Jeremiah 4:22
Jeremiah 4:22
"My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good."

"My people are foolish and do not know me," says the LORD. "They are stupid children who have no understanding. They are clever enough at doing wrong, but they have no idea how to do right!"

“For my people are foolish; they know me not; they are stupid children; they have no understanding. They are ‘wise’—in doing evil! But how to do good they know not.”

"For My people are foolish, They know Me not; They are stupid children And have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil, But to do good they do not know."

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

"For My people are fools; they do not know Me. They are foolish children, without understanding. They are skilled in doing what is evil, but they do not know how to do what is good."

"For my people are foolish, they don't know me. They're stupid children, they have no understanding. They're skilled at doing evil, but how to do good, they don't know."

The LORD answered, "This will happen because my people are foolish. They do not know me. They are like children who have no sense. They have no understanding. They are skilled at doing evil. They do not know how to do good."

"My people are fools. They don't know me. They are stupid people. They don't understand. They are experts in doing wrong, and they don't know how to do good."

For my people are foolish; the ignorant sons with no understanding have not known me; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people are foolish, they have not known me; they are stupid children, and they have no understanding: they are wise to do evil, but how to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are silly children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people are foolish, they know me not; they are sottish children, and they have no understanding; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my foolish people have not known me: they are foolish and senseless children: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have no intelligence; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people is foolish, they know me not; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

For my people are foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have no understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

"For my people are foolish, they don't know me. They are foolish children, and they have no understanding. They are skillful in doing evil, but to do good they have no knowledge."

For my people are foolish, me they have not known, Foolish sons are they, yea, they are not intelligent, Wise are they to do evil, And to do good they have not known.

Jeremia 4:22
Po, populli im është budalla, nuk më njeh; janë bij pa mend dhe nuk kanë arsye; janë të zotë të bëjnë të keqen, por nuk dinë të bëjnë të mirën.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 4:22
لان شعبي احمق. اياي لم يعرفوا. هم بنون جاهلون وهم غير فاهمين. هم حكماء في عمل الشر ولعمل الصالح ما يفهمون

Dyr Ierymies 4:22
Mein, so bloed ist mein Volk; von mir habnd s kain Anung. Wie klaine Kinder seind s; weiter glangt s bei ien nit. Öbbs anstölln, ja, dös künnend s; aber däß s iewet öbbs Guets +aau tuen känntnd, dös kaem ien gar nit.

Еремия 4:22
Защото Моите люде са безумни, Не Ме познават; Глупави чада са, и нямат разум; Мъдри са да вършат зло, Но да вършат добро не умеят.

耶 利 米 書 4:22
耶 和 華 說 : 我 的 百 性 愚 頑 , 不 認 識 我 ; 他 們 是 愚 昧 無 知 的 兒 女 , 有 智 慧 行 惡 , 沒 有 知 識 行 善 。

耶 和 华 说 : 我 的 百 性 愚 顽 , 不 认 识 我 ; 他 们 是 愚 昧 无 知 的 儿 女 , 有 智 慧 行 恶 , 没 有 知 识 行 善 。



Jeremiah 4:22
Da, bezuman je moj narod, ne poznaju me, djeca su oni nerazumna, ništa ne shvaćaju, mudri su tek za zlodjela, al' činiti dobro ne umiju.

Jermiáše 4:22
Nebo bláznivý lid můj nezná mne, synové nemoudří a nerozumní jsou. Moudří jsou k činění zlého, ale činiti dobře neumějí.

Jeremias 4:22
Thi mit Folk er taabeligt, kender ej mig, de er dumme Sønner og uden Indsigt; de er vise til at gøre det onde, men Taaber til det gode.

Jeremia 4:22
Zekerlijk, Mijn volk is dwaas, Mij kennen zij niet; het zijn zotte kinderen, en zij zijn niet verstandig; wijs zijn zij om kwaad te doen, maar goed te doen weten zij niet.

ירמיה 4:22
כִּ֣י ׀ אֱוִ֣יל עַמִּ֗י אֹותִי֙ לֹ֣א יָדָ֔עוּ בָּנִ֤ים סְכָלִים֙ הֵ֔מָּה וְלֹ֥א נְבֹונִ֖ים הֵ֑מָּה חֲכָמִ֥ים הֵ֙מָּה֙ לְהָרַ֔ע וּלְהֵיטִ֖יב לֹ֥א יָדָֽעוּ׃

כב כי אויל עמי אותי לא ידעו--בנים סכלים המה ולא נבונים המה חכמים המה להרע ולהיטיב לא ידעו

כי ׀ אויל עמי אותי לא ידעו בנים סכלים המה ולא נבונים המה חכמים המה להרע ולהיטיב לא ידעו׃

Jeremiás 4:22
Bizony bolond az én népem: engem nem ismernek, balgatag fiak õk, és nem értelmesek! Bölcsek õk a gonoszra, jót cselekedni pedig tudatlanok!

Jeremia 4:22
CXar Mia popolo estas freneza, Min ili ne rekonas; ili estas malsagxaj infanoj, ili ne komprenas; sagxaj ili estas por fari malbonon, sed fari bonon ili ne povoscias.

Että minun kansani on hullu, ja ei tunne minua; he ovat tyhmät lapset, ja ei ymmärrä; viisaat ovat he kyllä pahaa tekemään, vaan hyvää tehdä ei ole heillä taitoa.

Jérémie 4:22
Car mon peuple est fou, ils ne m'ont pas connu; ce sont des fils insensés, ils n'ont pas d'intelligence; ils sont sages pour faire le mal, mais ils ne savent pas faire le bien.

Certainement mon peuple est fou, il ne me connaît pas; Ce sont des enfants insensés, dépourvus d'intelligence; Ils sont habiles pour faire le mal, Mais ils ne savent pas faire le bien. -

Car mon peuple est insensé, ils ne m'ont point reconnu; ce sont des enfants insensés, et qui n'ont point d'entendement; ils sont habiles à faire le mal, mais ils ne savent pas faire le bien.

Jeremia 4:22
Aber mein Volk ist toll und glauben mir nicht; töricht sind sie und achten's nicht. Weise sind sie genug, Übels zu tun; aber wohltun wollen sie nicht lernen.

Aber mein Volk ist toll, und sie glauben mir nicht; töricht sind sie und achten's nicht. Weise sind sie genug, Übles zu tun; aber wohltun wollen sie nicht lernen.

Ja, thöricht ist mein Volk: mich kennen sie nicht; alberne Söhne sind sie und ohne Einsicht sind sie. Weise sind sie, Böses zu thun, aber Gutes zu thun verstehen sie nicht.

Geremia 4:22
Veramente il mio popolo è stolto, non mi conosce; son de’ figliuoli insensati, e non hanno intelligenza; sono sapienti per fare il male; ma il bene non lo sanno fare.

Questo è perciocchè il mio popolo è stolto, e non mi conoscono; son figliuoli pazzi, e non hanno alcuno intendimento; ben sono cauti a far male, ma non hanno alcun conoscimento da far bene.

Bagaimana bodoh umat-Ku itu, bahwa tiada diketahuinya akan Daku? mereka itulah anak-anak gila yang tiada berakal; pandai mereka itu pada berbuat jahat, tetapi tiada mereka itu tahu berbuat baik.

예레미아 4:22
내 백성은 나를 알지 못하는 우준한 자요 지각이 없는 미련한 자식이라 악을 행하기에는 지각이 있으나 선을 행하기에는 무지하도다

Ieremias 4:22
quia stultus populus meus me non cognovit filii insipientes sunt et vecordes sapientes sunt ut faciant mala bene autem facere nescierunt

Jeremijo knyga 4:22
Mano tauta kvaila, ji manęs nepažįsta. Jie neprotingi vaikai, neturintys supratimo. Jie išmintingi daryti pikta, bet daryti gera jie nesugeba.

Jeremiah 4:22
He wairangi hoki taku iwi, kahore e mohio ki ahau: he tamariki kuware, kahore o ratou matauranga; e mohio ana ratou ki te mahi kino, ki te mahi pai ia kahore he matauranga.

Jeremias 4:22
For uklokt er mitt folk, mig kjenner de ikke; de er uvettige barn, og uforstandige er de; de er vise til å gjøre det onde, men å gjøre det gode skjønner de ikke.

Jeremías 4:22
Porque mi pueblo es necio, no me conoce; hijos torpes son, no son inteligentes. Astutos son para hacer el mal, pero hacer el bien no saben.

"Porque Mi pueblo es necio, No Me conoce; Hijos torpes son, No son inteligentes. Astutos son para hacer el mal, Pero no saben hacer el bien."

Porque mi pueblo es necio; no me han conocido, son hijos ignorantes y sin entendimiento; son sabios para mal hacer, pero hacer el bien no lo saben.

Porque mi pueblo es necio; no me conocieron los hijos ignorantes y los no entendidos; sabios para mal hacer, y para bien hacer no supieron.

Porque mi pueblo es loco; no me conocieron los hijos ignorantes y los no entendidos; sabios para mal hacer, y para bien hacer no supieron.

Jeremias 4:22
“Ora, o meu povo é tolo e não usa a inteligência a seu favor; são imaturos, como crianças que ainda nada compreendem. Todavia, são espertos e hábeis para planejar e praticar tudo quanto é mal; contudo, são ignorantes e insensatos quanto a escolher e fazer o bem!”

Deveras o meu povo é insensato, já me não conhece; são filhos obtusos, e não entendidos; são sábios para fazerem o mal, mas não sabem fazer o bem.   

Ieremia 4:22
,,Căci poporul Meu este nebun, nu Mă cunoaşte; sînt nişte copii fără minte şi lipsiţi de pricepere; sînt meşteri să facă răul, dar nu ştiu să facă binele.`` -

Иеремия 4:22
Это от того, что народ Мой глуп, не знает Меня: неразумные они дети, и нет у них смысла; они умны на зло, но добра делать не умеют.

Это оттого, что народ Мой глуп, не знает Меня: неразумные они дети, и нет у них смысла; они умны на зло, но добра делать не умеют.[]

Jeremia 4:22
Ja, mitt folk är oförnuftigt, de vilja ej veta av mig. De äro dåraktiga barn och hava intet förstånd. Visa äro de till att göra vad ont är, men att göra vad gott är förstå de ej.

Jeremiah 4:22
Sapagka't ang bayan ko ay hangal, hindi nila ako nakikilala; sila'y mga mangmang na anak, at sila'y walang unawa; sila'y pantas sa paggawa ng masama, nguni't sa paggawa ng mabuti ay wala silang kaalaman.

เยเรมีย์ 4:22
เพราะประชาชนของเราโง่เขลา เขาทั้งหลายไม่รู้จักเรา เขาทั้งหลายเป็นลูกหลานที่โง่ทึบ เขาทั้งหลายไม่มีความเข้าใจ เขาทั้งหลายทำความชั่วเก่ง แต่เขาไม่เข้าใจที่จะทำดี

Yeremya 4:22
‹‹Halkım akılsızdır,
Beni tanımıyor.
Aptal çocuklardır,
Akılları yok.
Kötülük etmeyi iyi bilir,
İyilik etmeyi bilmezler›› diyor RAB.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 4:22
Thật dân ta là ngu muội, chúng nó chẳng nhìn biết ta. Ấy là những con cái khờ dại, không có trí khôn, khéo làm điều ác, mà không biết làm điều thiện.

Jeremiah 4:21
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