 都 不 對 人 解 說 ?

你 为 何 与 他 争 论 呢 ? 因 他 的 事 都 不 对 人 解 说 ?



Job 33:13
Pa zašto s njime zamećeš prepirku što ti na svaku riječ ne odgovara?

Jobova 33:13
Oč se s ním nesnadníš? Žeť všech svých věcí nezjevuje?

Job 33:13
Hvorfor tvistes du med ham, fordi han ej svarer paa dine Ord?

Job 33:13
Waarom hebt gij tegen Hem getwist? Want Hij antwoordt niet van al Zijn daden.

איוב 33:13
מַ֭דּוּעַ אֵלָ֣יו רִיבֹ֑ותָ כִּ֥י כָל־דְּ֝בָרָ֗יו לֹ֣א־יַעֲנֶֽה׃

יג מדוע אליו ריבות  כי כל-דבריו לא יענה

מדוע אליו ריבות כי כל־דבריו לא־יענה׃

Jób 33:13
Miért perelsz vele? Azért, hogy egyetlen beszédedre sem felelt?

Ijob 33:13
Kial vi havas pretendon kontraux Li pro tio, Ke Li ne donas al vi kalkulraporton pri cxiuj Siaj faroj?

JOB 33:13
Miksis riitelet hänen kanssansa, ettei hän tee sinulle lukua kaikista töistänsä?

Job 33:13
Pourquoi contestes-tu avec lui? car d'aucune de ses actions il ne rend compte.

Veux-tu donc disputer avec lui, Parce qu'il ne rend aucun compte de ses actes?

Pourquoi donc as-tu plaidé contre lui? car il ne rend pas compte de toutes ses actions.

Hiob 33:13
Warum willst du mit ihm zanken, daß er dir nicht Rechenschaft gibt alles seines Tuns?

Warum willst du mit ihm zanken, daß er dir nicht Rechenschaft gibt alles seines Tuns?

Warum hast du gegen ihn gehadert, daß er auf alle deine Worte keine Antwort erteile?

Giobbe 33:13
Perché contendi con lui? poich’egli non rende conto d’alcuno dei suoi atti.

Perchè hai tu conteso con lui, Perchè egli non dichiara tutte le sue ragioni?

AYUB 33:13
Mengapa maka engkau berbantah-bantah dengan Dia, karena tiada Ia memberi jawab dari pada segala perbuatannya.

욥기 33:13
하나님은 모든 행하시는 것을 스스로 진술치 아니하시나니 네가 하나님과 변쟁함은 어찜이뇨

Iob 33:13
adversum eum contendis quod non ad omnia verba responderit tibi

Jobo knyga 33:13
Kodėl tu ginčijiesi su Juo? Jis neatsiskaito už jokius savo darbus.

Job 33:13
He aha koe i totohe ai ki a ia? E kore hoki e korerotia e ia te tikanga o tetahi o ana mea.

Jobs 33:13
Hvorfor går du i rette med ham? Han svarer jo ikke et eneste ord.

Job 33:13
¿Por qué te quejas contra El, diciendo que no da cuenta de todas sus acciones?

¿Por qué te quejas contra El, Diciendo que no da cuenta de todas Sus acciones?

¿Por qué tomaste pleito contra Él? Porque Él no da cuenta de ninguna de sus razones.

¿Por qué tomaste pleito contra él? Porque él no da cuenta de ninguna de sus razones.

¿Por qué tomaste pleito contra él? Porque él no dirá todas sus palabras.

Jó 33:13
Sendo assim, não contendeis alegando que Deus não responde aos questionamentos humanos!

Por que razão contendes com ele por não dar conta dos seus atos?   

Iov 33:13
Vrei dar să te cerţi cu El, pentrucă nu dă socoteală fiecăruia de faptele Lui?

Иов 33:13
Для чего тебе состязаться с Ним? Он не дает отчета ни в каких делах Своих.

Для чего тебе состязаться с Ним? Он не дает отчета ни в каких делах Своих.[]

Job 33:13
Huru kan du gå till rätta med honom, såsom gåve han aldrig svar i sin sak?

Job 33:13
Bakit ka nakikilaban sa kaniya? Sapagka't hindi siya nagbibigay alam ng anoman sa kaniyang mga usap.

โยบ 33:13
ทำไมท่านจึงโต้แย้งกับพระองค์ เพราะพระองค์ไม่ทรงรายงานเรื่องพระราชกิจใดๆของพระองค์เลย

Eyüp 33:13
İnsanın hiçbir sözünü yanıtlamıyor diye
Niçin Onunla çekişiyorsun?[]

Gioùp 33:13
Nhơn sao ông tranh luận với Ngài? Ngài không bày giãi điều nào Ngài làm.

Job 33:12
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