Job 21:14
Job 21:14
Yet they say to God, 'Leave us alone! We have no desire to know your ways.

And yet they say to God, 'Go away. We want no part of you and your ways.

They say to God, ‘Depart from us! We do not desire the knowledge of your ways.

"They say to God, 'Depart from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways.

Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

Yet they say to God: "Leave us alone! We don't want to know Your ways.

"They say to God, 'Turn away from us! We have no desire to know your ways.

So they say to God, 'Turn away from us! We do not want to know your ways.

But they say to God, 'Leave us alone. We don't want to know your ways.

Therefore, they say unto God, Depart from us; for we do not desire the knowledge of thy ways.

Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of your ways.

Therefore they say to God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of your ways.

And they say unto God, Depart from us; For we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

Who have said to God: Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

And they say unto ùGod, Depart from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways!

Yet they said unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

Therefore they say to God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

They tell God, 'Depart from us, for we don't want to know about your ways.

And they say to God, 'Turn aside from us, And the knowledge of Thy ways We have not desired.

Jobi 21:14
Megjithatë i thonin Perëndisë: "Largohu nga ne, sepse nuk dëshirojmë aspak të njohim rrugët e tua.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 21:14
فيقولون للّه ابعد عنا. وبمعرفة طرقك لا نسرّ.

Dyr Hieb 21:14
Und doch habnd s mit n Herrgot s gantz Löbn nix eyn n Sin ghaat.

Йов 21:14
Все пак казват Богу: Оттегли се от нас, Защото не искаме да знаем пътищата Ти.

約 伯 記 21:14
他 們 對 神 說 : 離 開 我 們 罷 ! 我 們 不 願 曉 得 你 的 道 。

他 们 对 神 说 : 离 开 我 们 罢 ! 我 们 不 愿 晓 得 你 的 道 。



Job 21:14
A govorili su Bogu: 'Ostavi nas, ne želimo znati za tvoje putove!

Jobova 21:14
Kteříž říkají Bohu silnému: Odejdi od nás, nebo známosti cest tvých neoblibujeme.

Job 21:14
skønt de siger til Gud: »Gaa fra os, at kende dine Veje er ikke vor Lyst!

Job 21:14
Nochtans zeggen zij tot God: Wijk van ons, want aan de kennis Uwer wegen hebben wij geen lust.

איוב 21:14
וַיֹּאמְר֣וּ לָ֭אֵל ס֣וּר מִמֶּ֑נּוּ וְדַ֥עַת דְּ֝רָכֶ֗יךָ לֹ֣א חָפָֽצְנוּ׃

יד ויאמרו לאל סור ממנו  ודעת דרכיך לא חפצנו

ויאמרו לאל סור ממנו ודעת דרכיך לא חפצנו׃

Jób 21:14
Noha azt mondják Istennek: Távozzál el tõlünk, mert a te utaidnak tudásában nem gyönyörködünk!

Ijob 21:14
Kaj tamen ili diras al Dio:Foriru de ni, Ni ne deziras koni Viajn vojojn;

JOB 21:14
Jotka sanovat Jumalalle: mene pois meidän tyköämme; sillä emme tahdo tietää sinun tietäs.

Job 21:14
Et ils disent à *Dieu: Retire-toi de nous, nous ne prenons pas plaisir à la connaissance de tes voies.

Ils disaient pourtant à Dieu: Retire-toi de nous; Nous ne voulons pas connaître tes voies.

Cependant ils ont dit au [Dieu] Fort : Retire-toi de nous; car nous ne nous soucions point de la science de tes voies.

Hiob 21:14
die doch sagen zu Gott: Hebe dich von uns, wir wollen von deinen Wegen nicht wissen.

die doch sagen zu Gott: "Hebe dich von uns, wir wollen von deinen Wegen nicht wissen!

und sprachen doch zu Gott: "Bleib uns fern - deine Wege zu kennen begehren wir nicht!

Giobbe 21:14
Eppure, diceano a Dio: "Ritirati da noi! Noi non ci curiamo di conoscer le tue vie!

Quantunque abbiano detto a Dio: Dipartiti da noi; Perciocchè noi non prendiam piacere nella conoscenza delle tue vie.

AYUB 21:14
Maka sesungguhnya katanya kepada Allah: Hendaklah Engkau jauh dari pada kami, karena kami tiada suka tahu akan jalanmu.

욥기 21:14
그러할지라도 그들은 하나님께 말하기를 우리를 떠나소서 우리가 주의 도리 알기를 즐겨하지 아니하나이다

Iob 21:14
qui dixerunt Deo recede a nobis et scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus

Jobo knyga 21:14
nors jie sako Dievui: ‘Atsitrauk nuo mūsų. Mes nenorime pažinti Tavo kelių.

Job 21:14
Koia ratou i mea ai ki te Atua, Mawehe atu i a matou; kahore hoki o matou hiahia kia matau ki ou ara.

Jobs 21:14
Og dog sa de til Gud: Vik fra oss! Vi har ikke lyst til å kjenne dine veier.

Job 21:14
Y dicen a Dios: ``¡Apártate de nosotros! No deseamos el conocimiento de tus caminos.

Y dicen a Dios: '¡Apártate de nosotros! No deseamos el conocimiento de Tus caminos.

Dicen, pues, a Dios: Apártate de nosotros, pues no queremos el conocimiento de tus caminos.

Dicen pues á Dios: Apártate de nosotros, Que no queremos el conocimiento de tus caminos.

Dicen pues a Dios: Apártate de nosotros, que no queremos el conocimiento de tus caminos.

Jó 21:14
Ainda assim, declaram eles a Deus: ‘Afasta-te de nós, deixa-nos! Não temos o menor interesse em conhecer os teus princípios de vida!

Eles dizem a Deus: retira-te de nós, pois não desejamos ter conhecimento dos teus caminhos.   

Iov 21:14
Şi totuş ziceau lui Dumnezeu: ,Pleacă dela noi. Nu voim să cunoaştem căile Tale.

Иов 21:14
А между тем они говорят Богу: отойди от нас, не хотим мы знать путей Твоих!

А между тем они говорят Богу: отойди от нас, не хотим мы знать путей Твоих![]

Job 21:14
Och de sade dock till Gud: »Vik ifrån oss, dina vägar vilja vi icke veta av.

Job 21:14
At sinasabi nila sa Dios: Lumayo ka sa amin; sapagka't hindi namin ninanasa ang pagkaalam ng inyong mga lakad.

โยบ 21:14
เขาจึงทูลพระเจ้าว่า `ขอจากเราไปเสีย เพราะเราไม่ปรารถนาความรู้ในทางของท่าน

Eyüp 21:14
Tanrıya, ‹Bizden uzak dur!› derler,
‹Yolunu öğrenmek istemiyoruz.[]

Gioùp 21:14
Chúng nó nói với Ðức Chúa Trời rằng: "Ngài hãy lìa xa chúng tôi, Vì chúng tôi không muốn biết đạo của Ngài."

Job 21:13
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